191 resultados para faulting


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Preservation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) minerals formed at depths of 90–125 km require unusual conditions. Our subduction model involves underflow of a salient (250 ± 150 km wide, 90–125 km long) of continental crust embedded in cold, largely oceanic crust-capped lithosphere; loss of leading portions of the high-density oceanic lithosphere by slab break-off, as increasing volumes of microcontinental material enter the subduction zone; buoyancy-driven return toward midcrustal levels of a thin (2–15 km thick), low-density slice; finally, uplift, backfolding, normal faulting, and exposure of the UHP terrane. Sustained over ≈20 million years, rapid (≈5 mm/year) exhumation of the thin-aspect ratio UHP sialic sheet caught between cooler hanging-wall plate and refrigerating, downgoing lithosphere allows withdrawal of heat along both its upper and lower surfaces. The intracratonal position of most UHP complexes reflects consumption of an intervening ocean basin and introduction of a sialic promontory into the subduction zone. UHP metamorphic terranes consist chiefly of transformed, yet relatively low-density continental crust compared with displaced mantle material—otherwise such complexes could not return to shallow depths. Relatively rare metabasaltic, metagabbroic, and metacherty lithologies retain traces of phases characteristic of UHP conditions because they are massive, virtually impervious to fluids, and nearly anhydrous. In contrast, H2O-rich quartzofeldspathic, gneissose/schistose, more permeable metasedimentary and metagranitic units have backreacted thoroughly, so coesite and other UHP silicates are exceedingly rare. Because of the initial presence of biogenic carbon, and its especially sluggish transformation rate, UHP paragneisses contain the most abundantly preserved crustal diamonds.


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Although models of homogeneous faults develop seismicity that has a Gutenberg-Richter distribution, this is only a transient state that is followed by events that are strongly influenced by the nature of the boundaries. Models with geometrical inhomogeneities of fracture thresholds can limit the sizes of earthquakes but now favor the characteristic earthquake model for large earthquakes. The character of the seismicity is extremely sensitive to distributions of inhomogeneities, suggesting that statistical rules for large earthquakes in one region may not be applicable to large earthquakes in another region. Model simulations on simple networks of faults with inhomogeneities of threshold develop episodes of lacunarity on all members of the network. There is no validity to the popular assumption that the average rate of slip on individual faults is a constant. Intermediate term precursory activity such as local quiescence and increases in intermediate-magnitude activity at long range are simulated well by the assumption that strong weakening of faults by injection of fluids and weakening of asperities on inhomogeneous models of fault networks is the dominant process; the heat flow paradox, the orientation of the stress field, and the low average stress drop in some earthquakes are understood in terms of the asperity model of inhomogeneous faulting.


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Landscape units based on the visual features of the relief have been distinguished in the “Barranco del Río Dulce Natural Park” (Spain). These units are geomorphic entities composed of several elementary landforms and characterized by a visual internal homogeneity, and contrast with other landscape units in their location, height, profile and gradients, reflecting their different evolution and genesis. Landscape units bear some subjectivity in their definition and in their boundary location due to the overlapping of geomorphic processes along time. Visual, compositional and conventional boundaries have been used for mapping. Neogene landscape evolution mainly occurred through thrust faulting at the Iberian Ranges-Tagus Basin boundary, driving tectonic uplift and erosion of the Ranges and correlative sedimentation in the Basin. Erosion of the Ranges occurred with the development of planation surfaces, leaving minor isolated reliefs in the upland plains landscape. The lowering of the base level, caused by the endorheic–exorheic transition of the Tagus Basin in the Pliocene, originates fluvial entrenchment and water table lowering with development of the first fluvial valleys and the capture of karstic depressions. Two subsequent phases of renewed fluvial incision (Pleistocene) lead to abandonment of some Pliocene valleys, fluvial captures, and development and reincision of tributaries


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A ilha de São Sebastião consta principalmente de rochas alcalinas que formam um maciço de 300 km2 aproximadamente, constituindo o terceiro em área no Brasil. Apresenta-se em um "stock" alongado segundo NE-SW, encaixado em estruturas de gnais. As formações geológicas encontradas consistem em 1 - Granitos e Gnais (ARQUEANO), 2 - Eruptivas básicas (RÉTICO), 3 - Eruptivas alcalinas (JURÁSSICO) e 4 - Depósitos recentes (HOLOCENO). O método de estudo empregado foi o petrográfico e a coluna geológica estabelecida em base de dados petrográficos, tectônicos e fisiográficos. O arqueano é determinado por definição dos seus tipos petrográficos (1- gnais facoidal, 2- oligoclásio-gnais, 3- hornblenda-gnais, 4- biotita-gnais e 5- microlina-granito) idênticos aos concorrentes no considerado arqueano do Brasil meridional. O triássico (rético) é conferido às rochas básicas (diabásios e basaltos) pela sua semelhança tectônica e petrográfica com as congêneres que cortam de maneira semelhante o arqueano no continente. A "mise-en-place" das eruptivas alcalinas (1- Nordmarkito, 2- Biotita-pulaskito, 3- Pulaskito, 4- Nefelina-sienito, 5- Foiaito, 6- Essexito-foiaito, 7- Essexito e 8- Teralito) pode ser considerada jurássica devido suas relações com as eruptivas básicas referidas réticas, pois na praia do Bonete (foto 14) observa-se um dique de nordmarkito cortando outro de diabásio. As eruptivas quartzo-dioríticas (quartzo-microdiorito e quartzo-andesito) cortam as alcalinas no cume do Zabumba, indicando sua idade mais moderna que estas. Além deste fato, preenchem linhas de fraturas tectônicas recentes, como as falhas ao longo do canal de São Sebastião, indicando que a topografia deveria ser a mesma que a atual para permitir rios efusivos ao nível do canal ou que pelo menos toda a zona de extrusão estivesse, como hoje está, em superfície. Os depósitos aluviais marinhos e continentais são considerados recentes, (holocênicos) pelo favor da topografia onde se dispõe, ocupando o fundo os vales e os bordos do atual modelado costeiro, idade esta conferida em base fisiográfica. A tectônica que afetou a ilha de São Sebastião participa da que atuou em todo o litoral meridional brasileiro. Pode-se distinguir duas fases distintas: na primeira ocorreram as erupções básicas e as alcalinas subsidiárias e na segunda deram-se os falhamentos escalonados em blocos basculados para NW, com as fraturas de tensão preenchidas pelas eruptivas quartzo-dioríticas. Toda a atividade tectônica foi regulada pela direção NE-SW privilegiada da estrutura do arqueano, correspondente a antigos eixos dos dobramentos laurencianos e huronianos. A geomorfologia da ilha consta de uma antiga superfície de erosão rematada até a senilidade, - o peneplano cretáceo, hoje reduzida às cristas culminares do maciço alcalino e às satélites das estruturas gnáissicas, desnivelada pelo falhamento em blocos e ligeiramente adernada para NW devido ao basculamento. Ao lado desta topografia vestigial existe o modelado atual da ilha caracterizado por uma juventude do estágio evolutivo. Esta escultura foi inaugurada com os últimos levantamentos epirogênicos que ascenderam as eruptivas alcalinas plutônicas a mais de 1.300 m sobre o nível do mar. O modelado costeiro apresenta uma costa típica de submergência com esculturas em rias, no estágio da juventude. A presença de terraceamentos marinhos de abrasão, atualmente elevados cerca de 20 a 30 m, lembra as oscilações epirogênicas ou eustáticas do litoral.


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Six Paleogene-Aquitanian successions have been reconstructed in the Alicante area (eastern External Betic Zone). The lithofacies association evidences “catastrophic” syn-sedimentary tectonic processes consisting of slumps, mega-olisthostromes, “pillow-beds” and turbiditic deposits. This kind of sedimentation is related to unconformity surfaces delimiting sequence and para-sequence cycles in the stratigraphic record. The data compiled have enabled the reconstruction of the Paleogene-Aquitanian paleogeographic and geodynamic evolution of this sector of the External Betics. During the Eocene the sedimentary basin is interpreted as a narrow trough affected by (growth) folding related to blind thrust faulting with a source area from the north-western margin, while the southeastern margin remained inactive. During the Oligocene-Aquitanian, the sourcing margin becames the southeastern margin of the basin affected by a catastrophic tectonic. The activity of the margins is identified from specific sediment source areas for the platform-slope-trough system and from tectofacies analysis. The southeastern South Iberian Margin is thought to be closer to the Internal Betic Zone, which was tectonically pushing towards the South Iberian Margin. This pushing could generate a lateral progressive elimination of subbetic paleogeographic domains in the eastern Betics. This geodynamic frame could explain the development of such “catastrophic” tectono-sedimentary processes during the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene.


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The Lesser Himalayan fold-thrust belt on the south flank of the Jajarkot klippe in west central Nepal was mapped in detail between the Main Central thrust in the north and the Main Boundary thrust in the south. South of the Jajarkot klippe, the fold-thrust belt involves sandstone, shale and carbonate rocks that are unmetamorphosed in the foreland and increase in metamorphic grade with higher structural position to sub-greenschist facies towards the hinterland. The exposed stratigraphy is correlative with the Proterozoic Ranimata, Sangram, Galyang, Syangia Formations and Lakharpata Group of Western Nepal and overlain by the Paleozoic Tansen and Kali Gandaki Groups. Based on field mapping and cross-section construction, three distinct thrust sheets were identified separated by top-to-the-south thrust faults. From the foreland (south) to the hinterland (north), the first thrust sheet in the immediate hanging wall of the Main Boundary thrust defines an open syncline. The second thrust sheet contains a very broad synformal duplex, which is structurally stacked against the third thrust sheet containing a homoclinal panel of the oldest exposed Proterozoic stratigraphy. Outcrop scale folds throughout the study area are predominantly south vergent, open, and asymmetric reflecting the larger regional scale folding style, which corroborate the top-to-the-south deformation style seen in the faults of the region. Field techniques were complemented with microstructural and quartz crystallographic c-axis preferred orientation analyses using a petrographic microscope and a fabric analyzer, respectively. Microstructural analysis identified abundant strain-induced recrystallization textures and occasional occurrences of top-to-the-south shear-sense indicators primarily in the hinterland rocks in the immediate footwall of the Main Central Thrust. Top-to-the-south shearing is also supported by quartz crystallographic c-axis preferred orientations. Quartz recrystallization textures indicate an increase in deformation temperature towards the Main Central thrust. A line balance estimate indicates that approximately 15 km of crustal shortening was accommodated by folding and faulting in the fold-thrust belt south of the Jajarkot klippe. Additionally, estimations of shortening velocity suggest that the shortening velocity operating in this section of the fold-thrust belt between 23 to 14 Ma was slower than what is currently observed as a result of the ongoing deformation of the Sub-Himalayan fold-thrust belt.


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Numerous structural features occur in the Leg 128 cores from the Japan Sea. They include (1) gravity-induced structures such as slump folds, (2) dewatering structures comprising several sets of veins, and (3) larger faults and veins developed in the volcanic basement of the Yamato Basin as well as in the sedimentary rocks of the Oki Ridge and Kita-Yamato Trough. Gravity-induced structures, mainly slumps and associated faults, suggest the existence of paleoslopes and the dominance of gravitational tectonics during the early and middle Miocene, at the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, and during the Quaternary. Several types of mud-filled veins having various shapes were observed. These are especially abundant in the middle Miocene siliceous claystones and porcellanites from the Kita-Yamato Trough. They have been interpreted as dewatering conduits that formed preferentially in highly porous, water-saturated diatomaceous muds on a slope, because of episodic loss of sediment strength, collapse of the sediment framework, and consequent fluid migration. The central part of the vein serves once as a fluid conduit, whereas the transition between conduit-controlled and intergranular flow occurs at the branching extremities, with concentration of fines. The likely trigger responsible for the strength loss is seismic activity. Development of these veins, spatially and chronologically linked to small normal microfaults, implies an extensional regime having layer-parallel extension and a local bedding-parallel shear couple, probably the result of gravitational gliding. The brittle fractures found in Yamato Basin basement Hole 794D cores comprise joints, faults, and veins filled with chlorite-saponite, saponite, and calcite. They suggest a likely transpressive to transtensional regime around the early Miocene/ middle Miocene boundary, with a north-northeast-south-southwest compression alternating with a west-northwest-eastsoutheast extension. The faults from Site 799 cores on the Yamato Rise exhibit a prominent early Miocene-middle Miocene extensional environment, a late Miocene-early Pliocene phase of normal and strike-slip faulting, and a final phase that began during the latest Pliocene. Site 798, on the Oki Ridge, reveals faults that recorded a consistent extensional tectonic regime from Pliocene to the Holocene. These data support the pull-apart kinematic model for early Miocene-middle Miocene time, as regarding the stress regime deduced from the Yamato Basin basement fractures. The recent compression known in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea was not documented by compressive structures at any site. The late Miocene-early Pliocene faulting phase corresponds to a major and general reorganization of the stress distribution in the arc area. Evidence for rapid and main subsidence and synsedimentary extension of the Yamato Basin and Yamato Rise areas between 20 and 15 Ma, and the concomitant rotation of southwest Japan, raise the question of links between this opening and the Shimanto Belt collision in southwest Japan, between the arc and the Philippine Sea Plate.


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Delta18O values of pore waters from the northern Barbados accretionary prism range from -0.3 to -3.6? and reflect pervasive reaction of volcanic ash to form smectite within the sedimentary sequence and continued low temperature alteration of basalt in the underlying ocean crust with the overprint of diffusive exchange between water in the sediment pores and the open ocean. Delta D values of pore waters in sediments sampled seaward of the deformation front drop from +5? at the sediment surface to -6? at the deepest levels sampled. These changes may also be related to alteration processes but remain largely enigmatic. Sediment deformation caused by impingement of the Caribbean plate on the Atlantic plate has instigated migration of chemically and isotopically distinct fluid along faults and coarse-grained sedimentary beds; delta18O values of pore waters are also locally affected by thrust stacking which increases diffusive pathlengths and possibly modifies diagenetic reaction rates in Pleistocene sediments. Migrating fluids are distinguished by anomalous delta18O values that are as much as 1? higher than those of surrounding fluids. Uncertainties in hydrogen isotope fractionation resulting from processes occurring under these conditions hinder identification of the hydrogen isotope composition of expelled fluid. Stable isotope analyses of pore waters help constrain the fluid migration history of the accretionary prism by limiting the source of fluids, the paths along which fluid flows, and the timing of faulting and subsequent fluid flow.