958 resultados para exclusive dealing


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This paper analyses the difference between two specific forms of citizens’ involvements, namely whether a vote is cast by ballot or in a citizens’ assembly in which people gather in town halls to decide legislative questions in a deliberative manner. We show both theoretically and empirically how citizens’ assemblies and decisions at the ballot box substantially differ not only in terms of their underlying model of democracy, but also in their structural conditions and, thus, with respect to the social inequality of participation. We test our hypotheses in a Bayesian multilevel framework using real participation data collected from 15 political decisions made in a Swiss commune. Our results show that citizens’ assemblies are not only characterised by lower participation rates, but also by a particular composition of the electorate. While citizens’ assemblies are more equal regarding income groups, ballots favour a more equitable participation in terms of gender and age.


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The jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas, support an important squid fishery off the Exclusive Economic Zone of Chilean waters. However, we only have limited information about their biology. In this study, age, growth and population structure of D. gigas were studied using statoliths from 333 specimens (386 females and 147 males) randomly sampled in the Chinese squid jigging surveys from 2007 to 2008 off the Exclusive Economic Zone of Chile. Mantle lengths (MLs) of the sample ranged from 206 to 702 mm, and their ages were estimated from 150 to 307 days for females and from 127 to 302 days for males. At least two spawning groups were identified, the main spawning peak tended to occur between August and November (austral spring group), and the secondary peak appeared during March to June (austral autumn group). The ML-age relationship was best modelled by a linear function for the austral spring group and a power function for the austral autumn group, and the body weight (BW)-age relationship was best described by an exponential function for both the groups. Instantaneous relative growth rates and absolute growth rates for ML and BW did not differ significantly between the two groups. The growth rate of D. gigas tended to be high at young stages, and then decreased after the sub-adult stage (>180 days old). This study suggests large spatial and temporal variability in key life history parameters of D. gigas, calling for the collection of more data with fine spatial and temporal scales to further improve our understanding of the fishery biology of D. gigas.


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Ontogenetic variation in 4 trace element ((88)Sr, (137)Ba, (24)Mg, (23)Na) concentrations and their ratios to Ca were measured in statoliths of the jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas off the Exclusive Economic Zone of Chilean and Peruvian waters using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The element compositions of statoliths showed no significant differences between females and males. All of the elements in different growth zones showed significant variations, except for Mg. Sr:Ca and Mg:Ca were good indicators for distinguishing squid from autumn and winter spawning seasons. Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca distribution patterns in statoliths confirmed that paralarvae and juvenile squid inhabit surface waters, while subadult squid migrate into deeper waters. An increasing Sr: Ca ratio of subadult squid could be explained by declining temperature gradients from northern to southern sampling locations, although no significant Sr: Ca differences were observed (p > 0.05). Mg:Ca ratios decreased progressively from the nucleus to the peripheral zone, which might be correlated with statolith growth rates. Na:Ca ratios slightly declined from paralarvae to the subadult phase. Quantitative relationships between statolith trace elements and environmental conditions under different growth stages are needed to improve our understanding of life history of D. gigas.


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In a modern society it is generally accepted that the major cause for environmental problems is the current consumption pattern in industrialized countries, thus it is crucial to understand underlying processes and search for solutions in order to consciously progress towards sustainable consumption. In this paper the exclusive role of municipalities in promoting sustainable consumption is recognized. By analyzing the example of the situation of municipalities in Latvia, the reason for focusing on local level when dealing with sustainable consumption issues, as well as main obstacles and possibilities for municipalities' progress towards sustainability are revealed. Promotion of sustainable consumption cannot be based solely on eco-efficiency. Sufficiency strategy plays a crucial role. Since positive social environment for sufficiency dimension is vitally important, local level holds exclusively crucial role for its implementation - the potential of municipalities here is unbounded. Although local authorities already have many tools available, they are insufficiently discovered. Insufficiently exploited tools are property tax relief as support mechanism, establishment of advisory boards, green procurement, promotion of social entrepreneurship and collaborative consumption, as well as delegation of municipalities' functions to NGOs, thus encouraging nonmaterial wellbeing by strengthening social ties and community activities.


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The Semantic Web is an extension of the traditional Web in which meaning of information is well defined, thus allowing a better interaction between people and computers. To accomplish its goals, mechanisms are required to make explicit the semantics of Web resources, to be automatically processed by software agents (this semantics being described by means of online ontologies). Nevertheless, issues arise caused by the semantic heterogeneity that naturally happens on the Web, namely redundancy and ambiguity. For tackling these issues, we present an approach to discover and represent, in a non-redundant way, the intended meaning of words in Web applications, while taking into account the (often unstructured) context in which they appear. To that end, we have developed novel ontology matching, clustering, and disambiguation techniques. Our work is intended to help bridge the gap between syntax and semantics for the Semantic Web construction


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En la conferencia se expone la situación en España de los riegos a presión considerando los condicionantes de escasez de agua y el precio de la energía.


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Análisis de los sistemas de mitigación del riesgo de tráfico en autopistas de peaje en diferentes países de Latinoamérica. This paper presents a cross-country analysis of traffic risk allocation in road concessions of Latin America. It shows that some countries such as Chile, Colombia, and Peru have been greatly concerned with mitigating traffic risk, either by putting into practice public guarantees, implementing flexible term concessions, or through availability payment concessions; whereas other countries such as Mexico and Brazil have assigned traffic risk to the private concessionaire by using fixed-term concession contracts without any traffic guarantees. Based on an analysis of data from 1990 to 2010, the paper finds that shifting traffic risk from the concessionaire to the government or users was not confined to the riskiest projects, as one might expect. The analysis also suggests that the implementation of traffic risk mitigation mechanisms in Latin American toll roads has not been very successful in reducing renegotiation rates or in increasing the number of bidders in the tenders


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The hot-spot phenomenon is a relatively frequent problem in current photovoltaic generators. It entails both a risk for the photovoltaic module's lifetime and a decrease in its operational efficiency. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of widely accepted procedures for dealing with them in practice. This paper presents the IES UPM observations on 200 affected modules. Visual and infrared inspection, electroluminescence, peak power and operating voltage tests have been accomplished. Hot-spot observation procedures and well defined acceptance and rejection criteria are proposed, addressing both the lifetime and the operational efficiency of the modules. The operating voltage has come out as the best parameter to control effective efficiency losses for the affected modules. This procedure is oriented to its possible application in contractual frameworks.


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Traditional Text-To-Speech (TTS) systems have been developed using especially-designed non-expressive scripted recordings. In order to develop a new generation of expressive TTS systems in the Simple4All project, real recordings from the media should be used for training new voices with a whole new range of speaking styles. However, for processing this more spontaneous material, the new systems must be able to deal with imperfect data (multi-speaker recordings, background and foreground music and noise), filtering out low-quality audio segments and creating mono-speaker clusters. In this paper we compare several architectures for combining speaker diarization and music and noise detection which improve the precision and overall quality of the segmentation.