168 resultados para endemicity
Two recombinant Fasciola hepatica antigens, saposin-like protein-2 (recSAP2) and cathepsin L-1 (recCL1), were assessed individually and in combination in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for the specific serodiagnosis of human fasciolosis in areas of low endemicity as encountered in Central Europe. Antibody detection was conducted using ProteinA/ProteinG (PAG) conjugated to alkaline phosphatase. Test characteristics as well as agreement with results from an ELISA using excretory-secretory products (FhES) from adult stage liver flukes was assessed by receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis, specificity, sensitivity, Youdens J and overall accuracy. Cross-reactivity was assessed using three different groups of serum samples from healthy individuals (n=20), patients with other parasitic infections (n=87) and patients with malignancies (n=121). The best combined diagnostic results for recombinant antigens were obtained using the recSAP2-ELISA (87% sensitivity, 99% specificity and 97% overall accuracy) employing the threshold (cut-off) to discriminate between positive and negative reactions that maximized Youdens J. The findings showed that recSAP2-ELISA can be used for the routine serodiagnosis of chronic fasciolosis in clinical laboratories; the use of the PAG-conjugate offers the opportunity to employ, for example, rabbit hyperimmune serum for the standardization of positive controls.
Coxiella burnetii infection (Q fever) is a widespread zoonosis with low endemicity in Switzerland, therefore no mandatory public report was required. A cluster of initially ten human cases of acute Q fever infections characterized by prolonged fever, asthenia and mild hepatitis occurred in 2012 in the terraced vineyard of Lavaux. Epidemiological investigations based on patients' interviews and veterinary investigations included environmental sampling as well as Coxiella-specific serological assay and molecular examinations (real-time PCR in vaginal secretions) of suspected sheep. These investigations demonstrated that 43% of sheep carried the bacteria whereas 30% exhibited anti-Coxiella antibodies. Mitigation measures, including limiting human contacts with the flock, hygiene measures, flock vaccination and a public official alert, have permitted the detection of four additional human cases and the avoidance of a much larger outbreak. Since November 2012, mandatory reporting of Q fever to Swiss public health authorities has been reintroduced. A close follow up of human cases will be necessary to identify chronic Q fever.
OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nasal colonization in hemodialysis patients and to analyze the cost-effectiveness of our screening approach compared with an alternative strategy. DESIGN Screening study and cost-effectiveness analysis. METHODS Analysis of twice-yearly MRSA prevalence studies conducted in the hemodialysis unit of a 950-bed tertiary care hospital from January 1, 2004, through December 31, 2013. For this purpose, nasal swab samples were cultured on MRSA screening agar (mannitol-oxacillin biplate). RESULTS There were 20 mass screenings during the 10-year study period. We identified 415 patients participating in at least 1 screening, with an average of 4.5 screenings per patient. Of 415 screened patients, 15 (3.6%) were found to be MRSA carriers. The first mass screening in 2004 yielded the highest percentage of MRSA (6/101 [6%]). Only 7 subsequent screenings revealed new MRSA carriers, whereas 4 screenings confirmed previously known carriers, and 8 remained negative. None of the carriers developed MRSA bacteremia during the study period. The total cost of our screening approach, that is, screening and isolation costs, was US $93,930. The total cost of an alternative strategy (ie, no mass screening administered) would be equivalent to costs of isolation of index cases and contact tracing was estimated to be US $5,382 (difference, US $88,548). CONCLUSIONS In an area of low MRSA endemicity (<5%), regular nasal screenings of a high-risk population yielded a low rate of MRSA carriers. Twice-yearly MRSA screening of dialysis patients is unlikely to be cost-effective if MRSA prevalence is low. Infect. Control Hosp. Epidemiol. 2015;00(0):1-4.
BACKGROUND The distribution of the enzymopathy glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is linked to areas of high malaria endemicity due to its association with protection from disease. G6PD deficiency is also identified as the cause of severe haemolysis following administration of the anti-malarial drug primaquine and further use of this drug will likely require identification of G6PD deficiency on a population level. Current conventional methods for G6PD screening have various disadvantages for field use. METHODS The WST8/1-methoxy PMS method, recently adapted for field use, was validated using a gold standard enzymatic assay (R&D Diagnostics Ltd ®) in a study involving 235 children under five years of age, who were recruited by random selection from a cohort study in Tororo, Uganda. Blood spots were collected by finger-prick onto filter paper at routine visits, and G6PD activity was determined by both tests. Performance of the WST8/1-methoxy PMS test under various temperature, light, and storage conditions was evaluated. RESULTS The WST8/1-methoxy PMS assay was found to have 72% sensitivity and 98% specificity when compared to the commercial enzymatic assay and the AUC was 0.904, suggesting good agreement. Misclassifications were at borderline values of G6PD activity between mild and normal levels, or related to outlier haemoglobin values (<8.0 gHb/dl or >14 gHb/dl) associated with ongoing anaemia or recent haemolytic crises. Although severe G6PD deficiency was not found in the area, the test enabled identification of low G6PD activity. The assay was found to be highly robust for field use; showing less light sensitivity, good performance over a wide temperature range, and good capacity for medium-to-long term storage. CONCLUSIONS The WST8/1-methoxy PMS assay was comparable to the currently used standard enzymatic test, and offers advantages in terms of cost, storage, portability and use in resource-limited settings. Such features make this test a potential key tool for deployment in the field for point of care assessment prior to primaquine administration in malaria-endemic areas. As with other G6PD tests, outlier haemoglobin levels may confound G6PD level estimation.
Background. About a third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis (TB) with sub-Saharan Africa being the worst hit. Uganda is ranked 16th among the countries with the biggest TB burden. The burden in children however has not been determined. The burden of TB has been worsened by the advent of HIV and TB is the leading cause of mortality in HIV infected individuals. Development of TB disease can be prevented if TB is diagnosed during its latent stage and treated with isoniazid. For over a century, latent TB infection (LTBI) was diagnosed using the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). New interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) have been approved by FDA for the diagnosis of LTBI and adult studies have shown that IGRAs are superior to the TST but there have been few studies in children especially in areas of high TB and HIV endemicity. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to examine whether the IGRAs had a role in LTBI diagnosis in HIV infected children in Uganda. ^ Methods. Three hundred and eighty one (381) children were recruited at the Baylor College of Medicine-Bristol Meyers Squibb Children’s Clinical Center of Excellence at Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda between March and August 2010. All the children were subjected to a TST and T-SPOT ®.TB test which was the IGRA chosen for this study. Sputum examination and chest x-rays were also done to rule out active TB. ^ Results. There was no statistically significant difference between the tests. The agreement between the two assays was 95.9% and the kappa statistic was 0.7 (95% CI: 0.55–0.85, p-value<0.05) indicating a substantial or good agreement. The TST was associated with older age and higher weight for age z-scores but the T-SPOT®. TB was not. Both tests were associated with history of taking anti-retroviral therapy (ART). ^ Conclusion. Before promoting use of IGRAs in children living in HIV/TB endemic countries, more research needs to be done. ^
A cDNA from adult female Onchocerca volvulus encoding the C-terminal portion of a tropomyosin isoform (termed MOv-14) has been shown previously to confer protective immunity in rodent models of onchocerciasis. The full-length sequence (designated Ov-tmy-1) obtained by PCR amplification, codes for a protein of 33 kDa and shares 91% identity with tropomyosins from other nematodes, falling to 57% identity with human α-tropomyosin. Ov-TMY-1 migrates with an apparent molecular mass of 42 kDa on SDS/PAGE and is present in all life-cycle stages, as determined by immunoblotting. Immunogold electron microscopy identified antigenic sites within muscle blocks and the cuticle of microfilariae and infective larvae. Anti-MOv14 antibodies were abundant in mice exhibiting serum-transferable protection against microfilariae conferred by vaccination with a PBS-soluble parasite extract. In contrast, little or no MOv14-specific antibody was present in mice inoculated with live microfilariae, in which resistance is mediated by antibody-independent mechanisms. In human infections, there was an inverse correlation between anti-tropomyosin IgG levels and densities of microfilariae in the skin. Seropositivity varied with the relative endemicity of infection. An immunodominant B cell epitope within Ov-TMY-1 (AQLLAEEADRKYD) was mapped to the N terminus of the MOv14 protein by using sera from protectively vaccinated mice. Intriguingly, the sequence coincides with an IgE-binding epitope within shrimp tropomyosin, believed to be responsible for hypersensitivity in individuals exhibiting allergy to shellfish. IgG and IgE antibodies reacting with the O. volvulus epitope were detected in human infections. It is concluded that antibody responses to tropomyosin may be important in limiting microfilarial densities in a proportion of individuals with onchocerciasis and have the potential to mediate hypersensitivity reactions to dead microfilariae, raising the possibility of a link with the immunopathology of infection.
In the South West Pacific region, the striking geographical correlation between the frequency of α+-thalassemia and the endemicity of Plasmodium falciparum suggests that this hemoglobinopathy provides a selective advantage against malaria. In Vanuatu, paradoxically, α+-thalassemia increases the incidence of contracting mild malaria in the first 2 years of life, but severe disease was too uncommon to assess adequately. Therefore, we undertook a prospective case-control study of children with severe malaria on the north coast of Papua New Guinea, where malaria transmission is intense and α+-thalassemia affects more than 90% of the population. Compared with normal children, the risk of having severe malaria was 0.40 (95% confidence interval 0.22–0.74) in α+-thalassemia homozygotes and 0.66 (0.37–1.20) in heterozygotes. Unexpectedly, the risk of hospital admission with infections other than malaria also was reduced to a similar degree in homozygous (0.36; 95% confidence interval 0.22–0.60) and heterozygous (0.63; 0.38–1.07) children. This clinical study demonstrates that a malaria resistance gene protects against disease caused by infections other than malaria. The mechanism of the remarkable protective effect of α+-thalassemia against severe childhood disease remains unclear but must encompass the clear interaction between this hemoglobinopathy and both malarial and nonmalarial infections.
Anopheles é o gênero da família Culicidae mais estudado devido sua importância médica. Atualmente o gênero Anopheles compreende 472 espécies válidas que estão divididas em sete subgêneros. Os principais vetores de plasmódio da Malária no Brasil pertencem ao subgênero Nyssorhynchus, que inclui 39 espécies oficialmente reconhecidas e um número crescente de complexos de espécies crípticas que estão distribuídas em três Seções: Myzorhynchella, Albimanus e Argyritarsis. Atualmente a Seção Myzorhynchella é formada por seis espécies: An. lutzii, An. parvus, An. nigritarsis, An. guarani, An. antunesi e An. pristinus. Para o desenvolvimento da análise morfológica, observou-se material-tipo depositado em diferentes coleções, espécimes depositados na coleção entomológica da FSP/USP, além de outros obtidos em coletas realizadas durante o presente estudo em diferentes localidades do Brasil. As análises moleculares foram desenvolvidas a partir de espécimes obtidos nas coletas. Revisão taxonômica da Seção Myzorhynchella é apresentada, incluindo-se descrições de quatro novas espécies e redescrições das demais, informações sobre bionomia, importância médica, caracterização molecular, distribuição geográfica, estado de preservação do material-tipo, além de chaves de identificação de adultos, larva de quarto estádio e genitália masculina. Os resultados das análises filogenéticas utilizando sequências de ITS2, COI e Catalase indicam a existência de pelo menos doze espécies dentro da Seção Myzorhynchella, os espécimes que vêm sendo identificados como An. antunesi constitui um complexo formado por possíveis cinco espécies e aqueles de An. parvus e An. pristinus também podem representar complexos de espécies. As sequências de ITS2 podem ser utilizadas como marcador diagnóstico para espécies da Seção Myzorhynchella. Contudo, o estudo ainda demonstra que pouco se conhece sobre a diversidade de espécies de Anopheles que ocorrem em ambientes onde a malária ocorre em baixa endemicidade. Pelo número de espécies novas encontradas e pela escassez de trabalhos com espécies da Seção, fica evidente a necessidade de mais estudos.
Área de endemismo ou elemento biótico é uma região geográfica que apresenta congruência distribucional entre táxons. Não há um padrão aceito universalmente para delimitação de áreas de endemismo e, portanto, várias metodologias são usadas para sua identificação. Nesta dissertação, propomos uma comparação integrada de alguns métodos de análises de endemismo, com base em dados de distribuição hipotéticos e reais. Desta forma, este estudo tem como objetivos: (1) comparar a Análise de Parcimônia de endemicidade (PAE), a Análise de endemicidade (EA) e um novo método de codificação que propomos a Análise de Distribuições de Três-Itens (3ID), avaliando sua performance com base na capacidade de identificar padrões hipotéticos predefinidos de áreas de endemismo, representando áreas não conflitantes, aninhadas e sobrepostas; (2) analisar os padrões de distribuição de 214 espécies de hidrozoários bentônicos, pelágicos e benthopelágicos não-sifonóforos do Oceano Atlântico Sul Ocidental (OASO), usando três métodos biogeográficos para testar hipóteses anteriores de regionalização biogeográfica e avaliar o performance da PAE, a EA e a 3ID com conjuntos de dados reais. No capítulo 2, intitulado “Comparison of analysis of endemism procedures based on hypothetical distributions”, nós comparamos a PAE, EA e 3ID e encontramos que a 3ID tem o maior percentual de sucesso na recuperação de áreas de endemismo predefinidas. Adicionalmente, a EA é o único método capaz de recuperar padrões sobrepostos, porém também encontra padrões espúrios. Nós sugerimos, portanto, que a melhor opção para identificação de áreas de endemismo é o uso de 3ID e EA em conjunto. No capítulo 3, intitulado “Biogeographic patterns of benthic and planktonic hydrozoans from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean”, nós utilizamos dados distribucionais de 214 espécies de hidrozoários bentônicos, pelágicos e bentopelágicos não-sifonóforos do OASO (20°-60°S, 33°-75°W), os quais foram organizados em diferentes matrizes (concatenada, bentônica, pelágica, e bentopelágica) de acordo com as diferentes estratégias de ciclo de vida em Hydrozoa. Todas as matrizes foram analisadas por meio da PAE, EA e 3ID. Os resultados mostram três padrões biogeográficos gerais: (1) Tropical (2) Temperado-Quente, e (3) Temperado-Frio. Os padrões obtidos variam de acordo com o tipo de ciclo de vida em Hydrozoa, demonstrando a importância de analisar-se separadamente conjuntos de dados de espécies com diferentes estratégias de reprodução. Cada método teve um desempenho diferente e, portanto, concluímos que o uso de 3ID e EA em conjunto é a melhor opção para inferir padrões biogeográficos marinhos
Although most of the Papua New Guinea highlands are too high for stable malaria transmission, local epidemics are a regular feature of the region. Few detailed descriptions of such epidemics are available, however. We describe the investigation of a malaria epidemic in the Obura Valley, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. Of the 244 samples examined by microscopy, 6.6% were positive for Plasmodium falciparum only, 9.4% were positive for Plasmodium vivax only, and 1.2% were mixed infections. MSP2 and MSP3alpha genotyping and AMA1 sequencing were used to determine the genetic variation present in a sample of P. falciparum and P. vivax infections. The P. vivax infections were found to be genetically highly diverse. In contrast, all P. falciparum samples were of a single genotype. This striking difference in genetic diversity suggests endemic, low-level local transmission for P. vivax but an outside introduction of P. falciparum as the most likely source of the epidemic.
In this study, the suitability of two repetitive-element-based PCR (rep-PCR) assays, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC)-PCR and BOX-PCR, to rapidly characterize Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) was examined. ERIC-PCR utilizes paired sequence-specific primers and BOX-PCR a single primer that target highly conserved repetitive elements in the P. aeruginosa genome. Using these rep-PCR assays, 163 P. aeruginosa isolates cultured from sputa collected from 50 patients attending an adult CF clinic and 50 children attending a paediatric CF clinic were typed. The results of the rep-PCR assays were compared to the results of PFGE. All three assays revealed the presence of six major clonal groups shared by multiple patients attending either of the CF clinics, with the dominant clonal group infecting 38% of all patients. This dominant clonal group was not related to the dominant clonal group detected in Sydney or Melbourne (pulsotype 1), nor was it related to the dominant groups detected in the UK. In all, PFGE and rep-PCR identified 58 distinct clonal groups, with only three of these shared between the two clinics. The results of this study showed that both ERIC-PCR and BOX-PCR are rapid, highly discriminatory and reproducible assays that proved to be powerful surveillance screening tools for the typing of clinical P. aeruginosa isolates recovered from patients with CF.
Introduction: The production of KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase) has become an important mechanism of carbapenem-resistance among Enterobacteriaceae strains. In Brazil, KPC is already widespread and its incidence has increased significantly, reducing treatment options. The “perfect storm” combination of the absence of new drug developmentand the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains resulted in the need for the use of older drugs, with greater toxicity, such as polymyxins. Aims: To determine the occurrence of carbapenemase-producing strains in carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae isolated from patients with nosocomial infection/colonization during September/2014 to August/2015, to determine the risk factors associated with 30-day- mortality and the impact of inappropriate therapy. Materials and Methods: We performed a case control study to assess the risk factors (comorbidities, invasive procedures and inappropriate antimicrobial therapy) associated with 30-day-mortality, considering the first episode of infection in 111 patients. The resistance genes blaKPC, blaIMP, blaVIM and blaNDM-1 were detected by polymerase chain reaction technique. Molecular typing of the strains involved in the outbreak was performed by pulsed field gel electrophoresis technique. The polymyxin resistance was confirmed by the microdilution broth method. Results: 188 episodes of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae infections/colonizations were detected; of these, 122 strains were recovered from the hospital laboratory. The presence of blaKPC gene were confirmed in the majority (74.59%) of these isolates. It was not found the presence of blaIMP , blaVIM and blaNDM-1 genes. K. pneumoniae was the most frequent microorganism (77,13%), primarily responsible for urinary tract infections (21,38%) and infections from patients of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (61,38%). Multivariate statistical analysis showed as predictors independently associated with mortality: dialysis and bloodstream infection. The Kaplan-Meier curve showed a lower probability of survival in the group of patients receiving antibiotic therapy inappropriately. Antimicrobial use in adult ICU varied during the study period, but positive correlation between increased incidence of strains and the consumption was not observed. In May and July 2015, the occurrence rates of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae KPC-producing per 1000 patient-days were higher than the control limit established, confirming two outbreaks, the first caused by colistin-susceptible KPC-producing K. pneumoniae isolates, with a polyclonal profile and the second by a dominant clone of colistin-resistant (≥ 32 μg/mL) KPC-producing K. pneumoniae. The cross transmission between patients became clear by the temporal and spatial relationships observed in the second outbreak, since some patients occupied the same bed, showing problems in hand hygiene adherence among healthcare workers and inadequate terminal disinfection of environment. The outbreak was contained when the ICU was closed to new admissions. Conclusions: The study showed an endemicity of K. pneumoniae KPC-producing in adult ICU, progressing to an epidemic monoclonal expansion, resulted by a very high antibiotic consumption of carbapenems and polymyxins and facilitated by failures in control measures the unit.
Le genre Angraecum est un groupe d’orchidées tropicales qui compte environ 221 espèces réparties en Afrique subsaharienne, dans l’ouest de l’Océan Indien, et au Sri Lanka. Plus de la moitié des espèces se trouvent à Madagascar, dont au moins 90% sont endémiques à l’île. L’étude systématique et taxonomique du genre Angraecum a toujours été problématique à cause de sa grande diversité morphologique. Pour faciliter la classification, des sections ont été établies dont la plus connue est celle de Garay (1973), qui regroupe les espèces sous 19 sections. Plusieurs analyses phylogénétiques avaient montré que le genre Angraecum et les sections de Garay ne sont pas monophylétiques. Cependant, aucune révision systématique n’a été apportée à cause du faible échantillonnage dans ces analyses. En incorporant un plus grand nombre d'espèces et en ajoutant d’autres caractères morphologiques dans l’analyse, nous avons apporté une plus grande résolution à la reconstruction phylogénétique du groupe. Cette résolution concerne surtout les nœuds plus profonds qui représentent les différents clades à l’intérieur d'Angraecum, qui correspondent à des sections naturelles. A partir de ces clades, nous avons redéfini 14 sections monophylétiques toute en reconnaissant cinq nouvelles. Grâce à cette nouvelle phylogénie d'Angraecum, nous avons pu étudier la diversification du genre et de la sous-tribu Angraecinae en utilisant des méthodes macroévolutives, notamment les roles joués par les traits floraux dans la spéciation, tout en l'interprétant grâce aux histoires géologique et paléoclimatique. Le modèle de diversification chez les Angraecinae semble avoir été celui communément rencontré dans les forêts tropicales humides, c’est-à-dire une diversification par accumulation graduelle d’espèces à travers le temps et non pas une radiation adaptative rapide, comme souvent observée chez des lignées animales malgaches. Plusieurs caractères morphologiques jouent un rôle important dans la diversification des espèces d'Angraecum. Le début de la diversification d'Angraecum à Madagascar coïncide avec le mouvement progressif de l’île vers le nord, l’établissement de la mousson dans la partie nord de l’île durant le Miocène, et l’expansion de la forêt tropicale malgache pendant cette période. Notre étude de l’histoire biogéographique des Angraecinae suggère une origine malgache de la sous-tribu et du genre Angraecum. On observe de la dispersion à longue distance à partir de Madagascar vers le reste du monde dans le genre Angraecum. La forêt tropicale humide du Nord Est de Madagascar est le point de départ de la diversification des espèces d'Angraecum. Le premier événement de dispersion a débuté à l’intérieur de l’île vers la fin du Miocène. Cet évènement est marqué par une migration du Nord Est vers le centre de Madagascar. Par ailleurs, la majorité des événements de dispersion à longue distance se sont produits durant le Pliocène-Pléistocène à partir soit du centre, soit du Nord Est de l'île. On assiste à des migrations indépendantes vers l’Afrique de l’est et les Comores d’une part, et vers les Mascareignes d’autre part. Un seul événement fondateur ayant conduit à l’apparition de la section Hadrangis est observé dans les Mascareignes. La saison cyclonique joue un rôle significatif dans la dispersion à longue distance des graines d’orchidées, comparée aux vents dominants qui soufflent dans la région ouest de l’Océan Indien, notamment l’alizé et la mousson. La similarité des niches écologiques a facilité l’expansion des espèces d'Angraecum dans les Comores et les Mascareignes.
Background and aims: The prevalence of anti-HCV and HBsAg in Portugal has been shown to be elevated in high-risk groups, such as intravenous drug-users and incarcerated individuals. However, in the general population, prevalence remains largely unknown. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of anti-HCV and HBsAg in the general Portuguese population and identify associated risk factors. Materials and methods: We carried out a nationwide, population-based cross-sectional study of adults resident in mainland Portugal. Serology for HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, and anti-HCV was performed. Anti-HCV-positive individuals were tested for HCV RNA by PCR. Results: Of 1685 participants, 50.6% were men, mean age 50.2±18.3 years. In terms of hepatitis C, the prevalence of anti-HCV was 0.54% [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.2–0.9] and 0.12% (95% CI: 0.0–0.3) were viremic, with peak prevalence among individuals 35–64 years of age (0.8%), men (0.8%), and individuals from Lisbon and Tagus Valley region (1.9%). In terms of hepatitis B, the estimated prevalence of HBsAg was 1.45% (95% CI: 0.9–2.0). A higher prevalence was found in individuals who were 35–64 years old (2.2%), in men (2.5%), and in the Northern region (2.6%). The presence of positive serological markers of hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus infection did not correlate with elevated aminotransferases, race, place of birth, and alcohol consumption. Conclusion: These results suggest a low endemicity for both hepatitis B and hepatitis C in the general population, in contrast to a very high prevalence in risk groups, thus suggesting that targeted screening to high-risk groups may be more cost-effective than general population screening.
Le genre Angraecum est un groupe d’orchidées tropicales qui compte environ 221 espèces réparties en Afrique subsaharienne, dans l’ouest de l’Océan Indien, et au Sri Lanka. Plus de la moitié des espèces se trouvent à Madagascar, dont au moins 90% sont endémiques à l’île. L’étude systématique et taxonomique du genre Angraecum a toujours été problématique à cause de sa grande diversité morphologique. Pour faciliter la classification, des sections ont été établies dont la plus connue est celle de Garay (1973), qui regroupe les espèces sous 19 sections. Plusieurs analyses phylogénétiques avaient montré que le genre Angraecum et les sections de Garay ne sont pas monophylétiques. Cependant, aucune révision systématique n’a été apportée à cause du faible échantillonnage dans ces analyses. En incorporant un plus grand nombre d'espèces et en ajoutant d’autres caractères morphologiques dans l’analyse, nous avons apporté une plus grande résolution à la reconstruction phylogénétique du groupe. Cette résolution concerne surtout les nœuds plus profonds qui représentent les différents clades à l’intérieur d'Angraecum, qui correspondent à des sections naturelles. A partir de ces clades, nous avons redéfini 14 sections monophylétiques toute en reconnaissant cinq nouvelles. Grâce à cette nouvelle phylogénie d'Angraecum, nous avons pu étudier la diversification du genre et de la sous-tribu Angraecinae en utilisant des méthodes macroévolutives, notamment les roles joués par les traits floraux dans la spéciation, tout en l'interprétant grâce aux histoires géologique et paléoclimatique. Le modèle de diversification chez les Angraecinae semble avoir été celui communément rencontré dans les forêts tropicales humides, c’est-à-dire une diversification par accumulation graduelle d’espèces à travers le temps et non pas une radiation adaptative rapide, comme souvent observée chez des lignées animales malgaches. Plusieurs caractères morphologiques jouent un rôle important dans la diversification des espèces d'Angraecum. Le début de la diversification d'Angraecum à Madagascar coïncide avec le mouvement progressif de l’île vers le nord, l’établissement de la mousson dans la partie nord de l’île durant le Miocène, et l’expansion de la forêt tropicale malgache pendant cette période. Notre étude de l’histoire biogéographique des Angraecinae suggère une origine malgache de la sous-tribu et du genre Angraecum. On observe de la dispersion à longue distance à partir de Madagascar vers le reste du monde dans le genre Angraecum. La forêt tropicale humide du Nord Est de Madagascar est le point de départ de la diversification des espèces d'Angraecum. Le premier événement de dispersion a débuté à l’intérieur de l’île vers la fin du Miocène. Cet évènement est marqué par une migration du Nord Est vers le centre de Madagascar. Par ailleurs, la majorité des événements de dispersion à longue distance se sont produits durant le Pliocène-Pléistocène à partir soit du centre, soit du Nord Est de l'île. On assiste à des migrations indépendantes vers l’Afrique de l’est et les Comores d’une part, et vers les Mascareignes d’autre part. Un seul événement fondateur ayant conduit à l’apparition de la section Hadrangis est observé dans les Mascareignes. La saison cyclonique joue un rôle significatif dans la dispersion à longue distance des graines d’orchidées, comparée aux vents dominants qui soufflent dans la région ouest de l’Océan Indien, notamment l’alizé et la mousson. La similarité des niches écologiques a facilité l’expansion des espèces d'Angraecum dans les Comores et les Mascareignes.