991 resultados para electron probe data


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The matrix of volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) from the Muskox pipe (Northern Slave Province, Nunavut, Canada) is interpreted to represent an overprint of an original clastic matrix. Muskox VK is subdivided into three different matrix mineral assemblages that reflect differences in the proportions of original primary matrix constituents, temperature of formation and nature of the altering fluids. Using whole rock X-ray fluorescence (XRF), whole rock X-ray diffraction (XRD), microprobe analyses, back-scatter electron (BSE) imaging, petrography and core logging, we find that most matrix minerals (serpentine, phlogopite, chlorite, saponite, monticellite, Fe-Ti oxides and calcite) lack either primary igneous or primary clastic textures. The mineralogy and textures are most consistent with formation through alteration overprinting of an original clastic matrix that form by retrograde reactions as the deposit cools, or, in the case of calcite, by precipitation from Ca-bearing fluids into a secondary porosity. The first mineral assemblage consists largely of serpentine, phlogopite, calcite, Fe-Ti oxides and monticellite and occurs in VK with relatively fresh framework clasts. Alteration reactions, driven by deuteric fluids derived from the juvenile constituents, promote the crystallisation of minerals that indicate relatively high temperatures of formation (> 400 °C). Lower-temperature minerals are not present because permeability was occluded before the deposit cooled to low temperatures, thus shielding the facies from further interaction with fluids. The other two matrix mineral assemblages consist largely of serpentine, phlogopite, calcite, +/- diopside, and +/- chlorite. They form in VK that contains more country rock, which may have caused the deposit to be cooler upon emplacement. Most framework components are completely altered, suggesting that larger volumes of fluids drove the alteration reactions. These fluids were likely of meteoric provenance and became heated by the volcaniclastic debris when they percolated into the VK infill. Most alteration reactions ceased at temperatures > 200 °C, as indicated by the absence or paucity of lower-temperature phases in most samples, such as saponite. Recognition that Muskox VK contains an original clastic matrix is a necessary first step for evaluating the textural configuration, which is important for reconstructing the physical processes responsible for the formation of the deposit.


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UVPES studies and ab initio and DFT computations have been done on the benzene...ICl complex; electron spectral data and computed orbital energies show that donor orbitals are stabilized and acceptor orbitals are destabilized due to complexation. Calculations predict an oblique structure for the complex in which the interacting site is a C=C bond center in the donor and iodine atom in the acceptor, in full agreement with earlier experimental reports. BSSE-corrected binding energies closely match the enthalpy of complexation reported, and the NBO analysis clearly reveals the involvement of the pi orbital of benzene and the sigma* orbital of ICl in the complex.


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The optimum conditions for producing cast aluminium alloy-mica particle composites, by stirring mica particles (40 to 120 mgrm) in molten aluminium alloys (above their liquidus temperatures), followed by casting in permanent moulds, are described. Addition of magnesium either as pieces along with mica particles on the surface of the melts or as a previously added alloying element was found to be necessary to disperse appreciable quantities (1.5 to 2 wt.%) of mica particles in the melts and retain them as uniform dispersions in castings under the conditions of present investigation. These castings can be remelted and degassed with nitrogen at least once with the retention of about 80% mica particles in the castings. Electron probe micro-analysis of these cast composites showed that magnesium added to the surface of the melt along with mica has a tendency to segregate around the mica particles, apparently improving the dispersability for mica particles in liquid aluminium alloys. The mechanical properties of the aluminium alloy-mica particle composite decrease with an increase in mica content, however, even at 2.2% the composite has a tensile strength of 14.22 kg mm–2 with 1.1% elongation, a compression strength of 42.61 kg mm–2, and an impact strength of 0.30 kgm cm–2. The properties are adequate for certain bearing applications, and the aluminium-mica composite bearings were found to run under boundary lubrication, semi-dry and dry friction conditions whereas the matrix alloy (without mica) bearings seized or showed stick slip under the same conditions.


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An investigation was conducted to study the levels of nitrogen fixation on the leaf or sheath surfaces of four cultivars of paddy plants by using acetylene reduction technique. Varying levels of positive nitrogenase activity were observed on all the leaf surfaces. Sheath of IET 1991 cultivar showed a higher rate of fixation than the leaf surface. All the nitrogen-fixing organisms on the leaf or sheath surfaces belonged to the genus Beijerinckia. There was no correlation between the bacterial density and the level of fixation. Scanning electron microscopic data revealed that the upper surface of IET 1991 leaf was highly silicified and the microflora was either scanty or nil while the lower surface appeared quite different and harboured more micro-organisms. Similarly, the inner surface of sheath was devoid of silicification and showed the presence of micro-organisms.


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An investigation was conducted to study the levels of nitrogen fixation on the leaf or sheath surfaces of four cultivars of paddy plants by using acetylene reduction technique. Varying levels of positive nitrogenase activity were observed on all the leaf surfaces. Sheath of IET 1991 cultivar showed a higher rate of fixation than the leaf surface. All the nitrogen-fixing organisms on the leaf or sheath surfaces belonged to the genus Beijerinckia. There was no correlation between the bacterial density and the level of fixation. Scanning electron microscopic data revealed that the upper surface of IET 1991 leaf was highly silicified and the microflora was either scanty or nil while the lower surface appeared quite different and harboured more micro-organisms. Similarly, the inner surface of sheath was devoid of silicification and showed the presence of micro-organisms.


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The relative stabilities of a- and Blo-helical structures for polymers of a-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) have been worked out, using the classical potential energy functions. To make a comparative study, we have used Buckingham "6-exp" and Kitaigorodsky's potential functions. Conformational analysis of the dipeptide segment with Aib residue indicates the necessity for nonplanar distortion of the peptide unit, which is a common feature in the observed crystal structures with Aib residues. In the range of Aw -10 to +loo studied, a-helical conformations are preferred in the region -3" < Aw < +loo, and Blo-helical conformations are preferred in the region -3" > Aw > -10'. Minimum energy conformations for right-handed structures are found in the +ue region of Aw and correspondingly for left-handed structures in the -ue region of Aw. For Aw - 6", a-helical structures have four- or near fourfold symmetry with h - 1.5 A. Such a helix with n = 4 and h = 1.5 A is termed an a'-helix. This structure is found to be consistent with the electron diffraction data of Malcolm3 and energetically more favorable than the standard 310-helix.


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Sintered, polycrystalline ZnO ceramics with copper as the only additive exhibit highly nonlinear current‐voltage characteristics. Increasing nonlinearity index (α=4–45) with Cu concentration of 0.01–1 mol % is also variable with respect to ceramic processing methods. Incorporation of Cu in the ZnO lattice is indicated from the electron probe microanalysis and the photoluminescence spectra. Cu acceptors are compensated by holes in the grain boundary layers, whereas the concentration of intrinsic donors is higher in the grain interior. The presence of positive charges leads to thinning of the depletion region, resulting in nonlinear characteristics.


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In the present investigation, a very good combination of strength and ductility, 630MPa 0.2% proof stress and 14.8% elongation to fracture in tensile test, has been obtained for the 7075 Al alloy after optimizing the processing parameters for spray forming, hot extruding the spray deposit, and peak aging the samples taken from the extruded rod. The spray deposits contained some porosity but it was almost eliminated on hot extrusion. Electron probe microanalysis revealed that even though spray forming was carried out in an open atmosphere, it did not affect the oxygen content and its distribution in the material on spray forming, because the atomizing argon gas provided a protective cover to molten droplets and prevented their oxidation. The chemical composition of the spray-formed material was found to be almost the same as the raw material, and the major alloying elements were found to be uniformly distributed in the extruded rod.


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Phase relations in the system Bi-Sr-Cu-O at 1123 K have been investigated using optical microscopy, electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA) and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of equilibrated samples. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was used to confirm liquid formation for compositions rich in BiO1.5. Compositions along the three pseudo-binary sections and inside the pseudo-ternary triangle have been examined. The attainment of equilibrium was facilitated by the use of freshly prepared SrO as the starting material. The loss of Bi2O3 from the sample was minimized by double encapsulation. A complete phase diagram at 1123 K is presented. It differs significantly from versions of the phase diagram published recently.


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The phase relations in the systems Cu–O–R2O3(R = Tm, Lu) have been determined at 1273 K by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and electron probe microanalysis of samples equilibrated in evacuated quartz ampules and in pure oxygen. Only ternary compounds of the type Cu2R2O5 were found to be stable. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of the compounds have been measured using solid-state galvanic cells of the type, Pt|Cu2O + Cu2R2O5+ R2O3‖(Y2O3)ZrO2‖CuO + Cu2O‖Pt in the temperature range 950–1325 K. The standard Gibbs energy changes associated with the formation of Cu2R2O5 compounds from their binary component oxides are: 2CuO(s)+ Tm2O3(s)→Cu2Tm2O5(s), ΔG°=(10400 – 14.0 T/K)± 100 J mol–1, 2CuO(s)+ Lu2O3(s)→Cu2Lu2O5(s), ΔG°=(10210 – 14.4 T/K)± 100 J mol–1 Since the formation is endothermic, the compounds become thermodynamically unstable with respect to component oxides at low temperatures, Cu2Tm2O5 below 743 K and Cu2Lu2O5 below 709 K. When the chemical potential of oxygen over the Cu2R2O5 compounds is lowered, they decompose according to the reaction, 2Cu2R2O5(s)→2R2O3(s)+ 2Cu2O(s)+ O2(g) The equilibrium oxygen potential corresponding to this reaction is obtained from the emf. Oxygen potential diagrams for the Cu–O–R2O3 systems at 1273 K are presented.


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A methodology for evaluating the reactivity of titanium with mould materials during casting has been developed. Microhardness profiles and analysis of oxygen contamination have provided an index for evaluation of the reactivity of titanium. Microhardness profile delineates two distinct regions, one of which is characterised by a low value of hardness which is invariant with distance. The reaction products are uniformly distributed in the metal in this region. The second is characterised by a sharp decrease in microhardness with distance from the metal-mould interface. It represents a diffusion zone for solutes that dissolve into titanium from the mould. The qualitative profiles for contaminants determined by scanning electron probe microanalyser and secondary ion mass spectroscopy in the as-cast titanium were found to be similar to that of microhardness, implying that microhardness can be considered as an index of the contamination resulting from metal-mould reaction.


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Pure stoichiometric MgRh(2)O(4) could not be prepared by solid state reaction from an equimolar mixture of MgO and Rh(2)O(3) in air. The spinel phase formed always contained excess of Mg and traces of Rh or Rh(2)O(3). The spinel phase can be considered as a solid solution of Mg(2)RhO(4) in MgRh(2)O(4). The compositions of the spinel solid solution in equilibrium with different phases in the ternary system Mg-Rh-O were determined by electron probe microanalysis. The oxygen potential established by the equilibrium between Rh + MgO + Mg(1+x)Rh(2-x)O(4) was measured as a function of temperature using a solid-state cell incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as an electrolyte and pure oxygen at 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode. To avoid polarization of the working electrode during the measurements, an improved design of the cell with a buffer electrode was used. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of MgRh(2)O(4) and Mg(2)RhO(4) were deduced from the measured electromotive force (e.m.f.) by invoking a model for the spinel solid solution. The parameters of the model were optimized using the measured composition of the spinel solid solution in different phase fields and imposed oxygen partial pressures. The results can be summarized by the equations: MgO + beta -Rh(2)O(3) -> MgRh(2)O(4); Delta G degrees (+ 1010)/J mol(-1) = -32239 + 7.534T; 2MgO + RhO(2) -> Mg(2)RhO(4); Delta G degrees(+/- 1270)/J mol(-1) = 36427 -4.163T; Delta G(M)/J mol(-1) = 2RT(xInx + (1-x)In(1-x)) + 4650x(1-x), where Delta G degrees is the standard Gibbs free energy change for the reaction and G(M) is the free energy of mixing of the spinel solid solution Mg(1+x)Rh(2-x)O(4). (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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In-filled and Ge-doped Co4Sb12 skutterudites materials were synthesized by an induction melting process which was followed by annealing at 650 degrees C for 7 days. A structural, compositional, and morphological study was carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron probe micro analysis (EPMA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The formation of a single skutterudite phase (delta-CoSb3) was confirmed by XRD and the composition of all the samples was verified by EPMA. The homogeneity and morphology of the samples was observed by potential Seebeck microprobe (PSM) and SEM, respectively. The PSM result confirmed the inhomogeneity of the samples. The temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity were measured in the temperature range of 300-650 K. The samples of In0.16Co4Sb12-xGex (x = 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2) show a negative Seebeck coefficient confirming an n-type conductivity and the In0.16Co4Sb11.7Ge0.3 sample shows a positive Seebeck coefficient confirming a p-type conductivity. There was a change in the Seebeck coefficient from an n-type to a p-type at the doping concentration of x = 0.3 due to the excess Ge which increases in hole carrier concentration. Electrical conductivity decreases with an increase in Ge doping concentrations and with increases in temperature due to the bipolar effect. Thermal conductivity increases with an increase in carrier concentration and decreases when the temperature is increased. The highest ZT = 0.58 was achieved by In0.16Co4 Sb11.95Ge0.05 at 673K and In-filled and Ge-doped Co4Sb12 was not effective in improving the figure of merit. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3677982]


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Compositional dependent investigations of the bulk GeTe chalcogenides alloys added with different selenium concentrations are carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The measurements reveal that GeTe crystals are predominant in alloys up to 0.20 at.% of Se content indicating interstitial occupancy of Se in the Ge vacancies. Raman modes in the GeTe alloys changes to GeSe modes with the addition of Se. Amorphousness in the alloy increases with increase of Se and 0.50 at.% Se alloy forms a homogeneous amorphous phase with a mixture of Ge-Se and Te-Se bonds. Structural changes are explained with the help of bond theory of solids. Crystallization temperature is found to be increasing with increase of Se, which will enable the amorphous stability. For the optimum 0.50 at.% Se alloy, the melting temperature has reduced which will reduce the RESET current requirement for the phase change memory applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Quaternary chalcogenide compounds Cu2+ xZnSn1-xSe4 (0 <= x <= 0.15) were prepared by solid state synthesis. Rietveld powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) refinements combined with Electron Probe Micro Analyses (EPMA, WDS-Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy) and Raman spectra of all samples confirmed the stannite structure (Cu2FeSnS4-type) as the main phase. In addition to the main phase, small amounts of secondary phases like ZnSe, CuSe and SnSe were observed. Transport properties of all samples were measured as a function of temperature in the range from 300 K to 720 K. The electrical resistivity of all samples decreases with an increase in Cu content except for Cu2.1ZnSn0.9Se4, most likely due to a higher content of the ZnSe. All samples showed positive Seebeck coefficients indicating that holes are the majority charge carriers. The thermal conductivity of doped samples was high compared to Cu2ZnSnSe4 and this may be due to the larger electronic contribution and the presence of the ZnSe phase in the doped samples. The maximum zT = 0.3 at 720 K occurs for Cu2.05ZnSn0.95Se4 for which a high-pressure torsion treatment resulted in an enhancement of zT by 30% at 625 K. Copyright 2013 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4794733]