253 resultados para dolphin
Auction Sale notice concerning a brick and stone carpenter shop; a frame wheel-house building and a stone machine shop building all located on Cascade Street in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The Superintendent of the State Reservation at Niagara is listed as Thomas W. Welch. The names Thomas Dolphin – Suspension Bridge; W.A. Frazer – Suspension Bridge; Alice L. [illegible] – Niagara Falls and James C. [illegible] are written on the notice in blue pencil. There is a tear at the top of the notice and wear along the sides. Text is not affected. The item is slightly discoloured and mounted on cardboard, 28 cm x 20 cm, January 27, 1886.
Objectif : Récemment, un nouvel appareil issu de la technologie du Forsus™ et visant à corriger les malocclusions de classe III a été mis sur le marché et se popularise dans la pratique orthodontique : le Tandem Forsus Maxillary Corrector (TFMC). L’objectif de la présente étude est de mesurer les effets squelettiques, l’influence réelle sur la croissance, et les effets dento-alvéolaires du port du TFMC. Matériel et méthodes : 14 patients présentant une malocclusion de classe III (âge moyen de 9 ans 6 mois) traités par le même orthodontiste ont participé à cette étude prospective. Le groupe consiste en 10 garçons et 4 filles. Le Tandem Forsus Maxillary Corrector est porté de 12 à 14 heures par jour jusqu’à l’obtention d’une surcorrection du surplomb horizontal et une relation dentaire de classe I. Le traitement est généralement d’une durée de 8 à 9 mois. Des radiographies céphalométriques latérales prises avant (T1) et après (T2) le traitement ont été analysées afin de déterminer les changements dentaires et squelettiques. Les résultats ont été comparés à un groupe contrôle composé de 42 enfants provenant du Centre de croissance de l’Université de Montréal. Les radiographies ont été tracées et analysées de manière aveugle à l’aide du logiciel Dolphin Imaging (ver 11.0, Patterson Dental, Chatsworth, California). L’erreur sur la méthode a été évaluée avec la formule de Dahlberg, le coefficient de corrélation intra-classe et l’indice de Bland-Altman. L’effet du traitement a été évalué à l’aide du test t pour échantillons appariés. L’effet de la croissance pour le groupe contrôle a été calculé à l’aide d’un test t pour échantillons indépendants. Résultats : L’utilisation du TFMC produit un mouvement antérieur et une rotation antihoraire du maxillaire. De plus, il procline les incisives supérieures et rétrocline les incisives inférieures. Une rotation antihoraire du plan occlusal contribue aussi à la correction de la malocclusion de classe III. Par contre, le TFMC ne semble pas avoir pour effet de restreindre la croissance mandibulaire. Conclusion : La présente étude tend à démontrer que le port de l’appareil TFMC a un effet orthopédique et dento-alvéolaire significatif lors du traitement correctif des malocclusions modérées de classe III.
L’amyloïdose, une maladie progressive et incurable, implique une vaste panoplie de pathologies et de pathogénèses, qui est expliquée par la grande variabilité biologique et structurale des protéines responsables de la formation des dépôts d’amyloïde. L’amyline (polypeptide amyloïde des îlots pancréatiques, IAPP) est une protéine très susceptible de subir des changements de conformation impliquant les feuillets bêta et conférant aussi des propriétés physicochimiques distinctes. Cette protéine prend alors une forme fibrillaire et se dépose dans les îlots de Langerhans chez les humains atteints de diabète de type 2 ou d’insulinome. Ces dépôts d’amyloïde pancréatique (AIAPP) ont été décrits chez certaines espèces animales telles que les félins domestiques, les grands félins, le raton laveur et les primates non humains. La formation de dépôts d’amyloïde contribue à la pathogénèse du diabète de type 2, mais les mécanismes qui induisent la conversion de l’amyline (IAPP) en amyloïde (AIAPP) ne sont pas complètement compris. Les hypothèses du projet sont que certaines variations présentes dans les séquences peptidiques de l’IAPP provenant de différentes espèces animales jouent un rôle critique pour la formation de fibrilles et que plusieurs composés chimiques aromatiques/phénoliques sont capables d’abroger la formation de dépôts d’amyloïde. Le projet de recherche consiste donc à caractériser la propension des différentes isoformes animales d’IAPP à former de l’amyloïde in vitro afin d’identifier les acides aminés jouant un rôle clé dans cette transformation structurale et ultimement d’inhiber la formation d’amyloïde pancréatique. Le projet se divise en deux volets principaux. Le premier consiste à identifier les différentes séquences peptidiques de l’IAPP retrouvées chez les espèces animales. L’objectif est d’identifier les acides aminés jouant un rôle clé dans la formation d’amyloïde. Le gène de l’IAPP a été séquencé chez plus d’une quarantaine d’espèces. Le potentiel d’agrégation des séquences obtenues a été simulé à l’aide d’outils bioinformatique. Une librairie de 23 peptides a été commandée afin de procéder à des analyses physicochimiques in vitro permettant d’évaluer le potentiel amyloïdogénique (test fluorimétrique à la thioflavine T, essai de liaison au rouge Congo, dichroïsme circulaire, microscopie électronique à transmission) et cytotoxique (sur une lignée cellulaire provenant d’insulinome : INS-1). Les analyses effectuées à partir de la librairie constituée de 23 peptides ont permis d’identifier trois séquences ne formant pas d’amyloïde et qui proviennent des espèces animales suivantes : le tamarin lion doré (Leontopithecus rosalia), le grand dauphin (Tursiops truncatus) et l’alpaga (Vicugna pacos). Un site potentiellement critique est le segment 8-20 présentant le motif NFLVH qui ne forme plus d’amyloïde lorsqu’il est remplacé par le motif DFLGR ou KFLIR. Les acides aminés 29P, 14K et 18R sont également impliqués dans l’inhibition de la transformation structurale en fibrille. La dernière partie du projet consiste à inhiber la formation de l’amyloïde en utilisant des composés chimiques commercialisés (hypoglycémiants, anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens) ou nouvellement synthétisés dans notre laboratoire (les aryles éthyles urées). Un criblage d’une soixantaine de composés chimiques a été conduit dans cette étude. Leur efficacité a été testée sur l’IAPP humaine, qui possède un fort potentiel amyloïdogénique. Les techniques utilisées sont les mêmes que celles exploitées précédemment. L’essai de liaison croisée photo-induite ("photo-induced cross-linking of unmodified proteins", PICUP) a été réalisé afin d’étudier les formes intermédiaires (monomères, oligomères). Un total de 11 composés chimiques a démontré un potentiel à inhiber l’agrégation des fibrilles. Pour la classe des hypoglycémiants, le glyburide, le répaglinide et la troglitazone ont montré l’activité thérapeutique la plus élevée pour retarder et réduire la formation de fibrilles. Les anti-inflammatoires antiamyloïdogènes actifs incluaient le diclofenac, le méloxicam, le phénylbutazone, le sulindac et le ténoxicam. Les aryles étyles urées les plus intéressantes étaient la EU-362 et la EU-418. Tous ces composés ont conféré une protection cellulaire contre l’activité cytotoxique des fibrilles. Les molécules actives possèdent des éléments structuraux communs tels des substituants donneurs d’électrons (alcool, amine, halogène) sur un noyau benzène. En conclusion, ce projet de recherche a permis de caractériser l’IAPP chez diverses espèces animales, dont plusieurs chez lesquelles elle n’avait pas encore été décrite, de déterminer les sites jouant un rôle clé dans sa transformation en amyloïde et, ultimement, de tester le potentiel thérapeutique de nouveaux agents antiamyloïdogènes dans le diabète de type 2. Nous espérons que ce projet ouvrira ainsi la porte à de nouvelles stratégies de traitement.
Un certain nombre de chercheurs (Birch, 1996; Cole, 1995, 1996; De Bergerac, 1998) fondent sur un modèle neurophysiologique leurs arguments en faveur de la delphinothérapie pour traiter divers désordres (DSM-IV) cognitifs et émotifs chez les enfants et les jeunes. Ce modèle recourt à des analogies avec les mécanismes de sonophorèse, d'écholocation et de transmission neurohormonale dans son application thérapeutique. Dans le but de démystifier les éléments pseudo-scientifiques auprès d'un lectorat non spécialisé, cet article critique les postulats et les implications relatifs à ces mécanismes et il conclut à l'absence d'un soutien pertinent et valide concernant ce modèle.
This thesis entitled Systematics,life history traits ,abundance and stock assessment of cobia rachycentron canadum (linnaeus ,1766) occurring in indian waters with special reference to the northwest coast of india.Cobia, Rachycentron canadum is a fast growing pelagic fish belonging to the monotypic family Rachycentridae. They show worldwide distribution in tropical and sub tropical waters. Cobia is exploited commercially in various countries like Taiwan, Pakistan, India, United State of America, Australia, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Recreational fishery of Cobia exists in different parts of the world. In India Cobia is caught as bycatch of trawlers, gillnet and hook and line fishery.This study also focuses on to bring out the distribution pattern and also to assess the biomass and estimate sustainable yield of Cobia inhabiting in Indian EEZ. In addition to above, present study standardised live collection methods and also reviewed culture prospects.Results of osteological study and morphological studies indicate its close resemblance to Remora and support the view that Cobia was evolved from Dolphin fishes and remoras followed it. Study also confirmed that Cobia does not have any relative or similar species and is a monotypic species belonging to the family Rachycentridae. Re description of the species was done based on the characters identified. In this study, feeding intensity was also assessed following methods like Gastrosomatic index, Mean index of feeding intensity and Index of fullness. Sex wise, month wise and length group wise fluctuations in the feeding intensity also were studied. Cobia actively fed during post monsoon period. In general, adult fed actively than the juveniles. Trophic level value estimated (4.36) indicates that Cobia occupy top level position in the food chain.
This presentation was delivered by Professor Hugh Davis at the first CITE Away Day. The Away Day took place on Wednesday 17 October, 2012 at the Dolphin Hotel, Southampton, 10:00-4:00. The participants were 21 members of CITE and facilitation was provided by Kate Dickens (who is also a member of CITE).
Ireland’s waters constitute one of the richest habitats for cetaceans in Europe. Marine mammals, particularly cetaceans, are known to be definitive hosts of digestive parasites from the Fm.Anisakidae. The main aim of this study is to collect and compile all the information available out there regarding parasites of the Fm. Anisakidae and their definitive hosts. Secondary objectives are to relate the presence of cetacean species with the presence of parasites of the Fm. Anisakidae and to determine whether this greater number of cetaceans relates to a greater level of parasitism. Prevalence and burdens of anisakids in definitive hosts vary widely with host species, geographic location, and season. Results from several post-mortem exams are given. However, they cannot be compared due to differences in collecting techniques. Anisakis simplex is the most commonly and widespread parasite found in the majority of the samples and in a major number of hosts, which include harbour porpoise, short-beaked common dolphin and bottlenose dolphin. Studies on harbour porpoise obtained prevalences of Anisakis spp. of 46% (n=26) and of 100% (n= 12). Another study in common dolphin reported a prevalence of 68% (n=25). Several reasons could influence the variations in the presence of Anisakis. Studies on commercially exploited fish have reported prevalences of Anisakis simplex ranging from 65-100% in wild Atlantic salmon and from 42-53.4% in Atlantic cod
Ascertaining the location of palaeo-ice streams is crucial in order to produce accurate reconstructions of palaeo-ice sheets and examine interactions with the ocean-climate system. This paper reports evidence for a major ice stream in Amundsen Gulf, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Mapping from satellite imagery (Landsat ETM+) and digital elevation models, including bathymetric data, is used to reconstruct flow-patterns on southwestern Victoria Island and the adjacent mainland (Nunavut and Northwest Territories). Several flow-sets indicative of ice streaming are found feeding into the marine trough and cross-cutting relationships between these flow-sets (and utilising previously published radiocarbon dates) reveal several phases of ice stream activity centred in Amundsen Gulf and Dolphin and Union Strait. A large erosional footprint on the continental shelf indicates that the ice stream (ca. 1000 km long and ca. 150 km wide) filled Amundsen Gulf, probably at the Last Glacial Maximum. Subsequent to this, the ice stream reorganised as the margin retreated back along the marine trough, eventually splitting into two separate low-gradient lobes in Prince Albert Sound and Dolphin and Union Strait. The location of this major ice stream holds important implications for ice sheet-ocean interactions and specifically, the development of Arctic Ocean ice shelves and the delivery of icebergs into the western Arctic Ocean during the late Pleistocene. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This essay looks in detail at the brief history of Samuel Beckett's relations with Charles Prentice and the publishing firm of Chatto & Windus. It examines the fate of two of Beckett's early publications - his essay on Proust in the Dolphin Books and his volume of short stories More Pricks than Kicks - against the backdrop of the cultural, ideological and economic context of publishing in the 1930s.
This study aimed to provide an insight on the ecology of the bottlenose dolphin population in Madeira archipelago. To achieve this, population structure; group dynamics, site-fidelity, residency and movement patterns within and out of the study area; survival and abundance estimates and spatial and temporal distribution and habitat preferences related to physiographic parameters using data collected between 2001-2011, were investigated. Photo-identification data analysis revealed strong evidences that bottlenose dolphins seen in the archipelago of Madeira belong to an open population with regular recruitment of new animals to the area. This population exhibited a typical fission-fusion society, in which short-term acquaintances prevail, with only a few long-lasting associations. Photo-identification methods demonstrated that there is a large variability in residency pattern, with resident, transient and migrant individuals. Only a small number of dolphins were found to be resident (4.3%). Social network diagram as well as SLAR analysis supported the existence of a mixed population of residents, migrants and transients. Mark-recapture methods estimated a high survival rate, within the range of other long-lived cetacean species. The resident community is composed of app. 180 individuals. In addition, around 400 dolphins of different residency patterns were found to use the south area of Madeira Island. Spatial distribution indicated that bottlenose dolphins were regularly found in shallow and closer to shore areas, suggesting the existence of biological processes influenced by bathymetry. Moreover, temporal patterns revealed no strong seasonal fluctuation in the presence of bottlenose dolphins in Madeira archipelago waters. Bottlenose dolphins are listed under the Annex II of the EU habitats Directive that requires the designation of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for this species; as such, the knowledge gained through this work can be used by governmental authorities to the establishment and management of areas for the conservation of bottlenose dolphin in Madeira archipelago.
A series of quali- and quantitative analyses were conducted to evaluate the variability of spinner dolphin whistles from the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago off Brazil. Nine variables were extracted from each whistle contour, and the whistle contours shapes were classified into the seven categories described in Driscoll (1995). The analysis showed mean beginning and ending frequencies values of 10.78 and 12.74 kHz, respectively. on average, whistle duration was relatively short, with mean values around 0.495 s (N=702). Comparative analyses were also conducted to investigate the relationship between the obtained results and those presented in previous studies. When comparing averages, the results of the study of Oswald et al. (2003) in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) presented less significant differences in relation to this study; only whistle duration differed significantly between both works. The results of multivariate classification tests also pointed TEP population as the closest related to the population studied here. The similarities between such disjunct populations might be attributed to a more recent isolation event (the closing of the Panama Isthmus) than the divergence that has driven North and South Atlantic populations apart. (c) 2006 Acoustical Society of America.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Ethnobiology studies Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) as well as the use and management of natural resources by local communities in order to understand how the environment is perceived, known and classified by human groups. In fishing communities, LEK adds empirical information about the biology of aquatic species and complements scientific findings, especially when it is difficult to obtain factual information during studies on cetaceans, whose behavior is essentially underwater. Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) are constantly threatened by human activities, especially by accidental capture of small coastal species, as in the case of the estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), object of this study. Ethnobiological researches in fishing communities are of great importance and can clarify aspects of the biology and conservation of this species. Although extensively studied throughout its distribution range, there are still gaps in the knowledge about S. guianensis. Therefore, fishers local ecological knowledge becomes an additional tool to get and confirm information about S. guianensis. This study evaluated the LEK of artisanal fishers who are daily exposed to local population of S. guianensis, through the use of semistructured interviews (N=116). The interviewed fishers were asked about the biology and popular classification of S. guianensis and about possible interactions between this dolphin and them. The studied communities were located in Tibau do Sul (n=39), Pipa (n=36) and Baía Formosa (n=41), all on the south coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study was based on the assumption that differences in fishers LEK among those communities would be caused by both the variety of fishing environments (lagoon/estuary and ocean) and the intensity of tourism activities. Fishers knowledge is expressive and differed among the studied communities depending on the topic investigated. Fishers correctly reported the habitat, distribution, seasonality and behavioral particularities of S. guianensis. Tourism mainly affected the naming of the species. The study results also suggest that marine fishers have greater knowledge about the species than the estuarine/lagoon ones. Local populations accumulate empirical knowledge according to their environment. Hence, it is important to take into account both empirical knowledge and popular participation in management systems, in order to maintain information sharing among communities
This study investigated factors that influence the group size during the behavior foraging of estuarine dolphin Sotalia guianensis in the coast south of the state Rio Grande do Norte (RN), it also characterized the diet of estuarine dolphins and elaborated an otoliths catalog for aid in the identification of the preys found in the stomach contents. In relation to the group size during behaviour foraging, inside of the Curral Bay, larger frequency of solitary hunt was observed. Factors as tide variation, group composition and seasons didn't present correlation with the number of animals observed during a feeding episode. Capture success for participant was shown significantly larger when the animals hunted alone, what possibly explains the largest frequency of solitary hunt inside of the Curral Bay. About diet, were identified 18 bone fishes species, with predominance of species the families Haemulidae and Sciaenidae and five cephalopods species, including two new species in the diet of Sotalia guianensis in Brazil. Our results indicated that estuarine dolphin in the coast oriental from Rio Grande do Norte (RN) feeds predominantly of fish that form shoal, of habitat estuarino and producing of sounds. The analysis of the images, otoliths of 43 species of coastal fish of the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), aided by the offered descriptions, demonstrated to be an effective methodology for the knowledge of those structures, as well as it represented a form of reducing the subjectivity in the identification of the bone fishes found in stomach content