999 resultados para dilute magnetic semiconductor


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Amorphous and crystalline thin films of Mn-doped(0.5%-10%) GaAs and crystalline thin films of Zn1-xCoxO(x = 3%-20%) were investigated by means of magnetic susceptibility and electron spin resonance (ESR). For the Mn-doped GaAs samples, our results show the absence of ferromagnetic ordering for the amorphous films in the 300 > T > 2 K temperature range, in contrast to the ferromagnetism found in crystalline films for T-C < 110 K. A single ESR line with a temperature independent g-value (g similar to 2) is observed for the amorphous films, and the behavior of this ESR linewidth depends on the level of crystallinity of the film. For the Mn-doped GaAs crystalline films, only a ferromagnetic mode is observed for T < TC when the film is ferromagnetic. Turning now the Zn1-xCoxO films, ferromagnetic loops were observed at room temperature for these films. The magnetization data show an increasing of the saturation magnetization M. as a function of x reaching a maximum value for x approximate to 10%. ESR experiments at T = 300 K in the same films show a strong anisotropic ferromagnetic mode (FMR) for x = 0.10.


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The magnetic-field and confinement effects on the Land, factor in AlxGa1-xAs parabolic quantum wells under magnetic fields applied parallel or perpendicular to the growth direction are theoretically studied. Calculations are performed in the limit of low temperatures and low electron density in the heterostructure. The g factor is obtained by taking into account the effects of non-parabolicity and anisotropy of the conduction band through the 2 x 2 Ogg-McCombe Hamiltonian, and by including the cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit term. A simple formula describing the magnetic-field dependence of the effective Land, factor is analytically derived by using the Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory, and it is found in good agreement with previous experimental studies devoted to understand the behavior of the g factor, as a function of an applied magnetic field, in semiconductor heterostructures. Present numerical results for the effective Land, factor are shown as functions of the quantum-well parameters and magnetic-field strength, and compared with available experimental measurements.


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In the present work, nano-sized magnetic nuclei of Co have been electrodeposited onto p-Si (111). The deposition follows a mechanism of progressive nucleation and growth controlled by diffusion. MFM studies showed that the transition between magnetic domain states is strongly dependent on the size and shape of the nuclei. A critical height h0 is defined below which the nuclei presented always a single-domain configuration. The limiting lower boundary for the single-domain state calculated from the theory is quantitatively coincident with the experimental results. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper reports on the synthesis (chemical co-precipitation reaction) and characterization (X-ray diffraction, magnetization, and electron paramagnetic resonance) of nanosized Cd1-xMnxS particles with manganese concentration up to x = 0.73. Though the literature reports that nanosized (bulk) CdS can incorporate as much as 30% (50%) of manganese ion within its crystal structure we found manganese segregation at the nanoparticle surface at doping levels as low as 14%. We found that both XRD and magnetization data support the presence of the Mn3O4 phase (observed spin-glass transition around 43 K) at the high manganese doping levels whereas the EPR data strongly suggest preferential incorporation of manganese at the nanoparticle's surface, even at low manganese doping levels. Analyses of the experimental data strongly suggest the preparation of well-defined core/shell (Cd1-xMnxS/Mn3O4) structures at higher levels of manganese doping.


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We present ab-initio calculations of seven digital magnetic heterostructures, GaN delta-doped with V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu, forming two-dimensional systems. Only GaN delta-doped with V or Cr present a ferromagnetic ground state with high Curie temperatures. For both, to better describe the electronic properties, we used the GGA-1/2 approach. The ground state of GaN/Cr resulted in a two dimensional half-metal, with 100% spin polarization. For GaN/V, we obtained an insulating state: integer magnetic moment of 2.0 mu(B), a minority spin gap of 3.0 eV close to the gap of GaN, but a majority spin gap of 0.34 eV. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4751285]


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PURPOSE Precise temperature measurements in the magnetic field are indispensable for MR safety studies and for temperature calibration during MR-guided thermotherapy. In this work, the interference of two commonly used fiber-optical temperature measurement systems with the static magnetic field B0 was determined. METHODS Two fiber-optical temperature measurement systems, a GaAs-semiconductor and a phosphorescent phosphor ceramic, were compared for temperature measurements in B0 . The probes and a glass thermometer for reference were placed in an MR-compatible tube phantom within a water bath. Temperature measurements were carried out at three different MR systems covering static magnetic fields up to B0  = 9.4T, and water temperatures were changed between 25°C and 65°C. RESULTS The GaAs-probe significantly underestimated absolute temperatures by an amount related to the square of B0 . A maximum difference of ΔT = -4.6°C was seen at 9.4T. No systematic temperature difference was found with the phosphor ceramic probe. For both systems, the measurements were not dependent on the orientation of the sensor to B0 . CONCLUSION Temperature measurements with the phosphor ceramic probe are immune to magnetic fields up to 9.4T, whereas the GaAs-probes either require a recalibration inside the MR system or a correction based on the square of B0 . Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The filamentary model of the metal-insulator transition in randomly doped semiconductor impurity bands is geometrically equivalent to similar models for continuous transitions in dilute antiferromagnets and even to the λ transition in liquid He, but the critical behaviors are different. The origin of these differences lies in two factors: quantum statistics and the presence of long range Coulomb forces on both sides of the transition in the electrical case. In the latter case, in addition to the main transition, there are two satellite transitions associated with disappearance of the filamentary structure in both insulating and metallic phases. These two satellite transitions were first identified by Fritzsche in 1958, and their physical origin is explained here in geometrical and topological terms that facilitate calculation of critical exponents.


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We analyzed the photoluminescence intermittency generated by a single paramagnetic spin localized in an individual semiconductor quantum dot. The statistics of the photons emitted by the quantum dot reflect the quantum fluctuations of the localized spin interacting with the injected carriers. Photon correlation measurements, which are reported here, reveal unique signatures of these fluctuations. A phenomenological model is proposed to quantitatively describe these observations, allowing a measurement of the spin dynamics of an individual magnetic atom at zero magnetic field. These results demonstrate the existence of an efficient spin-relaxation channel arising from a spin exchange with individual carriers surrounding the quantum dot. A theoretical description of a spin-flip mechanism involving spin exchange with surrounding carriers gives relaxation times in good agreement with the measured dynamics.


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Spin precession due to Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a two-dimension electron gas is the basis for the spin field effect transistor, in which the overall perfect spin-polarized current modulation could be acquired. There is a prerequisite, however, that a strong transverse confinement potential should be imposed on the electron gas or the width of the confined quantum well must be narrow. We propose relieving this rather strict limitation by applying an external magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the electron gas because the effect of the magnetic field on the conductance of the system is equivalent to the enhancement of the lateral confining potential. Our results show that the applied magnetic field has little effect on the spin precession length or period although in this case Rashba spin-orbit coupling could lead to a Zeeman-type spin splitting of the energy band.


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This work is the first work using patterned soft underlayers in multilevel three-dimensional vertical magnetic data storage systems. The motivation stems from an exponentially growing information stockpile, and a corresponding need for more efficient storage devices with higher density. The world information stockpile currently exceeds 150EB (ExaByte=1x1018Bytes); most of which is in analog form. Among the storage technologies (semiconductor, optical and magnetic), magnetic hard disk drives are posed to occupy a big role in personal, network as well as corporate storage. However; this mode suffers from a limit known as the Superparamagnetic limit; which limits achievable areal density due to fundamental quantum mechanical stability requirements. There are many viable techniques considered to defer superparamagnetism into the 100's of Gbit/in2 such as: patterned media, Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR), Self Organized Magnetic Arrays (SOMA), antiferromagnetically coupled structures (AFC), and perpendicular magnetic recording. Nonetheless, these techniques utilize a single magnetic layer; and can thusly be viewed as two-dimensional in nature. In this work a novel three-dimensional vertical magnetic recording approach is proposed. This approach utilizes the entire thickness of a magnetic multilayer structure to store information; with potential areal density well into the Tbit/in2 regime. ^ There are several possible implementations for 3D magnetic recording; each presenting its own set of requirements, merits and challenges. The issues and considerations pertaining to the development of such systems will be examined, and analyzed using empirical and numerical analysis techniques. Two novel key approaches are proposed and developed: (1) Patterned soft underlayer (SUL) which allows for enhanced recording of thicker media, (2) A combinatorial approach for 3D media development that facilitates concurrent investigation of various film parameters on a predefined performance metric. A case study is presented using combinatorial overcoats of Tantalum and Zirconium Oxides for corrosion protection in magnetic media. ^ Feasibility of 3D recording is demonstrated, and an emphasis on 3D media development is emphasized as a key prerequisite. Patterned SUL shows significant enhancement over conventional "un-patterned" SUL, and shows that geometry can be used as a design tool to achieve favorable field distribution where magnetic storage and magnetic phenomena are involved. ^


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Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in the day to day life of human beings. The human kind owes its gratitude to the ‘lodestone’ meaning ‘leading stone’ which lead to the discovery of nations and the onset of modern civilizations. If it was William Gilbert, who first stated that ‘earth was a giant magnet’, then it was the turn of Faraday who correlated electricity and magnetism. Magnetic materials find innumerable applications in the form of inductors, read and write heads, motors, storage devices, magnetic resonance imaging and fusion reactors. Now the industry of magnetic materials has almost surpassed the semiconductor industry and this speaks volumes about its importance. Extensive research is being carried out by scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and invent new devices. Though magnetism can be categorized based on the response of an applied magnetic field in to diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic; it is ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials which have potential applications. The present thesis focusses on these materials, their composite structures and different ways and means to modify their properties for useful applications. In the past, metals like Fe, Ni and Co were sought after for various applications though iron was in the forefront because of its cost effectiveness and abundance. Later, alloys based on Fe and Ni were increasingly employed. They were used in magnetic heads and in inductors. Ferrites entered the arena and subsequently most of the newer applications were based on ferrites, a ferrimagnetic material, whose composition can be tuned to tailor the magnetic properties. In the late 1950s a new class of magnetic material emerged on the magnetic horizon and they were fondly known as metallic glasses. They are well known for their soft magnetic properties. They were synthesized in the form of melt spun ribbons and are amorphous in nature and they are projected to replace the crystalline counterparts.


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Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in the day to day life of human beings. The human kind owes its gratitude to the ‘lodestone’ meaning ‘leading stone’ which lead to the discovery of nations and the onset of modern civilizations. If it was William Gilbert, who first stated that ‘earth was a giant magnet’, then it was the turn of Faraday who correlated electricity and magnetism. Magnetic materials find innumerable applications in the form of inductors, read and write heads, motors, storage devices, magnetic resonance imaging and fusion reactors. Now the industry of magnetic materials has almost surpassed the semiconductor industry and this speaks volumes about its importance. Extensive research is being carried out by scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and invent new devices. Though magnetism can be categorized based on the response of an applied magnetic field in to diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic; it is ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials which have potential applications. The present thesis focusses on these materials, their composite structures and different ways and means to modify their properties for useful applications.