935 resultados para diluizione,olio,CFD,MCI


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In the casting of reactive metals, such as titanium alloys, contamination can be prevented if there is no contact between the hot liquid metal and solid crucible. This can be achieved by containing the liquid metal by means of high frequency AC magnetic field. A water cooled current-carrying coil, surrounding the metal can then provide the required Lorentz forces, and at the same time the current induced in the metal can provide the heating required to melt it. This ‘attractive’ processing solution has however many problems, the most serious being that of the control and containment of the liquid metal envelope, which requires a balance of the gravity and induced inertia forces on the one side, and the containing Lorentz and surface tension forces on the other. To model this process requires a fully coupled dyna ic solution of the flow fields, magnetic field and heat transfer/melding process to account for. A simplified solution has been published previously providing quasi-static solutions only, by taking the irrotational ‘magnetic pressure’ term of the Lorentz force into account. The authors remedy this deficiency by modelling the full problem using CFD techniques. The salient features of these techniques are included in this paper, as space allows.


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General-purpose parallel processing for solving day-to-day industrial problems has been slow to develop, partly because of the lack of suitable hardware from well-established, mainstream computer manufacturers and suitably parallelized application software. The parallelization of a CFD-(computational fluid dynamics) flow solution code is known as ESAUNA. This code is part of SAUNA, a large CFD suite aimed at computing the flow around very complex aircraft configurations including complete aircraft. A novel feature of the SAUNA suite is that it is designed to use either block-structured hexahedral grids, unstructured tetrahedral grids, or a hybrid combination of both grid types. ESAUNA is designed to solve the Euler equations or the Navier-Stokes equations, the latter in conjunction with various turbulence models. Two fundamental parallelization concepts are used—namely, grid partitioning and encapsulation of communications. Grid partitioning is applied to both block-structured grid modules and unstructured grid modules. ESAUNA can also be coupled with other simulation codes for multidisciplinary computations such as flow simulations around an aircraft coupled with flutter prediction for transient flight simulations.


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The present document deals with the optimization of shape of aerodynamic profiles -- The objective is to reduce the drag coefficient on a given profile without penalising the lift coefficient -- A set of control points defining the geometry are passed and parameterized as a B-Spline curve -- These points are modified automatically by means of CFD analysis -- A given shape is defined by an user and a valid volumetric CFD domain is constructed from this planar data and a set of user-defined parameters -- The construction process involves the usage of 2D and 3D meshing algorithms that were coupled into own- code -- The volume of air surrounding the airfoil and mesh quality are also parametrically defined -- Some standard NACA profiles were used by obtaining first its control points in order to test the algorithm -- Navier-Stokes equations were solved for turbulent, steady-state ow of compressible uids using the k-epsilon model and SIMPLE algorithm -- In order to obtain data for the optimization process an utility to extract drag and lift data from the CFD simulation was added -- After a simulation is run drag and lift data are passed to the optimization process -- A gradient-based method using the steepest descent was implemented in order to define the magnitude and direction of the displacement of each control point -- The control points and other parameters defined as the design variables are iteratively modified in order to achieve an optimum -- Preliminary results on conceptual examples show a decrease in drag and a change in geometry that obeys to aerodynamic behavior principles


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As advances in numerical modelling techniques support the increased confidence in predictions from computer simulations, the need remains to have experimental verification built into the design process. This paper outlines the experimental investigation carried out on a shielded vertical axis turbine in a marine environment. The experiments consist of performance measurements and the use of particle image velocimetry on a small scale device in a marine current flume. The results demonstrate that the performance of the device can be modelled numerically; in particular, the results show that the numerical model used can correctly predict the increase in performance with Reynolds number.


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Abstract not available


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Análisis mediante CFD y validación experimental de un sistema de carga para un motor Stirling. Validado y analizado experimentalmente en un motor de 5 pistones de doble acción.


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This study presents the procedure followed to make a prediction of the critical flutter speed for a composite UAV wing. At the beginning of the study, there was no information available on the materials used for the construction of the wing, and the wing internal structure was unknown. Ground vibration tests were performed in order to detect the structure’s natural frequencies and mode shapes. From tests, it was found that the wing possesses a high stiffness, presenting well separated first bending and torsional natural frequencies. Two finite element models were developed and matched to experimental results. It has been necessary to introduce some assumptions, due to the uncertainties regarding the structure. The matching process was based on natural frequencies’ sensitivity with respect to a change in the mechanical properties of the materials. Once experimental results were met, average material properties were also found. Aerodynamic coefficients for the wing were obtained by means of a CFD software. The same analysis was also conducted when the wing is deformed in its first four mode shapes. A first approximation for flutter critical speed was made with the classical V - g technique. Finally, wing’s aeroelastic behavior was simulated using a coupled CFD/CSD method, obtaining a more accurate flutter prediction. The CSD solver is based on the time integration of modal dynamic equations, requiring the extraction of mode shapes from the previously performed finite-element analysis. Results show that flutter onset is not a risk for the UAV, occurring at velocities well beyond its operative range.


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Dissertation, 2016


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In the chemical composition of olive oil (Olea europaea L.) it is emphasized the massive presence of oleic acid (over 70%), monounsaturated fatty acid part of the family of omega 9, a 7-8% linoleic acid (omega 6) and a small presence (0.5-1%) of linolenic acid (omega 3). For its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil is the most stable and therefore the most suitable for heating, compared to oils with a dominance of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Interest in vitamin E has increased in recent years, thanks to its high antioxidant power and its role against related diseases with age-related, visual, dermatological, cardiovascular disorders Alzheimer’s disease and more. Vegetable oils are a major source of vitamin E through diet (Sayago et al., 2007), especially with the variety of olives “Hojiblanca”. Thanks to unsaturated fatty acids cell oxidation can be prevented: this helps prevent many illness, and even premature aging. So far, the advantages acknowledged to olive oil are those of lowering cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Among the most recent researches it is important to distinguish the studies carried out on their contribution to the prevention and treatment of breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers found that in addition to the benefi ts that give monounsaturated fats, in extra virgin olive oil, there is a substance called “oleocanthal”, which helps protect nerve cells damaged in Alzheimer’s disease. The importance of this discovery is enormous when one considers that only Alzheimer’s disease affects 30 million people around the world, with a different distribution depending on the type of oil in the diet (Olguín Cordero, 2012). The latest research endorses that oleocanthal works by destroying cancer cells without affecting the healthy ones, as it is stated in the Molecular and Cellular Oncology Journal. Studies carried out in different Spanish universities have concluded that thanks to the antioxidant power of olive oil, a disease such as Alzheimer can be prevented. In conclusion, we can say that the Mediterranean diet rich in extra virgin olive oil greatly infl uences on human health, reducing, delaying or even eliminating several diseases.


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Negli ultimi anni il panorama evolutivo delle normative omologative ha dettato una severa evoluzione dei limiti sulla concentrazione degli inquinanti gassosi allo scarico, inclusa la CO2 per ragioni legate all'effetto serra ed al contenimento dei consumi di fonti energetiche non rinnovabili. L'obiettivo di sviluppo dei nuovi motori a combustione interna è principalmente rivolto all'incremento dell'efficienza di conversione limitato da fenomeni di combustione anomala quali la detonazione. Per superare tale limite è necessario individuare nuove soluzioni che riducano il rischio di detonazione all'aumentare della potenza specifica del motore tra cui trova interesse l'iniezione d'acqua in fase liquida perché l'elevato calore latente di vaporizzazione può fornire il raffreddamento della miscela desiderato. Il progetto sviluppato in questa tesi consiste nella valutazione degli effetti dell'iniezione d'acqua in un motore ad accensione comandata ad alta potenza specifica al fine di analizzarne gli effetti termo-fluidodinamici e valutarne i possibili benefici e svantaggi. La metodica di ricerca è stata di tipo numerico tramite l'adozione della simulazione CFD tridimensionale. Dopo una valutazione preliminare dei tempi caratteristici evaporativi e del rischio di saturazione, lo sviluppo di questa tesi si è articolato in un confronto tra le due soluzioni tecnologiche disponibili, iniezione d'acqua diretta e indiretta, analizzando l'influenza dell'iniezione d'acqua sulle grandezze motoristiche di maggiore interesse, quali titolo della miscela, intensità di turbolenza e temperatura, la cui ottimizzazione e il cui controllo sono fondamentali per il raggiungimento della massima efficienza di un motore ad accensione comandata e per superare il limite della detonazione.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato sperimentare componenti prototipali su un motore V6 Diesel all’interno di un banco dinamico con il fine di valutarne la riduzione di CO2 in cicli di omologazione NEDC e WLTC. In particolare si sono studiati un nuovo EGR HP Mixer e un Oil Cooler dotato di Bypass: il primo componente per migliorare l’EGR distribution da cilindro a cilindro, mentre il secondo componente per ottenere un’ottimizzazione energetica della pompa dell’olio sfruttando il nuovo bypass del cooler. L’Oil Cooler è dotato di due cartucce intercambiabili che cambiano le fasi di bypass a seconda della temperatura dell’olio: la prima cartuccia, a 2 stadi, parte dalla condizione di bypass e chiude a una certa temperatura per proteggere il motore; la seconda, a 3 stadi, sfrutta il bypass solo in un range di temperatura ottimizzato con il calcolo CFD. La riduzione di consumi di gasolio è stata valutata confrontando i diversi consumi a pari emissioni di NOx; in questo modo si è registrata una riduzione di consumi con l’EGR HP Mixer dell’1.7% nel ciclo NEDC e dello 0.5% nel ciclo WLTC. Con lo stesso metodo si è registrato che l’Oil Cooler Bypass determina nel ciclo NEDC una riduzione dello 0.6 % con la valvola a 3 Stadi e una riduzione dello 0.37 % con la valvola a 2 Stadi. Nel ciclo WLTC si è invece ottenuta una riduzione dello 0.1 % con la valvola a 3 Stadi e un aumento dello 0.33 % con la valvola a 2 Stadi. Di ogni componente è stato fatto uno studio stazionario per indagarne a fondo i comportamenti.


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L'obiettivo del lavoro di tesi ha riguardato il confronto tra due soluzioni impiantistiche per la deodorazione di olio di semi di girasole e mais in uno specifico ambito aziendale (Tampieri S.P.A. Faenza). La nuova linea di deodorazione è stato progettata per abbattere il residuo di pesticida e di molecole tossiche quali 2/3 – MCPD e Ges, migliorando anche alcuni parametri di qualità degli oli di semi raffinati. Le prestazioni dell'impianto sono state valutate confrontando le differenze tra alcuni parametri di prodotto, con particolare riguardo ai glicerol esteri (GEs). Il nuovo deodoratore: - ha risolto il problema dei pesticidi (grazie al vuoto più spinto) e migliorato molti parametri di qualità degli oli di semi; - non ha abbassato la carica dei 2/3 MCPD, poiché l’aumento di questi ultimi è legato al livello di degradazione della materia prima da una parte, dall’acidità delle terre decoloranti dall’altra; – ha abbassato la carica dei GE, grazie al minor tempo di stazionamento dell’olio in colonna ed alla maggiore efficienza, dovuta in gran parte alla camera di post stripping. Si è passati da 880 ppb a 290 ppb per il mais (che comunque presenta un valore più alto perché maggiori sono i suoi valori iniziali di DAG) e da 120 ppb a <100 per il girasole.