900 resultados para design research


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A methodology to estimate the cost implications of design decisions by integrating cost as a design parameter at an early design stage is presented. The model is developed on a hierarchical basis, the manufacturing cost of aircraft fuselage panels being analysed in this paper. The manufacturing cost modelling is original and relies on a genetic-causal method where the drivers of each element of cost are identified relative to the process capability. The cost model is then extended to life cycle costing by computing the Direct Operating Cost as a function of acquisition cost and fuel burn, and coupled with a semi-empirical numerical analysis using Engineering Sciences Data Unit reference data to model the structural integrity of the fuselage shell with regard to material failure and various modes of buckling. The main finding of the paper is that the traditional minimum weight condition is a dated and sub-optimal approach to airframe structural design.


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Partindo da ideia de ʻDesign Globalʼ e tendo como pano de fundo a emergência e consolidação de novos paradigmas de interação baseados numa relação mais direta entre o corpo e os conteúdos digitais, a presente tese aborda a questão da (re)qualificação da experiência humana tecnologicamente mediada do ponto de vista do Design, designadamente do Design de Interação e do Design da Experiência. Neste contexto, a noção de ʻexperiência tecnologicamente (i)mediadaʼ representa uma ação humana que é, simultaneamente, mediada (do ponto de vista técnico) e direta ou imediada (do ponto de vista da percepção) entre o ser e a sua ação no mundo. Dado o objecto de estudo ser a experiência real que os objetos e dispositivos técnicos convocam designadamente na vida quotidiana, o nosso estudo implica toda a dinâmica holística da relação singular – racional, emocional, estética e projetiva – do ser com o seu mundo. Desse modo, defende-se a necessidade de enquadrar a raiz do pensamento e ação em Design numa hermenêutica fenomenológica e ontológica do projeto. Esta tese visa desta forma contribuir para apuramento e consolidação de uma praxis transdisciplinar para os designers e restantes intervenientes do processo do Design, cujo desígnio é a (re)qualificação da experiência que os artefactos e dispositivos técnicos convocam, assim como na apropriação e vínculo que a pessoa estabelece com estes. O resultado deste estudo sintetiza-se nos seguintes objetivos: 1. no desenvolvimento de conceitos operativos que estruturem o pensamento de uma Filosofia da Ação em Design com base numa prática que designamos por “design centrado-no-ser”; 2. na reflexão da experiência tecnológica através do conceito do estado de fluxo de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, enquadrando essa tipologia de experiências no contexto de uma vida, ou seja, no projeto de um eu; 3. na problematização da (re)qualificação da experiência técnica numa perspetiva de vida mais alargada que envolve o princípio de simetria entre ação ética e ação estética no pensamento e prática em Design; 4. na definição de um quadro de ações que manifesta a aplicabilidade dos conceitos desenvolvidos no ensino, investigação e prática do Design.


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The paper centres on a single document, the 1968 doctoral thesis of L Bruce Archer. It traces the author’s earlier publications and the sources that informed and inspired his thinking, as a way of understanding the trajectory of his ideas and the motivations for his work at the Royal College of Art from 1962. Analysis of the thesis suggests that Archer’s ambition for a rigorous ‘science of design’ inspired by algorithmic approaches was increasingly threatened with disruption by his experience of large, complex design projects. His attempts to deal with this problem are shown to involve a particular interpretation of cybernetics. The paper ends with Archer’s own retrospective view and a brief account of his dramatically changed opinions. Archer is located as both a theorist and someone intensely interested in the commercial world of industrial design.


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The quantitative component of this study examined the effect of computerassisted instruction (CAI) on science problem-solving performance, as well as the significance of logical reasoning ability to this relationship. I had the dual role of researcher and teacher, as I conducted the study with 84 grade seven students to whom I simultaneously taught science on a rotary-basis. A two-treatment research design using this sample of convenience allowed for a comparison between the problem-solving performance of a CAI treatment group (n = 46) versus a laboratory-based control group (n = 38). Science problem-solving performance was measured by a pretest and posttest that I developed for this study. The validity of these tests was addressed through critical discussions with faculty members, colleagues, as well as through feedback gained in a pilot study. High reliability was revealed between the pretest and the posttest; in this way, students who tended to score high on the pretest also tended to score high on the posttest. Interrater reliability was found to be high for 30 randomly-selected test responses which were scored independently by two raters (i.e., myself and my faculty advisor). Results indicated that the form of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) used in this study did not significantly improve students' problem-solving performance. Logical reasoning ability was measured by an abbreviated version of the Group Assessment of Lx)gical Thinking (GALT). Logical reasoning ability was found to be correlated to problem-solving performance in that, students with high logical reasoning ability tended to do better on the problem-solving tests and vice versa. However, no significant difference was observed in problem-solving improvement, in the laboratory-based instruction group versus the CAI group, for students varying in level of logical reasoning ability.Insignificant trends were noted in results obtained from students of high logical reasoning ability, but require further study. It was acknowledged that conclusions drawn from the quantitative component of this study were limited, as further modifications of the tests were recommended, as well as the use of a larger sample size. The purpose of the qualitative component of the study was to provide a detailed description ofmy thesis research process as a Brock University Master of Education student. My research journal notes served as the data base for open coding analysis. This analysis revealed six main themes which best described my research experience: research interests, practical considerations, research design, research analysis, development of the problem-solving tests, and scoring scheme development. These important areas ofmy thesis research experience were recounted in the form of a personal narrative. It was noted that the research process was a form of problem solving in itself, as I made use of several problem-solving strategies to achieve desired thesis outcomes.


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Résumé Cette recherche a débuté avec l’idée que l’Internet est en train de changer la manière dont nous créons des connaissances et du contenu culturel. Notre point de départ était d’utiliser l’Internet afin de rassembler et amplifier plusieurs points de vue dans un processus de design. Une approche complexe a exposé l’Internet comme un système et conséquemment comme une plateforme pour l’innovation. La structure ouverte de l’Internet a soutenu le mouvement participatif des usagers qui ont choisi de partager leurs besoins, leurs désirs et leurs solutions. Notre recherche a pour but d’étudier ce contenu généré par les usagers en ligne et comprendre sa valeur pour les designers. Les usagers créatifs veulent s’exprimer et participer activement dans le processus de design. Notre recherche tente de démontrer que les designers ont beaucoup à apprendre du contenu généré par les usagers car ceux-ci soumettent des éléments qui ont attrait à toutes les étapes du processus de design et révèlent des relations présentes dans la situation de design à l’étude. Pour en apprendre plus sur ce contenu nous nous demandons : Quel type d’information offre le contenu généré par les usagers pour la phase de recherche dans le processus de design. Afin de centrer la portée de l’étude, nous nous sommes aussi questionné si cette information est plus pertinente au design de produits, au design de services ou au design de système de produits et de services. Aspirant aux idéaux du design participatif, notre méthodologie fut développée afin d’apprendre comment le contenu généré par les usagers pourrait influencer le processus de design. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi de chercher sur l’Internet pour du contenu qui concerne la mobilité via l’usage d’une automobile. Les trois différents types de média considérés étaient les vidéos sur YouTube, les images sur Flickr et les textes sur Blogger. Afin de répondre à notre première question de recherche, nous nous sommes penchés sur deux éléments lorsque l’on recherche pour le design : les espaces de design et les relations de design. Premièrement, nous avons catégorisé le contenu récolté selon l’espace problème, créatif et solution. Deuxièmement, nous avons catégorisé le contenu dépendant de laquelle des relations de design elle démontrait soit une combinaison d’usagers, objets et contextes. Dans le but de répondre à la deuxième question de cette recherche, nous avons examiné trois types V de produits de design : les automobiles privées comme produit, le partage de voiture comme système de produit et de service, et le taxi comme service. Chaque élément pertinent généré par les usagés trouvé dans cette recherche fut catégorisé jusqu’à ce que l’on récolte 50 échantillons pour chaque combinaison de ces variables. Nous en sommes arrivés avec une matrice de 50 éléments de chaque produit de design, pour chacun des médias, puis catégorisé selon les espaces de design et les relations dans le design. Cette recherche démontre que l’Internet, comme médium, produit les conditions avantageuses pour que les usagers partagent de grandes quantités de contenu original et diversifié qui est pertinent aux situations de design. À partir de nos données de recherche, nous avons identifié des tendances dans le contenu généré par les usagers. Notamment, nous sommes en mesure d’affirmer que le contenu généré par les usagers offre de l’information pertinente à la recherche pour le design, et ce dans tous les espaces de design et toutes les relations de design. Il en fut de même pour les différentes issues du design car du contenu sur les produits, les systèmes de produits et de services et les services était présent et pertinent. Bref, nous avons démontré que l’Internet supporte la créativité et conséquemment il y abonde de contenu créatif produit par les usagers. Suivant dans les traces dessinées par d’autres chercheurs en design participatif, cette étude devrait être considérée comme un nouvel exemple des moyens qu’ont les designers pour percevoir les besoins tacites des usagers en leur permettant d’exprimer leurs idées. Alors que ceux-ci créent librement et intuitivement ainsi exposant leurs besoins, solutions et idées, les designers peuvent porter un regard de tierce partie sur les résultats. Jumelant des techniques comme le crowdsourcing et le brainstorming, nous avons créé une nouvelle activité et le néologisme : brainsourcing. En demeurant dans une forme de pratique réflexive, les designers peuvent réfléchir et ajouter au contenu généré par les usagers qui lui n’est pas biaisé par une éducation ou une culture du design. Ce processus est similaire au design participatif professionnel où le brainsourcing est une activité parallèle lorsque le designer fait des recherches pour le design. C’est cette perspective sur la somme des idées des participants qui peut contribuer à comprendre la complexité de la situation de design. VI Cette recherche a aussi soulevé des questions par rapport à l’effet de démocratisation de l’Internet. Bien que les usagers n’ont pas l’éducation, ni les habiletés des designers, ils aspirent à démocratiser le processus du design en voulant participer activement et en exposant leurs besoins, idées et solutions. Nous avons pu déterminer que les usagers n’étaient pas qualifiés pour entreprendre le processus complet du design comme les designers professionnels, mais nous avons observé directement la capacité des usagers à mettre de l’avant leur créativité. À propos de la relation entre les usagers créatifs et les designers, nous avons étudié des langages communs tels les scénarios et les prototypes. Tous deux sont présents dans le contenu généré par les usagers que nous avons récolté dans nos recherches sur Internet. Ceci nous a mené vers une nouvelle perspective sur l’activité du design où des opportunités créatives ressortent d’une conversation avec les usagers. Cette recherche a dévoilé de grandes tendances dans la manière dont les usagers communiquent naturellement dans un processus de design. Nous espérons avoir offert un aperçu de comment les designers peuvent prendre avantage de tous les types de contenu généré par les usagers en ligne. Dans le futur, nous souhaitons que les designers aient la possibilité d’interagir avec les participants en prenant le rôle de facilitateur de la conversation. La responsabilité du résultat ne tombe pas sur les épaules du designer car son mandat est d’assurer le bon fonctionnement du processus. Les designers rejoignent les usagers en ne demandant plus comment les choses peuvent être créées, mais pourquoi elles devraient exister. En tant que designers, nous aspirons à générer plus à partir de nouvelles connaissances, nous aspirons à créer plus de sens. Mots clés: Recherche en design, complexité, design participatif, contenu généré par les usagers, démocratisation, Internet, créativité, crowdsourcing, brainstorming, brainsourcing, réflexion-en-action.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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A presentation for 2 Units in SOES 6018 and SOES 6060, on how to write a successful research proposal. This module aims to ensure that MSc Oceanography, MSc Marine Science, Policy & Law and MSc Marine Resource Management students are equipped with the skills they need to function as professional marine scientists, in addition to / in conjuction with the skills training in other MSc modules. The module covers training in fieldwork techniques, communication & research skills, IT & data analysis and professional development.


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Since 1997, EQUAL has supported over forty ageing and disability-related research projects, many of which demonstrating an inclusive design dimension. Some of these projects have had a significant influence on policy and practice. However, less progress has been made in promoting ageing-related research in scientific areas. Building on the experience gained in developing the inclusive design research community, SPARC was created with the aim to provide opportunities for introducing newcomers across a wide range of engineering and biological fields to ageing and disability-related research. Through an awards scheme, SPARC provides financial support, mentoring, editorial assistance and a platform for dissemination and access to international activities. In addition, SPARC organises national and international workshops that showcase the latest research and educates individuals, society and government about the value of ageing and disability-related research.


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This is a study of graphic information designed for Future Books/Future magazine (UK) and Fortune magazine (USA) in the years immediately after the Second World War. It highlights work made by the Isotype Institute for Future, which is then situated against contributions by Abram Games and F. H. K. Henrion. Similar work in Fortune under the art editorship of Will Burtin is discussed in a parallel account, drawing on examples by him and by others including György Kepes, Matthew Liebowitz, Alex Steinweiss and Ladislav Sutnar. Attention is drawn to links and relationships between to the two periodicals and the graphic information published in both. Further comparisons are made between underlying editorial and design strategies pursued by Otto Neurath (Isotype Institute) and Will Burtin. An argument is made for recognising the little-known innovations of Future alongside the long-acknowledged innovations of Fortune.


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With respect to design, scientific production in the area helps consolidate it as a scientific field can contribute to the development of society through the promotion of the construction of critical knowledge of researchers. Scientific conferences and journals, periodicals and books consist of some of the effective actions for the exchange of knowledge. Through these channels the results of research are disseminated, shared and put into discussion, collaborating with the learning process and cooperation among sectors. Thus, this paper reflects on the evolution of scientific research in the area and attempts to give an overview of current research of Design in Brazil and its correlation with the Graduate Program in Design.


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Online education is a new teaching and learning medium with few current guidelines for faculty, administrators or students. Its rapid growth over the last decade has challenged academic institutions to keep up with the demand, while also providing a quality education. Our understanding of the factors that determine quality and effective online learning experiences that lead to student learning outcomes is still evolving. There is a lack of consensus on the effectiveness of online versus face-to-face education in the current research. The U.S. Department of Education conducted a meta-analysis in 2009 and concluded that student-learning outcomes in online courses were equal to and, often times, better than face-to-face traditional courses. Subsequent research has found contradictory findings, and further inquiry is necessary. The purpose of this embedded mixed methods design research study is to further our understanding of the factors that create quality and successful educational outcomes in an online course. To achieve this, the first phase of this study measured and compared learning outcomes in an online and in class graduate-level legal administration course. The second phase of the study entailed interviews with those students in both the online and face-to-face sections to understand their perspectives on the factors contributing to learning outcomes. Six themes emerged from the qualitative findings: convenience, higher order thinking, discussions, professor engagement, professor and student interaction, and face-to-face interaction. Findings from this study indicate the factors students perceive as contributing to learning outcomes in an online course are consistent among all students and are supported in the existing literature. Higher order thinking, however, emerged as a stronger theme than indicated in the current research, and the face-to-face nature of the traditional classroom may be more an issue of familiarity than a factor contributing to learning outcomes. As education continues to reach new heights and developments in technology advance, the factors found to contribute to student learning outcomes will be refined and enhanced. These developments will continue to transform the ways in which we deliver and receive knowledge in both traditional and online classrooms. While there is a growing body of research on online education, the field’s evolution has unsettled earlier findings and posed new areas to investigate.


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This paper draws mainly on the work of Elizabeth Sanders who has being practising, thinking and mapping participatory design research for over 25 years, connecting it to insights from Maturana (1984), Capra (2002), Jovchelovitch (1995, 2000, 2007) and Preece (2011), to propose that the process of design per se is a relational domain of cocreativity that is essential to construct a way toward deeper sustainability.