273 resultados para denitrification


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar a performance de um sistema de tratamento baseado no processo de Contactores Biológicos Rotatórios (CBR), com a opção de prétratamento por Reator Acidogênico (RA), para o tratamento do efluente de um curtume que realiza as operações de recurtimento e acabamento. Os estudos experimentais foram desenvolvidos em escala de bancada, onde foram testadas duas configurações para a estação de tratamento. Na Configuração I o Reator Acidogênico precede o sistema de CBR, na Configuração II apenas um decantador precede os CBR. Para cada configuração foram testados três Tempos de Detenção Hidráulica (TDH) de 90, 45 e 22 horas no sistema de CBR correspondentes as Etapas 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente. Deste modo foi possível avaliar a influência do RA no desempenho dos CBR, sendo que o RA teria a função de promover a hidrólise e solubilização da matéria orgânica dificilmente degradável, facilitando a ação dos microrganismos aeróbios nos CBR. Foi avaliada a remoção de matéria orgânica nas três etapas das duas configurações estudadas, tendo como resultados eficiências (remoção de DQOt) de 60%, 61% e 63% para as etapas 1,2 e 3 respectivamente da Configuração I e 81%, 83% e 66% para as etapa 1, 2 e 3 da Configuração II. Também foram avaliadas as remoções de cromo além da nitrificação e denitrificação no sistema de tratamento. A comparação entre as duas Configurações estudadas ficou prejudicada devido a mudanças nas características do efluente do curtume que na Configuração II apresentou uma maior degradabilidade (maior relação DBO/DQO) que na Configuração I. Mesmo assim, foi obtida uma correlação entre os dados de carga de DQOsol aplicada e removida indicando que o Reator Acidogênico promoveu uma otimização no sistema de CBR. Assim foi possível avaliar as características operacionais e a proposição de modelo matemático referente ao desempenho de CBR tratando um efluente real de lenta degradação.


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The city of Natal comprises an area of about 170 km² (65,63 squares miles). The Dunas-Barreiras Aquifer is the most important reservoir of the coastal basin of RN. It is being responsible for the water supplying of about 70% of the population, however, due to the sewage disposal system by cesspools and drains, it is presently affected in a great extent by nitrates contamination. Thus, the present work proposes to research the utilization of contaminated water by nitrates of this fountainhead and find cost of the potable water through the ionic exchange technology. This technology consists in the removal of mineral salts by the exchange of cations for one ion of hydrogen (H+), through the passage of water by cationic resin bed and, secondly, by the exchange of the anions for hydroxyl ions (OH-) through a anionic resin bed. The obtained results have showed the waters derived from fountains, big water holes and shallow wells were microbiologically contaminated, while the waters derived from deep wells (above 70 m 76,58 yards) were free of contamination. Thus, only these ones are suitable to the use of ionic technology. The experiments were conducted with the resin IMAC-HP-555 such as kinetic, thermodynamic, and adsorption by fixed bed studies, being obtained several project variables for the experimental column, as follow: work temperature of 25oC; resin maximum capacity maximum e mean of adsorption ==0,01692 g NO3-1/g R e 0,0110 g NO3-1/g R, respectively. On the experimental column were performed breakthrough tests which pointed for an average ideal average speed of work of 13.2 m / h, with an average efficiency of 45% of adsorption, an optimal concentration of NaCl desorption of 8%, and an ideal desorption time of 80 minutes for the equilibrium conditions of water from the Dunas-Barreiras aquifer. Scale projection for ion-exchange column for denitrification, for these variables, using a computer modeling programme, to project the column of ion exchange ROREX-420/2000, obtained a cost for the drinking water denitrified by this system of R$ 0,16 / m3


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Although the good performance in organic matter and suspended solids removal, the anaerobic reactors are unable to remove ammonia nitrogen from sewage, which makes indispensable to include a step of post-treatment for removal of ammonia or nitrate as necessary. This paper presents the performance of a new variant technology, where the nitrification unit, preceded by anaerobic units, is a submerged aerated biological filter, without continuous sludge discharge in their daily operation. The oxygenation system is very simple and inexpensive, consisting of perforated hoses and compressors. The anaerobic reactors are a septic tank with two chambers followed (8.82 m³) and two parallel anaerobic filters (36 m³ each) filled with ceramic bricks and conics plastic parts. Both followed aerated filters were filled with cut corrugated conduit. The study evaluated the behavior of the system with constant domestic sewage flow (10 m³/d) and different aeration conditions, are these: stage 01, when applied air flow of 0.01 m³ air/min in both aerated filter; stage 02, remained in the initial air flow rate in the second aerated filter and increased at the first to 0.05 m³ air/min; at last, at last, in stage 03, the air flow rate of first aerated filter was 0.10 m³ air/min and on the second remained at 0.01 m³ air/min. The filter FA1 received load of 0.41 kg COD/m³.d, 0.37 kg COD/m³.d and 0.26 kg COD/m³.d on phases 01, 02 and 03, respectively. The FA2 received loads of 0.25 kg COD/m³.d, 0.18 kg COD/m³.d and 0.14 kg COD/m³.d on phases 01, 02 and 03, respectively. During stage 01, were found the following results: 98% removals of BODtotal and 92% of CODtotal, with effluent presenting 9 mg/L of BODtotal final average and 53 mg/L of CODtotal average; suspended solids removals of 93%, with a mean concentration of 10 mg/L in the final effluent; 47% reduction of ammonia of FA2 to FAN 's, presenting average of 28 mg NNH3/ L of ammonia in the effluent with; the dissolved oxygen levels always remained around 2.0 mg/L. During stage 02, were found removals of 97% and 95% to BODtotal and suspended solids, respectively, with average final concentrations of 8 and 7 mg/L, respectively; was removed 60% of ammonia, whose final concentration was 16.3 mg NNH3/ L, and nitrate was increased to a final average concentration of 16.55 mg N-NO3/L. Finally, the stage 03 provided 6 mg/L of DBOtotal (98% removal) and 23 mg/L of CODtotal (95% removal) of final effluent concentrations average. At this stage was identified the higher ammonia oxidation (86%), with final effluent showing average concentration of 6.1 mg N-NH3/L, reaching a minimum of 1.70 mg N-NH3/L. In some moments, during stage 03, there was a moderate denitrification process in the last aerated filter. The average turbidity in the effluent showed around 1.5 NTU, proving the good biomass physical stability. Therefore, the results demonstrate the submerged biological filters potential, filled with high void ratio material (98%), and aerated with hoses and compressor adoption, in the carbonaceous and nitrogenous matter oxidation, also generating an effluent with low concentration of solids


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The groundwater quality has been compromised as a result of the intensification of human activities over the years. Groundwater contamination by nitrate is one of the effects of this degradation, a socio-environmental problem that affects many regions of the world and particular the city of Natal (RN). Developing techniques for nitrate removal in water is intended to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound, and those that involve biological processes have produced economic and environmental advantages. This study proposes a technology for biological removal of nitrate in water supply for humans, using the endocarp s coconut as a carbon source and bacteria support. The experiments were performed in pilot scale anoxic, testing different areas of the substrate surface. Results showed high rates nitrate removal during the monitoring period, noting the occurrence of denitrification after the beginning of system operation. The best performance was achieved in the treatment system containing substrate surface area increased, indicating that the decrease in the endocarp size contributed to increased bacterial activity, improving the ability to remove nitrate. About the quality analyzed aspects of water, it was found that the proposed technology has the potential water use for human consumption


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The improper disposal of nitrogen in receiving water courses causes problems such as toxicity to living beings through the consumption of oxygen to meet the nitrogen demand, eutrophication and nitrate contamination of aquifers. For this reason it is often necessary to be carried out complementary treatment of wastewater to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound in the wastewater. The objective of this study is to evaluate the biological removal of nitrogen compounds using submerged aerated and anoxic filters as post-treatment of an anaerobic system, with low cost and innovative technology, which in previous studies has shown high removal efficiency of organic matter and great potential biological nitrogen compounds removal. The simple design with perforated hoses for air distribution and filling with plastic parts proved to be very efficient in relation to organic matter removal and nitrification. The system presented, in the best stage, efficiency in converting ammonia to nitrate by 71%, and produced a final effluent concentration below 10 mg / L of NH3-N. In addition, carbon concentration was removed by 77%, producing final effluent with 24 mg/L COD. However, denitrification in anoxic filter was not effective even with the addition of an external carbon source. There was a reduction of up to 56% of nitrogen caused by the process of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND). The high voids space presented by this type of support material coupled with direct aeration of the sludge, allows the respiration of biomass retained between the endogenous phase, increased cell retention time and sludge retention capacity, producing a final effluent with turbidity less than 5 UT and total suspended solids around 5.0 mg/L


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a desnitrificação de efluente de abatedouro de tilápia, em reator em batelada. Para isto, foi avaliado o efluente gerado por uma indústria processadora de mandioca (manipueira) como fonte de carbono. Também foram avaliadas as condições de agitação do sistema. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em escala de laboratório, em que foram testados cinco níveis de agitação (20; 32; 60; 88 e 100 rpm) e cinco níveis de relação DQO/N (0,1; 1,0; 3,2; 5,4 e 6,3), configurando-se um planejamento do tipo Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR), com quatro ensaios nos níveis +1 e - 1; quatro ensaios nos níveis dos pontos axiais (-1,414 e +1,414) e mais uma triplicata no ponto central (0), totalizando 11 ensaios. Avaliaram-se o desempenho da desnitrificação através da remoção de nitrato (%) e a remoção de nitrito (%). Durante o processo, também foram monitorados temperatura (ºC), pH e alcalinidade (mgCaCO3.L-1). Os resultados mostraram que a relação DQO/N teve influência significativa, com intervalo de confiança de 95%, sobre o processo de remoção de nitrato e nitrito, com faixa ótima de operação entre 3,2 e 5,4, cujas eficiências de remoção de nitrogênio foram de 100%.


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de um sistema combinado anaeróbio-aeróbio para o tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura, com concentrações médias de sólidos suspensos totais (SST) de 18.624 e 11.395 mg L-1. Foram utilizados quatro reatores anaeróbios horizontais com volume total de 49,5 L cada, um com manta de lodo (RAHML) e três de leito fixo (RAHLF), instalados em série e seguidos de um reator aeróbio operado em batelada sequencial (RBS) com volume total de 339 L e com alimentação contínua. Nos RAHLF, foram utilizados como meios suporte de anéis de bambu, anéis plásticos de eletroduto corrugado e anéis de bucha (Luffa cillyndrica), respectivamente. Os tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) e as cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV) aplicadas no RAHML foram de 12 e 10 h e 53 e 61 g DQO (L d)-1, respectivamente. O RBS foi operado com ciclo de 24 h e COV de 0,34 e 0,50 g DQO (L d)-1. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal e SST para o conjunto de reatores anaeróbios horizontais, em série, foram de 96 e 99%, e de 96 e 95%, respectivamente. As maiores produções volumétricas de metano ocorreram nos RAHLF, com valores médios de até 0,744 m³ CH4 (m³ reator d)-1. A inclusão do RBS permitiu melhorar a qualidade do efluente e a estabilidade do sistema de tratamento, atingindo eficiências de remoção de DQOtotal e SST de 99 e 99%, e de 98 e 99%, respectivamente. No RBS, ocorreu nitrificação e desnitrificação, com remoções de N-amoniacal de até 65%.


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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is involved in both ozone destruction and global warming. In agricultural soils it is produced by nitrification and denitrification mainly after fertilization. Nitrification inhibitors have been proposed as one of the management tools for the reduction of the potential hazards of fertilizer-derived N2O. Addition of nitrification inhibitors to fertilizers maintains soil N in ammonium form, thereby gaseous N losses by nitrification and denitrification are less likely to occur and there is increased N utilization by the sward. We present a study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) and of the slurry additive Actilith F2 on N2O emissions following application of calcium ammonium nitrate or cattle slurry to a mixed clover/ryegrass sward in the Basque Country. The results indicate that large differences in N2O emission occur depending on fertilizer type and the presence or absence of a nitrification inhibitor. There is considerable scope for immediate reduction of emissions by applying DCD with calcium ammonium nitrate or cattle slurry. DCD, applied at 25 kg ha-1, reduced the amount of N lost as N2O by 60% and 42% when applied with cattle slurry and calcium ammonium nitrate, respectively. Actilith F2 did not reduce N2O emissions and it produced a long lasting mineralization of previously immobilized added N.


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In order to evaluate the bean yield under different water table levels as well as the moisture and nitrate distribution in the soil profile, a field experiment was carried out at the experimental area from the College of Agronomic Sciences - UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Beans were grown in field lysimeters and subjected to five water table depths:30; 40; 50; 60 and 70 cm. The moisture in the soil profile was gravimetrically determined through samples obtained at 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60 and 70cm of depth. The water table depths of 30cm and 40cm showed the highest productivities (3,228.4 kg.ha-1 and 3,422.1 kg.ha-1, respectively), showing no statistical differences between each other. The highest productivity was related to the two most elevated water table levels (30 and 40cm), which provided the highest moisture average values on basis of volume in the soil profile (33.3 e 31%) as well as the consumptive use of water (416 and 396 mm). The nitrate content during the bean cycle at the extraction depth of 60cm has been under the safe drinking limit of 10 mg.1-1 for water table depths of 30; 40; 50 and 60cm, showing the denitrification effectiveness as a way of controlling water table from nitrate pollution. The water table handling allowed the attainment of high bean productivity levels, as well as the reduction of the nitrate level.


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In order to evaluate the bean yield under different water table levels as well as the moisture and nitrate distribution in the soil profile, a field experiment was carried out in the experimental area of the College of Agricultural Sciences - UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Beans were grown in field lysimeters under five water table depths: 30; 40; 50; 60 and 70 cm. The moisture in the soil profile was determined gravimetrically using samples collected at 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60 and 70 cm deep. The water table depths of 30cm and 40cm showed the highest productivities (3,228.4kg.ha-1 and 3,422.1kg.ha-1, respectively), with no statistical differences between them. The highest productivity was related to the two highest water table levels (30 and 40cm), which provided the highest moisture average values on the basis of volume in the soil profile (33.3 e 31%) as well as the consumptive use of water (416 and 396mm). The nitrate content during the bean cycle at the extraction depth of 60cm was below the safe drinking limit of 10mg.1-1 for water table depths of 30; 40; 50 and 60cm, which shows the denitrification efficiency as a way of controlling nitrate pollution in water tables. The management of water table can lead to high levels of bean yield and to a better control of nitrate pollution in underground water.


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Urease inhibitor (UI) and nitrification inhibitor (NI) have the potential to improve N-use efficiency of applied urea and minimize N losses via gaseous emissions of ammonia (NH 3) to the atmosphere and nitrate (NO3-) leaching into surface and ground water bodies. There is a growing interest in the formulations of coating chemical fertilizers with both UI and NI. However, limited information is available on the combined use of UI and NI applied with urea fertilizer. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of treating urea with both UI and NI to minimize NH 3 volatilization. Two experiments were set up in volatilization chambers under controlled conditions to examine this process. In the first experiment, UR was treated with the urease inhibitor NBPT [N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric acid triamide] at a rate of 1060 mg kg -1 urea and/or with the nitrification inhibitor DCD (dicyandiamide) at rates equivalent to 5 or 10% of the urea N. A randomized experimental design with five treatments and five replicates was used: 1) UR, 2) UR + NBPT, 3) UR + DCD 10%, 4) UR + NBPT + DCD 5%, and 5) UR + NBPT + DCD 10%. The fertilizer treatments were applied to the surface of an acidic Red Latosol soil moistened to 60% of the maximum water retention and placed inside volatilization chambers. Controls chambers were added to allow for NH 3 volatilized from unfertilized soil or contained in the air that swept over the soil surface. The second experiment had an additional treatment with surface-applied DCD. The chambers were glass vessels (1.5 L) fit with air inlet and outlet tubings to allow air to pass over the soil. Ammonia volatilized was swept and carried to a flask containing a boric acid solution to trap the gas and then measured daily by titration with a standardized H 2SO 4 solution. Continuous measurements were recorded for 19 and 23 days for the first and second experiment, respectively. The soil samples were then analyzed for UR-, NH4+-, and NO3--N. Losses of NH 3 by volatilization with unamended UR ranged from 28 to 37% of the applied N, with peak of losses observed the third day after fertilization. NBPT delayed the peak of NH 3 losses due to urease inhibition and reduced NH 3 volatilization between 54 and 78% when compared with untreated UR. Up to 10 days after the fertilizer application, NH 3 losses had not been affected by DCD in the UR or the UR + NBPT treatments; thereafter, NH 3 volatilization tended to decrease, but not when DCD was present. As a consequence, the addition of DCD caused a 5-16% increase in NH 3 volatilization losses of the fertilizer N applied as UR from both the UR and the UR + NBPT treatments. Because the effectiveness of NBPT to inhibit soil urease activity was strong only in the first week, it could be concluded that DCD did not affect the action of NBPT but rather, enhanced volatilization losses by maintaining higher soil NH4+ concentration and pH for a longer time. Depending on the combination of factors influencing NH 3 volatilization, DCD could even offset the beneficial effect of NBPT in reducing NH 3 volatilization losses. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Here we embark in a deep metagenomic survey that revealed the taxonomic and potential metabolic pathways aspects of mangrove sediment microbiology. The extraction of DNA from sediment samples and the direct application of pyrosequencing resulted in approximately 215 Mb of data from four distinct mangrove areas (BrMgv01 to 04) in Brazil. The taxonomic approaches applied revealed the dominance of Deltaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria in the samples. Paired statistical analysis showed higher proportions of specific taxonomic groups in each dataset. The metabolic reconstruction indicated the possible occurrence of processes modulated by the prevailing conditions found in mangrove sediments. In terms of carbon cycling, the sequences indicated the prevalence of genes involved in the metabolism of methane, formaldehyde, and carbon dioxide. With respect to the nitrogen cycle, evidence for sequences associated with dissimilatory reduction of nitrate, nitrogen immobilization, and denitrification was detected. Sequences related to the production of adenylsulfate, sulfite, and H2S were relevant to the sulphur cycle. These data indicate that the microbial core involved in methane, nitrogen, and sulphur metabolism consists mainly of Burkholderiaceae, Planctomycetaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, and Desulfobacteraceae. Comparison of our data to datasets from soil and sea samples resulted in the allotment of the mangrove sediments between those samples. The results of this study add valuable data about the composition of microbial communities in mangroves and also shed light on possible transformations promoted by microbial organisms in mangrove sediments.


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Background: Sugarcane cultivation plays an important role in Brazilian economy, and it is expanding fast, mainly due to the increasing demand for ethanol production. In order to understand the impact of sugarcane cultivation and management, we studied sugarcane under different management regimes (pre-harvest burn and mechanical, unburnt harvest, or green cane), next to a control treatment with native vegetation. The soil bacterial community structure (including an evaluation of the diversity of the ammonia oxidizing (amoA) and denitrifying (nirK) genes), greenhouse gas flow and several soil physicochemical properties were evaluated. Results: Our results indicate that sugarcane cultivation in this region resulted in changes in several soil properties. Moreover, such changes are reflected in the soil microbiota. No significant influence of soil management on greenhouse gas fluxes was found. However, we did find a relationship between the biological changes and the dynamics of soil nutrients. In particular, the burnt cane and green cane treatments had distinct modifications. There were significant differences in the structure of the total bacterial, the ammonia oxidizing and the denitrifying bacterial communities, being that these groups responded differently to the changes in the soil. A combination of physical and chemical factors was correlated to the changes in the structures of the total bacterial communities of the soil. The changes in the structures of the functional groups follow a different pattern than the physicochemical variables. The latter might indicate a strong influence of interactions among different bacterial groups in the N cycle, emphasizing the importance of biological factors in the structuring of these communities. Conclusion: Sugarcane land use significantly impacted the structure of total selected soil bacterial communities and ammonia oxidizing and denitrifier gene diversities in a Cerrado field site in Central Brazil. A high impact of land use was observed in soil under the common burnt cane management. The green cane soil also presented different profiles compared to the control soil, but to at a lesser degree.