485 resultados para cyclical oligogyny
The global economic crisis has created an opportunity to rethink macroeconomics for development. Such rethinking is both necessary and desirable. It is essential to redefine macroeconomic objectives so that the emphasis is on fostering employment creation and supporting economic growth instead of the focus on price stability alone. It is just as important to rethink macroeconomic policies which cannot simply be used for the management of inflation and the elimination of macroeconomic imbalances, since fiscal and monetary policies are powerful and versatile instruments in the pursuit of development objectives. In doing so, it is essential to the overcome the constraints embedded in orthodox economic thinking and recognize the constraints implicit in the politics of ideology and interests.
This is a personal account of the definition of "new developmentalism" - a national development strategy alternative to the Washington consensus -, and of a "structuralist development macroeconomics": the sum of models that justifies theoretically that strategy. It is personal account of a collective work involving Keynesian, institutionalist and structuralist economists in Brazil that are forming a new school of thought in Brazil: a Keynesian-structuralist school. It is Keynesian because it emphasizes the demand side or the investment opportunities' side of economic growth. It is institutionalist because institutions obviously matter in achieving growth and stability. It is structuralist because it defines economic development as a structural change from low to high value added per capita industries and because it is based on two structural tendencies that limit investment opportunities: the tendency of wages to grow below productivity and the tendency to the cyclical overvaluation of the exchange rate.
This paper first presents some basic ideas and models of a structuralist development macroeconomics that complements and actualizes the ideas of the structuralist development economics that was dominant between the 1940s and the 1960s. A system of three models focusing on the exchange rate (the tendency to the cyclical overvaluation of the exchange rate, a critique of growth with foreign savings, and new a model of the Dutch disease) shows that it is not just volatile but chronically overvalued, and for that reason it is not just a macroeconomic problem; as a long term disequilibrium, it is in the core of development economics. Second, it summarizes "new developmentalism" - a sum of growth policies based on these models and on the experience of fast-growing Asian countries.
This paper offers a commented review of the most recent empirical studies of the effects of fiscal contraction on economic growth, which have helped underpin the prescription that fiscal policy should be expansionary in coming years in order to contain economic semi-stagnation in the developed countries. The paper shows that there is ample literature showing that fiscal expansion helps the economy grow, and that fiscal contraction tends to reduce output and employment in the short term.
This article aims to analyse the evolution of the corporate banking credit market in Brazil during the recent cycle (january 2003 to june 2009) from a Keynesian theoretical reference point. The article focuses on the dynamics of the six major segments of this market (industry, commerce, services, infrastructure, real estate and rural sector), highlighting their main similarities and differences concerning the cyclical dynamics, the participation in the total corporate banking credit, the origin of resources, the composition of capital ownership and the performance of public and private banks.
A looming attrition rate, a steady increase in the number of women in administration, and a lack of Canadian research all provided the rationale for this study. The problem in this study was to investigate the needs and challenges of new female administrators and to examine the role that mentors play in addressing these issues. This study also explored the perceived benefits of having a mentor. This study examined the inductive year of 33 female administrators from 3 Ontario school boards. It was a qualitative and quantitative design, using questionnaire and interview data. It was found that the majority felt that they struggled with biases and expectations that were gender specific. The challenges that were perceived to be most prevalent were categorized into 4 thematic areas: Maintaining Balance, Feeling Pressured, The Perceptions of Others, and Being Challenged by Others. Regarding the benefits of mentoring, the participants perceived mentoring to be most beneficial in terms of professional growth, followed by learning how to run a school, and then career advancement. The significance of this study was threefold: it had theoretical implications as well as implications for practice and future research. Suggestions included: facilitating longitudinal relationships, having the board become more actively involved in facilitating the relationship, and implementing an internship program. This study attempted to extend the current literature by theorizing that a mentorship is cyclical in nature. Future research could include program design and implementation, as well as providing consistent and accessible mentoring opportunities for all.
Nietzsche employed metaphors frequently throughout his works. This is especially true in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Although this is often aesthetically pleasing, it can be very difficult for the reader to understand the nuances and interconnections with the various metaphors. This is generally considered one of the main drawbacks of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. While it is beautifully written in a style that is incomparable today, much of what it is attempting to communicate is lost on the reader. This thesis explores the connection between the metamorphoses of the spirit and the seasons in Thus'Spoke Zarathustra, with the camel spirit corresponding to autumn, the lion spirit with winter, the child spirit with spring, and finally the Overman with summer. Although the Overman is not included among the three metamorphoses of the spirit, it will be argued that the Overman is a separate metamorphosis and must not be conflated with the child spirit despite their similarities. While Thus Spoke Zarathustra will be the primary text used, Nietzsche's other works will be employed to demonstrate that this connection between the metamorphoses of the spirit and the seasons runs through much of his thought. By demonstrating how the seasons are used in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, a deeper understanding of the work will be revealed. Further, this thesis will demonstrate that it is an intentional connection, and not merely coincidental or something that has been constructed and imposed upon the work. Bringing this correspondence between the metamorphoses of the spirit and the seasons to light will result in the need to rethink particular notions of Nietzsche's philosophy. The most apparent involves the Overman and the process of overcoming. Although the Overman has often been viewed as "the end" in the cycle of metamorphoses, it will be argued that this is not the case. The typical interpretation of the metamorphoses of the spirit regard it as a linear progression; however, it will be shown that the metamorphoses of the spirit is cyclical with the camel, lion, and child spirits endlessly repeating, much like the seasons.
The Island Lake greenstone belt is one of the major Archean supracrustal exposures in the northwestern part of the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield. This belt is subdivided into two units: 1) a lower sequence characterised by pillowed to massive, locally pyroclastic, basalt to andesite with a thin central zone of felsic derivatives, all of which are interbedded with and overlain by thick sequences of turbidite facies rock; 2) the upper unit which consists of thick stratified conglomerate overlain by thickly bedded arkose and feldspathic greywacke. Reconnaissance sampling traverses were completed across both the strike of the belt and along its margins with adjacent granitoids. Most of the belt is within the greenschist metamorphic f acies with amphibolite facies occurring in certain areas near t he margins. A post-tectonic, low pressure thermal event may be responsible for the development of a unit of cordierite schi s t which stretches southeastwards from the east end of Cochrane Bay. Volcanism is cyclical in nature changing from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline. There is a general progression in the character of the lavas from mafic t o felsic with stratigraphic height. Chemica l d a ta sugges t that h i gh level fractionation of a mantle- derived ' dry' magma i s t he s ource of the thole i iti c lavas. Contamination of this magma with 'we t' sia l and subsequent fractionation may be r esponsi b l e for the calcalkaline phases .Observations of stratigraphic relationships (in particular the contact between the supracrustals and the granitoids) coupled with the metamorphic and chemical studies, allow the construction of a preliminary model for the evolution of the Island Lake greenstone belt. The following sequential development is suggested: 1) a platform stage characterised by the subaqueous effusion of mafic to intermediate lavas of alternating tholeiitic and calc-alkaline affinities; 2) an edifice stage marked by the eruption of felsic calc-alkaline rocks; 3) an erosional stage characterised by the deposit~on of thick sequences of turbidite facies rocks; 4) the impingement of granitic masses into the margins of the greenstone belt, which was probably related to a downward warping of the supracrustal pilei 5) the erosion of sialic massifs surrounding and within the greenstone belt and of early supracrustal piles, to give the clastic upper unit.
This is a Self-study about my role as a teacher, driven by the question: "How do I improve my practice?" (Whitehead, 1989)? In this study, I explored the discomfort that I had with the way that I had been teaching. Specifically, I worked to uncover the reasons behind my obsessive (mis)management of my students. I wrote of how I came to give my Self permission for this critique: how I came to know that all knowledge is a construction, and that my practice, too, is a construction. I grounded this journey within my experiences. I constructed these experiences in narrative fomi in order to reach a greater understanding of how I came to be the teacher I initially was. I explored metaphors that impacted my practice, re-constructed them, and saw more clearly the assumptions and influences that have guided my teaching. I centred my inquiry into my teaching within an Action Reflection methodology, bon-owing Jack Whitehead's (1989) term to describe my version of Action Research. I relied upon the embedded cyclical pattern of Action Reflection to understand my teaching Self: beginning from a critical moment, reflecting upon it, and then taking appropriate action, and continuing in this way, working to improve my practice. To understand these critical moments, I developed a personal definition of critical literacy. I then tumed this definition inward. In treating my practice as a textual production, I applied critical literacy as a framework in coming to know and understand the construction that is my teaching. I grounded my thesis journey within my Self, positioning my study within my experiences of being a grade 1 teacher struggling to teach critical literacy. I then repositioned my journey to that of a grade 1 teacher struggling to use critical literacy to improve my practice. This journey, then, is about the transition from critical literacyit as-subject to critical literacy-as-instmctional-method in improving my practice. I joumeyed inwards, using a critical moment to build new understandings, leading me to the next critical moment, and continued in this cyclical way. I worked in this meandering yet deliberate way to reach a new place in my teaching: one that is more inclusive of all the voices in my room. I concluded my journey with a beginning: a beginning of re-visioning my practice. In telling the stories of my journey, of my teaching, of my experiences, I changed into the teacher that I am more comfortable with. I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my personal approach that creates the climate. It's my daily mood that makes the weather As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a person's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humour, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a person humanized or de-humanized. (Ginott, as cited in Buscaglia, 2002, p. 22)
This qualitative research was a constructivist grounded theory designed to develop an understanding of how firefighters perceive and cope with stressful situations and the impact this has on their perceptions of health. This study was framed in a social ecological perspective with the community of firefighting providing the environment within which to explore stress and coping. Of particular concern here are the stressors associated with firefighting. Prior research with firefighters has often been epidemiological and statistical in nature, focusing on measures of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and depression (Baker & Williams, 2001 ; Brown et al., 2002; Murphy et al.,1999; Regehr et al., 2002; Regehr et al., 2003). Qualitative research examining the perception of stress among firefighters that includes personal stories allows firefighters the opportunity to describe what it is like to be met with physically and mentally challenging situations on a daily basis. Twelve in-depth, semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with a brief questionnaire were conducted with firefighters from a Southern Ontario Fire Department. Four main themes emerged describing the persona of the firefighter, the stressors of firefighters, coping strategies of firefighters, and firefighters' perceptions of health. Stressors include requirements of the job, traumatic calls, tensions with co-workers, the struggle between the family at home and the family at work, political stressors with the City, and the inner struggle. Avoidance coping, approach coping, and gaining perspective emerged as the three coping styles of firefighters. Health was defined as including physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects. A model of the findings is provided that depicts the cyclical nature of the stress-coping-health relationship among firefighters.
The aim of this thesis is to explore the relationship between imagery, technology, and remote adult Aboriginal teacher candidates through the computer software Elluminate Live. It focuses on the implications that the role imagery plays in third generation distance education with these learners and the new media associated therein. The thesis honours the Medicine Wheel teachings and is presented within this cyclical framework that reflects Indigenous philosophies and belief systems. In accordance, Sharing Circle as methodology is used to keep the research culturally grounded, and tenets of narrative inquiry further support the study. Results indicate there are strong connections to curricula enhanced with imagery—most notably a spiritual connection. Findings also reveal that identity associated to geographical location is significant, as are supportive networks. Third generation distance education, such as Elluminate Live, needs to be addressed before Aboriginal communities open the doors to all it encompasses, and although previous literature peers into various elements, this study delves into why the graphical interface resonates with members of these communities. Of utmost importance is the insight this thesis lends to the pedagogy that may possibly evoke a transformative learning process contributing to the success rate of Aboriginal learners and benefit Aboriginal communities as a whole.
L’objectif de notre recherche est l’exploration et l’étude de la question de l’instrumentation informatique des projets de reconstitution archéologiques en architecture monumentale dans le but de proposer de nouveaux moyens. La recherche a pour point de départ une question, à savoir : « Comment, et avec quels moyens informatiques, les projets de reconstitution architecturale pourraient-ils être menés en archéologie? ». Cette question a nécessité, en premier lieu, une étude des différentes approches de restitution qui ont été mises à contribution pour des projets de reconstitution archéologiques, et ceci, à ses différentes phases. Il s’agit de comprendre l’évolution des différentes méthodologies d’approche (épistémologiquement) que les acteurs de ce domaine ont adoptées afin de mettre à contribution les technologies d’information et de communication (TIC) dans le domaine du patrimoine bâti. Cette étude nous a permis de dégager deux principales avenues: une première qui vise exclusivement la « représentation » des résultats des projets et une seconde qui vise la modélisation de ce processus dans le but d’assister l’archéologue dans les différentes phases du projet. Nous démontrons que c’est la deuxième approche qui permet la combinaison et met à la disposition des archéologues une meilleure exploitation des possibilités que l’outil informatique peut et pourra présenter. Cette partie permet de démontrer la nature systémique et complexe de la mise à contribution des TICs dans le domaine de la restitution archéologique. La multitude des acteurs, des conditions techniques, culturelles et autres, des moyens utilisés ainsi que la variété des objectifs envisagés dans les projets de reconstitution archéologiques poussent à explorer une nouvelle approche qui tient compte de cette complexité. Pour atteindre notre objectif de recherche, la poursuite de l’étude de la nature de la démarche archéologique s’impose. Il s’agit de comprendre les liens et les interrelations qui s’établissent entre les différentes unités techniques et intellectuelles en jeu ainsi que les différents modes de réflexions présents dans les projets de reconstitution archéologique du patrimoine bâti. Cette étude met en évidence le rapport direct entre le caractère subjectif de la démarche avec la grande variabilité des approches et des raisonnements mis en œuvre. La recherche est alors exploratoire et propositionnelle pour confronter notamment le caractère systémique et complexe de l’expérience concrète et à travers les publications savantes, les éléments de la réalité connaissable. L’étude des raisonnements archéologiques à travers les publications savantes nous permet de proposer une première typologie de raisonnements étudiés. Chacune de ces typologies reflète une méthodologie d’approche basée sur une organisation d’actions qui peut être consignée dans un ensemble de modules de raisonnements. Cette recherche fait ressortir, des phénomènes et des processus observés, un modèle qui représente les interrelations et les interactions ainsi que les produits spécifiques de ces liaisons complexes. Ce modèle témoigne d’un processus récursif, par essais et erreurs, au cours duquel l’acteur « expérimente » successivement, en fonction des objectifs de l’entreprise et à travers des modules de raisonnements choisis, plusieurs réponses aux questions qui se posent à lui, au titre de la définition du corpus, de la description, de la structuration, de l’interprétation et de la validation des résultats, jusqu’à ce que cette dernière lui paraisse satisfaire aux objectifs de départ. Le modèle établi est validé à travers l’étude de cas du VIIème pylône du temple de Karnak en Égypte. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les modules de raisonnements représentent une solution intéressante pour assister les archéologues dans les projets de reconstitution archéologiques. Ces modules offrent une multiplicité de combinaisons des actions et avantagent ainsi une diversité d’approches et de raisonnements pouvant être mis à contribution pour ces projets tout en maintenant la nature évolutive du système global.
Cette thèse examine les effets des imperfections des marchés financiers sur la macroéconomie. Plus particulièrement, elle se penche sur les conséquences de la faillite dans les contrats financiers dans une perspective d'équilibre général dynamique. Le premier papier construit un modèle qui utilise l'avantage comparatif des banques dans la gestion des situations de détresse financière pour expliquer le choix des firmes entre les prêts bancaires et les prêts du marché financier. Le modèle réussit à expliquer pourquoi les firmes plus petites préfèrent le financement bancaire et pourquoi les prêts bancaires sont plus répandus en Europe. Le premier fait est expliqué par le lien négatif entre la valeur nette de l'entreprise et la probabilité de faire faillite. Le deuxième fait s'explique par le coût fixe d'émission de bons plus élevé en Europe. Le deuxième papier examine l'interaction entre les contraintes de financement affectant les ménages et les firmes. Une interaction positive pourrait amplifier et augmenter la persistance de l'effet d'un choc agrégé sur l'économie. Je construis un nouveau modèle qui contient des primes de financement externes pour les firmes et les ménages. Dans le modèle de base avec prix et salaires flexibles, j'obtiens une faible interaction négative entre les coûts de financement des firmes et des ménages. Le facteur clé qui explique ce résultat est l'effet du changement contre cyclique du coût de financement des ménages sur leur offre de travail et leur demande de prêts. Dans une période d'expansion, cet effet augmente les taux d'intérêt, réduit l'investissement et augmente le coût de financement des entreprises. Le troisième papier ajoute les contraintes de financement des banques dans un modèle macroéconomiques avec des prêts hypothécaires et des fluctuations dans les prix de l'immobilier. Les banques dans le modèle ne peuvent pas complètement diversifier leurs prêts, ce qui génère un lien entre les risques de faillite des ménages et des banques. Il y a deux effets contraires des cycles économiques qui affectent la prime de financement externe de la banque. Premièrement, il y a un lien positif entre le risque de faillite des banques et des emprunteurs qui contribue à rendre le coût de financement externe des banques contre cyclique. Deuxiément, le lissage de la consommation par les ménages rend la proportion de financement externe des banques pro cyclique, ce qui tend à rendre le coût de financement bancaire pro cyclique. En combinant ces deux effets, le modèle peut reproduire des profits bancaires et des ratios d'endettement bancaires pro cycliques comme dans les données, mais pour des chocs non-financiers les frictions de financement bancaire dans le modèle n'ont pas un effet quantitativement significatif sur les principales variables agrégées comme la consommation ou l'investissement.
«Construire hors limite: collisions fantastiques entre corps et machines dans la littérature fin-de-siècle française et anglaise» explore un ensemble de textes qui ont surgi à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle en réponse et en réaction à la fulgurante évolution de l’environnement scientifique et technologique, et qui considèrent la relation entre l’homme et la machine en fantasmant sur la zone grise où ils s’intersectent. Les principaux textes étudiés comprennent L’Ève future de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Le Surmâle d’Alfred Jarry, Trilby de George Du Maurier, Le Château des Carpathes de Jules Verne, ainsi qu’une sélection de contes dont nous pouvons qualifier de «contes à appareils», notamment «La Machine à parler» de Marcel Schwob. Utilisant la théorie des systèmes comme base méthodologique, cette dissertation cherche à réinterpréter les textes de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle qui naviguent les limites de l’humain et du mécanique et les surfaces sensibles où ils se touchent et interagissent en les réinscrivant dans un projet plus vaste de construction d’identité qui défie le temps chronologique et les échelles mathématiques. Le lien entre la théorie des systèmes et l’architecture – comme méthode d’organisation d’espace blanc en espace habitable – est exploré dans le but de comprendre la manière dont nous façonnons et interprétons le néant à l’origine de l’identité individuelle, et par association collective, en pratiquant littéralement la schématisation et la construction du corps. Des auteurs tels Villiers et Jarry imaginent la construction du corps comme une entreprise scientifique nécessairement fondée et réalisée avec les matériaux et les technologies disponibles, pour ensuite démanteler cette proposition en condamnant le corps technologique à la destruction. La construction d’une identité amplifiée par la technologie prend donc des proportions prométhéennes perpétuellement redessinées dans des actes cycliques de rasage (destruction) et d’érection (édification), et reflétées dans l’écriture palimpsestique du texte. L’intégrité du corps organique étant mis en question, le noyau même de ce que signifie l’être (dans son sens de verbe infinitif) humain pourrait bien s’avérer, si l’on considère la correspondance entre perte de voix et état pathologique dans les textes de Du Maurier, Verne et Schwob, être une structure des plus précaires, distinctement hors sens (unsound).
Ce mémoire de maîtrise a été accompli simultanément à des études à temps plein en droit.