256 resultados para cyanobacterium


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Diurnal photosynthesis of Nostoc flagelliforme was investigated at varied levels of CO2 concentrations and desiccation in order to estimate the effects of enriched CO2 and watering on its daily production. Photosynthetic activity was closely correlated with the desiccated status of the algal mats, increased immediately after watering, reached a maximum at moderate water loss, and then declined with further desiccation. Increased CO2 concentration enhanced the diurnal photosynthesis and raised the daily production. Watering twice per day enhanced the daily production due to prolonged period of active photosynthesis. The values of daily net production were 1321280 mumol CO2 g (d. wt)(-1) d(-1), corresponding to about 0.6-6.1% daily increase in dry weight. High-CO2-grown mats required higher levels of photon flux density to saturate the alga's photosynthesis in air. Air-grown mats showed higher photosynthetic affinity for CO2 and higher levels of dark respiration compared with high-CO2-grown samples.


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A strain of Raphidiopsis (Cyanobacteria) isolated from a fish pond in Wuhan, P. R. China was examined for its taxonomy and production of the alkaloidal hepatotoxins cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and deoxy-cylindrospermopsin (deoxy-CYN). Strain HB1 was identified as R. curvata Fritsch et Rich based on morphological examination of the laboratory culture. HB1 produced mainly deoxy-CYN at a concentration of 1.3 mg(.)g(-1) (dry ut cells) by HPLC and HPLC-MS/MS. CYN was also detected in trace amounts (0.56 mug(.)g(-1)). A mouse bioassay did not show lethal toxicity when tested at doses up to 1500 mg dry weight cells(.)kg(-1) body weight within 96 h, demonstrating that production of primarily deoxy CYN does not lead to significant mouse toxicity by strain BB I. The presence of deoxy-CYN and CYN in R curvata suggests that Raphidiopsis belongs to the Nostocaceae, but this requires confirmation by molecular systematic studies. Production of these cyanotoxins by Raphidiopsis adds another genus, in addition to Cylindrospemopsis, Aphanizomenon, and Umezakia, now known to produce this group of hepatotoxic cyanotoxins. This is also the first report from China of a CYN and deoxy-CYN producing cyanobacterium.


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Photosynthetic responses of rewetted Nostoc flagelliforme to CO2, desiccation, light and temperature were investigated under emersed conditions in order to characterize its ecophysiological behaviour in nature. Net photosynthesis increased to a maximum rate at about 30 % water loss, then decreased, while dark respiration always decreased with the progress of desiccation. Light-saturated photosynthesis and dark respiration were significantly reduced at 8 degreesC, but remained little affected by changes of temperature within the range of 15-35 degreesC. Photosynthetic efficiency (alpha) was maximal at the beginning of desiccation and then reduced with increased water loss. Saturating irradiance for photosynthesis was about 194-439 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1), being maximal at about 30 % water loss. No photoinhibition was observed at irradiances up to 1140 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). Light compensation points were about 41-93 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). Photosynthesis of N. flagelliforme was CO2-limited at the present atmospheric CO2 level. The CO2-saturated photosynthesis increased with increase of irradiance (190-1140 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) and temperature (8-25 degreesC) and decreased significantly with water loss (0-75 %). Photosynthetic affinity for CO2 was sensitive to temperature and irradiance. The CO2 compensation point (Gamma) increased significantly with increased temperature and was insensitive to irradiance. Desiccation did not affect Gamma values before water loss exceeded 70 %. Photorespiratory CO2 release did not occur in N. flagelliforme at the current atmospheric CO2 level.


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The cyanobacterium Nostoc commune Vaucher produces quite complex extracellular polysaccharides. The cyanobacterium is nitrogen fixing, and on growing the cyanobacterium in media with and without nitrogen, different types of extracellular polysaccharides were obtained. These were also different from the polysaccharides present in N. commune collected in the field. High pH anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC) of weak acid hydrolysates of the culture-grown material demonstrated that, in this case, HPAEC was useful for comparison of the different polymers. The main differences between the polymers from the field group and the culture-grown samples were the presence of substantial amounts of arabinose, 2-O-methylglucose, and glucuronic acid in the latter. Methylation studies also revealed a difference in the branching points on the glucose units between the field and cultured samples, being 1,4,6 for the first and 1,3,6 for the latter. The field acidic fraction gave, on weak acid hydrolysis and separation on BioGel P2 and HPAEC, 12 oligosaccharide fractions that were isolated and studied by different mass spectroscopy techniques. The structures of the oligosaccharides were determined, and two different series that can originate from two repeating pentamers were identified: GlcAl-4/6GlcM1-4Ga11-4Glc1-4Xyl and GlcAl-4/6Glc1-4Ga11-4Glc1-4Xyl. The difference between these oligosaccharides lies in the methyl substituent on carbon 2 of the glucose unit next to the nonreducing glucuronic acid unit. The polysaccharides from field material were shown to have a strong effect on the complement system.


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The terrestrial blue-green alga (cyanobacterium), Nostoc flagelliforme, was cultured in air at various levels of CO2, light and watering to see their effects on its growth. The alga showed the highest relative growth rate at the conditions of high CO2 (1500 ppm), high light regime (219-414 mu mol m(-2)s(-1)) and twice daily watering, but the lowest rate at the conditions of low light (58-114 mu mol m(-2)s(-1)) and daily twice watering. Increased watering had little effect on growth rate at 350 ppm CO2, but increased by about 70% at 1500ppm CO2 under high light conditions. It was concluded that enriched CO2 could enhance the growth of N. flagelliforme when sufficient light and water was supplied.


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The effects of nutrients on the photosynthetic recovery of Nostoc flagelliforme during re-hydration were investigated in order to see if their addition was necessary. Net photosynthesis was negligible in distilled water without nutrient-enrichment. Addition of K+ resulted in significant enhancement of net photosynthesis, whereas other nutrients (Fe3+, Mg2+, Na+, NO3-, PO43-, Cl-) and trace-metals (A(5)) showed little effect. The recovered net photosynthetic activity increased with the increased K+, and reached the maximum at concentrations above 230 mu M. Desiccation and re-hydration did not affect the dependence of photosynthetic recovery on K+. It was concluded that dried field populations of N. flagelliforme require exogenous addition of potassium for photosynthetic recovery and that growth may be potassium-limited in nature.


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Nostoc flagelliforme, which is distributed in arid or semiarid steppes of the west and west-northern parts of China, has been used by the Chinese as a food delicacy and for its herbal values for hundreds of years. However, the resource is being over-exploited and is diminishing, while the market demands are increasing with the economic growth. This review deals mainly with the Chinese studies on the ecology, physiology, reproduction, morphology and culture of this species in an attempt to promote research and development of its cultivation technology.


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PS II photochemical efficiency (F-v/F-m) of Nostoc flagelliforme was examined after rewetting in order to investigate the light-dependency of its photosynthetic recovery. F-v/F-m was not detected in the dark, but was immediately recognized in the light. Different levels of light irradiation (4, 40 and 400 mu mol photon m(2) s(-1)) displayed different effects on the recovery process of photosynthesis. The intermediate level led to the best recovery of photochemical efficiency; the low light required longer and the high light inhibited the extent of the recovered efficiency. It was concluded that the photosynthetic recovery of N. flagelliforme is both light-dependent and influenced by photon flux density.


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The effects of wind speed on loss of water from N. flagelliforme colonies were investigated indoors in an attempt to assess its ecological significance in field. Wind enhanced the process of waterless; the half-time of desiccation at wind speeds of 2.0 and 3.4 m s(-1) was, respectively, shortened to one-third and one-fifth at 20 degrees C and, to one-sixth and one-eighth at 27 degrees C that of still air. Photosynthetic efficiency was not affected before the wet alga lost about 50% water.


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The geneswere cloned for the two apoprotein subunits, alpha and beta, of phycocyanin from the cyanobacterium Spirulina maxima (=Arthrospira maxima) strain F3. The alpha- and beta-subunit gene-coding regions contain 489 bp and 519 bp, respectively. The beta-subunit gene is upstream from the alpha-subunit gene, with a 111-bp segment separating them. Similarities between the alpha-subunits of S. maxima and nine other cyanobacteria were between 58% and 99%, as were those between the beta-subunits. The maximum similarity between the alpha- and beta-subunits from S. maxima was 27%.


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The human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) is a small single-chain polypeptide of 53 amino acid residues. It can stimulate the proliferation of many cell types, mainly those of epidermal and epithelial tissues both in vivo and in vitro. A vector pRL-hEGF was constructed using plasmids pRL-489 and pUC-hEGF. The synthetic hEGF gene was recombined into the downstream of strong promoter psbA in plasmids pRL-489. Then, the vector was introduced into Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 and Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 by triparental conjugative transfer. The transformation was confirmed by PCR amplification. The pRL-hEGF is thought to be retained as a plasmid form in the transgenic Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, since it can be recovered. However, it has been integrated into the chromosome of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 as there is no duplication origin in the pRL-hEGF in this cyanobacterium. and plasmid cannot be isolated from the Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 either. The radioimmunoassay (RIA) proved that the hEGF gene has been expressed as the protein existed in these two strains of transgenic cyanobacteria, and the hEGF protein in Anabaena sp. PCC 7002 could be secreted into the medium.


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The effects of N (NaNO3) and C (NaAc) source in medium on the expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) gene in transgenic Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 were compared. The data showed that N source stabilized the expression of foreign protein and C source altered the synthesis of cell walls. Comparing several methods for breaking the cells, supersonic was able to extract TNF-alpha better than others. For purification of TNF-alpha, transgenic Anabaena cells were broken, the extracts were precipitated with ammonia sulfate, and the impure TNF-alpha was eluted from DEAE ion exchange chromatography. Electrophoresis (PAGE-SDS) showed a single band at 17 kD position.


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Marine Streptomyces are potential candidates for novel natural products and industrial catalysts. In order to set up biosynthesis approach for a holomycin-producing strain M095 isotated from Jiaozhou Bay, China, a genetic transformation system was established using intergeneric conjugation. The plasmid pIJ8600 consists of an origin of replication for Escherichia coli, a phage integrase directing efficient site-specific integration in bacterial chromosome, thiostrepton-induced promoter and an attP sequence. Using E. coli ET12567 (pUZ8002) carrying pIJ8600 as a conjugal donor, while it was mated with strain M095, pIJ8600 was mobilized to the recipient and the transferred DNA was also integrated into the recipient chromosome. The frequency of exconjugants was 1.9 +/- 0.13 x 10(-4) per recipient cell. Analysis of eight exconjugants showed pIJ8600 was stable integrated at a single chromosomal site (attB) of the Streptomyces genome. The DNA sequence of the attB was cloned and shown to be conserved. The results of growth and antimicrobial activity analysis indicated that the integration of pIJ8600 did not seem to affect the biosynthesis of antibiotics or other essential amino acids. To demonstrate the feasibility of above gene transfer system, the allophycocyanin gene (apc) from cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans UTEX625 was expressed in strain M095, and the results indicated heterologous allophycocyanin could be expressed and folded effectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Arthrospira (Spirulina) (Setchell& Gardner) is an important cyanobacterium not only in its nutritional potential but in its special biological characteristics. An unbiased fosmid library of Arthrospira maxima FACHB438 that contains 4300 clones was constructed. The size distribution of insert fragments is from 15.5 to 48.9 kb and the average size is 37.6 kb. The recombination frequency is 100%. Therefore the library is 29.9 equivalents to the Arthrospira genome size of 5.4 Mb. A total of 719 sample clones were randomly chosen from the library and 602 available sequences, which consisted of 307,547 bases, covering 5.70% of the whole genome. The codon usage of A. maxima was not strongly biased. GC content at the first position of codons (46.9%) was higher than the second (39.8%) and the third (45.5%) positions. GC content of the genome was 43.6%. Of these sequences, 287 (47.7%) showed high similarities to known genes, 63 (10.5%) to hypothetical genes and the remaining 252 (41.8%) had no significant similarities. The assigned genes were classified into 22 categories with respect to different biological roles. Remarkably, the high presence of 25 sequences (4.2%) encoding reverse transcriptase indicates the RT gene may have multiple copies in the A. maxima genome and might play an important role in the evolutionary history and metabolic regulation. In addition, the sequences encoding the ATP-binding cassette transport system and the two-component signal transduction system were the second and third most frequent genes, respectively. These genomic features provide some clues as to the mechanisms by which this organism adapts to the high concentration of bicarbonate and to the high pH environment.