999 resultados para coupling


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Iron-based superconductors have been found to exhibit an intimate interplay of orbital, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom, dramatically affecting their low-energy electronic properties, including superconductivity. Albeit the precise pairing mechanism remains unidentified, several candidate interactions have been suggested to mediate the superconducting pairing, both in the orbital and in the spin channel. Here, we employ optical spectroscopy (OS), angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), ab initio band-structure, and Eliashberg calculations to show that nearly optimally doped NaFe0.978Co0.022As exhibits some of the strongest orbitally selective electronic correlations in the family of iron pnictides. Unexpectedly, we find that the mass enhancement of itinerant charge carriers in the strongly correlated band is dramatically reduced near the Gamma point and attribute this effect to orbital mixing induced by pronounced spin-orbit coupling. Embracing the true band structure allows us to describe all low-energy electronic properties obtained in our experiments with remarkable consistency and demonstrate that superconductivity in this material is rather weak and mediated by spin fluctuations.


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Using in situ Raman scattering from phosphorene channel in an electrochemically top-gated field effect transistor, we show that phonons with A(g) symmetry depend much more strongly on concentration of electrons than that of holes, wheras phonons with B-g symmetry are insensitive to doping. With first-principles theoretical analysis, we show that the observed electon-hole asymmetry arises from the radically different constitution of its conduction and valence bands involving pi and sigma bonding states respectively, whose symmetry permits coupling with only the phonons that preserve the lattice symmetry. Thus, Raman spectroscopy is a non-invasive tool for measuring electron concentration in phosphorene-based nanoelectronic devices.


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Mechano-chemical coupling is a common phenomenon that exists in various biological processes at different physiological levels. Bone tissue remodeling strongly depends on the local mechanical load. Leukocytes are sheared to form the transient aggregates with platelets or other leukocytes in the circulation. Flow pattern affects the signal transduction pathways in endothelial cells. Receptor/ligand interactions are important to cell adhesion since they supply the physical linkages...


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Wave-soil-pipe coupling effect on the untrenched pipeline stability on sands is for the first time investigated experimentally. Tests are conducted in the U-shaped water tunnel, which generates an oscillatory how, simulating the water particle movements with periodically changing direction under the wave action. Characteristic times and phases during the instability process are revealed. Linear relationship between Froude number and non-dimensional pipe weight is obtained. Effects of initial embedment and loading history are observed. Test results between the wavesoil-pipe interaction and pipe-soil interaction under cyclic mechanical loading are compared. The mechanism is briefly discussed. For applying in the practical design, more extensive and systematic investigations are needed.


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In this paper, the importance of investigation on terrestrical processes in arid areas for mankind's living environment protection and local economy development as well as its present state of the art are elucidated. A coupling model, which evaluates heat, mass, momentum and radiative fluxes in the SPAC system, is developed for simulating microclimate over plant and bare soil. Especially, it is focussed on the details of turbulence transfer. For illustration, numerical simulation of the water-heat exchange processes at Shapotou Observatory, GAS, Ninxia Province are conducted, and the computational results show that the laws of land-surface processes are rather typical in the arid areas.


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Multiscale coupling attracts broad interests from mechanics, physics and chemistry to biology. The diversity and coupling of physics at different scales are two essential features of multiscale problems in far-from-equilibrium systems. The two features present fundamental difficulties and are great challenges to multiscale modeling and simulation. The theory of dynamical system and statistical mechanics provide fundamental tools for the multiscale coupling problems. The paper presents some closed multiscale formulations, e.g., the mapping closure approximation, multiscale large-eddy simulation and statistical mesoscopic damage mechanics, for two typical multiscale coupling problems in mechanics, that is, turbulence in fluids and failure in solids. It is pointed that developing a tractable, closed nonequilibrium statistical theory may be an effective approach to deal with the multiscale coupling problems. Some common characteristics of the statistical theory are discussed.


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We compare and contrast the effects of two distinctly different mechanisms of coupling (mechanical and electrical) on the parametric sensitivity of micromechanical sensors utilizing mode localization for sensor applications. For the first time, the strong correlation between mode localization and the phenomenon of 'eigenvalue loci-veering' is exploited for accurate quantification of the strength of internal coupling in mode localized sensors. The effects of capacitive coupling-spring tuning on the parametric sensitivity of electrically coupled resonators utilizing this sensing paradigm is also investigated and a mass sensor with sensitivity tunable by over 400% is realized. ©2009 IEEE.


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Multiscale coupling is ubiquitous in nature and attracts broad interests of scientists from mathematicians, physicists, machinists, chemists to biologists. However, much less attention has been paid to its intrinsic implication. In this paper, multiscale coupling is introduced by studying two typical examples in classic mechanics: fluid turbulence and solid failure. The nature of multiscale coupling in the two examples lies in their physical diversities and strong coupling over wide-range scales. The theories of dynamical system and statistical mechanics provide fundamental methods for the multiscale coupling problems. The diverse multiscale couplings call for unified approaches and might expedite new concepts, theories and disciplines.


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We propose and analyse a new model of thermocapillary convection with evaporation in a cavity subjected to horizontal temperature gradient, rather than the previously studied model without evaporation. The pure liquid layer with a top free surface in contact with its own vapour is considered in microgravity condition. The computing programme developed for simulating this model integrates the two-dimensional, time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations and energy equation by a second-order accurate projection method. We focus on the coupling of evaporation and thermocapillary convection by investigating the influence of evaporation Biot number and Marangoni number on the interfacial mass and heat transfer. Three different regimes of the coupling mechanisms are found and explained from our numerical results.


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The coupling of mesoscopic strength distribution and stress fluctuation on damage evolution and rupture are examined. The numerical simulations show that there is only weak stress fluctuation at the initial damage stage when the mean field approximation is in effect. As the damage fraction becomes larger than the threshold value, the fluctuation is amplified significantly, and damage localization appears. The coupling between stress fluctuation, disordered heterogeneity and the damage localization may play an essential role in catastrophic rupture. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present paper describes a numerical two-way coupling model for shock-induced laminar boundary-layer flows of a dust-laden gas and studies the transverse migration of fine particles under the action of Saffman lift force. The governing equations are formulated in the dilute two-phase continuum framework with consideration of the finiteness of the particle Reynolds and Knudsen numbers. The full Lagrangian method is explored for calculating the dispersed-phase flow fields (including the number density of particles) in the regions of intersecting particle trajectories. The computation results show a significant reaction of the particles on the two-phase boundary-layer structure when the mass loading ratio of particles takes finite values.


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A dynamic coupling model is developed for a hybrid atomistic-continuum computation in micro- and nano-fluidics. In the hybrid atomistic-continuum computation, a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is utilized in one region where the continuum assumption breaks down and the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations are used in another region where the continuum assumption holds. In the overlapping part of these two regions, a constrained particle dynamics is needed to couple the MD simulation and the NS equations. The currently existing coupling models for the constrained particle dynamics have a coupling parameter, which has to be empirically determined. In the present work, a novel dynamic coupling model is introduced where the coupling parameter can be calculated as the computation progresses rather than inputing a priori. The dynamic coupling model is based on the momentum constraint and exhibits a correct relaxation rate. The results from the hybrid simulation on the Couette flow and the Stokes flow are in good agreement with the data from the full MD simulation and the solutions of the NS equations, respectively. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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