951 resultados para contact time


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Fertilization depends on distribution and aggregation patterns of sea urchins which influence gamete contact time and may potentially enhance their vulnerability to ocean acidification. In this study, we conducted fertilization experiments to assess the effects of selected pH scenarios on fertilization success of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, from Spitsbergen, Arctic. Acidification was achieved by aerating seawater with different CO2 partial pressures to represent pre-industrial and present conditions (measured ~180-425 µatm) and future acidification scenarios (~550-800, ~1,300, ~2,000 µatm). Fertilization success was defined as the proportion of successful/unsuccessful fertilizations per treatment; eggs were classified according to features of their fertilization envelope (FE), hyaline layer (HL) and achievement of cellular division. The diagnostic findings of specific pathological aberrations were described in detail. We additionally measured intracellular pH changes in unfertilized eggs exposed for 1 h to selected acidification treatments using BCECF/AM. We conclude that (a) acidified conditions increase the proportion of eggs that failed fertilization, (b) acidification may increase the risk of polyspermy due to failures in the FE formation supported by the occasional observation of multiple sperms in the perivitelline space and (c) irregular formation of the embryo may arise due to impaired formation of the HL. The decrease in fertilization success could be also related to the observed changes in intracellular pH at pCO2 ~ 1,000 µatm or higher.


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La Tesis Doctoral surge debida de los problemas de contaminación ambientales que presentan los efluentes líquidos refinería del petróleo y las industrias de extracción del petróleo crudo en la zona costera de Angola principalmente en las provincias de Cabinda, Zaire y Luanda, en las cuales sus vertidos destruyen la flora y fauna acuática. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en implementar nuevas técnicas de los procesos de oxidación avanzada para el tratamiento de los efluentes líquidos de refinerías de petróleo, que permitan conseguir una calidad adecuada de los vertidos. Este sector se considera como una fuente de contaminación del medio ambiente, que requiere un control estricto y un tratamiento adecuado para la eliminación de los contaminantes existente en este tipo de agua y posteriormente poder reutilizar estas aguas tratadas para otros fines industriales o verter a los cauces receptores que al menos no perjudique a los ecosistemas. En esta tesis se ha investigado las técnicas más modernas de los procesos de oxidación avanzada para el tratamiento de agua residual de refinería de petróleo, así como: 1) ozonización, 2) peróxido de hidrógeno con ozono, y 3) ultravioleta con ozono. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo muestran que el proceso de ozonización simple, ha dado mejores resultados para el tratamiento de este tipo agua residual de petróleo, tanto, en la eliminación de materia orgánica y los fenoles presentes en el agua residual. En la primera fase, con 1 litro de muestra, se alcanzó un rendimiento del 80% en la eliminación de la DQO utilizando 5,97 mg/l de dosis de ozono, con 11 minutos de tiempo de contacto. Respecto a los fenoles se alcanzó una eliminación del 100 % con la misma dosis de ozono y con 11 minutos de tiempo de contacto. En la segunda fase, con 4 litros de muestra, se alcanzó un rendimiento del 66% de la DQO utilizando 22,21 mg/l de dosis de ozono, con 15 minutos de tiempo de contacto y el rendimiento en la eliminación de los fenoles fue de 90 % a las mismas condiciones. The doctoral thesis arises because of environmental pollution problems posed by liquid effluents and oil refinery industries extraction of crude oil in the coastal area of Angola mainly in the provinces of Cabinda, Zaire and Luanda, in which their discharges destroy aquatic flora and fauna. The objective of this work is to implement new techniques of advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of liquid effluents of oil refineries that will achieve an adequate quality of discharges. This sector is considered as a source of environmental pollution, which requires close monitoring and appropriate treatment for the removal of existing contaminants in this water and then treated to reuse this water for other industrial purposes or discharging into streams receptors that at least does not harm ecosystems. In this thesis we investigate the most modern techniques of advanced oxidation processes for treatment of wastewater from oil refinery and: 1) ozonation, 2) hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and 3) radiation with ozone. The results obtained in this study show that the ozonation process simple, has yielded better results for treating wastewater of this type of oil, so the removal of phenols and organic matter present in the wastewater. In the first phase, with 1 liter of sample was reached in 80% yield COD removal using 5.97 mg/l ozone dosage, with 11 minutes of contact time. Regarding phenols elimination was achieved of 100% with the same dose of ozone and 11 minutes contact time In the second phase, with sample 4 liters was reached in 66% yield using 22.21 COD mg / l ozone dosage, with 15 minutes of contact time and the performance in the removal of phenols was of 90% at the same conditions.


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El principal objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue determinar las diferencias en distintas variables relacionadas con el rendimiento físico entre atletas de distinto nivel durante la prueba de los 60 metros vallas. Un total de 59 vallistas masculinos (los 31 participantes en el Campeonato del Mundo Absoluto de Pista Cubierta y los 28 participantes en el Campeonato de España Absoluto de Pista Cubierta, ambos celebrados en Valencia en el año 2008) formaron la muestra del estudio. El análisis biomecánico se realizó mediante un sistema fotogramétrico en dos dimensiones que permitió calcular, aplicando algoritmos basados en el procedimiento de la DLT (Abdel-Aziz y Karara, 1971), las coordenadas (x, y) de los sucesivos apoyos de los pies de los atletas sobre toda la superficie de competición. La filmación de las pruebas se llevó a cabo con seis cámaras de vídeo, ubicadas sobre la gradas, con una frecuencia de muestreo para el tratamiento de los datos de 50 Hz. En la fase de salida, los atletas de nivel superior mostraron una menor longitud (p<0,05) y tiempo de zancada (p<0,001), debido a un menor tiempo de vuelo (p<0,05). En la fase de vallas, los atletas de nivel más elevado presentaron mayores distancia de ataque a la valla (p<0,001), así como menores distancias de caída de la valla (p<0,001), tiempos de zancada (p<0,01-0,001) y de apoyo (p<0,01-0,001 ) en los cuatro pasos que conforman cada ciclo de vallas, así como un menor tiempo de vuelo en el paso de valla (p<0,001) y en el paso de transición (p<0,001). De manera adicional, se encontraron importantes diferencias en el reparto de los pasos entre vallas entre la primera y tercera valla y el resto de obstáculos. En la fase final, se observó una mayor longitud de zancada en los atletas de nivel superior (p<0,001), así como un menor tiempo de zancada (p<0,01) y de apoyo (p<0,01). Los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio de investigación avalan la utilización de la fotogrametría en dos dimensiones para el análisis biomecánico de la prueba de 60 metros vallas en competición. Su aplicación en competiciones del máximo nivel internacional ha posibilitado conocer las características de los vallistas a lo largo de toda la prueba y determinar posibles implicaciones de cara al proceso de entrenamiento. ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the differences in different variables related to physical performance among athletes of different levels during the race of 60 meter hurdles. A total of 59 male hurdlers (the 31 participants in the World Indoor Championship and the 28 participants in the Spanish Indoor Championship, both held in Valencia in 2008) formed the sample of the study. The biomechanical analysis of athletes was performed using a two-dimensional photogrammetric system which enabled calculation, applying algorithms based on the DLT method (Abdel -Aziz y Karara , 1971), the coordinates (x , y) of the successive supports of the feet on the entire competition surface. Filming test was conducted with six video cameras, located on the bleachers, with a sampling frequency for data processing of 50 Hz. In the approach run phase, the top-level athletes showed a smaller length step (p<0.05), and shorter step time (p<0.001), due to a shorter step flight time (p<0.05). In the hurdle unit phase, the higher level athletes had greater take-off distances (p<0.001), shorter landing distances (p<0.001), smaller step times (p<0.01-0.001), and support times (p<0.01- 0.001) in the four steps that comprised each hurdle unit, and smaller flight times in the hurdle step (p < 0.001), and the recovery step (p<0.001). Additionally, differences in the distribution of hurdle unit steps between the first and third hurdle, and other hurdles were found. In the run-in phase, a greater step length in top-level athletes (p<0.001), and a shorter step time (p<0.01) and contact time (p<0.01) was observed. The results obtained in this study support the use of photogrammetry in two dimensions for biomechanical analysis in 60 meter hurdles competition events. Its application at the highest international level competitions has allowed to know the characteristics of the hurdlers over the entire race and identify possible implications for the training process.


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La contaminación de suelos con hidrocarburos de petróleo en México es un problema que se ha vuelto muy común en nuestros días, debido principalmente a derrames, así como a las actividades propias de la industria petrolera. Algunos suelos contaminados, principalmente en el sureste de México, contienen concentraciones de hidrocarburos hasta de 450,000 mg/kg. Por dichas razones, una de las preocupaciones de las autoridades ambientales es el desarrollo de tecnologías eficientes y económicamente factibles que permitan la eliminación de este tipo de contaminantes. El saneamiento del sitio se puede lograr a través de diversos procedimientos, como son la aplicación de métodos físicos, químicos y biológicos (o combinaciones de ellas). La elección de un método depende de la naturaleza del contaminante, su estado físico, concentración, tipo de suelo, espacio físico disponible, tiempo destinado para su tratamiento, así como de los recursos económicos disponibles. Previa a la aplicación de la tecnología es necesario la realización de un diagnóstico de la contaminación del suelo, con el fin de conocer el tipo, concentración y distribución de los contaminantes presentes, así como el volumen de suelo a tratar, las condiciones climáticas de la zona, y características físicas del lugar (vías de acceso y servicios, entre otros). En la presente tesis, el empleo de surfactantes, se ha propuesto como una técnica para incrementar la movilidad de contaminantes orgánicos hidrofóbicos (HOCs) como hidrocarburos totales del petróleo (HTPs), bifenilos policlorados (PCBs), Benceno, Tolueno, Xilenos, explosivos, clorofenoles, pesticidas, entre otros, y así facilitar su degradación. Los surfactantes debido a que reducen la tensión superficial del agua, son moléculas formadas por grupos polares hidrofílicos y largas cadenas carbonadas hidrofóbicas. Sus grupos polares forman puentes hidrógeno con las moléculas de agua, mientras que las cadenas carbonadas se asocian a los hidrocarburos debido a interacciones hidrofóbicas que estos presentan. En soluciones acuosas, los surfactantes forman estructuras esféricas organizadas llamadas micelas. La solubilización de los contaminantes se lleva a cabo solamente cuando se forma la fase micelar, la cual se obtiene cuando la concentración del surfactante es superior a la concentración micelar crítica (CMC), es decir, arriba de la concentración de la cual el monómero se comienza a auto-agregar. La eficiencia de desorción de diésel por un surfactante depende de su naturaleza, de la dosis empleada, de la hidrofobicidad del contaminante, de la interacción surfactante-suelo y del tiempo de contacto surfactante-suelo. Sin embargo, la mejor eficiencia de desorción no está siempre relacionada con la mejor eficiencia de movilidad o solubilidad, debido principalmente a que el empleo de una alta concentración de surfactante puede inhibir la movilización. De acuerdo con información proporcionada por la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA), a la fecha no se ha llevado a cabo en México ninguna restauración de sitios específicamente contaminados con diésel, la técnica de lavado de suelos. Por lo anterior existe la necesidad de emplear la técnica de lavado de suelos ex situ. Específicamente en el suelo extraído de la ex refinería 18 de marzo ubicada en el Distrito Federal México y empleando una solución de surfactantes con agua desionizada, la cual consiste ponerlos en contacto con el suelo contaminado con diésel por medio de columnas de lavado cilíndricas, para lograr la remoción del contaminante. Se emplearon como surfactantes el lauril sulfato de sodio, lauril éter sulfato de sodio y Glucopon AV-100 a diferentes concentraciones de 0.5 a 4.0 [g/L], lográndose obtener una eficiencia del 80 % con este último surfactante. El lavado de suelos contaminados con diésel empleado surfactantes, es una tecnología que requiere que se profundice en el estudio de algunas variables como son el tipo de surfactante, concentración, tiempo de lavado, fenómenos de difusión, desorción, propiedades termodinámicas, entre otros. Los cuales determinarán el éxito o fracaso de la técnica empleada. Nowadays, soil pollution with oil in Mexico is a very common issue due mainly to both oil spill and oil activities. For example, mainly in the southeast area of Mexico, polluted soil contains high concentrations of hydrocarbons, up to 450,000 mg/kg. For these reasons, enviromental authorities have the concern in developing economically feasible and efficient technology that allow the elimination of these type of contaminants. The sanitation in sites can be achieved through several procedures such as physical, chemical and biological methods (or a combination among them). The choice of a method depends on the nature and physical state of the contaminant, the concentration, type of soil, physical space available, time consumption and financial resources. Before any technological application, a diagnostic of the polluted soil is necessary in order to know the type, concentration and distribution of contaminants as well as the soil volume, climatic conditions and physical features of the place (access routes and services, among others). In this thesis, surfactants has been proposed as a technique to increase the mobility of hydrophobic-organic contaminants (HOCs), e.g. total hydrocarbons of petroleum, polychlorinated biphenyls, benzene, toluene, xylenes, explosives, chlorophenols, pesticides, among others, and, hence, to facilitate degradation. Since surfactants reduce the water surface tension, they are molecules comprised of hydrophilic polar groups and long-hydrophobic carbon chains. Surfactant’s polar groups form hydrogen bonding with water molecules while carbon chains, i.e. hydrocarbon chains, have hydrophobic interactios. In aqueous solutions, surfactants form self-organised spherical structures called micelles. The solubilisation of contaminants is carried out only when the micellar phase is formed. This is obtained when the surfactant concentration is higher than the crítical micelle concentration (CMC), i.e. above the concentration where the surfactant monomer begins to self-aggregate. The diesel efficiency desorption by surfactants depends on their nature, the dose use, the contaminant hydrophobicity, the surfactant-soil interaction and the contact time with surfactant soil. However, the best desorption is not always related with the best either mobility or solubility efficiency since high concentration of surfactant can inhibit mobilisation. According to information of the Federal Bureau of Environmental Protection (PROFEPA), up today, there is not any restauration of diesel-polluted sites using the washing-soil technique. Due to the above, there exist the necessity of employing the waching-soil technique ex situ. More specifically, a sample soil from the oil-refinery of “18 de marzo” in Mexico city was extracted and a surfactant solution with deionised water was put in contact with the diesel contaminated soil by means of cylindrical waching columns in order to remove the contaminant. The surfactants employed in this work were sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl ether sulfate and Glucopon AV-100 at different concentrations of 0.5 to 4 [g/L], obtaining a efficiency of 80 % with this last surfactant. The washing of diesel-polluted soil using surfactants is a technology which requires a deeper study of some variables such as the type of surfactant, concentration, washing time, difusión phenomena, desorption, thermodynamic properties, among others. These parameters determine the succes or failure of the employed technique.


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A poluição relacionada a metais pesados tem recebido uma atenção especial devido a sua alta toxicidade, não biodegradabilidade e tendência de acumular-se na cadeia alimentar. Apesar disso, metais pesados também são considerados recursos valiosos, portanto a sua remoção em conjunto com a sua recuperação torna-se ainda mais importante. Este caso aplica-se aos rejeitos de mineração de cobre, os quais oferecem a possibilidade de recuperação do metal e de sua contenção de maneira segura do meio ambiente. Tais rejeitos se caracterizam por ocuparem enormes áreas inundadas e abrigarem soluções diluídas de cobre (II), porém, muitas vezes, acima dos limites seguros. Diversos processos tradicionais de tratamento mostram-se disponíveis para remover o cobre de tais soluções, no entanto, em certas aplicações eles podem ser ineficientes ou muito onerosos. Nesse contexto, a biossorção é uma alternativa interessante. Nesse processo, certos microrganismos, como fungos, bactérias e algas, ligam-se passivamente ao cobre na forma íons ou outras moléculas em soluções. No presente trabalho foi avaliado o potencial de biossorção de íons cobre (II) pela biomassa do fungo Rhizopus microsporus, coletado e isolado da área de rejeitos da Mina do Sossego, na região norte do Brasil. Isotermas de biossorção foram determinadas experimentalmente em bateladas sob temperatura de 25°C, agitação de 150 rpm, concentração de biomassa de 2,0 a 2,5 g/L e tempo de contato mínimo de 4 horas. O pH mostrou ser um fator importante no equilíbrio da biossorção, sendo o valor máximo da capacidade de biossorção de 33,12 mg de cobre / g biomassa encontrado em pH 6. Valores sucessivamente menores são encontrados pela acidificação da solução, sendo o pH 1 considerado adequado para o processo de dessorção, correspondendo a uma capacidade de biossorção de 1,95 mg/g. Modelos de adsorção de Langmuir e de Freundlich ajustaram-se adequadamente às isotermas tanto com pH controlado quanto não controlado. Foi constatado que a troca iônica é um dos mecanismos envolvidos na biossorção do cobre com Rhizopus microsporus. Tanto o modelo de pseudo-primeira ordem quanto o de pseudo-segunda ordem ajustaram-se aos dados cinéticos da biossorção, sendo que o equilíbrio ocorre em aproximadamente 4 horas. A biomassa conservou a capacidade de biossorção ao operar repetidamente em três ciclos de sorção-dessorção. A biomassa viável e a morta não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa na capacidade de biossorção.


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Pyrolysis and gasification of two different sludges coming from a Spanish refinery have been performed at different experimental conditions. A physico-chemical (PC) and a biological (BIO) sludge have been studied. Runs at different heating rates (approx. 4 and 10 K/s) and with different contact time between gases and decomposed sludge have been performed. In general, the ratio H2/CO is higher in pyrolytic runs. The highest ratio is obtained in the pyrolysis at low heating rate and parallel flow, using both sludges. The maximum emission of CO, i.e. the worst combustion conditions, is given in the runs where contact time is minimized and at high heating rates.


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The adsorption of As(III) from aqueous solutions using naturally occurring and modified Algerian montmorillonites has been investigated as a function of contact time, pH, and temperature. Kinetic studies reveal that uptake of As(III) ions is rapid within the first 3 h, and it slows down thereafter. Equilibrium studies show that As(III) shows the highest affinity toward acidic montmorillonite even at very low concentration of arsenic. The kinetics of As(III) adsorption on all montmorillonites used is well described by a pseudo-second-order chemical reaction model, which indicates that the adsorption process of these species is likely to be chemisorption. Adsorption isotherms of As(III) fitted the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models well. The adsorption of As(III) is pH-dependent obtaining an optimal adsorption at pH 5. From the thermodynamic parameters, it is concluded that the process is exothermic, spontaneous, and favorable. The results suggest that M1, M2, and acidic-M2 could be used as low-cost and effective filtering materials for removal of arsenic from water.


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Chlorination was investigated as a treatment option for degrading and thus removing saxitoxins (paralytic shellfish poisons, PSPs) produced by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) from water. It was found to be effective with the order of ease of degradation of the saxitoxins being GTX5 (B1) similar to dcSTX > STX > GTX3 similar to C2 > C1 > GTX2. However the effectiveness of chlorine was pH dependent. Degradation as a function of pH was not linear with the degree of degradation increasing rapidly at around pH 7.5. At pH 9 > 90% removal was possible provided a residual of 0.5 mg l(-1) free chlorine was present after 30 min contact time. The more effective degradation at higher pH was unexpected as chlorine is known to be a weaker oxidant under these conditions. The more effective degradation, then, must be due to the toxins, which are ionisable molecules, being present in a form at higher pH which is more susceptible to oxidation. The feasibility of using chlorine to remove saxitoxins during water treatment will therefore depend strongly on the pH of the water being chlorinated. Degradation may be improved by pH adjustment but may not be a practical solution. Although saxitoxins were degraded in that the parent compounds were not detected by chemical analysis, there is no indication as to the nature of the degradation products. However, acute toxicity as determined by the mouse bioassay was eliminated.


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To understand performance of evasive and interceptive actions it is important to know how people decide when to initiate a movement - initiating at the 'right' moment is often essential for successful performance. It has been proposed that initiation is triggered when a perceptually derived quantity reaches an invariant criterion value. Candidate quantities include time-to-collision (TTC), distance, and rate of image expansion ( ROE), all of which have received empirical support. We studied initiation of an evasive manoeuvre in a computer-simulated steering task in which the observer was required to steer through a stationary visual environment and avoid colliding with an obstacle in their path. The results could not be explained by hypotheses which propose that evasive manoeuvre initiation is based on a fixed criterion value of TTC or distance. The overall pattern was, however, consistent with the use of a criterion ROE value. This was further tested by analyses designed to directly evaluate whether the ROE value used to initiate the response was the same across experimental conditions. Only two of the six participants showed evidence for using the ROE strategy.


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Studies have demonstrated that polymeric biomaterials have the potential to support osteoblast growth and development for bone tissue repair. Poly( beta- hydroxybutyrate- co- beta- hydroxyvalerate) ( PHBV), a bioabsorbable, biocompatible polyhydroxy acid polymer, is an excellent candidate that, as yet, has not been extensively investigated for this purpose. As such, we examined the attachment characteristics, self- renewal capacity, and osteogenic potential of osteoblast- like cells ( MC3T3- E1 S14) when cultured on PHBV films compared with tissue culture polystyrene ( TCP). Cells were assayed over 2 weeks and examined for changes in morphology, attachment, number and proliferation status, alkaline phosphatase ( ALP) activity, calcium accumulation, nodule formation, and the expression of osteogenic genes. We found that these spindle- shaped MC3T3- E1 S14 cells made cell - cell and cell - substrate contact. Time- dependent cell attachment was shown to be accelerated on PHBV compared with collagen and laminin, but delayed compared with TCP and fibronectin. Cell number and the expression of ALP, osteopontin, and pro- collagen alpha 1( I) mRNA were comparable for cells grown on PHBV and TCP, with all these markers increasing over time. This demonstrates the ability of PHBV to support osteoblast cell function. However, a lag was observed for cells on PHBV in comparison with those on TCP for proliferation, ALP activity, and cbfa- 1 mRNA expression. In addition, we observed a reduction in total calcium accumulation, nodule formation, and osteocalcin mRNA expression. It is possible that this cellular response is a consequence of the contrasting surface properties of PHBV and TCP. The PHBV substrate used was rougher and more hydrophobic than TCP. Although further substrate analysis is required, we conclude that this polymer is a suitable candidate for the continued development as a biomaterial for bone tissue engineering.


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The kinetics of naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid (2-NSA) adsorption by granular activated carbon (GAC) were measured and the relationships between adsorption, desorption, bioavailability and biodegradation assessed. The conventional Langmuir model fitted the experimental sorption isotherm data and introduced 2-NSA degrading bacteria, established on the surface of the GAC, did not interfere with adsorption. The potential value of GAC as a microbial support in the aerobic degradation of 2-NSA by Arthrobacter globiformis and Comamonas testosteroni was investigated. Using both virgin and microbially colonised GAC, adsorption removed 2-NSA from the liquid phase up to its saturation capacity of 140 mg/g GAC within 48 h. However, between 83.2% and 93.3% of the adsorbed 2-NSA was bioavailable to both bacterial species as a source of carbon for growth. In comparison to the non-inoculated GAC, the combination of rapid adsorption and biodegradation increased the amount (by 70–93%) of 2-NSA removal from the influent phase as well as the bed-life of the GAC (from 40 to >120 d). A microbially conditioned GAC fixed-bed reactor containing 15 g GAC removed 100% 2-NSA (100 mg/l) from tannery wastewater at an empty bed contact time of 22 min for a minimum of 120 d without the need for GAC reconditioning or replacement. This suggests that small volume GAC bioreactors could be used for tannery wastewater recycling.


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The fresh water cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis produces saxitoxin (STX) and several other toxins with similar basic structural skeleton. Collectively, these toxins are known as Paralytic Shellfish Poisons or PSPs. These toxins are water soluble and can escape into the water body after cell lysis. The presence of these toxins in drinking water is a serious threat to human health. The present work has shown that Paralytic Shellfish Poisons (PSPs) in drinking water can be removed by chlorination at high pH (>9.0), provided a residual of 0.5 mg/L of free chlorine is present after 30 minutes of contact time.


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The sporicidal activity of an odour-free peracetic acid-based disinfectant (Wofasteril®) and a widely-used dichloroisocyanurate preparation (Chlor-clean®) was assessed against spores of the hyper-virulent strain of Clostridium difficile (ribotype 027), in the presence and absence of organic matter. In environmentally clean conditions, dichloroisocyanurate achieved a >3 log10 reduction in 3 minutes, but a minimum contact time of 9 minutes was required to reduce the viable spore load to below detection levels. Peracetic acid achieved a >3 log10 reduction in 30 minutes and was overall significantly less effective (P<0.05). However, in the presence of organic matter - which reflects the true clinical environment - there was no significant difference between the sporicidal activity of dichloroisocyanurate and peracetic acid over a 60-minute period (P=0.188). Given the greater occupational health hazards generally associated with chlorine-releasing agents, odour-free peracetic acid-based disinfectants may offer a suitable alternative for environmental disinfection.


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The aims of this work have been to identify an enzymatic reaction system suitable to investigate and develop the high-speed centrifuge as a novel reaction system for performing such reactions. The production of galacto-oligosaccharides by the trans-galactosyl activity of the enzyme β-galactosidase on lactose monohydrate was identified as a model enzymatic system to elucidate the principles of this type of process. Galacto-oligosaccharides have attracted considerable commercial interest as food additives which have been shown to be beneficial to the health of the human gastrointestinal tract. The development of a single unit operation capable of controlling the biosynthesis of galacto-oligosaccharides whilst simultaneously separating the enzyme from the reaction products would reduce downstream processing costs. This thesis shows for the first time that by using a combination of (a) immobilised or insolubilised β-galactosidase , (b) a rate-zonal centrifugation technique, and (c) various applied centrifugal fields, that a high-speed centrifuge could be used to control the formation of galacto-oligosaccharides whilst removing the enzyme from the reaction products. By layering a suspension of insolubilised β-galactosidase on top of a lactose monohydrate density gradient and centrifuging, the applied centrifugal fields generated produced sedimentation of the enzyme particles through the substrate. The higher sedimentation rate of the enzyme compared to those of the reaction products allowed for separation to take place. Complete sedimentation, or pelleting of the enzyme permits the possible recovery and re-use. Insolubilisation of the enzyme allowed it to be sedimented through the substrate gradient using much lower applied centrifugal fields than that required to sediment free soluble enzyme and this allowed for less expensive centrifugation equipment to be used. Using free soluble and insolubilised β-galactosidase stirred-batch reactions were performed to investigate the kinetics of lactose monohydrate hydrolysis and galacto-oligosaccharide formation. Based on these results a preliminary mathematical model based on Michaelis-Menten kinetics was produced. It was found that the enzyme insolubilisation process using a chemical cross-linking agent did not affect the process of galacto-oligosaccharide formation. Centrifugation experiments were performed and it was found that by varying the applied centrifugal fields that the yield of galacto-oligosaccharides could be controlled. The higher the applied centrifugal fields the lower the yield of galacto-oligosaccharides. By increasing the applied centrifugal fields the 'contact time' between the sedimenting enzyme and the substrate was reduced, which produced lower yields. A novel technique involving pulsing the insolubilised enzyme through the substrate gradient was developed and this was found to produce higher yields of galacto-oligosaccharide compared to using a single enzyme loading equivalent to the total combined activity of the pulses. Comparison of the galacto-oligosaccharide yields between stirred-batch and centrifugation reactions showed that the applied centrifugal fields did not adversely affect the transgalactosyl activity of the insolubilised enzyme.


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A thorough investigation of the recommended colorimetric method for the determination of malathion (an organophosphorus pesticide) has led to the identification of the major cause of all the problems with which the method suffers. The method, which involves the extraction of the copper (II) complex or the hydrolysis product of malathion from aqueous solution into immiscible organic solvents, has many drawbacks. For example, the colour of the organic extract fades very quickly and a slight increase in the contact time of the hydrolysis product and the copper reagent within the aqueous solution, results in a decrease in the ab-solute absorbance. Also, the presence of any reducing agents can be a significant source of error. In the present work, it has been shown that the basic cause of all these problems is the ability of copper (II) ion to be reduced to copper (I) ion. It has further been shown that these problems can be resolved by re-placing copper (II) by bismuth (III). This has led to the development of a modified colorimetric method for the determination. of malathion, which has distinct advantages over all other existing methods in terms of reagents required, ease in application, avoidance of interferences and stability of colour for extended periods of time. The modified colorimetric method described above has been further improved by making use of a ligand exchange reaction involving dithizone. The resulting final organic extract in this case is bright orange in colour, the absorbance of which can be measured even with simple photometers. The usefulness of the modified colorimetric method has been demonstrated by determining malathion in technical products, and in aqueous solution containing the compound down to sub ppm levels. The scope and applicability of atomic absorption spectrophotometry has been extended by demonstrating for the first time that the technique can be used for the indirect determination of malathion. Almost all of the work described above has been accepted for publication by international journals and considerable interest in the work has been shown by chemists working in the field of pesticide analysis and research.