881 resultados para computer systems
BACKGROUND Breast cancer survivors suffer physical impairment after oncology treatment. This impairment reduces quality of life (QoL) and increase the prevalence of handicaps associated to unhealthy lifestyle (for example, decreased aerobic capacity and strength, weight gain, and fatigue). Recent work has shown that exercise adapted to individual characteristics of patients is related to improved overall and disease-free survival. Nowadays, technological support using telerehabilitation systems is a promising strategy with great advantage of a quick and efficient contact with the health professional. It is not known the role of telerehabilitation through therapeutic exercise as a support tool to implement an active lifestyle which has been shown as an effective resource to improve fitness and reduce musculoskeletal disorders of these women. METHODS / DESIGN This study will use a two-arm, assessor blinded, parallel randomized controlled trial design. People will be eligible if: their diagnosis is of stages I, II, or IIIA breast cancer; they are without chronic disease or orthopedic issues that would interfere with ability to participate in a physical activity program; they had access to the Internet and basic knowledge of computer use or living with a relative who has this knowledge; they had completed adjuvant therapy except for hormone therapy and not have a history of cancer recurrence; and they have an interest in improving lifestyle. Participants will be randomized into e-CUIDATE or usual care groups. E-CUIDATE give participants access to a range of contents: planning exercise arranged in series with breathing exercises, mobility, strength, and stretching. All of these exercises will be assigned to women in the telerehabilitation group according to perceived needs. The control group will be asked to maintain their usual routine. Study endpoints will be assessed after 8 weeks (immediate effects) and after 6 months. The primary outcome will be QoL measured by The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 version 3.0 and breast module called The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Breast Cancer-Specific Quality of Life questionnaire. The secondary outcomes: pain (algometry, Visual Analogue Scale, Brief Pain Inventory short form); body composition; physical measurement (abdominal test, handgrip strength, back muscle strength, and multiple sit-to-stand test); cardiorespiratory fitness (International Fitness Scale, 6-minute walk test, International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form); fatigue (Piper Fatigue Scale and Borg Fatigue Scale); anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale); cognitive function (Trail Making Test and Auditory Consonant Trigram); accelerometry; lymphedema; and anthropometric perimeters. DISCUSSION This study investigates the feasibility and effectiveness of a telerehabilitation system during adjuvant treatment of patients with breast cancer. If this treatment option is effective, telehealth systems could offer a choice of supportive care to cancer patients during the survivorship phase. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01801527.
In 2006 the Library of the Andalusian Public Health System (BVSSPA) is constituted as a Virtual Library which provides Resources and Services that are accessed through inter-hospital local area network (corporate intranet) and Internet. On the other hand, the Hospital de la Axarquia still did not have any institutional or self-presence on the Internet and the librarian ask the need to create a space for communication with the "digital users" of the Library of the area through a website. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The reasons why we opted for a blog were: -It was necessary to make no financial outlay for its establishment. It allowed for great versatility, both in its administration and in its management by users. -The ability to compile on the same platform different Web 2.0 communication tools. Between different options available we chose Blogger Google Inc. The blog allowed entry to the 2.0 services or Social Web in the library. The benefits offered were many, especially the visibility of the service and communication with the user. 2.0 tools that have been incorporated into the library are: content syndication (RSS) which allowed users to stay informed about updates to the blog. Share documents and other multimedia as presentations through SlideShare, images through Flickr or Picasa, or videos (YouTube). And the presence on social network like Facebook and Twitter. RESULTS. The analysis of the activity we has been traking by Google Analytics tool, helping to determine the number of blog visits. Since its stablishment, on November 17th 2006, until November 29th 2010 the blog has received 15,787 visitors, 38,422 page views were consulted, at each visit on average 2.4 pages were consulted and each visit has an average stay at the site of 4'31''. DISCUSSION. The blog has served as a communication and information tool with the user. Since the creation of the blog we have incorporated technologies and tools to interact with the user. With all the tools used we have applied the concept of "open source" and the contents were generated from the activities organized in the Knowledge Management Unit from the anatomo-clinical sessions, the training activities, dissemination events, etc. The result has been the customization of library services, contextualized in the Knowledge Management Unit - Axarquia. In social networks we have shared information and files with the professionals and the community. CONCLUSIONS. The blog has allowed us to explore technologies that allow us to communicate with the user and the community, disseminate information and documents with the participation of users and become the "Interactive Library" we aspire to be.
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are software applications that support clinicians in making healthcare decisions providing relevant information for individual patients about their specific conditions. The lack of integration between CDSS and Electronic Health Record (EHR) has been identified as a significant barrier to CDSS development and adoption. Andalusia Healthcare Public System (AHPS) provides an interoperable health information infrastructure based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that eases CDSS implementation. This paper details the deployment of a CDSS jointly with the deployment of a Terminology Server (TS) within the AHPS infrastructure. It also explains a case study about the application of decision support to thromboembolism patients and its potential impact on improving patient safety. We will apply the inSPECt tool proposal to evaluate the appropriateness of alerts in this scenario.
Introduction: Our goal was to know the web contents and examine the technical information pest control services available to users through their webpages. Method: A total of 70 webpages from biocides services in the province of Málaga (Spain) were analyzed. We used 15 evaluation indicators grouped into 5 parameters relating to data of the service provider; information’s reliability and services; accuracy of content and writing style; technical resources and interaction with the users. As test instruments were used sectoral legislation, official records of products and deliveries, standards and technical guides. Results: Companies showed a remarkable degree of awareness with the implementation and use of new technologies. Aspects negative that they can have an impact on the confidence of users, relating to the reliability of the information and deficiencies associated with the description of the services portfolio and credentials of the companies were identified. The integration and use of collaborative platforms 2.0 was poorly developed and squandered. Discussion: It is possible to improve the trust of users intervening in those aspects that affect the reliability of the information provided on the web.
Implementación y evaluación de un algoritmo híbrido que selecciona el conjunto de nodos de menor coste que permite desplegar un servicio, con una disponibilidad determinada, en un entorno de computación voluntaria.
BACKGROUND Skin patch test is the gold standard method in diagnosing contact allergy. Although used for more than 100 years, the patch test procedure is performed with variability around the world. A number of factors can influence the test results, namely the quality of reagents used, the timing of the application, the patch test series (allergens/haptens) that have been used for testing, the appropriate interpretation of the skin reactions or the evaluation of the patient's benefit. METHODS We performed an Internet -based survey with 38 questions covering the educational background of respondents, patch test methods and interpretation. The questionnaire was distributed among all representatives of national member societies of the World Allergy Organization (WAO), and the WAO Junior Members Group. RESULTS One hundred sixty-nine completed surveys were received from 47 countries. The majority of participants had more than 5 years of clinical practice (61 %) and routinely carried out patch tests (70 %). Both allergists and dermatologists were responsible for carrying out the patch tests. We could observe the use of many different guidelines regardless the geographical distribution. The use of home-made preparations was indicated by 47 % of participants and 73 % of the respondents performed 2 or 3 readings. Most of the responders indicated having patients with adverse reactions, including erythroderma (12 %); however, only 30 % of members completed a consent form before conducting the patch test. DISCUSSION The heterogeneity of patch test practices may be influenced by the level of awareness of clinical guidelines, different training backgrounds, accessibility to various types of devices, the patch test series (allergens/haptens) used for testing, type of clinical practice (public or private practice, clinical or research-based institution), infrastructure availability, financial/commercial implications and regulations among others. CONCLUSION There is a lack of a worldwide homogeneity of patch test procedures, and this raises concerns about the need for standardization and harmonization of this important diagnostic procedure.
El present document dóna resposta a una proposta de l'empresa NewBourg Consultors SL per determinar la capacitat del mòdul de producció del programari lliure OpenBravo o d'un altre programari lliure per donar resposta a les necessitats de planificació, seguiment i control de la producció d'una empresa tèxtil pilot, industrial o manufacturera, de menys de 50 treballadors. Els principals objectius d'aquest treball són: analitzar el programari ERP lliure disponible actualment al mercat, valorar i seleccionar un o dos programaris adients per una empresa de fabricació, realitzar un estudi de viabilitat i anàlisi del sistema, i comprovar amb dades fictícies si el programa s'ajusta als requeriments de planificació i producció presentant un informe final.
En aquest projecte es desenvolupa una aplicació FreeRTOS per a la mota LPC1769 connectada amb un mòdul WiFly que agafa un fitxer d'Internet, el comprimeix i el desa un altre cop a Internet tot afegint les estadístiques bàsiques de temps i percentatge de compressió.
Costes energéticos y rendimiento con entornos virtualizados en nuevas aplicaciones de memorias flash
El objetivo del presente trabajo es medir en los sistemas distribuidos cuánto supone el coste energético con la utilización de máquinas virtuales en función de las tecnologías de almacenamiento empleadas y determinar si existen posibles estrategias que mejoren este ahorro de consumo.
In the present work the prototype for a self-propelled embedded system with wireless connectivity has been carried out. The system is designed to receive commands from the Internet.
Este proyecto desarrolla un aparato señalizador de esgrima o FSM (un dispositivo electrónico capaz de determinar si el arma de un esgrimista ha tocado la superficie válida del otro deportista en las condiciones de tiempo preestablecidas por el reglamento de esgrima), basado en la placa LPC1769 que permite la integración con un software de control remoto mediante un módulo WiFly RN-XV.
Proyecto que recoge el estado del arte de los gestores de ventanas de GNU/Linux, incorporando un análisis y comparativa de los principales gestores de ventanas.
Avaluació de les capacitats d'assolir requeriments de temps real de la línia principal de nucli de Linux.
PURPOSE: Afferent asymmetry of visual function is detectable in both normal and pathologic conditions. With a computerized test, we assessed the variability in measuring afferent asymmetry of the pupillary light reflex, that is, the relative afferent pupillary defect. METHODS: In ten normal subjects, pupillary responses to an alternating light stimulus were recorded with computerized infrared pupillography. The relative afferent pupillary defect for each test was determined by using a new computer analysis. The 95% confidence interval of each determination of relative afferent pupillary defect was used to represent the short-term fluctuation in its measurement. To optimize the test for clinical use, we studied the influence of stimulus intensity, duration, and number on the variability of the relative afferent pupillary defect. RESULTS: When the relative afferent pupillary defect was based on only a few light alternations (stimulus pairs), there was excessive variability in its measurement (95% confidence interval > 0.5 log units). With approximately 200 stimulus pairs, the 95% confidence interval was reduced to less than 0.1 log unit (relative afferent pupillary defect +/- 0.05 log unit). Also, there was less variability when the dark interval between alternating light stimulation was less than one second. CONCLUSIONS: Computerized infrared pupillography can standardize the alternating light test and minimize the error in quantifying a relative afferent pupillary defect. A reproducible relative afferent pupillary defect measurement is desirable for defining afferent injury and following the course of disease.