465 resultados para compiler backend


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This report describes Processor Coupling, a mechanism for controlling multiple ALUs on a single integrated circuit to exploit both instruction-level and inter-thread parallelism. A compiler statically schedules individual threads to discover available intra-thread instruction-level parallelism. The runtime scheduling mechanism interleaves threads, exploiting inter-thread parallelism to maintain high ALU utilization. ALUs are assigned to threads on a cycle byscycle basis, and several threads can be active concurrently. Simulation results show that Processor Coupling performs well both on single threaded and multi-threaded applications. The experiments address the effects of memory latencies, function unit latencies, and communication bandwidth between function units.


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Security policies are increasingly being implemented by organisations. Policies are mapped to device configurations to enforce the policies. This is typically performed manually by network administrators. The development and management of these enforcement policies is a difficult and error prone task. This thesis describes the development and evaluation of an off-line firewall policy parser and validation tool. This provides the system administrator with a textual interface and the vendor specific low level languages they trust and are familiar with, but the support of an off-line compiler tool. The tool was created using the Microsoft C#.NET language, and the Microsoft Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This provided an object environment to create a flexible and extensible system, as well as simple Web and Windows prototyping facilities to create GUI front-end applications for testing and evaluation. A CLI was provided with the tool, for more experienced users, but it was also designed to be easily integrated into GUI based applications for non-expert users. The evaluation of the system was performed from a custom built GUI application, which can create test firewall rule sets containing synthetic rules, to supply a variety of experimental conditions, as well as record various performance metrics. The validation tool was created, based around a pragmatic outlook, with regard to the needs of the network administrator. The modularity of the design was important, due to the fast changing nature of the network device languages being processed. An object oriented approach was taken, for maximum changeability and extensibility, and a flexible tool was developed, due to the possible needs of different types users. System administrators desire, low level, CLI-based tools that they can trust, and use easily from scripting languages. Inexperienced users may prefer a more abstract, high level, GUI or Wizard that has an easier to learn process. Built around these ideas, the tool was implemented, and proved to be a usable, and complimentary addition to the many network policy-based systems currently available. The tool has a flexible design and contains comprehensive functionality. As opposed to some of the other tools which perform across multiple vendor languages, but do not implement a deep range of options for any of the languages. It compliments existing systems, such as policy compliance tools, and abstract policy analysis systems. Its validation algorithms were evaluated for both completeness, and performance. The tool was found to correctly process large firewall policies in just a few seconds. A framework for a policy-based management system, with which the tool would integrate, is also proposed. This is based around a vendor independent XML-based repository of device configurations, which could be used to bring together existing policy management and analysis systems.


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Simon, B., Hanks, B., Murphy, L., Fitzgerald, S., McCauley, R., Thomas, L., and Zander, C. 2008. Saying isn't necessarily believing: influencing self-theories in computing. In Proceeding of the Fourth international Workshop on Computing Education Research (Sydney, Australia, September 06 - 07, 2008). ICER '08. ACM, New York, NY, 173-184.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática, ramo de Computação Móvel


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Quadsim is an intermediate code simulator. It allows you to "run" programs that your compiler generates in intermediate code format. Its user interface is similar to most debuggers in that you can step through your program, instruction by instruction, set breakpoints, examine variable values, and so on. The intermediate code format used by Quadsim is that described in [Aho 86]. If your compiler generates intermediate code in this format, you will be able to take intermediate-code files generated by your compiler, load them into the simulator, and watch them "run." You are provided with functions that hide the internal representation of intermediate code. You can use these functions within your compiler to generate intermediate code files that can be read by the simulator. Quadsim was inspired and greatly influenced by [Aho 86]. The material in chapter 8 (Intermediate Code Generation) of [Aho 86] should be considered background material for users of Quadsim.


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The CIL compiler for core Standard ML compiles whole programs using a novel typed intermediate language (TIL) with intersection and union types and flow labels on both terms and types. The CIL term representation duplicates portions of the program where intersection types are introduced and union types are eliminated. This duplication makes it easier to represent type information and to introduce customized data representations. However, duplication incurs compile-time space costs that are potentially much greater than are incurred in TILs employing type-level abstraction or quantification. In this paper, we present empirical data on the compile-time space costs of using CIL as an intermediate language. The data shows that these costs can be made tractable by using sufficiently fine-grained flow analyses together with standard hash-consing techniques. The data also suggests that non-duplicating formulations of intersection (and union) types would not achieve significantly better space complexity.


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As the commoditization of sensing, actuation and communication hardware increases, so does the potential for dynamically tasked sense and respond networked systems (i.e., Sensor Networks or SNs) to replace existing disjoint and inflexible special-purpose deployments (closed-circuit security video, anti-theft sensors, etc.). While various solutions have emerged to many individual SN-centric challenges (e.g., power management, communication protocols, role assignment), perhaps the largest remaining obstacle to widespread SN deployment is that those who wish to deploy, utilize, and maintain a programmable Sensor Network lack the programming and systems expertise to do so. The contributions of this thesis centers on the design, development and deployment of the SN Workbench (snBench). snBench embodies an accessible, modular programming platform coupled with a flexible and extensible run-time system that, together, support the entire life-cycle of distributed sensory services. As it is impossible to find a one-size-fits-all programming interface, this work advocates the use of tiered layers of abstraction that enable a variety of high-level, domain specific languages to be compiled to a common (thin-waist) tasking language; this common tasking language is statically verified and can be subsequently re-translated, if needed, for execution on a wide variety of hardware platforms. snBench provides: (1) a common sensory tasking language (Instruction Set Architecture) powerful enough to express complex SN services, yet simple enough to be executed by highly constrained resources with soft, real-time constraints, (2) a prototype high-level language (and corresponding compiler) to illustrate the utility of the common tasking language and the tiered programming approach in this domain, (3) an execution environment and a run-time support infrastructure that abstract a collection of heterogeneous resources into a single virtual Sensor Network, tasked via this common tasking language, and (4) novel formal methods (i.e., static analysis techniques) that verify safety properties and infer implicit resource constraints to facilitate resource allocation for new services. This thesis presents these components in detail, as well as two specific case-studies: the use of snBench to integrate physical and wireless network security, and the use of snBench as the foundation for semester-long student projects in a graduate-level Software Engineering course.


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Efficient storage of types within a compiler is necessary to avoid large blowups in space during compilation. Recursive types in particular are important to consider, as naive representations of recursive types may be arbitrarily larger than necessary through unfolding. Hash-consing has been used to efficiently store non-recursive types. Deterministic finite automata techniques have been used to efficiently perform various operations on recursive types. We present a new system for storing recursive types combining hash-consing and deterministic finite automata techniques. The space requirements are linear in the number of distinct types. Both update and lookup operations take polynomial time and linear space and type equality can be checked in constant time once both types are in the system.


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This paper is centered around the design of a thread- and memory-safe language, primarily for the compilation of application-specific services for extensible operating systems. We describe various issues that have influenced the design of our language, called Cuckoo, that guarantees safety of programs with potentially asynchronous flows of control. Comparisons are drawn between Cuckoo and related software safety techniques, including Cyclone and software-based fault isolation (SFI), and performance results suggest our prototype compiler is capable of generating safe code that executes with low runtime overheads, even without potential code optimizations. Compared to Cyclone, Cuckoo is able to safely guard accesses to memory when programs are multithreaded. Similarly, Cuckoo is capable of enforcing memory safety in situations that are potentially troublesome for techniques such as SFI.


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A common challenge that users of academic databases face is making sense of their query outputs for knowledge discovery. This is exacerbated by the size and growth of modern databases. PubMed, a central index of biomedical literature, contains over 25 million citations, and can output search results containing hundreds of thousands of citations. Under these conditions, efficient knowledge discovery requires a different data structure than a chronological list of articles. It requires a method of conveying what the important ideas are, where they are located, and how they are connected; a method of allowing users to see the underlying topical structure of their search. This paper presents VizMaps, a PubMed search interface that addresses some of these problems. Given search terms, our main backend pipeline extracts relevant words from the title and abstract, and clusters them into discovered topics using Bayesian topic models, in particular the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). It then outputs a visual, navigable map of the query results.


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An abstract of this work will be presented at the Compiler, Architecture and Tools Conference (CATC), Intel Development Center, Haifa, Israel November 23, 2015.


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Three paradigms for distributed-memory parallel computation that free the application programmer from the details of message passing are compared for an archetypal structured scientific computation -- a nonlinear, structured-grid partial differential equation boundary value problem -- using the same algorithm on the same hardware. All of the paradigms -- parallel languages represented by the Portland Group's HPF, (semi-)automated serial-to-parallel source-to-source translation represented by CAP-Tools from the University of Greenwich, and parallel libraries represented by Argonne's PETSc -- are found to be easy to use for this problem class, and all are reasonably effective in exploiting concurrency after a short learning curve. The level of involvement required by the application programmer under any paradigm includes specification of the data partitioning, corresponding to a geometrically simple decomposition of the domain of the PDE. Programming in SPMD style for the PETSc library requires writing only the routines that discretize the PDE and its Jacobian, managing subdomain-to-processor mappings (affine global-to-local index mappings), and interfacing to library solver routines. Programming for HPF requires a complete sequential implementation of the same algorithm as a starting point, introduction of concurrency through subdomain blocking (a task similar to the index mapping), and modest experimentation with rewriting loops to elucidate to the compiler the latent concurrency. Programming with CAPTools involves feeding the same sequential implementation to the CAPTools interactive parallelization system, and guiding the source-to-source code transformation by responding to various queries about quantities knowable only at runtime. Results representative of "the state of the practice" for a scaled sequence of structured grid problems are given on three of the most important contemporary high-performance platforms: the IBM SP, the SGI Origin 2000, and the CRAYY T3E.


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The shared-memory programming model can be an effective way to achieve parallelism on shared memory parallel computers. Historically however, the lack of a programming standard using directives and the limited scalability have affected its take-up. Recent advances in hardware and software technologies have resulted in improvements to both the performance of parallel programs with compiler directives and the issue of portability with the introduction of OpenMP. In this study, the Computer Aided Parallelisation Toolkit has been extended to automatically generate OpenMP-based parallel programs with nominal user assistance. We categorize the different loop types and show how efficient directives can be placed using the toolkit's in-depth interprocedural analysis. Examples are taken from the NAS parallel benchmarks and a number of real-world application codes. This demonstrates the great potential of using the toolkit to quickly parallelise serial programs as well as the good performance achievable on up to 300 processors for hybrid message passing-directive parallelisations.


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A scalable large vocabulary, speaker independent speech recognition system is being developed using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for acoustic modeling and a Weighted Finite State Transducer (WFST) to compile sentence, word, and phoneme models. The system comprises a software backend search and an FPGA-based Gaussian calculation which are covered here. In this paper, we present an efficient pipelined design implemented both as an embedded peripheral and as a scalable, parallel hardware accelerator. Both architectures have been implemented on an Alpha Data XRC-5T1, reconfigurable computer housing a Virtex 5 SX95T FPGA. The core has been tested and is capable of calculating a full set of Gaussian results from 3825 acoustic models in 9.03 ms which coupled with a backend search of 5000 words has provided an accuracy of over 80%. Parallel implementations have been designed with up to 32 cores and have been successfully implemented with a clock frequency of 133?MHz.


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Speeding up sequential programs on multicores is a challenging problem that is in urgent need of a solution. Automatic parallelization of irregular pointer-intensive codes, exempli?ed by the SPECint codes, is a very hard problem. This paper shows that, with a helping hand, such auto-parallelization is possible and fruitful. This paper makes the following contributions: (i) A compiler framework for extracting pipeline-like parallelism from outer program loops is presented. (ii) Using a light-weight programming model based on annotations, the programmer helps the compiler to ?nd thread-level parallelism. Each of the annotations speci?es only a small piece of semantic information that compiler analysis misses, e.g. stating that a variable is dead at a certain program point. The annotations are designed such that correctness is easily veri?ed. Furthermore, we present a tool for suggesting annotations to the programmer. (iii) The methodology is applied to autoparallelize several SPECint benchmarks. For the benchmark with most parallelism (hmmer), we obtain a scalable 7-fold speedup on an AMD quad-core dual processor. The annotations constitute a parallel programming model that relies extensively on a sequential program representation. Hereby, the complexity of debugging is not increased and it does not obscure the source code. These properties could prove valuable to increase the ef?ciency of parallel programming.