792 resultados para communication performance evaluation
Le reti ottiche, grazie alla loro elevata capacità, hanno acquisito sempre maggiore importanza negli ultimi anni, sia per via del crescente volume di dati scambiati, legato soprattutto alla larga diffusione di Internet, sia per la necessità di comunicazioni in tempo reale. Dati i (relativamente) lunghi tempi di adattamento, questa tecnologia nativamente non è quella ottimale per il trasporto di un traffico a burst, tipico delle telecomunicazioni odierne. Le reti ibride cercano, quindi, di coniugare al meglio le potenzialità della commutazione ottica di circuito e della commutazione ottica a pacchetto. In questo lavoro, in particolare, ci si è concentrati su un'architettura di rete ibrida denominata 3LIHON (3-Level Integrated Hybrid Optical Network). Essa prevede tre distinti livelli di qualità di servizio (QoS) per soddisfare differenti necessità: - Guaranteed Service Type (GST): simile ad un servizio a commutazione di circuito, non ammette perdita di dati. - Statistically Multiplexed Real Time (SM/RT): simile ad un servizio a commutazione di pacchetto, garantisce ritardo nullo o molto basso all'interno della rete, permette un piccolo tasso di perdita di dati e ammette la contesa della banda. - Statistically Multiplexed Best Effort (SM/BE): simile ad un servizio a commutazione di pacchetto, non garantisce alcun ritardo tra i nodi ed ammette un basso tasso di perdita dei dati. In un nodo 3LIHON, il traffico SM/BE impossibile da servire, a causa ad es. dell'interruzione da parte di pacchetti aventi un livello di QoS più prioritario, viene irrimediabilmente perso. Questo implica anche lo spreco del tempo e delle risorse impiegati per trasmettere un pacchetto SM/BE fino alla sua interruzione. Nel presente lavoro si è cercato di limitare, per quanto possibile, questo comportamento sconveniente, adottando e comparando tre strategie, che hanno portato alla modifica del nodo 3LIHON standard ed alla nascita di tre sue varianti.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è la caratterizzazione fisica del flat panel PaxScan4030CB Varian, rivelatore di raggi X impiegato in un ampio spettro di applicazioni cliniche, dalla radiografia generale alla radiologia interventistica. Nell’ambito clinico, al fine di una diagnosi accurata, è necessario avere una buona qualità dell’immagine radiologica mantenendo il più basso livello di dose rilasciata al paziente. Elemento fondamentale per ottenere questo risultato è la scelta del rivelatore di radiazione X, che deve garantire prestazioni fisiche (contrasto, risoluzione spaziale e rumore) adeguati alla specifica procedura. Le metriche oggettive che misurano queste caratteristiche sono SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) ed NPS (Noise Power Spectrum), che insieme contribuiscono alla misura della DQE (Detective Quantum Efficiency), il parametro più completo e adatto a stabilire le performance di un sistema di imaging. L’oggettività di queste misure consente anche di mettere a confronto tra loro diversi sistemi di rivelazione. La misura di questi parametri deve essere effettuata seguendo precisi protocolli di fisica medica, che sono stati applicati al rivelatore PaxScan4030CB presente nel laboratorio del Centro di Coordinamento di Fisica Medica, Policlinico S.Orsola. I risultati ottenuti, conformi a quelli dichiarati dal costruttore, sono stati confrontati con successo con alcuni lavori presenti in letteratura e costituiscono la base necessaria per la verifica di procedure di ottimizzazione dell’immagine radiologica attraverso interventi sul processo di emissione dei raggi X e sul trattamento informatico dell’immagine (Digital Subtraction Angiography).
La simulazione è definita come la rappresentazione del comportamento di un sistema o di un processo per mezzo del funzionamento di un altro o, alternativamente, dall'etimologia del verbo “simulare”, come la riproduzione di qualcosa di fittizio, irreale, come se in realtà, lo fosse. La simulazione ci permette di modellare la realtà ed esplorare soluzioni differenti e valutare sistemi che non possono essere realizzati per varie ragioni e, inoltre, effettuare differenti valutazioni, dinamiche per quanto concerne la variabilità delle condizioni. I modelli di simulazione possono raggiungere un grado di espressività estremamente elevato, difficilmente un solo calcolatore potrà soddisfare in tempi accettabili i risultati attesi. Una possibile soluzione, viste le tendenze tecnologiche dei nostri giorni, è incrementare la capacità computazionale tramite un’architettura distribuita (sfruttando, ad esempio, le possibilità offerte dal cloud computing). Questa tesi si concentrerà su questo ambito, correlandolo ad un altro argomento che sta guadagnando, giorno dopo giorno, sempre più rilevanza: l’anonimato online. I recenti fatti di cronaca hanno dimostrato quanto una rete pubblica, intrinsecamente insicura come l’attuale Internet, non sia adatta a mantenere il rispetto di confidenzialità, integrità ed, in alcuni, disponibilità degli asset da noi utilizzati: nell’ambito della distribuzione di risorse computazionali interagenti tra loro, non possiamo ignorare i concreti e molteplici rischi; in alcuni sensibili contesti di simulazione (e.g., simulazione militare, ricerca scientifica, etc.) non possiamo permetterci la diffusione non controllata dei nostri dati o, ancor peggio, la possibilità di subire un attacco alla disponibilità delle risorse coinvolte. Essere anonimi implica un aspetto estremamente rilevante: essere meno attaccabili, in quanto non identificabili.
This thesis evaluates a novel asymmetric capacitor incorporating a carbon foam supported nickel hydroxide positive electrode and a carbon black negative electrode. A series of symmetric capacitors were prepared to characterize the carbon black (CB) negative electrode. The influence of the binder, PTFE, content on the cell properties was evaluated. X-ray diffraction characterization of the nickel electrode during cycling is also presented. The 3 wt% and 5 wt% PTFE/CB symmetric cells were examined using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and constant current charge/discharge measurements. As compared with symmetric cells containing more PTFE, the 3 wt% cell has the highest average specific capacitance, energy density and power density over 300 cycles, 121.8 F/g, 6.44 Wh/kg, and 604.1 W/kg, respectively. Over the 3 to 10 wt% PTFE/CB range, the 3 wt% sample exhibited the lowest effective resistance and the highest BET surface area. Three asymmetric cells (3 wt% PTFE/CB negative electrode and a nickel positive) were fabricated; cycle life was examined at 3 current densities. The highest average energy and power densities over 1000 cycles were 20 Wh/kg (21 mA/cm2) and 715 W/kg (31 mA/cm2), respectively. The longest cycle life was 11,505 cycles (at 8 mA/cm2), with an average efficiency of 79% and an average energy density of 14 Wh/kg. The XRD results demonstrate that the cathodically deposited nickel electrode is a typical α-Ni(OH)2 with the R3m structure (ABBCCA stacking); the charged electrodes are 3γ-NiOOH with the same stacking as the α-type; the discharged electrodes (including as-formed electrode) are aged to β’-Ni(OH)2 (a disordered β) with the P3m structure (ABAB stacking). A 3γ remnant was observed.
The prevalence of Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrines in Ghana suggests that the design must have a high user acceptance. The two key factors attributed to user acceptance of a VIP latrine over an alternative latrine design, such as the basic pit latrine, are its ability to remove foul odors and maintain low fly populations; both of which are a direct result of an adequate ventilation flow rate. Adequate ventilation for odorless conditions in a VIP latrine has been defined by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank, as an air flow rate equivalent to 6 air changes per hour (6 ACH) of the superstructure’s air volume. Additionally, the UNDP determined that the three primary factors that affect ventilation are: 1) wind passing over the mouth of the vent pipe, 2) wind passing into the superstructure, and 3) solar radiation on to the vent pipe. Previous studies also indicate that vent pipes with larger diameters increase flow rates, and the application of carbonaceous materials to the pit sludge reduces odor and insect prevalence. Furthermore, proper design and construction is critical for the correct functioning of VIP latrines. Under-designing could cause problems with odor and insect control; over-designing would increase costs unnecessarily, thereby making it potentially unaffordable for benefactors to independently construct, repair or replace a VIP latrine. The present study evaluated the design of VIP latrines used by rural communities in the Upper West Region of Ghana with the focus of assessing adequate ventilation for odor removal and insect control. Thirty VIP latrines from six communities in the Upper West Region of Ghana were sampled. Each VIP latrine’s ventilation flow rate and micro-environment was measured using a hot-wire anemometer probe and portable weather station for a minimum of four hours. To capture any temporal or seasonal variations in ventilation, ten of the latrines were sampled monthly over the course of three months for a minimum of 12 hours. A latrine usage survey and a cost analysis were also conducted to further assess the VIP latrine as an appropriated technology for sustainable development in the Upper West Region. It was found that the average air flow rate over the entire sample set was 11.3 m3/hr. The minimum and maximum air flow rates were 0.0 m3/hr and 48.0 m3/hr respectively. Only 1 of the 30 VIP latrines (3%) was found to have an air flow rate greater than the UNDP-defined odorless condition of 6 ACH. Furthermore, 19 VIP latrines (63%) were found to have an average air flow rate of less than half the flow rate required to achieve 6 ACH. The dominant factors affecting ventilation flow rate were wind passing over the mouth of the vent pipe and air buoyancy forces, which were the effect of differences in temperature between the substructure and the ambient environment. Of 76 usable VIP latrines found in one community, 68.4% were in actual use. The cost of a VIP latrine was found to be equivalent to approximately 12% of the mean annual household income for Upper West Region inhabitants.
Electrochemical capacitors have been an important development in recent years in the field of energy storage. Capacitors can be developed by utilizing either double layer capacitance at the electrode/solution interfaces alone or in combination with a battery electrode associated with a faradic redox process in one electrode. An asymmetric capacitor consisting of electrochemically deposited nickel hydroxide, supported on carbon foam as a positive electrode and carbon sheet as a negative electrode has been successfully assembled and cycled. One objective of this study has been to demonstrate the viability of the nickel carbon foam positive electrode, especially in terms of cycle life. Electrochemical characterization shows stable, high cycle performance in 26 wt. % KOH electrolyte with a maximum energy density of 4.1 Wh/Kg and a relaxation time constant of 6.24 s. This cell has demonstrated high cycle life, 14,500 cycles, with efficiency better than 98%. In addition, the cell failure mechanism and self-discharge behavior of the aforesaid capacitor are analyzed.
Users of cochlear implants (auditory aids, which stimulate the auditory nerve electrically at the inner ear) often suffer from poor speech understanding in noise. We evaluate a small (intermicrophone distance 7 mm) and computationally inexpensive adaptive noise reduction system suitable for behind-the-ear cochlear implant speech processors. The system is evaluated in simulated and real, anechoic and reverberant environments. Results from simulations show improvements of 3.4 to 9.3 dB in signal to noise ratio for rooms with realistic reverberation and more than 18 dB under anechoic conditions. Speech understanding in noise is measured in 6 adult cochlear implant users in a reverberant room, showing average improvements of 7.9–9.6 dB, when compared to a single omnidirectional microphone or 1.3–5.6 dB, when compared to a simple directional two-microphone device. Subjective evaluation in a cafeteria at lunchtime shows a preference of the cochlear implant users for the evaluated device in terms of speech understanding and sound quality.
The complexity and challenge created by asphalt material motivates researchers and engineers to investigate the behavior of this material to develop a better understanding, and improve the performance of asphalt pavement. Over decades, a wide range of modification at macro, meso, micro and nano scales have been conducted to improve the performance of asphalt pavement. This study was initiated to utilize the newly developed asphalt modifier pellets. These pellets consisted of different combinations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and titanate coupling agent (CA) to improve the asphalt binder as well as pavement performance across a wide range of temperature and loading pace. These materials were used due to their unique characteristics and promising findings from various industries, especially as modifiers in pavement material. The challenge is to make sure the CaCO3 disperses very well in the mixture. The rheological properties of neat asphalt binder PG58-28 and modified asphalt binder (PG58-28/LLDPE, PG58-28/CaCO3, PG58-28/CaCO3/LLDPE, and PG58-28/CaCO3/LLDPE/CA), were determined using rotational viscometer (RV) test, dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) test and bending beam rheometer test. In the DSR test, the specimens were evaluated using frequency sweep and multiple shear creep recovery (MSCR). The asphalt mixtures (aggregate/PG58-28, aggregate/ PG58-28/LLDPE, aggregate/PG58-28/CaCO3, aggregate/PG58-28/LLDPE/CaCO3 and aggregate/PG58-28/LLDPE/CaCO3/CA) were evaluated using the four point beam fatigue test, the dynamic modulus (E*) test, and tensile strength test (to determines tensile strength ratio, TSR). The RV test results show that all modified asphalt binders have a higher viscosity compared to the neat asphalt binder (PG58-28). Based on the Jnr results (using MSCR test), all the modified asphalt binders have a better resistance to rutting compared to the neat asphalt binder. A higher modifier contents have resulted in a better recovery percentage of asphalt binder (higher resistance to rutting), except the specimens prepared using PECC’s modified asphalt binder (PG58-28/CaCO3/LLDPE). The BBR test results show that all the modified asphalt binders have shown comparable performance in term of resistance to low temperature cracking, except the specimen prepared using the LLDPE modifier. Overall, 5 wt% LLDPE modified asphalt binder was found to be the best asphalt binder in terms of resistance to rutting. Meanwhile, 3 wt% PECC-1CA’s modified asphalt binder can be considered as the best (in terms of resistance to thermal cracking) with the lowest mean critical cracking temperature. The appearance of CaCO3 was found useful merely in improving the resistance to fatigue cracking of asphalt mixture. However, application of LLDPE has undermined the fatigue life of asphalt mixtures. Adding LLDPE and coupling agent throughout this study does not sufficiently help in terms of elastic behavior which essential to enhance the resistance to fatigue cracking. In contrast, application of LLDPE has increased the indirect tensile strength values and TSR of asphalt mixtures, indicates a better resistance to moisture damage. The usage of the coupling agent does not change the behavior of the asphalt mixture, which could be due to imbalance effects resulted by combination of LLDPE and CaCO3 in asphalt binder. Further investigations without incorporating CaCO3 should be conducted further. To investigate the feasibility of using LLDPE and coupling agent as modifiers in asphalt pavements, more research should be conducted on different percentages of LLDPE (less than 3 wt%), and at the higher and w wider range of coupling agent content, from 3 wt% to 7 wt% based on the polymer mass.
Bluetooth wireless technology is a robust short-range communications system designed for low power (10 meter range) and low cost. It operates in the 2.4 GHz Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band and it employs two techniques for minimizing interference: a frequency hopping scheme which nominally splits the 2.400 - 2.485 GHz band in 79 frequency channels and a time division duplex (TDD) scheme which is used to switch to a new frequency channel on 625 μs boundaries. During normal operation a Bluetooth device will be active on a different frequency channel every 625 μs, thus minimizing the chances of continuous interference impacting the performance of the system. The smallest unit of a Bluetooth network is called a piconet, and can have a maximum of eight nodes. Bluetooth devices must assume one of two roles within a piconet, master or slave, where the master governs quality of service and the frequency hopping schedule within the piconet and the slave follows the master’s schedule. A piconet must have a single master and up to 7 active slaves. By allowing devices to have roles in multiple piconets through time multiplexing, i.e. slave/slave or master/slave, the Bluetooth technology allows for interconnecting multiple piconets into larger networks called scatternets. The Bluetooth technology is explored in the context of enabling ad-hoc networks. The Bluetooth specification provides flexibility in the scatternet formation protocol, outlining only the mechanisms necessary for future protocol implementations. A new protocol for scatternet formation and maintenance - mscat - is presented and its performance is evaluated using a Bluetooth simulator. The free variables manipulated in this study include device activity and the probabilities of devices performing discovery procedures. The relationship between the role a device has in the scatternet and it’s probability of performing discovery was examined and related to the scatternet topology formed. The results show that mscat creates dense network topologies for networks of 30, 50 and 70 nodes. The mscat protocol results in approximately a 33% increase in slaves/piconet and a reduction of approximately 12.5% of average roles/node. For 50 node scenarios the set of parameters which creates the best determined outcome is unconnected node inquiry probability (UP) = 10%, master node inquiry probability (MP) = 80% and slave inquiry probability (SP) = 40%. The mscat protocol extends the Bluetooth specification for formation and maintenance of scatternets in an ad-hoc network.
Im folgenden Beitrag werden zeitdiskrete analytische Methoden vorgestellt, mit Hilfe derer Informations- und Materialflüsse in logistischen Systemen analysiert und bewertet werden können. Bestehende zeitdiskrete Verfahren sind jedoch auf die Bearbeitung und Weitergabe in immer gleichen Mengen („One Piece Flow“) beschränkt. Vor allem in Materialflusssystemen kommt es, bedingt durch die Zusammenfassung von Aufträgen, durch Transporte und durch Sortiervorgänge, zur Bildung von Batches. Daher wurden analytische Methoden entwickelt, die es ermöglichen, verschiedene Sammelprozesse, Batchankünfte an Ressourcen, Batchbearbeitung und Sortieren von Batches analytisch abzubilden und Leistungskenngrößen zu deren Bewertung zu bestimmen. Die im Rahmen der Entwicklungsarbeiten entstandene Software-Lösung „Logistic Analyzer“ ermöglicht eine einfache Modellierung und Analyse von praktischen Problemen. Der Beitrag schließt mit einem numerischen Beispiel.
The performance of reanalysis-driven Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 5 (CRCM5) in reproducing the present climate over the North American COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment domain for the 1989–2008 period has been assessed in comparison with several observation-based datasets. The model reproduces satisfactorily the near-surface temperature and precipitation characteristics over most part of North America. Coastal and mountainous zones remain problematic: a cold bias (2–6 °C) prevails over Rocky Mountains in summertime and all year-round over Mexico; winter precipitation in mountainous coastal regions is overestimated. The precipitation patterns related to the North American Monsoon are well reproduced, except on its northern limit. The spatial and temporal structure of the Great Plains Low-Level Jet is well reproduced by the model; however, the night-time precipitation maximum in the jet area is underestimated. The performance of CRCM5 was assessed against earlier CRCM versions and other RCMs. CRCM5 is shown to have been substantially improved compared to CRCM3 and CRCM4 in terms of seasonal mean statistics, and to be comparable to other modern RCMs.
The assumption that social skills are necessary ingredients of collaborative learning is well established but rarely empirically tested. In addition, most theories on collaborative learning focus on social skills only at the personal level, while the social skill configurations within a learning group might be of equal importance. Using the integrative framework, this study investigates which social skills at the personal level and at the group level are predictive of task-related e-mail communication, satisfaction with performance and perceived quality of collaboration. Data collection took place in a technology-enhanced long-term project-based learning setting for pre-service teachers. For data collection, two questionnaires were used, one at the beginning and one at the end of the learning cycle which lasted 3 months. During the project phase, the e-mail communication between group members was captured as well. The investigation of 60 project groups (N = 155 for the questionnaires; group size: two or three students) and 33 groups for the e-mail communication (N = 83) revealed that personal social skills played only a minor role compared to group level configurations of social skills in predicting satisfaction with performance, perceived quality of collaboration and communication behaviour. Members from groups that showed a high and/or homogeneous configuration of specific social skills (e.g., cooperation/compromising, leadership) usually were more satisfied and saw their group as more efficient than members from groups with a low and/or heterogeneous configuration of skills.