877 resultados para collective medication
Collective dynamic properties in Lennard-Jones crystals are investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The study is focused on properties such as the dynamic structure factors, the longitudinal and transverse currents and the density of states. The influence on these properties of the structural disorder is analyzed by comparing the results for one-component crystals with those for liquids and supercooled liquids at analogous conditions. The effects of species-disorder on the collective properties of binary crystals are also discussed.
A Comment on the Letter by Ubaldo Bafile, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1019 (2001). The authors of the Letter offer a Reply.
OBJECTIVES: Intercountry comparability between studies on medication use in pregnancy is difficult due to dissimilarities in study design and methodology. This study aimed to examine patterns and factors associated with medications use in pregnancy from a multinational perspective, with emphasis on type of medication utilised and indication for use. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, web-based study performed within the period from 1 October 2011 to 29 February 2012. Uniform collection of drug utilisation data was performed via an anonymous online questionnaire. SETTING: Multinational study in Europe (Western, Northern and Eastern), North and South America and Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Pregnant women and new mothers with children less than 1 year of age. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of and factors associated with medication use for acute/short-term illnesses, chronic/long-term disorders and over-the-counter (OTC) medication use. RESULTS: The study population included 9459 women, of which 81.2% reported use of at least one medication (prescribed or OTC) during pregnancy. Overall, OTC medication use occurred in 66.9% of the pregnancies, whereas 68.4% and 17% of women reported use of at least one medication for treatment of acute/short-term illnesses and chronic/long-term disorders, respectively. The extent of self-reported medicated illnesses and types of medication used by indication varied across regions, especially in relation to urinary tract infections, depression or OTC nasal sprays. Women with higher age or lower educational level, housewives or women with an unplanned pregnancy were those most often reporting use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders. Immigrant women in Western (adjusted OR (aOR): 0.55, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.87) and Northern Europe (aOR: 0.50, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.83) were less likely to report use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders during pregnancy than non-immigrants. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the majority of women in Europe, North America, South America and Australia used at least one medication during pregnancy. There was a substantial inter-region variability in the types of medication used.
Existence of collective effects in magnetic coupling in ionic solids is studied by mapping spin eigenstates of the Heisenberg and exact nonrelativistic Hamiltonians on cluster models representing KNiF3, K2NiF4, NiO, and La2CuO4. Ab initio techniques are used to estimate the Heisenberg constant J. For clusters with two magnetic centers, the values obtained are about the same for models having more magnetic centers. The absence of collective effects in J strongly suggests that magnetic interactions in this kind of ionic solids are genuinely local and entangle only the two magnetic centers involved.
Collective behaviour enhances environmental sensing and decision-making in groups of animals. Experimental and theoretical investigations of schooling fish, flocking birds and human crowds have demonstrated that simple interactions between individuals can explain emergent group dynamics. These findings indicate the existence of neural circuits that support distributed behaviours, but the molecular and cellular identities of relevant sensory pathways are unknown. Here we show that Drosophila melanogaster exhibits collective responses to an aversive odour: individual flies weakly avoid the stimulus, but groups show enhanced escape reactions. Using high-resolution behavioural tracking, computational simulations, genetic perturbations, neural silencing and optogenetic activation we demonstrate that this collective odour avoidance arises from cascades of appendage touch interactions between pairs of flies. Inter-fly touch sensing and collective behaviour require the activity of distal leg mechanosensory sensilla neurons and the mechanosensory channel NOMPC. Remarkably, through these inter-fly encounters, wild-type flies can elicit avoidance behaviour in mutant animals that cannot sense the odour--a basic form of communication. Our data highlight the unexpected importance of social context in the sensory responses of a solitary species and open the door to a neural-circuit-level understanding of collective behaviour in animal groups.
[Table des matières] 1. Contexte, objet et modalités de traitement de la saisine ; Partie A : Exigences réglementaires, normatives et recensement des EPC-EPI amiante. - 2. Exigences réglementaires en matière de protection collective et individuelle contre l'amiante. - 3. Normes d'exigences pour les équipements de protection collective contre l'amiante. - 4. Aspirateurs à usage industriel. - 5. Norms d'exigences pour la protection individuelle contre l'amiante. - 6. Recensement des EPC et EPI en fonction des activités. - 7. Objectifs de la synthèse bibliographique. - 8. Rappels théoriques sur la filtration de l'air. - 9. Efficacité des équipements de protection collective contre l'amiante. - 10. Aspirateurs à usage industriel. - 11. Efficacité des équipements de protection individuelle. - 12. Comparaison de la filtration des fibres d'amiante ou autres particules non sphériques et des aérosols utilisés pour les essais normalisés (MPPS). - 13. Conclusion sur la synthèse bibliographique. - 14. Perspectives. - 15. Bibliographie. - Annexes
In the past three decades, feminists and critical theorists have discussed and argued the importance of deconstructing and problematizing social science research methodology in order to question normalized hierarchies concerning the production of knowledge and the status of truth claims. Nevertheless, often, these ideas have basically remained theoretical propositions not embodied in research practices. In fact there is very little published discussion about the difficulties and limits of their practical application. In this paper we introduce some interconnected reflections starting from two different but related experiences of embodying 'feminist activist research'. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of attending to process, making mistakes and learning during fieldwork, as well as experimenting with personalized forms of analysis, such as the construction of narratives and the story-telling process.
In the past three decades, feminists and critical theorists have discussed and argued the importance of deconstructing and problematizing social science research methodology in order to question normalized hierarchies concerning the production of knowledge and the status of truth claims. Nevertheless, often, these ideas have basically remained theoretical propositions not embodied in research practices. In fact there is very little published discussion about the difficulties and limits of their practical application. In this paper we introduce some interconnected reflections starting from two different but related experiences of embodying 'feminist activist research'. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of attending to process, making mistakes and learning during fieldwork, as well as experimenting with personalized forms of analysis, such as the construction of narratives and the story-telling process.
This article studies alterations in the values, attitudes, and behaviors that emerged among U.S. citizens as a consequence of, and as a response to, the attacks of September 11, 2001. The study briefly examines the immediate reaction to the attack, before focusing on the collective reactions that characterized the behavior of the majority of the population between the events of 9/11 and the response to it in the form of intervention in Afghanistan. In studying this period an eight-phase sequential model (Botcharova, 2001) is used, where the initial phases center on the nation as the ingroup and the latter focus on the enemy who carried out the attack as the outgroup. The study is conducted from a psychosocial perspective and uses "social identity theory" (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986) as the basic framework for interpreting and accounting for the collective reactions recorded. The main purpose of this paper is to show that the interpretation of these collective reactions is consistent with the postulates of social identity theory. The application of this theory provides a different and specific analysis of events. The study is based on data obtained from a variety of rigorous academic studies and opinion polls conducted in relation to the events of 9/11. In line with social identity theory, 9/11 had a marked impact on the importance attached by the majority of U.S. citizens to their identity as members of a nation. This in turn accentuated group differentiation and activated ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986). Ingroup favoritism strengthened group cohesion, feelings of solidarity, and identification with the most emblematic values of the U.S. nation, while outgroup discrimination induced U.S. citizens to conceive the enemy (al-Qaeda and its protectors) as the incarnation of evil, depersonalizing the group and venting their anger on it, and to give their backing to a military response, the eventual intervention in Afghanistan. Finally, and also in line with the postulates of social identity theory, as an alternative to the virtual bipolarization of the conflict (U.S. vs al-Qaeda), the activation of a higher level of identity in the ingroup is proposed, a group that includes the United States and the largest possible number of countries¿ including Islamic states¿in the search for a common, more legitimate and effective solution.
This article studies alterations in the values, attitudes, and behaviors that emerged among U.S. citizens as a consequence of, and as a response to, the attacks of September 11, 2001. The study briefly examines the immediate reaction to the attack, before focusing on the collective reactions that characterized the behavior of the majority of the population between the events of 9/11 and the response to it in the form of intervention in Afghanistan. In studying this period an eight-phase sequential model (Botcharova, 2001) is used, where the initial phases center on the nation as the ingroup and the latter focus on the enemy who carried out the attack as the outgroup. The study is conducted from a psychosocial perspective and uses "social identity theory" (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986) as the basic framework for interpreting and accounting for the collective reactions recorded. The main purpose of this paper is to show that the interpretation of these collective reactions is consistent with the postulates of social identity theory. The application of this theory provides a different and specific analysis of events. The study is based on data obtained from a variety of rigorous academic studies and opinion polls conducted in relation to the events of 9/11. In line with social identity theory, 9/11 had a marked impact on the importance attached by the majority of U.S. citizens to their identity as members of a nation. This in turn accentuated group differentiation and activated ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986). Ingroup favoritism strengthened group cohesion, feelings of solidarity, and identification with the most emblematic values of the U.S. nation, while outgroup discrimination induced U.S. citizens to conceive the enemy (al-Qaeda and its protectors) as the incarnation of evil, depersonalizing the group and venting their anger on it, and to give their backing to a military response, the eventual intervention in Afghanistan. Finally, and also in line with the postulates of social identity theory, as an alternative to the virtual bipolarization of the conflict (U.S. vs al-Qaeda), the activation of a higher level of identity in the ingroup is proposed, a group that includes the United States and the largest possible number of countries¿ including Islamic states¿in the search for a common, more legitimate and effective solution.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the compliance to medication among newly diagnosed hypertensive patients screened from the general population of the Seychelles, a rapidly developing country. METHODS: Among the 1067 participants to a population-based survey for cardiovascular risk factors, hypertension was discovered in 50 (previously unaware of having hypertension and having blood pressure > or = 160/95 mmHg over 3 visits). These 50 patients were placed on a daily one-pill regimen of medication (bendrofluazide, atenolol, or a combination of hydrochlorothiazide and atenolol) and compliance to the regimen was assessed over 12 months using electronic pill containers. Satisfactory compliance was defined as taking the medication on 6 or 7 days a week on average (which corresponds to a mean compliance level of > or = 86%). FINDINGS: In the first month, fewer than half (46%) of the new hypertension patients achieved satisfactory compliance, and only about one-quarter (26%) achieved this level by the twelfth month. Compliance was better among the 23 participants who regularly attended medical follow-up, with nearly three-quarters of these patients (74%) achieving satisfactory compliance during the first month and over one-half (55%) by the twelfth month. There was a direct association between mean 12-month compliance level and having a highly skilled occupation; having good health awareness; and regularly attending medical appointments. In contrast, there was an inverse relationship between mean compliance level and heavy drinking. CONCLUSION: The low proportion of people selected from the general population who were capable of sustaining satisfactory compliance to antihypertension medication may correspond to the maximum effectiveness of medication interventions based on a screening and treatment strategy in the general population. The results stress the need for both high-risk and population approaches to improve hypertension control.
INTRODUCTION : 1. L'OBJET ET L'INTÉRÊT DE LA THÈSE : DES BARRIÈRES D'ACCÈS À LA JUSTICE L'accès à la justice est un droit fondamental garanti par les art. 29a Cst. et 6 CEDH. Il s'agit d'un droit social mis en place par l'avènement de l'Etat providence qui accorde à chacun le droit à ce qu'un tribunal connaisse de toute contestation relative à ses droits et obligations de caractère civil. Aussi a-t-il pour effet de rendre efficace la législation mise en place par un Etat. Ainsi dans le cas particulier du droit de la consommation, l'élaboration des règles de droit matériel ne suffirait pas à concrétiser la protection des consommateurs voulue par le constituant et le législateur fédéral si une voie d'accès à la justice n'était pas ouverte afin de permettre aux consommateurs dont les droits sont violés d'en obtenir réparation. Si le droit formel permet à chacun de poursuivre la réalisation de ses droits par la voie judiciaire, y compris pour les consommateurs, il n'en demeure pas moins que ces derniers, dans la pratique, rencontrent plusieurs obstacles qui, souvent, les découragent de faire valoir leurs droits en justice. En effet, les tribunaux, victimes de leur succès, ont de plus en plus de peine à faire face à la masse des litiges qui leur sont soumis. L'engorgement de l'institution judiciaire est responsable de longs délais avant qu'une affaire soit jugée. A cela s'ajoutent des problèmes d'ordre financier : le coût de la justice comprenant le coût de la consultation juridique et de la représentation, des frais de consultation d'experts qui, parfois, peuvent dépasser le montant même du litige, sans oublier le risque, pour le consommateur, de devoir assurer, en cas d'échec du procès, les frais de l'autre partie. Puis on trouve des barrières d'ordre psychologique liées à la complexité et au formalisme qui accompagnent certaines procédures judiciaires civiles. Enfin, il y a la situation très complexe du litige revêtant un caractère intercantonal ou international (litiges transfrontaliers). S'agissant de litiges de faible valeur litigieuse (petits litiges ou small claims en anglais), ces barrières prennent une importance telle que de nombreux consommateurs renoncent tout simplement à faire valoir leurs droits en justice et subissent parfois la violation de ceux-ci. La valeur limitée de l'enjeu économique du litige peut rendre la durée de la procédure judiciaire démesurée et son coût disproportionné. En ce qui concerne le coût de la justice, nous illustrons ce propos par l'exemple reproduit sous l'annexe I ci-dessous. Il est également bon de signaler une étude couvrant 15 Etats membres de l'Union européenne réalisée en 1995 par la Commission européenne selon laquelle " le coût moyen (frais de justice + frais d'avocat, hors TVA) d'un règlement judiciaire d'un litige intracommunautaire portant sur un montant de 2'000 écus s'élève, dans la meilleure des hypothèses pour la partie demanderesse, à un montant d'environ 2'500 écus ". Après avoir relevé l'importance de l'accès à la justice pour le consommateur et les différents obstacles qui se dressent sur son chemin, nous allons nous intéresser aux solutions proposées pour minimiser voire supprimer ces barrières. A cet égard, on se posera la question de savoir dans quelle mesure les moyens extrajudiciaires, tels que des institutions d'ombudsmans et des organismes paritaires existant dans certains secteurs de la consommation, peuvent constituer des alternatives efficaces à la saisine des tribunaux. Puis on se demandera de quelle manière il faut alléger les formalités de procédure afin de permettre aux consommateurs non assistés de mandataires professionnels de saisir la justice et par-là même de diminuer le coût lié à celle-ci. Enfin, vu les difficultés qu'affrontent les consommateurs agissant individuellement, la question de l'opportunité de procédures collectives sera abordée. Comme ces interrogations touchent de près ou de loin les alinéas 2 et 3 de l'art. 97 Cst. nous avons jugé opportun d'exposer à titre liminaire la genèse de cette disposition. De plus, comme celui qui entreprend de traiter l'accès des consommateurs à la justice se doit de commencer par définir ce que l'on entend par consommateur, nous aborderons les notions de consommateur et de litige de consommation avant d'entrer dans le vif de la matière.