992 resultados para chemical weathering


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As proeminentes edificações da cidade de Belém foram revestidas durante o século 19 com azulejos produzidos em Portugal e Alemanha que já apresentam distintos graus de degradação. O Palacete Pinho é uma das mais importantes destas edificações e foi selecionado para se investigar a ação do clima tropical amazônico sobre a degradação destes azulejos. Para atingir estes objetivos mapearam-se os azulejos desta edificação visando identificar as modificações de origem orgânica e inorgânica e coletas de amostras para análises. Os minerais foram determinados por DRX, a composição química por métodos clássicos úmidos e MEV/SED e os micro-organismos por microscopia. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os azulejos Portugueses e Alemães são distintos entre si. Enquanto o biscoito é composto de SiO2 e Al2O3, CaO foi encontrado apenas nos Portugueses. Os baixos conteúdos de Na2O e K2O indicam adição de materiais para redução da temperatura de fusão. SiO2 e PbO compõem o vidrado, já CoO e FeO foram adicionados como pigmentos. O biscoito dos azulejos Alemães é constituído de quartzo, mullita e cristobalita, ao contrário do Português com quartzo, gehlenita, diopsídio, calcita e feldspatos. Os vidrados são amorfos ao DRX. As diferenças químicas e mineralógicas entre os azulejos Portugueses e Alemães indicam que foram produzidos por matéria prima distinta, bem como processo termal. As alterações relacionadas com o intemperismo são as finas camadas de detritos (nos Alemães), manchas de oxidação, manchas escuras, descolamento do azulejo (no Português); perda de vidrado e biscoito tornando-se pulverulento como consequência do estabelecimento de Cyanophyta e bacillariophyta (Português). As distintas feições de degradação dos azulejos refletem as suas diferenças mineralógicas e químicas expostas ao clima tropical Amazônico.


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Cyclic voltammograms and capacitance measurements are presented to characterize the mineral response at relatively moderate environmental conditions, pH 4.5 and T = 25degreesC. The experiments involve examining the rates of oxidation and the surface morphology of arsenopyrite, which is oxidized abiotically. The semiconducting properties of the mineral have been investigated in attempt to gain additional information of FeAsS dissolution behavior in acidic solutions at potentials close to the open circuit potential of the mineral. A mechanistic pathway for the anodic dissolution of arsenopyrite in open circuit conditions is also suggested. At high overpotentials, anodic reactions produce mainly sulfate and arsenate ions and may be described as hole limited. The reduction of orpiment-like compounds at potentials more negative than the open circuit potential is discussed.


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This study presents an integrated mineralogical-geochemical data base on fine-grained sediments transported by all major rivers of southern Africa, including the Zambezi, Okavango, Limpopo, Olifants, Orange and Kunene. Clay mineralogy, bulk geochemistry, Sr and Nd isotopic signatures of river mud, considered as proxy of suspended load, are used to investigate the influence of source-rock lithology and weathering intensity on the composition of clay and silt produced in subequatorial to subtropical latitudes. Depletion in mobile alkali and alkaline-earth metals, minor in arid Namibia, is strong in the Okavango, Kwando and Upper Zambezi catchments, where recycling is also extensive. Element removal is most significant for Na, and to a lesser extent for Sr. Depletion in K, Ca and other elements, negligible in Namibia, is moderate elsewhere. The most widespread clay minerals are smectite, dominant in muds derived from Karoo or Etendeka flood basalts, or illite and chlorite, dominant in muds derived from metasedimentary rocks of the Damara Orogen or Zimbabwe Craton. Kaolinite represents 30-40% of clay minerals only in Okavango and Upper Zambezi sediments sourced in humid subequatorial Angola and Zambia. After subtracting the effects of recycling and of local accumulation of authigenic carbonates in soils, the regional distribution of clay minerals and chemical indices consistently reflect weathering intensity primarily controlled by climate. Bulk geochemistry identifies most clearly volcaniclastic sediments and mafic sources in general, but cannot discriminate the other sources of detritus in detail. Instead, Sr and Nd isotopic fingerprints are insensitive to weathering, and thus mirror faithfully the tectonic structure of the southern African continent. Isotopic tools thus represent a much firmer basis than bulk geochemistry or clay mineralogy in the provenance study of mudrocks.


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Through the Deep Sea Drilling Project samples of interstitial solutions of deeply buried marine sediments throughout the World Ocean have been obtained and analyzed. The studies have shown that in all but the most slowly deposited sediments pore fluids exhibit changes in composition upon burial. These changes can be grouped into a few consistent patterns that facilitate identification of the diagenetic reactions occurring in the sediments. Pelagic clays and slowly deposited (<1 cm/1000 yr) biogenic sediments are the only types that exhibit little evidence of reaction in the pore waters. In most biogenic sediments sea water undergoes considerable alteration. In sediments deposited at rates up to a few cm/1000 yr the changes chiefly involve gains of Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) and losses of Mg(2+) which balance the Ca(2+) enrichment. The Ca-Mg substitution may often reach 30 mM/kg while Sr(2+) may be enriched 15-fold over sea water. These changes reflect recrystallization of biogenic calcite and the substitution of Mg(2+) for Ca(2+) during this reaction. The Ca-Mg-carbonate formed is most likely a dolomitic phase. A related but more complex pattern is found in carbonate sediments deposited at somewhat greater rates. Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) enrichment is again characteristic, but Mg(2+) losses exceed Ca(2+) gains with the excess being balanced by SO4(post staggered 2-) losses. The data indicate that the reactions are similar to those noted above, except that the Ca(2+) released is not kept in solution but is precipitated by the HCO3(post staggered -) produced in SO4(post staggered 2-) reduction. In both these types of pore waters Na(+) is usually conservative, but K(+) depletions are frequent. In several partly consolidated sediment sections approaching igneous basement contact, very marked interstitial calcium enrichment has been found (to 5.5 g/kg). These phenomena are marked by pronounced depletion in Na(+), Si and CO2, and slight enhancement in Cl(-). The changes are attributed to exchange of Na(+) for Ca(2+) in silicate minerals forming from submarine weathering of igneous rocks such as basalts. Water is also consumed in these reactions, accounting for minor increases in total interstitial salinity. Terrigenous, organic-rich sediments deposited rapidly along continental margins also exhibit significant evidences of alteration. Microbial reactions involving organic matter lead to complete removal of SO4(post staggered 2-), strong HCO3(post staggered -) enrichment, formation of NH4(post staggered +), and methane synthesis from H2 and CO2 once SO4(post staggered 2-) is eliminated. K+ and often Na+ (slightly) are depleted in the interstitial waters. Ca(2+) depletion may occur owing to precipitation of CaCO3. In most cases interstitial Cl- remains relatively constant, but increases are noted over evaporitic strata, and decreases in interstitial Cl- are observed in some sediments adjacent to continents.


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The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Sr concentrations in sediment and pore fluids are used to evaluate the rates of calcite recrystallization at ODP Site 807A on the Ontong Java Plateau, an 800-meter thick section of carbonate ooze and chalk. A numerical model is used to evaluate the pore fluid chemistry and Sr isotopes in an accumulating section. The deduced calcite recrystallization rate is 2% per million years (%/Myr) near the top of the section and decreases systematically in older parts of the section such that the rate is close to 0.1/age (in years). The deduced recrystallization rates have important implications for the interpretation of Ca and Mg concentration profiles in the pore fluids. The effect of calcite recrystallization on pore fluid chemistry is described by the reaction length, L, which varies by element, and depends on the concentration in pore fluid and solid. When L is small compared to the thickness of the sedimentary section, the pore fluid concentration is controlled by equilibrium or steady-state exchange with the solid phase, except within a distance L of the sediment-water interface. When L is large relative to the thickness of sediment, the pore fluid concentration is mostly controlled by the boundary conditions and diffusion. The values of L for Ca, Sr, and Mg are of order 15, 150, and 1500 meters, respectively. L_Sr is derived from isotopic data and modeling, and allows us to infer the values of L_Ca and L_Mg. The small value for L_Ca indicates that pore fluid Ca concentrations, which gradually increase down section, must be equilibrium values that are maintained by solution-precipitation exchange with calcite and do not reflect Ca sources within or below the sediment column. The pore fluid Ca measurements and measured alkalinity allow us to calculate the in situ pH in the pore fluids, which decreases from 7.6 near the sediment-water interface to 7.1+/-0.1 at 400-800 mbsf. While the calculated pH values are in agreement with some of the values measured during ODP Leg 130, most of the measurements are artifacts. The large value for L_Mg indicates that the pore fluid Mg concentrations at 807A are not controlled by calcite-fluid equilibrium but instead are determined by the changing Mg concentration of seawater during deposition, modified by aqueous diffusion in the pore fluids. We use the pore fluid Mg concentration profile at Site 807A to retrieve a global record for seawater Mg over the past 35 Myr, which shows that seawater Mg has increased rapidly over the past 10 Myr, rather than gradually over the past 60 Myr. This observation suggests that the Cenozoic rise in seawater Mg is controlled by continental weathering inputs rather than by exchange with oceanic crust. The relationship determined between reaction rate and age in silicates and carbonates is strikingly similar, which suggests that reaction affinity is not the primary determinant of silicate dissolution rates in nature.


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Content, distribution patterns, and speciation of Cl in phosphorites and bone phosphate from the ocean floor, as well as in a set of samples from the land are studied. Total Cl content varies from 0.05 to 4.25% in phosphorites and from 2.48 to 2.75% in recent phosphate-bearing sediments. Recent phosphorites are enriched in Cl relative to ancient ones. Bound Cl content (not extractable by washing), which increases with lithification, varies from 0.17 to 0.60% in ocean and land phosphorites and from 0.02% to 1.30% in bone phosphate. Na content in most samples is higher relative to Na of NaCl due to its incorporation into the crystal lattice of apatite. However, the opposite relationship is observed in some samples indicating partial Cl incorporation into the anion complex of phosphate. Behavior of Cl in phosphorites from the present-day ocean floor is controlled by early diagenetic processes, whereas the role of weathering, catagenesis, and hydrogeological factors may be crucial for phosphorites on continents.


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The diagenesis and geochemical evolution of deep-sea sediments are controlled by the interaction between sediments and their associated pore waters. With increasing depth, the pore water of Hole 149 (DSDP) exhibits a strong depletion in Mg and a corresponding enrichment in Ca, while the alkalinity remains relatively constant. Dissolved SiO2 is nearly constant in the upper 100 m of sediment, but is highly enriched in the deepest pore waters. The pore waters exhibit a depletion in K with increasing depth, and O18/O16 pore water ratios also decrease. The sediment section has three zones of sedimentary regimes with increasing depth in the drill hole: an upper 100 m section of detrital clays, a middle section enriched in calc-akalic volcanics which have undergone submarine weathering to a smectite phase, and a lower section of siliceous ooze which still has a diagenetic smectite phase. The quartz-feldspar ratios and O18/O16 composition of the silicate phases are in agreement with these interpretations. The submarine weathering of volcanics to a smectite can account for the observed pore water gradients. Volcanics release Ca and Mg to the pore waters causing the alkalinity values to increase. Smectite is formed, depletes the pore waters in Mg and O18 and causes the alkalinity to decrease. The net reaction allows for the observed relationship between pore water Ca and Mg gradients with little net change in alkalinity. Given the abundance of volcanics in many deep-sea sediments, especially in lower sections which often form near ridge crests, the submarine formation of smectite may be an additional oceanic Mg sink which has not yet been fully considered.


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Chemical analyses of North Atlantic D.S.D.P. (Deep Sea Drilling Project) sediments indicate that basal sediments generally contain higher concentrations of Fe, Mn, Mg, Pb, and Ni, and similar or lower concentrations of Ti, Al, Cr, Cu, Zn, and Li than the material overlying them. Partition studies on selected samples indicate that the enriched metals in the basal sediments are usually held in a fashion similar to that in basal sediments from the Pacific, other D.S.D.P. sediments, and modern North Atlantic ridge and non-ridge material. Although, on average, chemical differences between basal sediments of varying ages are apparent, normalization of the data indicates that the processes leading to metal enrichment on the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge appear to have been approximately constant in intensity since Cretaceous times. In addition, the bulk composition of detrital sediments also appears to have been relatively constant over the same time period. Paleocene sediments from site 118 are, however, an exception to this rule, there apparently having been an increased detrital influx during this period. The bulk geochemistry, partitioning patterns, and mineralogy of sediments from D.S.D.P. 9A indicates that post-depositional migration of such elements as Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb may have occurred. The basement encountered at the base of site 138 is thought to be a basaltic sill, but the overlying basal sediments are geochemically similar to other metalliferous basal sediments from the North Atlantic. These results, as well as those from site 114 where true oceanic basement was encountered, but where there was an estimated 7 m.y. hiatus between basaltic extrusion and basal sediment deposition, indicate that ridge-crest sediments are not necessarily deposited during active volcanism but can be formed after the volcanism has ceased. The predominant processes for metal enrichment in these deposits and those formed in association with other submarine volcanic features is a combination of shallow hydrothermal activity, submarine weathering of basalt, and the formation of ferromanganese oxides which can scavenge metals from seawater. In addition, it seems as though the formation of submarine metalliferous sediments is not restricted to active-ridge areas.


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Mineralogical interest in the nature of manganese oxide particulates in natural marine water (Suess, 1979), natural lake water (Klaveness, 1977), and simulated lake water (Giovanoli, 1980), prompted a search for such particulates in a large New South Wales coastal lake. The investigated waters did show the existence of manganese oxide replacement phenomena in fragmentary sedimentary rocks near the south margin of Lake Macquarie. The black crusts of manganese oxide discovered on rocks close to the waterline have revealed a three layers structure. Layer A (0-35 micron), adjacent to the rock, is composed essentially of kaolinite of weathering origin, together with low levels of manganese oxide without detectable Zn. Layer B (35-80 micron) follows as a manganese oxide layer containing admixed kaolinite and low amounts of Zn. Layer C (80-130 micron) is the closest to the surface and is made of Chalcophanite containing 10-15% of ZnO.


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The purpose of this work is to study the mobility and budget of Fe isotopes in the oceanic crust and in particular during low-temperature interaction of seawater with oceanic basalt. We carried out this investigation using samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 801C drilled during Leg 129 and Leg 185 in Jurassic Pacific oceanic crust seaward of the Mariana Trench. The site comprises approximately 450 m of sediment overlying a section of 500 m of basalt, which includes intercalated pelagic and chemical sediments in the upper basaltic units and two low-temperature (10-30°C) ocherous Si-Fe hydrothermal deposits. Fe was chemically separated from 70 selected samples, and 57Fe/54Fe ratios were measured by MC-ICP-MS Isoprobe. The isotopic ratios were measured relative to an internal standard solution and are reported relative to the international Fe-standard IRMM-14. Based on duplicate measurements of natural samples, an external precision of 0.2? (2 sigma) has been obtained. The results indicate that the deep-sea sediment section has a restricted range of d57Fe, which is close to the igneous rock value. In contrast, large variations are observed in the basaltic section with positive d57Fe values (up to 2.05?) for highly altered basalts and negative values (down to ?2.49?) for the associated alteration products and hydrothermal deposits. Secondary Fe-minerals, such as Fe-oxyhydroxides or Fe-bearing clays (celadonite and saponite), have highly variable d57Fe values that have been interpreted as resulting from the partial oxidation of Fe(2+) leached during basalt alteration and precipitated as Fe(3+)-rich minerals. In contrast, altered basalts at Site 801C, which are depleted in Fe (up to 80%), display an increase in d57Fe values relative to fresh values, which suggest a preferential leaching of light iron during alteration. The apparent fractionation factor between dissolved Fe(2+) and Fe remaining in the mineral is from 0.5? to 1.3? and may be consistent with a kinetic isotope fractionation where light Fe is stripped from the minerals. Alternatively, the formation of secondary clays minerals, such as celadonite during basalt alteration may incorporate preferentially the heavy Fe isotopes, resulting in the loss of light Fe isotopes in the fluids. Because microbial processes within the oceanic crust are of potential importance in controlling rates of chemical reactions, Fe redox state and Fe-isotope fractionation, we evaluated the possible effect of this deep biosphere on Fe-isotope signatures. The Fe-isotope systematics presented in this study suggest that, even though iron behavior during seafloor weathering may be mediated by microbes, such as iron-oxidizers, d57Fe variations of more than 4? may also be explained by abiotic processes. Further laboratory experiments are now required to distinguish between various processes of Fe-isotope fractionation during seafloor weathering.


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New and published major and trace element abundances of elastic metasediments (mainly garnet-biotite-plagioclase schists) from the similar to 3.8 Ga Isua Greenstone Belt (IGB), southern West Greenland, are used in an attempt to identify the compositional characteristics of the protoliths of these sediments. Compositionally, the metasediments are heterogeneous with enrichment of LREE (La/Sm-chord = 1.1-3.9) and variable enrichment and depletion of HREE (Gd/Yb-chord = 0.8-4.3). Chondrite-normalized Eu is also variable, spanning a range from relative Eu depletion to enrichment (Eu/Eu* = 0.6-1.3). A series of geochemical and geological criteria provides conclusive evidence for a sedimentary origin, in disagreement with some previous studies that questioned the presence of genuine elastic metasediments. In particular, trace element systematics of IGB metasediments show strong resemblance to other well-documented Archaean clastic sediments, and are consistent with a provenance consisting of ultramafic, malic and felsic igneous rocks. Two schists, identified as metasomatized mafic igneous rocks from petrographic and field evidence, show distinct compositional differences to the metasediments. Major element systematics document incipient-to-moderate source weathering in the majority of metasediments, while signs of secondary K-addition are rare. Detailed inspection of Eu/Eu*, Fe2O3 and CIW (chemical index of weathering) relationships reveals that elevated iron contents (when compared to averages for continental crust) and strong relative enrichment in Eu may be due to precipitation of marine Fe-oxyhydroxides during deposition or diagenesis on the seafloor. Some of the IGB metasediments have yielded anomalous Nd-142 and W-182 isotopic compositions that were respectively interpreted in terms of early mantle differentiation processes and the presence of a meteorite component. Alternatively, W and possibly Nd isotopes could have been affected by thermal neutron capture on the Hadean surface. The latter process was tested in this study by analysis of Sm isotope compositions, which serve as an effective monitor for neutron capture effects. As no anomalous variation from terrestrial values was detected, we infer that isotope systematics (including W-182 and Nd-142) of IGB metasediments were not affected by neutron capture, but reflect decay of radioactive parent isotopes. Copyright (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd.


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Ar-40/Ar-39 incremental heating ages for twenty one grains of cryptomelane, collected at 0, 42, 45, and 60 in depths in the Cachoeira Mine weathering profile, Minas Gerais, permit calculating long-term (10 Ma time scale) weathering rate (saprolitization rate) in SE Brazil. Pure well-crystallized cryptomelane grains with high K contents (3-5 wt.%) yield reliable geochronological results. The Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau ages obtained decrease from the top to the bottom of the profile (12.7 +/- 0.1 to 7.6 +/- 0.1 Ma at surface; 7.6 +/- 0.2 to 6.1 +/- 0.2 Ma at 42 m; and 7.1 +/- 0.2 to 5.9 +/- 0.1 Ma at 45 in; 6.6 +/- 0.1 to 5.2 +/- 0.1 Ma at 60 in), yielding a weathering front propagation rate of 8.9 +/- 1.1 m/m.y. From the geochronological results and the mineral transformations implicit by the current mineralogy in the weathering profiles, it is possible to calculate the saprolitization rate for the Cachoeira Mine lithologies and for adjacent weathering profiles developed on granodiorites and scbists. The measured weathering front propagation rate yields a saprolitization rate of 24.9 +/- 3.1 t/km(2)/yr. This average long-term (> 10 Ma) saprolitization rate is consistent with mass balance calculations results for present saprolitization rates in weathering watersheds. These results are also consistent with longterm saprolitization rates estimated by combining cosmogenic isotope denudation rates with mass balance calculations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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An initial aim of this project was to evaluate the conventional techniques used in the analysis of newly prepared environmentally friendly water-borne automotive coatings and compare them with solvent-borne coatings having comparable formulations. The investigation was carried out on microtuned layers as well as on complete automotive multi-layer paint systems. Methods used included the very traditional methods of gloss and hardness and the commonly used photo-oxidation index (from FTIR spectral analysis). All methods enabled the durability to weathering of the automotive coatings to be initially investigated. However, a primary aim of this work was to develop methods for analysing the early stages of chemical and property changes in both the solvent-borne and water-borne coating systems that take place during outdoor natural weathering exposures and under accelerated artificial exposures. This was achieved by using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), in both tension mode on the microtomed films (on all depths of the coating systems from the uppermost clear-coat right down to the electron-coat) and bending mode of the full (unmicrotomed) systems, as well as MALDI-Tof analysis on the movement of the stabilisers in the full systems. Changes in glass transition temperature and relative cross-link density were determined after weathering and these were related to changes in the chemistries of the binder systems of the coatings after weathering. Concentration profiles of the UV-stabilisers (UVA and HALS) in the coating systems were analysed as a consequence of migration in the coating systems in separate microtomed layers of the paint samples (depth profiling) after weathering and diffusion co-efficient and solubility parameters were determined for the UV stabilisers in the coating systems. The methods developed were used to determine the various physical and chemical changes that take place during weathering of the different (water-borne and solvent-borne) systems (photoxidation). The solvent-borne formulations showed less changes after weathering (both natural and accelerated) than the corresponding water-borne formulations due to the lower level of cross-links in the binders of the water-borne systems. The silver systems examined were more durable than the blue systems due to the reflecting power of the aluminium and the lower temperature of the silver coatings.