937 resultados para checkpoint kinase 2


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The present dataset contain source data for Figure 5b from Schilling et al., 2009. Cell fate decisions are regulated by the coordinated activation of signalling pathways such as the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade, but contributions of individual kinase isoforms are mostly unknown. The authors combined quantitative data from erythropoietin-induced pathway activation in primary erythroid progenitor (colony-forming unit erythroid stage, CFU-E) cells with mathematical modelling, in order to predict and experimentally confirmed a distributive ERK phosphorylation mechanism in CFU-E cells. The authors found evidences that double-phosphorylated ERK1 attenuates proliferation beyond a certain activation level, whereas activated ERK2 enhances proliferation with saturation kinetics. They show integrated responses of double-phosphorylated ERK1 and ERK2 that were calculated for different Epo concentrations for the original model as well as for models with elevated ERK1 or ERK2 levels.


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The present dataset data contain source data for Figure 5a from Schilling et al., 2009. Cell fate decisions are regulated by the coordinated activation of signalling pathways such as the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade, but contributions of individual kinase isoforms are mostly unknown. The authors combined quantitative data from erythropoietin-induced pathway activation in primary erythroid progenitor (colony-forming unit erythroid stage, CFU-E) cells with mathematical modelling, in order to predict and experimentally confirmed a distributive ERK phosphorylation mechanism in CFU-E cells. The authors found evidences that double-phosphorylated ERK1 attenuates proliferation beyond a certain activation level, whereas activated ERK2 enhances proliferation with saturation kinetics. CFU-E cells were stimulated with the indicated Epo concentrations for 7 min and phosphorylation levels were determined by quantitative immunoblotting.


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Data contain source data for Figure 5c from Schilling et al., 2009. Cell fate decisions are regulated by the coordinated activation of signalling pathways such as the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade, but contributions of individual kinase isoforms are mostly unknown. The authors combined quantitative data from erythropoietin-induced pathway activation in primary erythroid progenitor (colony-forming unit erythroid stage, CFU-E) cells with mathematical modelling, in order to predict and experimentally confirmed a distributive ERK phosphorylation mechanism in CFU-E cells. The authors found evidences that double-phosphorylated ERK1 attenuates proliferation beyond a certain activation level, whereas activated ERK2 enhances proliferation with saturation kinetics. Retrovirally transduced CFU-E cells were incubated with increasing Epo concentrations for 14 h and proliferation was measured by [3H]-thymidine incorporation.


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The electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) of the electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus is a layered medullary region receiving electroreceptor input that terminates on basal dendrites of interneurons and projection (pyramidal) cells. The molecular layer of the ELL contains two distinct glutamatergic feedback pathways that terminate on the proximal (ventral molecular layer, VML) and distal (dorsal molecular layer) apical dendrites of pyramidal cells. Western blot analysis with an antibody directed against mammalian Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase 2, α subunit (CaMK2α) recognized a protein of identical size in the brain of A. leptorhynchus. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that CaMK2 α expression in the ELL was restricted to fibers and terminals in the VML. Posttetanic potentiation (PTP) could be readily elicited in pyramidal cells by stimulation of either VML or DML in brain slices of the ELL. PTP in the VML was blocked by extracellular application of a CaMK2 antagonist (KN62) while intracellular application of KN62 or a CaMK2 inhibitory peptide had no effect, consistent with the presynaptic localization of CaMK2 α in VML. PTP in the dorsal molecular layer was not affected by extracellular application of KN62. Anti-Hebbian plasticity has also been demonstrated in the VML, but was not affected by KN62. These results demonstrate that, while PTP can occur independent of CaMK2, it is, in some synapses, dependent on this kinase.


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Heterotrimeric G proteins (peripheral proteins) conduct signals from membrane receptors (integral proteins) to regulatory proteins localized to various cellular compartments. They are in excess over any G protein-coupled receptor type on the cell membrane, which is necessary for signal amplification. These facts account for the large number of G protein molecules bound to membrane lipids. Thus, the protein-lipid interactions are crucial for their cellular localization, and consequently for signal transduction. In this work, the binding of G protein subunits to model membranes (liposomes), formed with defined membrane lipids, has been studied. It is shown that although G protein α-subunits were able to bind to lipid bilayers, the presence of nonlamellar-prone phospholipids (phosphatidylethanolamines) enhanced their binding to model membranes. This mechanism also appears to be used by other (structurally and functionally unrelated) peripheral proteins, such as protein kinase C and the insect protein apolipophorin III, indicating that it could constitute a general mode of protein-lipid interactions, relevant in the activity and translocation of some peripheral (amphitropic) proteins from soluble to particulate compartments. Other factors, such as the presence of cholesterol or the vesicle surface charge, also modulated the binding of the G protein subunits to lipid bilayers. Conversely, the binding of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 and the G protein β-subunit to liposomes was not increased by hexagonally prone lipids. Their distinct interactions with membrane lipids may, in part, explain the different cellular localizations of all of these proteins during the signaling process.


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Understanding the genetic networks that operate inside cells will require the dissection of interactions among network members. Here we describe a peptide aptamer isolated from a combinatorial library that distinguishes among such interactions. This aptamer binds to cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) and inhibits its kinase activity. In contrast to naturally occurring inhibitors, such as p21Cip1, which inhibit the activity of Cdk2 on all its substrates, inhibition by pep8 has distinct substrate specificity. We show that the aptamer binds to Cdk2 at or near its active site and that its mode of inhibition is competitive. Expression of pep8 in human cells retards their progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Our results suggest that the aptamer inhibits cell-cycle progression by blocking the activity of Cdk2 on substrates needed for the G1-to-S transition. This work demonstrates the feasibility of selection of artificial proteins to perform functions not developed during evolution. The ability to select proteins that block interactions between a gene product and some partners but not others should make sophisticated genetic manipulations possible in human cells and other currently intractable systems.


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Attachment of HeLa cells to gelatin induces the release of arachidonic acid (AA), which is essential for cell spreading. HeLa cells spreading in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ released more AA and formed more distinctive lamellipodia and filopodia than cells spreading in the absence of Ca2+. Addition of exogenous AA to cells spreading in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ restored the formation of lamellipodia and filopodia. To investigate the role of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) in regulating the differential release of AA and subsequent formation of lamellipodia and filopodia during HeLa cell adhesion, cPLA2 phosphorylation and translocation from the cytosol to the membrane were evaluated. During HeLa cell attachment and spreading in the presence of Ca2+, all cPLA2 became phosphorylated within 2 min, which is the earliest time cell attachment could be measured. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+, the time for complete cPLA2 phosphorylation was lengthened to <4 min. Maximal translocation of cPLA2 from cytosol to membrane during adhesion of cells to gelatin was similar in the presence or absence of extracellular Ca2+ and remained membrane associated throughout the duration of cell spreading. The amount of total cellular cPLA2 translocated to the membrane in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ went from <20% for unspread cells to >95% for spread cells. In the absence of Ca2+ only 55–65% of the total cPLA2 was translocated to the membrane during cell spreading. The decrease in the amount translocated could account for the comparable decrease in the amount of AA released by cells during spreading without extracellular Ca2+. Although translocation of cPLA2 from cytosol to membrane was Ca2+ dependent, phosphorylation of cPLA2 was attachment dependent and could occur both on the membrane and in the cytosol. To elucidate potential activators of cPLA2, the extracellular signal-related protein kinase 2 (ERK2) and protein kinase C (PKC) were investigated. ERK2 underwent a rapid phosphorylation upon early attachment followed by a dephosphorylation. Both rates were enhanced during cell spreading in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. Treatment of cells with the ERK kinase inhibitor PD98059 completely inhibited the attachment-dependent ERK2 phosphorylation but did not inhibit cell spreading, cPLA2 phosphorylation, translocation, or AA release. Activation of PKC by phorbol ester (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate) induced and attachment-dependent phosphorylation of both cPLA2 and ERK2 in suspension cells. However, in cells treated with the PKC inhibitor Calphostin C before attachment, ERK2 phosphorylation was inhibited, whereas cPLA2 translocation and phosphorylation remained unaffected. In conclusion, although cPLA2-mediated release of AA during HeLa cell attachment to a gelatin substrate was essential for cell spreading, neither ERK2 nor PKC appeared to be responsible for the attachment-induced cPLA2 phosphorylation and the release of AA.


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Using both confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and biochemical approaches, we have examined the role of β-arrestins in the activation and targeting of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) following stimulation of angiotensin II type 1a receptors (AT1aR). In HEK-293 cells expressing hemagglutinin-tagged AT1aR, angiotensin stimulation triggered β-arrestin-2 binding to the receptor and internalization of AT1aR-β-arrestin complexes. Using red fluorescent protein-tagged ERK2 to track the subcellular distribution of ERK2, we found that angiotensin treatment caused the redistribution of activated ERK2 into endosomal vesicles that also contained AT1aR-β-arrestin complexes. This targeting of ERK2 reflects the formation of multiprotein complexes containing AT1aR, β-arrestin-2, and the component kinases of the ERK cascade, cRaf-1, MEK1, and ERK2. Myc-tagged cRaf-1, MEK1, and green fluorescent protein-tagged ERK2 coprecipitated with Flag-tagged β-arrestin-2 from transfected COS-7 cells. Coprecipitation of cRaf-1 with β-arrestin-2 was independent of MEK1 and ERK2, whereas the coprecipitation of MEK1 and ERK2 with β-arrestin-2 was significantly enhanced in the presence of overexpressed cRaf-1, suggesting that binding of cRaf-1 to β-arrestin facilitates the assembly of a cRaf-1, MEK1, ERK2 complex. The phosphorylation of ERK2 in β-arrestin complexes was markedly enhanced by coexpression of cRaf-1, and this effect is blocked by expression of a catalytically inactive dominant inhibitory mutant of MEK1. Stimulation with angiotensin increased the binding of both cRaf-1 and ERK2 to β-arrestin-2, and the association of β-arrestin-2, cRaf-1, and ERK2 with AT1aR. These data suggest that β-arrestins function both as scaffolds to enhance cRaf-1 and MEK-dependent activation of ERK2, and as targeting proteins that direct activated ERK to specific subcellular locations.


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We discovered that a shift between the state of tumorigenicity and dormancy in human carcinoma (HEp3) is attained through regulation of the balance between two classical mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-signaling pathways, the mitogenic extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) and the apoptotic/growth suppressive stress-activated protein kinase 2 (p38MAPK), and that urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is an important regulator of these events. This is a novel function for uPAR whereby, when expressed at high level, it enters into frequent, activating interactions with the α5β1-integrin, which facilitates the formation of insoluble fibronectin (FN) fibrils. Activation of α5β1-integrin by uPAR generates persistently high level of active ERK necessary for tumor growth in vivo. Our results show that ERK activation is generated through a convergence of two pathways: a positive signal through uPAR-activated α5β1, which activates ERK, and a signal generated by the presence of FN fibrils that suppresses p38 activity. When fibrils are removed or their assembly is blocked, p38 activity increases. Low uPAR derivatives of HEp3 cells, which are growth arrested (dormant) in vivo, have a high p38/ERK activity ratio, but in spite of a similar level of α5β1-integrin, they do not assemble FN fibrils. However, when p38 activity is inhibited by pharmacological (SB203580) or genetic (dominant negative-p38) approaches, their ERK becomes activated, uPAR is overexpressed, α5β1-integrins are activated, and dormancy is interrupted. Restoration of these properties in dormant cells can be mimicked by a direct re-expression of uPAR through transfection with a uPAR-coding plasmid. We conclude that overexpression of uPAR and its interaction with the integrin are responsible for generating two feedback loops; one increases the ERK activity that feeds back by increasing the expression of uPAR. The second loop, through the presence of FN fibrils, suppresses p38 activity, further increasing ERK activity. Together these results indicate that uPAR and its interaction with the integrin should be considered important targets for induction of tumor dormancy.


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Fibroblasts derived from embryos homozygous for a disruption of the retinoblastoma gene (Rb) exhibit a shorter G1 than their wild-type counterparts, apparently due to highly elevated levels of cyclin E protein and deregulated cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) activity. Here we demonstrate that the Rb-/- fibroblasts display higher levels of phosphorylated H1 throughout G1 with the maximum being 10-fold higher than that of the Rb+/+ fibroblasts. This profile of intracellular H1 phosphorylation corresponds with deregulated CDK2 activity observed in in vitro assays, suggesting that CDK2 may be directly responsible for the in vivo phosphorylation of H1. H1 phosphorylation has been proposed to lead to a relaxation of chromatin structure due to a decreased affinity of this protein for chromatin after phosphorylation. In accord with this, chromatin from the Rb-/- cells is more susceptible to micrococcal nuclease digestion than that from Rb+/+ fibroblasts. Increased H1 phosphorylation and relaxed chromatin structure have also been observed in cells expressing several oncogenes, suggesting a common mechanism in oncogene and tumor suppressor gene function.


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The tobacco N and Arabidopsis RPS2 genes, among several recently cloned disease-resistance genes, share highly conserved structure, a nucleotide-binding site (NBS). Using degenerate oligonucleotide primers for the NBS region of N and RPS2, we have amplified and cloned the NBS sequences from soybean. Each of these PCR-derived NBS clones detected low-or moderate-copy soybean DNA sequences and belongs to 1 of 11 different classes. Sequence analysis showed that all PCR clones encode three motifs (P-loop, kinase-2, and kinase-3a) of NBS nearly identical to those in N and RPS2. The intervening region between P-loop and kinase-3a of the 11 classes has high (26% average) amino acid sequence similarity to the N gene although not as high (19% average) to RPS2. These 11 classes represent a superfamily of NBS-containing soybean genes that are homologous to N and RPS2. Each class or subfamily was assessed for its positional association with known soybean disease-resistance genes through near-isogenic line assays, followed by linkage analysis in F2 populations using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Five of the 11 subfamilies have thus far been mapped to the vicinity of known soybean genes for resistance to potyviruses (Rsv1 and Rpv), Phytophthora root rot (Rps1, Rps2, and Rps3), and powdery mildew (rmd). The conserved N- or RPS2-homologous NBS sequences and their positional associations with mapped soybean-resistance genes suggest that a number of the soybean disease-resistance genes may belong to this superfamily. The candidate subfamilies of NBS-containing genes identified by genetic mapping should greatly facilitate the molecular cloning of disease-resistance genes.


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Proteases are known to play important roles in cell growth control, although the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Here we show that the protease inhibitor N-acetyl-L-leucinyl-L-leucinyl-L-norleucinal induced cell cycle arrest in platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated human fibroblasts at the G1/S boundary of the cell cycle by inhibiting the proteasome. Inhibition of the proteasome resulted in accumulation of the tumor suppressor p53, which was followed by an increase in the amount of the cyclin-dependent kinase-inhibitor p21. As a consequence, both phosphorylation and activity of the cyclin-dependent kinase 2/cyclin E complex were inhibited. We further observed that the retinoblastoma gene product, pRb, remained in the hypophosphorylated state, thus preventing cells from progression into the S-phase. These studies strongly support the hypothesis that the proteasome is a key regulator in the G1-phase of cell cycle progression.


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Using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a human protein, GAIP (G Alpha Interacting Protein), that specifically interacts with the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein G alpha i3. Interaction was verified by specific binding of in vitro-translated G alpha i3 with a GAIP-glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. GAIP is a small protein (217 amino acids, 24 kDa) that contains two potential phosphorylation sites for protein kinase C and seven for casein kinase 2. GAIP shows high homology to two previously identified human proteins, GOS8 and 1R20, two Caenorhabditis elegans proteins, CO5B5.7 and C29H12.3, and the FLBA gene product in Aspergillus nidulans--all of unknown function. Significant homology was also found to the SST2 gene product in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is known to interact with a yeast G alpha subunit (Gpa1). A highly conserved core domain of 125 amino acids characterizes this family of proteins. Analysis of deletion mutants demonstrated that the core domain is the site of GAIP's interaction with G alpha i3. GAIP is likely to be an early inducible phosphoprotein, as its cDNA contains the TTTTGT sequence characteristic of early response genes in its 3'-untranslated region. By Northern analysis GAIP's 1.6-kb mRNA is most abundant in lung, heart, placenta, and liver and is very low in brain, skeletal muscle, pancreas, and kidney. GAIP appears to interact exclusively with G alpha i3, as it did not interact with G alpha i2 and G alpha q. The fact that GAIP and Sst2 interact with G alpha subunits and share a common domain suggests that other members of the GAIP family also interact with G alpha subunits through the 125-amino-acid core domain.


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As Neoplasias Mieloproliferativas (NMPs) se caracterizam por apresentarem acúmulo de eritrócitos, leucócitos e plaquetas morfologicamente normais e seus precursores. Nos últimos anos vários estudos buscaram conhecer os mecanismos celulares e moleculares envolvidos na fisiopatologia e evolução dessas desordens, com o intuito de encontrar marcadores de diagnóstico, prognóstico e terapias eficazes. A mutação pontual no gene que codifica a enzima Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2 V617F), presente em aproximadamente 90% dos pacientes com PV e em 50% dos pacientes com TE e MF, foi o principal achado genético anormal associado a essas doenças. Essa mutação resulta na ativação constitutiva da enzima JAK2 e na desregulação da proliferação celular e resistência à apoptose. Nosso grupo de pesquisa descreveu em PV, TE e MF a expressão alterada de genes reguladores da apoptose e dados da literatura indicam que a desregulação do ciclo celular contribui para a fisiopatologia das NMPs. Nesse projeto o intuito foi investigar a associação da via de sinalização m-TOR com as alterações do ciclo celular e via JAK/STAT nas NMPs. A via de sinalização m-TOR participa dos processos celulares de sobrevivência e proliferação. A estratégia experimental foi avaliar a expressão de genes e proteínas, reguladores da via m-TOR, em leucócitos de pacientes com NPMC e linhagens celulares JAK2+ tratadas com inibidores de JAK2 e AKT. Para determinar a relação da via m-TOR nas NMPs foi escolhido o gene eIF4E, alterado nessas doenças, para observar sua modulação diante da inibição farmacológica nas linhagens celulares JAK2 positivas. Os resultados desse estudo contribuem para a descrição de novos alvos terapêuticos dependentes e indepentendes da atividade quinase JAK2 e para o melhor conhecimento da participação da via de sinalização m-TOR na fisiopatologia das NMPs.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014