961 resultados para cell expansion
Subclones homozygous for JAK2V617F are more common in polycythemia vera (PV) than essential thrombocythemia (ET), but their prevalence and significance remain unclear. The JAK2 mutation status of 6495 BFU-E, grown in low erythropoietin conditions, was determined in 77 patients with PV or ET. Homozygous-mutant colonies were common in patients with JAK2V617F-positive PV and were surprisingly prevalent in JAK2V617F-positive ET and JAK2 exon 12-mutated PV. Using microsatellite PCR to map loss-of-heterozygosity breakpoints within individual colonies, we demonstrate that recurrent acquisition of JAK2V617F homozygosity occurs frequently in both PV and ET. PV was distinguished from ET by expansion of a dominant homozygous subclone, the selective advantage of which is likely to reflect additional genetic or epigenetic lesions. Our results suggest a model in which development of a dominant JAK2V617F-homzygous subclone drives erythrocytosis in many PV patients, with alternative mechanisms operating in those with small or undetectable homozygous-mutant clones.
Harnessing outgrowth endothelial cells (OECs) for vasoreparative therapy and tissue-engineering requires efficient ex-vivo expansion. How such expansion impacts on OEC function is largely unknown. In this study, we show that OECs become permanently cell-cycle arrested after ex-vivo expansion, which is associated with enlarged cell size, ß-galactosidase activity, DNA damage, tumour suppressor pathway activation and significant transcriptome changes. These senescence hallmarks were coupled with low telomerase activity and telomere shortening, indicating replicative senescence. OEC senescence limited their regenerative potential by impairing vasoreparative properties in-vitro and in-vivo. Integrated transcriptome-proteome analysis identified inflammatory signalling pathways as major mechanistic components of the OEC senescence programme. In particular, IL8 was an important facilitator of this senescence; depletion of IL8 in OECs significantly extended ex-vivo lifespan, delayed replicative senescence and enhanced function. While the ability to expand OEC numbers prior to autologous or allogeneic therapy remains a useful property, their replicative senescence and associated impairment of vasorepair needs to be considered. The current study also suggests that modulation of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) could be used to optimise OEC therapy.
Chemotherapies that target thymidylate synthase (TS) continue to see considerable clinical expansion in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). One drawback to TS-targeted therapies is drug resistance and subsequent treatment failure. Novel therapeutic and biomarker-driven strategies are urgently needed. The enzyme deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase) is reported to protect tumor cells from aberrant misincorporation of uracil during TS inhibition. The goal of this study was to investigate the expression and significance of dUTPase in mediating response to TS-targeted agents in NSCLC. The expression of dUTPase in NSCLC cell lines and clinical specimens was measured by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase PCR and immunohistochemistry. Using a validated RNA interference approach, dUTPase was effectively silenced in a panel of NSCLC cell lines and response to the fluoropyrimidine fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR) and the antifolate pemetrexed was analyzed using growth inhibition and clonogenic assays. Apoptosis was analyzed by flow cytometry. Significant variation in the quantity and cellular expression of dUTPase was observed, including clear evidence of overexpression in NSCLC cell line models and tumor specimens at the mRNA and protein level. RNA interference-mediated silencing of dUTPase significantly sensitized NSCLC cells to growth inhibition induced by FUdR and pemetrexed. This sensitization was accompanied by a significant expansion of intracellular dUTP pools and significant decreases in NSCLC cell viability evaluated by clonogenicity and apoptotic analyses. Together, these results strongly suggest that uracil misincorporation is a potent determinant of cytotoxicity to TS inhibition in NSCLC and that inhibition of dUTPase is a mechanism-based therapeutic approach to significantly enhance the efficacy of TS-targeted chemotherapeutic agents.
At sufficiently high laser intensities, the rapid heating to relativistic velocities and resulting decompression of plasma electrons in an ultra-thin target foil can result in the target becoming relativistically transparent to the laser light during the interaction. Ion acceleration in this regime is strongly affected by the transition from an opaque to a relativistically transparent plasma. By spatially resolving the laser-accelerated proton beam at near-normal laser incidence and at an incidence angle of 30°, we identify characteristic features both experimentally and in particle-in-cell simulations which are consistent with the onset of three distinct ion acceleration mechanisms: sheath acceleration; radiation pressure acceleration; and transparency-enhanced acceleration. The latter mechanism occurs late in the interaction and is mediated by the formation of a plasma jet extending into the expanding ion population. The effect of laser incident angle on the plasma jet is explored.
Within the last few years, several reports have revealed that cell transplantation can be an effective way to replace lost neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) of patients affected with neurodegenerative diseases. Concerning the retina, the concept that newborn photoreceptors can integrate the retina and restore some visual functions was univocally demonstrated recently in the mouse eye (MacLaren et al. 2006) and remains to be achieved in human. These results pave the way to a standard approach in regenerative medicine aiming to replace lost photoreceptors. With the discovery of stem cells a great hope has appeared towards elaborating protocols to generate adequate cells to restore visual function in different retinal degeneration processes. Retinal stem cells (RSCs) are good candidates to repair the retina and are present throughout the retina development, including adulthood. However, neonatal mouse RSCs derived from the radial glia population have a different potential to proliferate and differentiate in comparison to adult RSCs. Moreover, we observed that adult mouse RSCs, depending on the culture conditions, have a marked tendency to transform, whereas neonatal RSCs show subtle chromosome abnormalities only after extensive expansion. These characteristics should help to identify the optimal cell source and culture conditions for cell transplantation studies. These results will be discussed in light of other studies using RSCs as well as embryonic stem cells. Another important factor to consider is the host environment, which plays a crucial role for cell integration and which was poorly studied in the normal and the diseased retina. Nonetheless, important results were recently generated to reconsider cell transplantation strategy. Perspectives to enhance cell integration by manipulating the environment will also be presented.
Organs developing as appendages of the ectoderm are initiated from epithelial thickenings called placodes. Their formation is regulated by interactions between the ectoderm and underlying mesenchyme, and several signalling molecules have been implicated as activators or inhibitors of placode formation. Ectodysplasin (Eda) is a unique signalling molecule in the tumour necrosis factor family that, together with its receptor Edar, is necessary for normal development of ectodermal organs both in humans and mice. We have shown previously that overexpression of the Eda-A1 isoform in transgenic mice stimulates the formation of several ectodermal organs. In the present study, we have analysed the formation and morphology of placodes using in vivo and in vitro models in which both the timing and amount of Eda-A1 applied could be varied. The hair and tooth placodes of K14-Eda-A1 transgenic embryos were enlarged, and extra placodes developed from the dental lamina and mammary line. Exposure of embryonic skin to Eda-A1 recombinant protein in vitro stimulated the growth and fusion of placodes. However, it did not accelerate the initiation of the first wave of hair follicles giving rise to the guard hairs. Hence, the function of Eda-A1 appears to be downstream of the primary inductive signal required for placode initiation during skin patterning. Analysis of BrdU incorporation indicated that the formation of the epithelial thickening in early placodes does not involve increased cell proliferation and also that the positive effect of Eda-A1 on placode expansion is not a result of increased cell proliferation. Taken together, our results suggest that Eda-A1 signalling promotes placodal cell fate during early development of ectodermal organs.
B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) is a negative regulator of T cell activation, but its function in vivo is not well characterized. Here we show that mice deficient in full-length BTLA or its ligand, herpesvirus entry mediator, had increased number of memory CD8(+) T cells. The memory CD8(+) T cell phenotype resulted from a T cell-intrinsic perturbation of the CD8(+) T cell pool. Naive BTLA-deficient CD8(+) T cells were more efficient than wild-type cells at generating memory in a competitive antigen-specific system. This effect was independent of the initial expansion of the responding antigen-specific T cell population. In addition, BTLA negatively regulated antigen-independent homeostatic expansion of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. These results emphasize two central functions of BTLA in limiting T cell activity in vivo.
L’injection de cellules souches provenant de la moelle osseuse est reconnue pour améliorer la fonction ventriculaire ainsi que le remodelage cicatriciel après un infarctus du myocarde (IM). Le Stromal Cell-derived factor-1 alpha (SDF-1 alpha), une chimiokine induite par l’ischémie cardiaque, représente une grande importance en raison de son rôle dans le recrutement de cellules inflammatoires et de cellules souches de la moelle osseuse vers les sites endommagés. Quoique les recherches sur le rôle de la chimiokine SDF-1 alpha dans le remodelage ventriculaire se multiplient, son implication dans la phase aiguë du remodelage reste inexplorée. Le but de la présente étude est de déterminer l’effet du SDF-1 alpha sur la taille de la cicatrice, l’hypertrophie cardiaque ainsi que la fonction ventriculaire chez des rats et des souris une semaine après un IM. La stratégie utilisée implique l’administration de l’AMD3100 (1 mg/kg, 24 heures après l’IM, pendant 6 jours), l’antagoniste sélectif du récepteur du SDF-1 alpha, le CXCR4. Ce récepteur est couplé à une protéine G alpha i et induit la migration et la prolifération cellulaire. Chez les rats du groupe IM, l’expression de la chimiokine a été détectée surtout dans les cellules musculaires lisses et les cellules endothéliales des vaisseaux cicatriciels. Le profil d’expression de la chimiokine dans le cœur infarci indique un gradient de concentration vers la cicatrice. Une semaine après l’IM, le traitement avec l’AMD3100 a diminué la taille de la cicatrice, résultant en une amélioration de la fonction ventriculaire et une diminution de l’élévation de l’expression de l’ARNm de l’ANP dans le ventricule gauche non infarci (VGNI). Chez les souris, le traitement avec l’AMD3100 a engendré les mêmes effets, soit une diminution de la taille de la cicatrice ainsi qu’une amélioration de la fonction ventriculaire. La réduction de la taille de la région infarcie chez les souris traitées avec l’AMD3100 est associée avec une atténuation de l’infiltration des neutrophiles dans la région ischémique. Ces résultats suggèrent que le blocage pharmacologique de l’axe SDF-1 alpha/CXCR4 lors de la phase aiguë du remodelage ventriculaire après un IM diminue la taille de la cicatrice et améliore la fonction ventriculaire, en partie, par la diminution de la réaction inflammatoire.
Dans les cas de lymphopénie, les lymphocytes T résiduels prolifèrent exagérément dans un phénomène appelé «expansion homéostatique périphérique» (HPE), qui est efficace pour la régénération des T CD8+, mais inefficace pour les T CD4+. L’interleukine-7 (IL7) est une cytokine homéostatique utilisée afin d’augmenter les comptes lymphocytaires T des patients lymphopéniques. Toutefois, la raison de l’expansion préférentielle des lymphocytes T CD8+ par l’IL7 demeure toujours inconnue. Nous montrons que cette expansion est due au fait que l’IL7 induit une prolifération efficace des T CD8+ périphériques (CD8+PERI) ainsi que des émigrants thymiques CD8+ (CD8+RTEs). Par contre, l’effet prolifératif de l’IL7 est restreint presqu’uniquement aux CD4+RTEs même si les CD4+PERI survivent mieux que les CD4+RTEs. De plus faibles doses d’IL7 sont nécessaires aux CD4+RTEs afin de phosphoryler STAT5 ou de proliférer comparativement aux CD4+PERI et nous démontrons que les contacts TCR/CMHII sont nécessaires à la prolifération induite par l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs en périphérie. De fait, augmenter au Flt3 ligand le nombre de cellules dendritiques périphériques d’une souris donneuse, avant de transférer ses TPERI dans des souris receveuses traitées à l’IL7 induit une prolifération significative des CD4+PERI. Nos résultats indiquent donc que l’abondance des contacts TCR/CMHII reçus dans le thymus semble contrôler la sensibilité à l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs. Finalement, l’observation que les CD8+PERI et CD8+RTEs prolifèrent pareillement pendant la thérapie à l’IL7, alors que la prolifération des T CD4+ est largement restreinte aux RTEs expliquerait pourquoi, dans les cas de lymphopénie, la régénération des T CD4+ est aussi dépendante de la thymopoïèse.
La greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques est parfois le seul traitement efficace contre les cancers hématologiques ainsi que plusieurs autres désordres reliés au système hématopoïétique. La greffe autologue est souvent le traitement de choix pour les patients atteints de lymphome ou de myélome. Dans ce cas, les cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) du patient sont récoltées et congelées. Le patient subit ensuite des traitements de chimiothérapie et/ou radiothérapie qui éliminent les cellules malignes, mais détruisent aussi son système hématopoïétique. Ce dernier sera ensuite reconstitué par la greffe de CSH. Ces traitements ont pour conséquence de plonger le patient en état d’aplasie pour une période variant de 2 à 4 semaines. La thrombocytopénie (faible taux de plaquettes) est une complication majeure nécessitant des transfusions plaquettaires répétées et associée à une augmentation de la mortalité hémorragique post-transplantation. Il serait particulièrement intéressant de développer une thérapie accélérant la reconstitution des mégacaryocytes (MK), ce qui aurait pour effet de raccourcir la période de thrombopénie et donc de diminuer les besoins transfusionnels en plaquettes et potentiellement augmenter la survie. HOXB4 est un facteur de transcription qui a déjà démontré sa capacité à expandre les CSH et les progéniteurs multipotents (CFU-GEMM) donnant naissance aux MK. Il est donc un bon candidat pour l’expansion des progéniteurs MK. Comme la protéine HoxB4 a par contre une courte demi-vie (~1.1h), des protéines HoxB4 de deuxième génération avec une plus grande stabilité intracellulaire ont été créées (1423 (HoxB4L7A), 1426 (HoxB4Y23A) et 1427 (HoxB4Y28A)). Nous avons donc étudié la capacité d’HoxB4 sauvage et de deuxième génération à expandre les CSH, ainsi que les MK donnant naissance aux plaquettes. La surexpression rétrovirale de ces protéines HoxB4Y23A et HoxB4Y28A conduit à une expansion des progéniteurs MK murins in vitro supérieure à HoxB4-wt, 1423 et au contrôle GFP. La reconstitution plaquettaire in vivo dans un modèle murin a ensuite été évaluée par des transplantations primaires et secondaires. Les résultats révèlent que la surexpression rétrovirale des différents HoxB4 n’apporte pas de bénéfice significatif à la reconstitution plaquettaire des souris. Lorsque cultivées dans un milieu favorisant la différenciation mégacaryocytaire, le traitement de cellules CD34+ dérivées du sang de cordon ombilical avec les protéines recombinantes TATHoxB4WT ou de seconde génération n’a pas augmenté la production plaquettaire. Par contre, de manière intéressante, les cellules CD34+ provenant de sang mobilisé de patients atteints de myélome et mises en culture dans un milieu favorisant l’expansion des CSH ont montré des différences significatives dans la différenciation des progéniteurs MK en présence de la protéine recombinante TATHoxB4. La protéine HOXB4 possède donc un avenir prometteur quant à une amélioration de l’état thrombocytopénique chez les patients.
Limbal epithelial stem cells play a key role in the maintenance and regulation of the corneal surface. Damage or destruction of these cells results in vascularisation and corneal opacity. Subsequent limbal stem cell transplantation requires an ex vivo expansion step and preserving cells in an undifferentiated state remains vital. In this report we seek to control the phenotype of limbal epithelial stem cells by the novel application of compressed collagen substrates. We have characterised the mechanical and surface properties of conventional collagen gels using shear rheology and scanning electron microscopy. In doing so, we provide evidence to show that compressive load can improve the stiffness of collagen substrates. In addition Western blotting and immunohistochemistry display increased cytokeratin 3 (CK3) protein expression relating to limbal epithelial cell differentiation on stiff collagen substrates. Such gels with an elastic modulus of 2900 Pa supported a significantly higher number of cells than less stiff collagen gels (3 Pa). These findings have substantial influence in the development of ocular surface constructs or experimental models particularly in the fields of stem cell research, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Corneal tissue engineering has improved dramatically over recent years. It is now possible to apply these technological advancements to the development of superior in vitro ocular surface models to reduce animal testing. We aim to show the effect different substrates can have on the viability of expanded corneal epithelial cells and that those which more accurately mimic the stromal surface provide the most protection against toxic assault. Compressed collagen gel as a substrate for the expansion of a human epithelial cell line was compared against two well-known substrates for modeling the ocular surface (polycarbonate membrane and conventional collagen gel). Cells were expanded over 10 days at which point cell stratification, cell number and expression of junctional proteins were assessed by electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. The effect of increasing concentrations of sodium lauryl sulphate on epithelial cell viability was quantified by MTT assay. Results showed improvement in terms of stratification, cell number and tight junction expression in human epithelial cells expanded upon either the polycarbonate membrane or compressed collagen gel when compared to a the use of a conventional collagen gel. However, cell viability was significantly higher in cells expanded upon the compressed collagen gel. We conclude that the more naturalistic composition and mechanical properties of compressed collagen gels produces a more robust corneal model.