988 resultados para catalytic oxidative cracking


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Since its discovery in 1991, the bacterial periplasmic oxidative folding catalyst DsbA has been the focus of intense research. Early studies addressed why it is so oxidizing and how it is maintained in its less stable oxidized state. The crystal structure of Escherichia coli DsbA (EcDsbA) revealed that the oxidizing periplasmic enzyme is a distant evolutionary cousin of the reducing cytoplasmic enzyme thioredoxin. Recent significant developments have deepened our understanding of DsbA function, mechanism, and interactions: the structure of the partner membrane protein EcDsbB, including its complex with EcDsbA, proved a landmark in the field. Studies of DsbA machineries from bacteria other than E. coli K-12 have highlighted dramatic differences from the model organism, including a striking divergence in redox parameters and surface features. Several DsbA structures have provided the first clues to its interaction with substrates, and finally, evidence for a central role of DsbA in bacterial virulence has been demonstrated in a range of organisms. Here, we review current knowledge on DsbA, a bacterial periplasmic protein that introduces disulfide bonds into diverse substrate proteins and which may one day be the target of a new class of anti-virulence drugs to treat bacterial infection. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 14, 1729–1760.


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Pathogens require protein-folding enzymes to produce functional virulence determinants. These foldases include the Dsb family of proteins, which catalyze oxidative folding in bacteria. Bacterial disulfide catalytic processes have been well characterized in Escherichia coli K-12 and these mechanisms have been extrapolated to other organisms. However, recent research indicates that the K-12 complement of Dsb proteins is not common to all bacteria. Importantly, many pathogenic bacteria have an extended arsenal of Dsb catalysts that is linked to their virulence. To help to elucidate the process of oxidative folding in pathogens containing a wide repertoire of Dsb proteins, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium has been focused on. This Gram-negative bacterium contains three DsbA proteins: SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA. Here, the expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of these three proteins are reported. SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA crystals diffracted to resolution limits of 1.55, 1.57 and 2.6 Å and belonged to space groups P21, P21212 and C2, respectively.


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If DNA is the information of life, then proteins are the machines of life — but they must be assembled and correctly folded to function. A key step in the protein-folding pathway is the introduction of disulphide bonds between cysteine residues in a process called oxidative protein folding. Many bacteria use an oxidative protein-folding machinery to assemble proteins that are essential for cell integrity and to produce virulence factors. Although our current knowledge of this machinery stems largely from Escherichia coli K-12, this view must now be adjusted to encompass the wider range of disulphide catalytic systems present in bacteria.


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Reactive oxygen species are generated during ischaemia-reperfusion of tissue. Oxidation of thymidine by hydroxyl radicals (HO) leads to the formation of 5,6-dihydroxy-5,6-dihydrothymidine (thymidine glycol). Thymidine glycol is excreted in urine and can be used as biomarker of oxidative DNA damage. Time dependent changes in urinary excretion rates of thymidine glycol were determined in six patients after kidney transplantation and in six healthy controls. A new analytical method was developed involving affinity chromatography and subsequent reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with a post-column chemical reaction detector and endpoint fluorescence detection. The detection limit of this fluorimetric assay was 1.6 ng thymidine glycol per ml urine, which corresponds to about half of the physiological excretion level in healthy control persons. After kidney transplantation the urinary excretion rate of thymidine glycol increased gradually reaching a maximum around 48 h. The excretion rate remained elevated until the end of the observation period of 10 days. Severe proteinuria with an excretion rate of up to 7.2 g of total protein per mmol creatinine was also observed immediately after transplantation and declined within the first 24 h of allograft function (0.35 + 0.26 g/mmol creatinine). The protein excretion pattern, based on separation of urinary proteins on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophorosis (SDS-PAGE), as well as excretion of individual biomarker proteins, indicated nonselective glomerular and tubular damage. The increased excretion of thymidine glycol after kidney transplantation may be explained by ischaemia-reperfusion induced oxidative DNA damage of the transplanted kidney.


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Aims: Caveolin-1 (cav1) is reported to have both cell survival and pro-apoptotic characteristics. This may be explained by its localisation or phosphorylation in injured cells. This study investigated the role of cav1 in kidney cells of different nephron origin and developmental state after oxidative stress. Methods: Renal MCDK distal tubular, HK2 proximal tubular epithelial cells and HEK293T renal embryonic cells were treated with 1mM hydrogen peroxide. Apoptosis, loss of cell adhesion, and cell survival were compared with expression of cav1 in its non-phosphorylated and phosphorylated (p-cav1) forms. Cav1 was transfected into the HEK293T cells, or caveolae were disrupted with filipin or nystatin in HK2 cells, to investigate functions of cav1 and p-cav1. Results: Oxidative stress induced more apoptosis in HK2s than MDCKs (p<0.05). HK2s had lower endogenous cav1 and p-cav1 than MDCKs (p<0.05). Both cell lines had increased p-cav1, but not cav1, with oxidative stress. This increase was greatest in MDCKs (p<0.01). Cav1 was located mainly in the plasma membrane of untreated cells and translocated to the cytoplasm with oxidative stress in both cell lines, more so in MDCKs. Disruption of caveolae caused cytoplasmic translocation of cav1 in HK2s, but did not alter high levels of oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. When HEK293Ts lacking endogenous cav1 were transfected with cav1, oxidant-induced apoptosis and loss of cell adhesion was decreased (p<0.01), and p-cav1 was induced by treatment. Conclusion: Cav1 expression and localisation in kidney cells is not anti-apoptotic, but increased expression of p-cav1 may promote cell survival after oxidative stress. © 2008 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia.


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Several cell-free assays are currently used to quantify and detect the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). All of them have certain limitations, do not provide direct comparison of results and, to date, none of these assays have been acknowledged as the most suitable acellular assay and none has yet been adopted for investigation of potential PM toxicity. These assays include DTT, ascorbic acid, DCFHDA and PFN assays which have been used in measurements of the particles generated from various combustion sources such as diesel engine, wood smoke (or biomass burning) and cigarette smoke, as well as for outdoor measurements. All the probes use different units for expressing redox properties of PM. Also, their reactivity is being triggered by different types of ROS. This limits the direct comparison of the results that are reporting the toxicity of the same aerosol type measured with various probes. This study is evaluating and comparing the various assays in order to develop deeper understanding of their capabilities, selectivity as well as improve understanding of the underlying chemical mechanisms. Keywords: DTT, DCFH-DA, PFN, BPEA-nit, Ascorbic acid, oxidative potential


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team of international Entrepreneurship researchers. This vignette deals with the process of new venture creation, and specifically the sequence in which different ‘start-up activities’ are undertaken.


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In this paper, dynamic modeling and simulation of the hydropurification reactor in a purified terephthalic acid production plant has been investigated by gray-box technique to evaluate the catalytic activity of palladium supported on carbon (0.5 wt.% Pd/C) catalyst. The reaction kinetics and catalyst deactivation trend have been modeled by employing artificial neural network (ANN). The network output has been incorporated with the reactor first principle model (FPM). The simulation results reveal that the gray-box model (FPM and ANN) is about 32 percent more accurate than FPM. The model demonstrates that the catalyst is deactivated after eleven months. Moreover, the catalyst lifetime decreases about two and half months in case of 7 percent increase of reactor feed flowrate. It is predicted that 10 percent enhancement of hydrogen flowrate promotes catalyst lifetime at the amount of one month. Additionally, the enhancement of 4-carboxybenzaldehyde concentration in the reactor feed improves CO and benzoic acid synthesis. CO is a poison to the catalyst, and benzoic acid might affect the product quality. The model can be applied into actual working plants to analyze the Pd/C catalyst efficient functioning and the catalytic reactor performance.


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Project overview, promotional poster and how to access and use the checklist (student guide)


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Scope: Coffee is among the most frequently consumed beverages. Its consumption is inversely associated to the incidence of diseases related to reactive oxygen species; the phenomenon may be due to its antioxidant properties. Our primary objective was to investigate the impact of consumption of a coffee containing high levels of chlorogenic acids on the oxidation of proteins, DNA and membrane lipids; additionally, other redox biomarkers were monitored in an intervention trial. Methods and results: The treatment group (n=36) consumed instant coffee co-extracted from green and roasted beans, whereas the control consumed water (800 mL/P/day, 5 days). A global statistical analysis of four main biomarkers selected as primary outcomes showed that the overall changes are significant. 8-Isoprostaglandin F2α in urine declined by 15.3%, 3-nitrotyrosine was decreased by 16.1%, DNA migration due to oxidized purines and pyrimidines was (not significantly) reduced in lymphocytes by 12.5 and 14.1%. Other markers such as the total antioxidant capacity were moderately increased; e.g. LDL and malondialdehyde were shifted towards a non-significant reduction. Conclusion: The oxidation of DNA, lipids and proteins associated with the incidence of various diseases and the protection against their oxidative damage may be indicative for beneficial health effects of coffee.


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Increased concentrations of biomarkers reflecting myocardial stress such as cardiac troponin I and T and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) have been observed following strenuous, long-lasting endurance exercise. The pathophysiological mechanisms are still not fully elucidated and the interpretations of increased post-exercise concentrations range from (i) evidence for exercise-induced myocardial damage to (ii) non-relevant spurious troponin elevations, presumably caused by assay imprecision or heterophilic antibodies. Several lines of evidence suggest that inflammatory processes or oxidative stress could be involved in the rise of NT-proBNP and Troponin observed in critically ill patients with sepsis or burn injury. We tested the hypothesis that inflammatory or oxidative stress is also responsible for exercise-induced cardiomyocyte strain in a large cohort of triathletes following an Ironman triathlon. However, the post-race increase in cardiac troponin T and NT-proBNP was not associated with several markers of exercise-induced inflammation, oxidative stress or antioxidant vitamins. Therefore, we clearly need more studies with other inflammatory markers and different designs to elucidate the scientific background for increases in myocardial stress markers following strenuous endurance events.