669 resultados para cartography


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In July 2003 an important one-volume text, Forget about Flinders: A Yanyuwa atlas of the south west gulf of Carpentaria produced in a limited edition of 14 copies, returned to Yanyuwa country and to the families who collaborated with John Bradley and artist Nona Cameron on the project. Subsequently, a second edition of 20 copies has been released, mainly to institutions. It is the most comprehensive attempt yet to restore Yanyuwa names to country and to produce a multilayered, dynamic, history-rich, and bilingual representation of how country is known in this community, and how the central song cycle texts intersect with Yanyuwa tradition. What follows is a condensed and edited interview with Frances Devlin-Glass, in which John Bradley discusses the motivations, the hybridised methodologies employed, the innovations of this new genre, and the pedagogical ends served by this latest iteration of Yanyuwa song cycles.


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As a multiracial artist, I am interested in how people of mixed race have been represented in popular culture and how mixed race image-makers can redress popular representation and facilitate a movement beyond the dichotomy, which seeks to reduce us to the sum of our parts. In the footsteps of Evelyn Alsultany I advocate the creation of a new cartography—a space that is inclusive and beyond existing notions of race. To this end I embarked on a project of exploration of the representation of multiracial identity, drawing from Homi K. Bhabha’s notion of Third Space.


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Traces the ideological formations of British colonialism using the techniques of modern European cartography to examine the practices of spatial production in Hong Kong's capital city, Victoria. This examination demonstrates how notions of British cultural identity and self-representation were inscribed throughout the colonial urban environment by considering the ways in which the British colonial authorities sought to condition, control, and maintain the organisation of space.


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This paper explores the ways in which the passage of the Tour de France bicycle race through France produces a distinctive cultural cartography or social map of France. Drawing on Lefebvre's (1991) conceptual triad of spatial practice, representations of space and representational spaces, the paper argues that the Tour de France both represents and is a space that is annually reordered and structured by very particular cultural practices. Through an analysis of the process (and politics) of route selection, the incorporation of iconic landscape and the transformation of civic space as the race moves across the country, the paper foregrounds the socially constructed nature of map making and the role of human intervention in producing and reproducing key cultural cartographies of France through the Tour de France.


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Hollywood, and various regional cinemas in India typically represent Mixed-Race Anglo-Indians as a degenerate community marked by lax morals, alcoholism, and indolence. These stereotypical tropes typically generate indignant protests from members of this miniscule Indian community, and debates about the representation of Anglo-Indians focus on the injustices propagated by such stereotypes. This paper rethinks Anglo-Indian representation in cinema by drawing on Jacques Rancière’s concept of ‘the distribution of the sensible,’ which provides a cartography for understanding how one’s various identity assignations structure sensory experience. In other words those who are marginalized have ways of seeing and hearing from those occupy normative or dominant subject positions, and these differences are best approached in terms of neo-Kantian aesthetic judgment. It also argues, with Rancière, that ‘inequality’ is built into the distribution of the sensible. Drawing on a number of Indian and Hollywood films — including Aparna Sen’s 36 Chowringhee Lane (1981) Anjan Dutt’s Bada Din (1998) Ismail Merchant’s Cotton Mary (2000), Bow Barracks Forever (2004) and Harry McClure’s Going Away (2013) — the paper contends that Rancière’s ‘distribution of the sensible’ allows us to think through a politics that is connected to ‘aesthetic judgement’ as well as a politics of differentiation that informs our understanding of the function of minoritarian characters in narrative cinema.


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Apresentamos neste trabalho um estudo sobre a processualidade das relações da escola pública com a comunidade, enfocando os agenciamentos que operam na constituição de diferentes modos de relação em uma instituição situada na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Sob os referenciais de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, procuramos pensar as relações como acontecimentos, efeitos de sentidos, agenciados coletivamente por instâncias heterogêneas que compõem o real social. Nosso problema se inscreve no âmbito do discurso e da subjetividade, partindo da hipótese de que é possível pensar as relações nas instituições, para além das representações individuais, para além das relações interpessoais, para além do pressuposto da reprodução social. Procuramos articular conhecimentos da Análise de Discurso na vertente Francesa com as discussões empreendidas por Deleuze e Guattari sobre uma Filosofia da Linguagem e uma Teoria da Subjetividade. Utilizamos o recurso cartográfico proposto por estes autores, trabalhando com os discursos produzidos no encontro da escola com a comunidade. Para tal acompanhamos as atividades de uma escola durante um ano, realizando entrevistas, observações, leitura de documentos, participando de reuniões e encontros festivos. Encontramos em nosso estudo algumas dobras das relações da escola com a comunidade, dobras que nos falam da sua complexidade, a qual temos deixado escapar, ao entendermos as relações, marcados pelo modo-indivíduo de subjetivação, que ganhou força desde a modernidade. Nossa cartografia registrou várias dobras, algumas um pouco mais intensas, como a dobra burocrática, a qual impede que outras forças possam ser potencializadas na escola. Procuramos aqui construir um modo de pensar as relações nas instituições, um pensar nas dobras, para regar um pouco o campo da Análise Institucional no âmbito da Psicologia e da Educação.


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Neste trabalho serão descritos métodos e técnicas na análise de transformações geométricas para o georreferenciamento de imagens do satélite CBERS I, utilizando o sensor CCD na região de Porto Alegre, com a utilização das transformações afim e equações projetivas e com o uso de pontos de apoio coletados com receptor GPS. Os resultados experimentais obtidos com as transformações afim e equações projetivas são animadores, recomendando-se então continuar os estudos para as imagens do CBERS-I que pode ser um atalho importante para atualizar a cartografia regional brasileira, pois neste caso do sensor CCD se vislumbra a possibilidade de se gerarem cartas imagens nas escalas de 1:100.000 e 1:50.000.