389 resultados para cGMP phosphodiesterase


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Os transtornos psiquiátricos são um problema de saúde pública, ocupando cinco das dez principais causas de incapacitação no mundo. O transtorno bipolar (TB) é um transtorno de humor, segundo o DSM-IV (manual diagnóstico e estatístico de doenças mentais), o qual afeta cerca de 1% da população mundial. O TB do tipo I (TBI) é o mais frequente entre os TBs e é caracterizado pela presença de episódios maníacos ou mistos acompanhados por episódios depressivos. Assim como outros transtornos psiquiátricos, como a depressão, ansiedade e esquizofrenia, o TB representa um importante fator de risco cardiovascular, e pacientes com este transtorno apresentam mortalidade cardiovascular duas vezes maior que a população em geral. No entanto, os exatos mecanismos envolvidos nesta relação permanecem desconhecidos. Estudos sugerem o envolvimento da via L-arginina-óxido nitrico (NO) na patofisiologia do TB. O NO é responsável por diversas funções fisiológicas, incluindo a inibição da função plaquetária. A L-arginina, sua precursora, é transportada em plaquetas pelo carreador y+L, ativando a enzima NO sintase (NOS), a qual produz NO e e L-citrulina. Uma vez produzido, o NO ativa a enzima guanilato ciclase (GC), levando ao aumento dos níveis de guanosina monofosfato cíclica (GMPc). Adicionalmente, a L-arginina não é exclusivamente utilizada pela NOS, ela também pode ser metabolizada pela arginase e produzir L-ornitina e uréia. A biodisponibilidade do NO depende tanto de sua síntese como de sua degradação pelo estresse oxidativo ou pela inflamação. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar detalhadamente a via L-arginina-NO-GMPc em plaquetas de pacientes com TBI, a expressão da arginase e outros marcadores de estresse oxidativo e inflamação. Vinte e oito pacientes com TB e dez indivíduos saudáveis foram incluídos no estudo. Nossos estudos mostraram uma redução da atividade da NOS em todos os grupos de pacientes bipolares (fases de eutimia, depressão e mania), quando comparados aos controles. Isto ocorreu na presença de concentrações normais do substrato e de seu transporte, e da expressão inalterada das isoformas eNOS e iNOS. A expressão da arginase II não diferiu entre os grupos estudados, indicando que a disponibilidade da L-arginina não está sendo desviada para o ciclo de uréia em plaquetas. A produção reduzida de GMPc foi observada mesmo com a expressão inalterada da GC. A atividade e marcadores de estresse oxidativo, avaliada através da quantificação da oxidação de proteínas e atividade da catalase, não foram modificadas em plaquetas de pacientes com TB, enquanto que a atividade da SOD estava aumentada em todas as fases. Os níveis séricos da proteína C-reativa (PCR), um marcador inflamatório, estão aumentados em pacientes maníacos, comparados aos controles. A reduzida produção de NO observada em plaquetas de pacientes bipolares pode ser um elo entre esta complexa associação entre TB e a doença cardiovascular.


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A diferenciação da oligodendroglia depende de alterações coordenadas no citoesqueleto e na sua relação com a membrana plasmática, um componente importante para a formação da bainha de mielina. A 23 nucleotídeo cíclico 3 fosfodiesterase (CNPase) está relacionada com a organização do citoesqueleto, sendo uma proteína ancoradoura de microtúbulos na membrana plasmática. In vitro, a CNPase compõe, com a F-actina e os microtúbulos, as estruturas semelhantes a nervuras ou os componentes radiais. A glicoproteína associada a mielina (MAG), também é importante para a formação dos véus de membrana e está associada a CNPase e a tubulina. Além disso, as três proteínas podem ser reguladas pela via de sinalização do AMPc/PKA. Buscando avaliar os efeitos da via do AMPc/PKA na regulação da diferenciação oligodendroglial, culturas de hemisférios cerebrais com 5 dias foram tratadas por 30 min ou 24 h com o inibidor (SQ22356-SQ [1 M]) ou com o ativador (forscolina [10M]) da adenilato ciclase ou com o inibidor da PKA, H-89 [1 M]. A oligodendroglia foi identificada pelo anticorpo anti-CNPase e por sua morfologia. Com 30 min de tratamento com forscolina, as células das culturas tratadas apresentaram prolongamentos maiores e menos véus de membrana quando comparadas às culturas controle. O tratamento com SQ também causou um aumento no tamanho dos prolongamentos e o tratamento com H-89 causou a redução no tamanho dos prolongamentos e nos véus de membrana. Com 24 h, as células tratadas com forscolina apresentaram poucos prolongamentos, já as culturas tratadas com SQ apresentaram um aumento no tamanho do prolongamento e as tratadas com H-89 demonstraram redução no véu de membrana. Observamos também alterações na distribuição da CNPase, tubulina e MAG, a primeira apresentou uma concentração próxima ao núcleo depois dos dois tempos de tratamento com H-89, o mesmo ocorreu com a tubulina. A CNPase adquiriu ainda um padrão puntiforme depois de 24 h de tratamento com ambos os inibidores. A MAG apresentou um aumento na concentração próximo ao núcleo depois de 30 min de tratamento com forscolina e SQ. O tratamento com SQ também reduziu a distribuição da MAG nos véus de membrana. A mesma redução foi observada depois de 24 h de tratamento com H-89. Esses resultados reforçam a participação da via do AMPc/PKA no desenvolvimento da oligodendroglia, incluindo a formação dos prolongamentos, suas ramificações e ainda a formação dos véus de membrana, com prováveis consequências na formação e manutenção da bainha de mielina.


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Os mecanismos envolvidos na ação vasodilatadora da clonidina ainda não foram completamente elucidados. Investigamos os mecanismos potencialmente envolvidos utilizando o leito arterial mesentérico (LAM) isolado de rato. No LAM pré-contraído, clonidina (10-300 pmol) induz relaxamento dose-dependente, que foi significativamente inibido pela remoção do endotélio (ácido deoxicólico) e pelos inibidores do receptor α2-adrenérgico, ioimbina (1-3 μM) e rauwolscina (1 μM). A vasodilatação endotélio-dependente induzida pela clonidina foi reduzida pelo inibidor da oxido nítrico sintase (NOS), L-NAME (0.3 mM) e pelo inibidor da guanilato ciclase, ODQ (10 μM), mas não foi alterada pela indometacina (3-10 μM). Na presença do L-NAME, o efeito vasodilatador da clonidina foi adicionalmente reduzido pela solução de potássio elevado (45 mM). Os inibidores dos canais de K+ dependentes de cálcio (Kca), caribdotoxina (ChTx; 0.1 μM) e apamina (0.1 μM) também reduziram a vasodilatação induzida pela clonidina, contudo, esta resposta não foi adicionalmente inibida na presença de L-NAME, como foi observado para acetilcolina (10 pmol). Na presença do bloqueador dos canais de K+ dependentes de ATP, glibenclamida (10 μM), o efeito inibitório da associação ChTx, apamina e L-NAME foi aumentado. Em contraste, a vasodilatação induzida pela clonidina não foi afetada pelo inibidor dos canais de potássio dependentes de voltagem (Kv), 4-aminopiridina (4-AP, 1 mM). Concluindo, nossos resultados demonstram que clonidina ativa receptores α2-adrenérgicos no LAM e que a vasodilatação dependente de endotélio é mediada pela ativação da via NO-GMPc e também envolve a ativação de canais de KCa e KATP. Um fator hiperpolarizante derivado do endotélio (EDHF) também parece participar do efeito vasodilatador da clonidina.


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In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in inhibitors of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDE) and enzymes responsible for the intracellular hydrolysis of the second messenger cAMP and cGMP. In this study, a series of 2-substituted phenyllimidazo[4,5-b]pyridines have been made to investigate 3D-QSAR of PDE activity using CoMFA. CoMFA resulted in a quantitative description of the major steric and electrostatic field effects, and gave significant new insights to factors governing PDE inhibition activity. The model was used to predict the PDE inhibition activity of imidazopyridines with satisfactory results.


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The cleavage of 3',5'-cAMP, 3',5'-cGMP and 3',5'-dcAMP by lanthanides has been investigated by HPLC and H-1 NMR. Rapid cleavage of cAMP, cGMP and dcAMP by Ce(III) under air at pH 8 and 37 degrees C has been observed. Regioselective cleavage of P-O(5') bond in cAMP, cGMP and dc;aMP tu give the corresponding 3'-AMP, 3'-GMP and 3'-dAMP by lanthanide chlorides has been achieved, and 3'-AMP and 3'-GMP are cleaved to adenosine(A) and guanosine(CT) more slowly, respectively, The notable difference in reactivity between Ce(III) and the other lanthanide ions under air has also been studied. The cleavage is enhanced with the increase in the molar fraction of Ce(IV). The fast cleavage of cAMP by Ce(III) under air at pH 8 is ascribed to the resultant Ce(IV) in the reaction mixture.


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Cyclic nucleotides (both cAMP and cGMP) play extremely important roles in cyanobacteria, such as regulating heterocyst formation, respiration, or gliding. Catalyzing the formation of cAMP and cGMP from ATP and GTP is a group of functionally important enzymes named adenylate cyclases and guanylate cyclases, respectively. To understand their evolutionary patterns, in this study, we presented a systematic analysis of all the cyclases in cyanobacterial genomes. We found that different cyanobacteria had various numbers of cyclases in view of their remarkable diversities in genome size and physiology. Most of these cyclases exhibited distinct domain architectures, which implies the versatile functions of cyanobacterial cyclases. Mapping the whole set of cyclase domain architectures from diverse prokaryotic organisms to their phylogenetic tree and detailed phylogenetic analysis of cyclase catalytic domains revealed that lineage-specific domain recruitment appeared to be the most prevailing pattern contributing to the great variability of cyanobacterial cyclase domain architectures. However, other scenarios, such as gene duplication, also occurred during the evolution of cyanobacterial cyclases. Sequence divergence seemed to contribute to the origin of putative guanylate cyclases which were found only in cyanobacteria. In conclusion, the comprehensive survey of cyclases in cyanobacteria provides novel insight into their potential evolutionary mechanisms and further functional implications.


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本研究运用RT—PCR技术,首次从大熊描Ailuropoda melanoleucu的肌肉组织总RNA中成功克隆了核糖体蛋白S15(RPS15)基因的表达序列.并对其进行了初步分析。结果表明:大熊猫RPS15基因的表达序列全长为442bp,开放阅读框(ORF)为438bp,编码145个氨基酸,该蛋白的分子量为17.0401KDa,等电点为10.3,含有2个依赖于cAMP和cGMP的蛋白激酶磷酸化位点,5个蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点,4个N-酰基化位点及1个RPS19蛋白signature位点。进一步分析发现,大熊猫RPS15基因的表达序列及其编码的氨基酸序列与已报道的部分哺乳动物具有很高的相似性。


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The full virulence of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) to plants depends upon cell-to-cell signalling mediated by the signal molecule DSF (for diffusible signal factor), that has been characterised as cis-11-methyl-2-dodecenoic acid. DSF-mediated signalling regulates motility, biofilm dynamics and the synthesis of particular virulence determinants. The synthesis and perception of the DSF signal molecule involves products of the rpf (regulation of pathogenicity factors) gene cluster. DSF synthesis is fully dependent on RpfF, which encodes a putative enoyl-CoA hydratase. A two-component system, comprising the complex sensor histidine kinase RpfC and the HD-GYP domain regulator RpfG, is implicated in DSF perception. The HD-GYP domain of RpfG is a phosphodiesterase working on cyclic di-GMP; DSF perception is thereby linked to the turnover of this intracellular second messenger. The full range of regulatory influences of the Rpf/DSF system and of cyclic di-GMP in Xcc has yet to be established. In order to further characterise the Rpf/DSF regulatory network in Xcc, a proteomic approach was used to compare protein expression in the wildtype and defined rpf mutants. This work shows that the Rpf/DSF system regulates a range of biological functions that are associated with virulence and biofilm formation but also reveals new functions mediated by DSF regulation. These functions include antibiotic resistance, detoxification and stress tolerance. Mutational analysis showed that several of these regulated protein functions contribute to virulence in Chinese radish. Interestingly, it was demonstrated that different patterns of protein expression are associated with mutations of rpfF, rpfC and rpfG. This suggests that RpfG and RpfC have broader roles in regulation other than perception and transduction of DSF. Taken together, this analysis indicates the broad and complex regulatory role of Rpf/DSF system and identifies a number of new functions under Rpf/DSF control, which were shown to play a role in virulence.


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In addition to conveying cellular responses to an effector molecule, receptors are often themselves regulated by their effectors. We have demonstrated that epinephrine modulates both the rate of transcription of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR) gene and the steady-state level of beta 2AR mRNA in DDT1MF-2 cells. Short-term (30 min) exposure to epinephrine (100 nM) stimulates the rate of beta 2AR gene transcription, resulting in a 3- to 4-fold increase in steady-state beta 2AR mRNA levels. These effects are mimicked by 1 mM N6,O2'-dibutyryladenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (Bt2cAMP) or foskolin but not by phorbol esters. The half-life of the beta 2AR mRNA after addition of actinomycin D (46.7 +/- 10.2 min; mean +/- SEM; n = 5) remained unchanged after 30 min of epinephrine treatment (46.8 +/- 10.6 min; mean +/- SEM; n = 4), indicating that a change in transcription rate is the predominant factor responsible for the increase of beta 2AR mRNA. Whereas brief exposure to epinephrine or Bt2cAMP does not significantly affect the total number of cellular beta 2ARs (assessed by ligand binding), continued exposure results in a gradual decline in beta 2AR number to approximately 20% (epinephrine) or approximately 45% (Bt2cAMP) of the levels in control cells by 24 hr. Similar decreases in agonist-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity are observed. This loss of receptors with prolonged agonist exposure is accompanied by a 50% reduction in beta 2AR mRNA. Transfection of the beta 2AR promoter region cloned onto a reporter gene (bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase) allowed demonstration of a 2- to 4-fold induction of transcription by agents that elevate cAMP levels, such as forskolin or phosphodiesterase inhibitors. These results establish the presence of elements within the proximal promoter region of the beta 2AR gene responsible for the transcriptional enhancing activity of cAMP and demonstrate that beta 2AR gene expression is regulated by a type of feedback mechanism involving the second messenger cAMP.


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Agonist-promoted desensitization of adenylate cyclase is intimately associated with phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor in mammalian, avian, and amphibian cells. However, the nature of the protein kinase(s) involved in receptor phosphorylation remains largely unknown. We report here the identification and partial purification of a protein kinase capable of phosphorylating the agonist-occupied form of the purified beta-adrenergic receptor. The enzyme is prepared from a supernatant fraction from high-speed centrifugation of lysed kin- cells, a mutant of S49 lymphoma cells that lacks a functional cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The beta-agonist isoproterenol induces a 5- to 10-fold increase in receptor phosphorylation by this kinase, which is blocked by the antagonist alprenolol. Fractionation of the kin- supernatant on molecular-sieve HPLC and DEAE-Sephacel results in a 50- to 100-fold purified beta-adrenergic receptor kinase preparation that is largely devoid of other protein kinase activities. The kinase activity is insensitive to cAMP, cGMP, cAMP-dependent kinase inhibitor, Ca2+-calmodulin, Ca2+-phospholipid, and phorbol esters and does not phosphorylate general kinase substrates such as casein and histones. Phosphate appears to be incorporated solely into serine residues. The existence of this novel cAMP-independent kinase, which preferentially phosphorylates the agonist-occupied form of the beta-adrenergic receptor, suggests a mechanism that may explain the homologous or agonist-specific form of adenylate cyclase desensitization. It also suggests a general mechanism for regulation of receptor function in which only the agonist-occupied or "active" form of the receptor is a substrate for enzymes inducing covalent modification.


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Deficient trophoblast invasion and spiral artery remodeling are associated with pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia (PE) and fetal growth restriction (FGR). Using a model in which pregnant Wistar rats are given daily, low-dose, injections of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 10 – 40 µg/kg) on gestational days (GD) 13.5 – 16.5, our group has shown that abnormal maternal inflammation is causally linked to shallow trophoblast invasion, deficient spiral artery remodeling, and altered utero-placental hemodynamics leading to FGR/PE; these alterations were shown to be mediated by TNF-a. The present research evaluated certain consequences of decreased placental perfusion; this was accomplished by examining placental alterations indicative of decreased placental perfusion. Additionally, the role of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) was determined as a potential therapeutic to prevent the consequences of decreased placental perfusion. Results indicated that dams experiencing heightened maternal inflammation showed significantly greater expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a) and nitrotyrosine, both of which are markers of decreased perfusion and oxidative/nitrosative stress. Contrary to expectations, inflammation did not appear to affect nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability, as revealed by a lack of change in placental or plasma levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). However, continuous transdermal administration of GTN (25 µg/hr) on GD 12.5 – 16.5 prevented the accumulation of HIF-1a and nitrotyrosine in placentas from LPS-treated rats. These results support the concept that maternal inflammation contributes to placental hypoxia and oxidative/nitrosative stress. Additionally, they indicate that GTN has potential applications in the treatment and/or prevention of pregnancy complications associated with abnormal maternal inflammation.


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We found that engagement of beta 2 integrins on human neutrophils increased the levels of GTP-bound Rap1 and Rap2. Also, the activation of Rap1 was blocked by PP1, SU6656, LY294002, GF109203X, or BAPTA-AM, which indicates that the downstream signaling events in Rap1 activation involve Src tyrosine kinases, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, protein kinase C, and release of calcium. Surprisingly, the integrin-induced activation of Rap2 was not regulated by any of the signaling pathways mentioned above. However, we identified nitric oxide as the signaling molecule involved in beta 2 integrin-induced activation of Rap1 and Rap2. This was illustrated by the fact that engagement of beta 2 integrins increased the production of nitrite, a stable end-product of nitric oxide. Furthermore, pretreatment of neutrophils with N-monomethyl-L-arginine, or 1400W, which are inhibitors of inducible nitric-oxide synthase, blocked integrin-induced activation of Rap1 and Rap2. Similarly, Rp-8pCPT-cGMPS, an inhibitor of cGMP-dependent serine/threonine kinases, also blunted the integrin-induced activation of Rap GTPases. Also nitric oxide production and its downstream activation of cGMP-dependent serine/threonine kinases were essential for proper neutrophil adhesion by beta 2 integrins. Thus, we made the novel findings that beta 2 integrin engagement on human neutrophils triggers production of nitric oxide and its downstream signaling is essential for activation of Rap GTPases and neutrophil adhesion.


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Objective: to determine if sildenafil citrate; a cyclic monophosphate specific type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor, influences sperm motility or the acrosome reaction. Design: laboratory analysis of sperm motility after exposure to sildenafil citrate using computer assisted semen analysis (CASA) and acrosome reaction by fluoroscein isothiocyanate labelled peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) staining. Setting: An ART unit Patients: 57 male patients Interventions: Sperm were divided into 90% (the best fertilizing potential used in assisted conception) and 45% (the poorer subpopulation) fractions by density centrifugation and incubated with sildenafil citrate ( 0.67uM) at 37ï?°C for up to 180 minutes. Main outcome measures: both the numbers and velocity of progressively motile sperm were significantly increased by sildenafil citrate between 15 and 135 minutes. Further, samples revealed that these effects were consistent in the 90% and 45% subpopulations of sperm. In both subpopulations, sildenafil also caused a significant increase in the proportion of acrosome reacted sperm - 22.1% compared with 11.8% in the control group of the good quality fraction (p


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Objective: To determine the effects of sildenafil citrate, a cyclic monophosphate-specific type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor known to affect sperm function, on fertilization and early embryo cleavage.