989 resultados para biological aspects
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Heavy pig breeding in Italy is mainly oriented for the production of high quality processed products. Of particular importance is the dry cured ham production, which is strictly regulated and requires specific carcass characteristics correlated with green leg characteristics. Furthermore, as pigs are slaughtered at about 160 kg live weight, the Italian pig breeding sector faces severe problems of production efficiency that are related to all biological aspects linked to growth, feed conversion, fat deposition and so on. It is well known that production and carcass traits are in part genetically determined. Therefore, as a first step to understand genetic basis of traits that could have a direct or indirect impact on dry cured ham production, a candidate gene approach can be used to identify DNA markers associated with parameters of economic importance. In this thesis, we investigated three candidate genes for carcass and production traits (TRIB3, PCSK1, MUC4) in pig breeds used for dry cured ham production, using different experimental approaches in order to find molecular markers associated with these parameters.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit fokussierten wir uns auf drei verschiedene Aspekte der Leishmanien-Infektion. Wir charakterisierten den Prozess des Zelltods „Apoptose“ bei Parasiten (1), untersuchten die Eignung von Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen als Wirtszelle für die Entwicklung der Parasiten (2) und analysierten die Konsequenzen der Infektion für die Entstehung einer adaptiven Immunantwort im humanen System. Von zentraler Bedeutung für dieses Projekt war die Hypothese, dass apoptotische Leishmanien den Autophagie-Mechanismus ihrer Wirtszellen ausnutzen, um eine T-Zell-vermittelte Abtötung der Parasiten zu vermindern.rnWir definierten eine apoptotische Leishmanien-Population, welche durch eine rundliche Morphologie und die Expression von Phosphatidylserin auf der Parasitenoberfläche charakterisiert war. Die apoptotischen Parasiten befanden sich zudem in der SubG1-Phase und wiesen weniger und fragmentierte DNA auf, welche durch TUNEL-Assay nachgewiesen werden konnte. Bei der Interaktion der Parasiten mit humanen Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen zeigte sich, dass die anti-inflammatorischen Makrophagen anfälliger für Infektionen waren als die pro-inflammatorischen Makrophagen oder die dendritischen Zellen. Interessanterweise wurde in den dendritischen Zellen jedoch die effektivste Umwandlung zur krankheitsauslösenden, amastigoten Lebensform beobachtet. Da sowohl Makrophagen als auch dendritische Zellen zu den antigenpräsentierenden Zellen gehören, könnte dies zur Aktivierung der T-Zellen des adaptiven Immunsystems führen. Tatsächlich konnte während der Leishmanien-Infektion die Proliferation von T-Zellen beobachtet werden. Dabei stellten wir fest, dass es sich bei den proliferierenden T-Zellen um CD3+CD4+ T-Zellen handelte, welche sich überraschenderweise als Leishmanien-spezifische CD45RO+ T-Gedächtniszellen herausstellten. Dies war unerwartet, da ein vorheriger Kontakt der Spender mit Leishmanien als unwahrscheinlich gilt. In Gegenwart von apoptotischen Parasiten konnte eine signifikant schwächere T-Zell-Proliferation in Makrophagen, jedoch nicht in dendritischen Zellen beobachtet werden. Da sich die T-Zell-Proliferation negativ auf das Überleben der Parasiten auswirkt, konnten die niedrigsten Überlebensraten in dendritischen Zellen vorgefunden werden. Innerhalb der Zellen befanden sich die Parasiten in beiden Zelltypen im Phagosom, welches allerdings nur in Makrophagen den Autophagie-Marker LC3 aufwies. Chemische Induktion von Autophagie führte, ebenso wie die Anwesenheit von apoptotischen Parasiten, zu einer stark reduzierten T-Zell-Proliferation und dementsprechend zu einem höheren Überleben der Parasiten.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich aus unseren Daten schließen, dass Apoptose in Einzellern vorkommt. Während der Infektion können sowohl Makrophagen, als auch dendritische Zellen mit Leishmanien infiziert und das adaptive Immunsystem aktivert werden. Die eingeleitete T-Zell-Proliferation nach Infektion von Makrophagen ist in Gegenwart von apoptotischen Parasiten reduziert, weshalb sie im Vergleich zu dendritischen Zellen die geeigneteren Wirtszellen für Leishmanien darstellen. Dafür missbrauchen die Parasiten den Autophagie-Mechanismus der Makrophagen als Fluchtstrategie um das adaptive Immunsystem zu umgehen und somit das Überleben der Gesamtpopulation zu sichern. Diese Ergebnisse erklären den Vorteil von Apoptose in Einzellern und verdeutlichen, dass der Autophagie-Mechanismus als potentielles therapeutisches Ziel für die Behandlung von Leishmaniose dienen kann.rn
The intervertebral disc (IVD) is the joint of the spine connecting vertebra to vertebra. It functions to transmit loading of the spine and give flexibility to the spine. It composes of three compartments: the innermost nucleus pulposus (NP) encompassing by the annulus fibrosus (AF), and two cartilaginous endplates connecting the NP and AF to the vertebral body on both sides. Discogenic pain possibly caused by degenerative intervertebral disc disease (DDD) and disc herniations has been identified as a major problem in our modern society. To study possible mechanisms of IVD degeneration, in vitro organ culture systems with live disc cells are highly appealing. The in vitro culture of intact bovine coccygeal IVDs has advanced to a relevant model system, which allows the study of mechano-biological aspects in a well-controlled physiological and mechanical environment. Bovine tail IVDs can be obtained relatively easy in higher numbers and are very similar to the human lumbar IVDs with respect to cell density, cell population and dimensions. However, previous bovine caudal IVD harvesting techniques retaining cartilaginous endplates and bony endplates failed after 1-2 days of culture since the nutrition pathways were obviously blocked by clotted blood. IVDs are the biggest avascular organs, thus, the nutrients to the cells in the NP are solely dependent on diffusion via the capillary buds from the adjacent vertebral body. Presence of bone debris and clotted blood on the endplate surfaces can hinder nutrient diffusion into the center of the disc and compromise cell viability. Our group established a relatively quick protocol to "crack"-out the IVDs from the tail with a low risk for contamination. We are able to permeabilize the freshly-cut bony endplate surfaces by using a surgical jet lavage system, which removes the blood clots and cutting debris and very efficiently reopens the nutrition diffusion pathway to the center of the IVD. The presence of growth plates on both sides of the vertebral bone has to be avoided and to be removed prior to culture. In this video, we outline the crucial steps during preparation and demonstrate the key to a successful organ culture maintaining high cell viability for 14 days under free swelling culture. The culture time could be extended when appropriate mechanical environment can be maintained by using mechanical loading bioreactor. The technique demonstrated here can be extended to other animal species such as porcine, ovine and leporine caudal and lumbar IVD isolation.
The reconstruction of the human past is a complex task characterized by a high level of interdisciplinarity. How do scientists from different fields reach consensus on crucial aspects of paleoanthropological research? The present paper explores this question through an historical analysis of the origin, development, and reception of the savannah hypotheses (SHs). We show that this model neglected to investigate crucial biological aspects which appeared to be irrelevant in scenarios depicting early hominins evolving in arid or semi-arid open plains. For instance, the exploitation of aquatic food resources and other aspects of hominin interaction with water were largely ignored in classical paleoanthropology. These topics became central to alternative ideas on human evolution known as aquatic hypotheses. Since the aquatic model is commonly regarded as highly controversial, its rejection led to a stigmatization of the whole spectrum of topics around water use in non-human hominoids and hominins. We argue that this bias represents a serious hindrance to a comprehensive reconstruction of the human past. Progress in this field depends on clear differentiation between hypotheses proposed to contextualize early hominin evolution in specific environmental settings and research topics which demand the investigation of all relevant facets of early hominins' interaction with complex landscapes.
Glycerophospholipids are the principal fabric of cellular membranes. The pathways by which these lipids are synthesized were elucidated mainly through the work of Kennedy and colleagues in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Subsequently, attention turned to cell biological aspects of lipids: Where in the cell are lipids synthesized? How are lipids integrated into membranes to form a bilayer? How are they sorted and transported from their site of synthesis to other cellular destinations? These topics, collectively termed 'lipid topogenesis', were the subject of a review article in 1981 by Bell, Ballas and Coleman. We now assess what has been learned about early events of lipid topogenesis, i.e. "lipid synthesis, the integration of lipids into membranes, and lipid translocation across membranes", in the 35years since the publication of this important review. We highlight the recent elucidation of the X-ray structures of key membrane enzymes of glycerophospholipid synthesis, progress on identifying lipid scramblase proteins needed to equilibrate lipids across membranes, and new complexities in the subcellular location and membrane topology of phosphatidylinositol synthesis revealed through a comparison of two unicellular model eukaryotes.
Carcinomas that arise from the ovarian surface epithelium represent a great challenge in gynecologic oncology. Although the prognosis of ovarian cancer is influenced by many factors capable of predicting clinical outcome, including tumor stage, pathological grade, and amount of residual disease following primary surgery, the biological aspects of ovarian cancer are not completely understood, thus implying that there may be other predictive indicators that could be used independently or in conjunction with these factors to provide a clearer clinical picture. The identification of additional markers with biological relevance is desirable. To identify disease-associated peptides, a phage display random peptide library was used to screen immunoglobulins derived from a patient with ovarian cancer. One peptide was markedly enriched following three rounds of affinity selection. The presence of autoantibodies against the peptide was examined in a panel of ovarian cancer patients. Stage IV patients exhibited a high percentage of positive reactivity (59%). This was in contrast to stage III patients, who only displayed 7% positive reactivity. Antibodies against the peptide were affinity purified, and heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) was identified as the corresponding autoantigen. The expression profile of the identified antigen was determined. Hsp90 was expressed in all sections examined regardless of degree of anaplasia. This thesis shows that utilizing the humoral response to ovarian cancer can be used to identify a tumor antigen in ovarian cancer. The data show that certain antigens may be expressed in ovarian tumors independent of the disease stage or grade, whereas circulating antibodies against such epitopes are only found in a subset of patients. ^
Las Redes de Procesadores Evolutivos-NEP propuestas en [Mitrana et al., 2001], son un modelo computacional bio-inspirado a partir de la evolución de poblaciones de células, definiendo a nivel sintáctico algunas propiedades biológicas. En este modelo, las células están representadas por medio de palabras que describen secuencias de ADN. Informalmente, en algún instante de tiempo, el sistema evolutivo está representado por una colección de palabras cada una de las cuales representa una célula. El espacio genotipo de las especies, es un conjunto que recoge aquellas palabras que son aceptadas como sobrevivientes (es decir, como \correctas"). Desde el punto de vista de la evolución, las células pertenecen a especies y su comunidad evoluciona de acuerdo a procesos biológicos como la mutación y la división celular. éstos procesos representan el proceso natural de evolución y ponen de manifiesto una característica intrínseca de la naturaleza: el paralelismo. En este modelo, estos procesos son vistos como operaciones sobre palabras. Formalmente, el modelo de las NEP constituyen una arquitectura paralela y distribuida de procesamiento simbólico inspirada en la Máquina de conexión [Hillis, 1981], en el Paradigma de Flujo Lógico [Errico and Jesshope, 1994] y en las Redes de Procesadores Paralelos de Lenguajes (RPPL) [Csuhaj-Varju and Salomaa, 1997]. Al modelo NEP se han ido agregando nuevas y novedosas extensiones hasta el punto que actualmente podemos hablar de una familia de Redes de Procesadores Bio-inspirados (NBP) [Mitrana et al., 2012b]. Un considerable número de trabajos a lo largo de los últimos años han demostrado la potencia computacional de la familia NBP. En general, éstos modelos son computacionalmente completos, universales y eficientes [Manea et al., 2007], [Manea et al., 2010b], [Mitrana and Martín-Vide, 2005]. De acuerdo a lo anterior, se puede afirmar que el modelo NEP ha adquirido hasta el momento un nivel de madurez considerable. Sin embargo, aunque el modelo es de inspiración biológica, sus metas siguen estando motivadas en la Teoría de Lenguajes Formales y las Ciencias de la Computación. En este sentido, los aspectos biológicos han sido abordados desde una perspectiva cualitativa y el acercamiento a la realidad biológica es de forma meramente sintáctica. Para considerar estos aspectos y lograr dicho acercamiento es necesario que el modelo NEP tenga una perspectiva más amplia que incorpore la interacción de aspectos tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos. La contribución de esta Tesis puede considerarse como un paso hacia adelante en una nueva etapa de los NEPs, donde el carácter cuantitativo del modelo es de primordial interés y donde existen posibilidades de un cambio visible en el enfoque de interés del dominio de los problemas a considerar: de las ciencias de la computación hacia la simulación/modelado biológico y viceversa, entre otros. El marco computacional que proponemos en esta Tesis extiende el modelo de las Redes de Procesadores Evolutivos (NEP) y define arquitectura inspirada en la definición de bloques funcionales del proceso de señalización celular para la solución de problemas computacionales complejos y el modelado de fenómenos celulares desde una perspectiva discreta. En particular, se proponen dos extensiones: (1) los Transductores basados en Redes de Procesadores Evolutivos (NEPT), y (2) las Redes Parametrizadas de Procesadores Evolutivos Polarizados (PNPEP). La conservación de las propiedades y el poder computacional tanto de NEPT como de PNPEP se demuestra formalmente. Varias simulaciones de procesos relacionados con la señalización celular son abordadas sintáctica y computacionalmente, con el _n de mostrar la aplicabilidad e idoneidad de estas dos extensiones. ABSTRACT Network of Evolutionary Processors -NEP was proposed in [Mitrana et al., 2001], as a computational model inspired by the evolution of cell populations, which might model some properties of evolving cell communities at the syntactical level. In this model, cells are represented by words which encode their DNA sequences. Informally, at any moment of time, the evolutionary system is described by a collection of words, where each word represents one cell. Cells belong to species and their community evolves according to mutations and division which are defined by operations on words. Only those cells accepted as survivors (correct) are represented by a word in a given set of words, called the genotype space of the species. This feature is analogous with the natural process of evolution. Formally, NEP is based on an architecture for parallel and distributed processing inspired from the Connection Machine [Hillis, 1981], the Flow Logic Paradigm [Errico and Jesshope, 1994] and the Networks of Parallel Language Processors (RPPL) [Csuhaj-Varju and Salomaa, 1997]. Since the date when NEP was proposed, several extensions and variants have appeared engendering a new set of models named Networks of Bio-inspired Processors (NBP) [Mitrana et al., 2012b]. During this time, several works have proved the computational power of NBP. Specifically, their efficiency, universality, and computational completeness have been thoroughly investigated [Manea et al., 2007, Manea et al., 2010b, Mitrana and Martín-Vide, 2005]. Therefore, we can say that the NEP model has reached its maturity. Nevertheless, although the NEP model is biologically inspired, this model is mainly motivated by mathematical and computer science goals. In this context, the biological aspects are only considered from a qualitative and syntactical perspective. In view of this lack, it is important to try to keep the NEP theory as close as possible to the biological reality, extending their perspective incorporating the interplay of qualitative and quantitative aspects. The contribution of this Thesis, can be considered as a starting point in a new era of the NEP model. Then, the quantitative character of the NEP model is mandatory and it can address completely new different types of problems with respect to the classical computational domain (e.g. from the computer science to system biology). Therefore, the computational framework that we propose extends the NEP model and defines an architecture inspired by the functional blocks from cellular signaling in order to solve complex computational problems and cellular phenomena modeled from a discrete perspective. Particularly, we propose two extensions, namely: (1) Transducers based on Network of Evolutionary Processors (NEPT), and (2) Parametrized Network of Polarized Evolutionary Processors (PNPEP). Additionally, we have formally proved that the properties and computational power of NEP is kept in both extensions. Several simulations about processes related with cellular signaling both syntactical and computationally have been considered to show the model suitability.
A prática da reutilização de produtos médico-hospitalares de uso único vem sendo aplicada desde meados da década de setenta. A principal razão que tem contribuído para disseminação desta conduta pelas instituições hospitalares radicadas tanto nos países em desenvolvimento como naqueles considerados ricos, tem sido a aparente economia de custos. Apesar dos riscos relacionados com a prática da reutilização, como reações pirogênicas, danos ocasionados por bactérias consideradas patogênicas em pacientes imunologicamente comprometidos, danos na integridade fisica dos produtos, assim como aumento do período de permanência dos pacientes no hospital, têm despertado o interesse em avaliar aspectos fisicos e biológicos dos produtos médico-hospitalares reutilizados. Baseando-se nestas considerações foram aplicados desafios com esporos de Bacillus Subtilis varo niger ATCC 9372 e endotoxina bacteriana E. coli 055:B5. Os produtos desafiados foram cateteres intravenosos, torneira três vias e tubos de traqueostomia. A possível presença microbiana foi investigada após contaminação intencional dos esporos de B. Subtillis (107 ufc/unid.) com submissão das unidades contaminadas à limpeza e posterior esterilização, utilizando óxido de etileno/CFC na proporção 12:88. Os ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados de produtos médico-hospitalares consistiram de contaminação de cada unidade teste com carga microbiana, lavagem com detergente enzimático, secagem e esterilização. Ao término de cada ciclo de reprocessamento foram separadas unidades representativas para avaliação por contagem microbiana (pour plate), testes de esterilidade por inoculação direta e indireta, citotoxidade por cultura de células e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A eficiência da esterilidade foi avaliada tanto por contagem microbiana como pelos testes de esterilidade, que resultaram em níveis microbianos de 103 ufc/unid. e detecção de contaminação até o 6° ciclo de reprocessamento nos cateteres intravenosos, tubos de traqueostomia e torneiras três vias. A segurança dos reprocessamentos dos produtos médico-hospitalares foi avaliada pela cultura de células de fibroblastos de camundongo (NCTC clone 929), as quais não apresentaram toxicidade. Entretanto, os resultados obtidos durante microscopia eletrônica de varredura comprovaram presença de carga microbiana após 10° ciclo de reprocessamento, assim como danos na superficie polimérica. Durante desafio com endotoxina bacteriana, que consistiu em contaminar as unidades com 200 UE, secagem e exposição ao ciclo de esterilização com óxido de etileno/CFC (12:88), verificou-se que após ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados, totalizando dez ciclos, foi possível detectar valores de recuperação de endotoxina em torno de 100%. Os cateteres-guia que foram adquiridos em instituição hospitalar após quatro reutilizações, apresentaram níveis de contaminação de 105 ufc/unid., assim como presença de bactérias consideradas patogênicas em pacientes comprometidos imunologicamente, já a detecção de endotoxina bacteriana nestes cateteres não foi considerada significativa. Logo, as avaliações aplicadas nas unidades submetidas aos ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados, assim como nos cateteres-guia reprocessados e reutilizados quatro vezes, refletiram a realidade de algumas instituições no âmbito nacional e internacional que praticam a reutilização de produtos médico-hospitalares de uso-único. Os resultados obtidos vêm enfatizar objeções quanto à prática da reutilização, considerando que a ausência de segurança pode ocasionar em danos ao paciente.
Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) is an exotic shrub or small tree that has become well established as an invasive and highly competitive species through much of southern Florida. Love vine (Cassytha filiformis), a native parasitic plant, was noted parasitizing Brazilian pepper, apparently affecting its health. The objective of this study was to investigate the nature of this parasitic interaction in southern Florida. Brazilian pepper populations were studied to determine whether parasitism by love vine may affect growth and reproduction. Anatomical studies of love vine parasitizing Brazilian pepper determined physical aspects of the parasitic interaction at the cell and tissue level. Physiological aspects of this interaction were investigated to help describe love vine resource acquisition as a parasite on host Brazilian pepper plants, and as an autotrophic plant. An investigation of ecological aspects of this parasitic interaction was done to determine whether physical or biological aspects of habitats may contribute to love vine parasitism on Brazilian pepper. These studies indicated that: (1) parasitism by love vine significantly decreased growth and reproduction of Brazilian pepper plants; (2) anatomical and physiological investigations indicated that love vine was primarily a xylem parasite on Brazilian pepper, but that some assimilated carbon nutrients may also be acquired from the host; (3) love vine is autotrophic (i.e., hemiparasitic), but is totally dependent on its host for necessary resources; (4) the occurrence of love vine parasitism on Brazilian pepper is mediated by physical characters of the biological community. ^
Shallow seagrass ecosystems frequently experience physical disturbance from vessel groundings. Specific restoration methods that modify physical, chemical, and biological aspects of disturbances are used to accelerate recovery. This study evaluated loss and recovery of ecosystem structure in disturbed seagrass meadows through plant and soil properties used as proxies for primary and secondary production, habitat quality, benthic metabolism, remineralization, and nutrient storage and exchange. The efficacy of common seagrass restoration techniques in accelerating recovery was also assessed. Beyond removal of macrophyte biomass, disturbance to seagrass sediments resulted in loss of organic matter and stored nutrients, and altered microbial and infaunal communities. Evidence of the effectiveness of restoration actions was variable. Fill placement prevented additional erosion, but the resulting sediment matrix had different physical properties, low organic matter content and nutrient pools, reduced benthic metabolism, and less primary and secondary production relative to the undisturbed ecosystem. Fertilization was effective in increasing nitrogen and phosphorus availability in the sediments, but concurrent enhancement of seagrass production was not detected. Seagrass herbivores removed substantial seagrass biomass via direct grazing, suggesting that leaf loss to seagrass herbivores is a spatially variable but critically important determinant of seagrass transplanting success. Convergence of plant and sediment response variables with levels in undisturbed seagrass meadows was not detected via natural recovery of disturbed sites, or through filling and fertilizing restoration sites. However, several indicators of ecosystem development related to primary production and nutrient accumulation suggest that early stages of ecosystem development have begun at these sites. This research suggests that vessel grounding disturbances in seagrass ecosystems create more complex and persistent resource losses than previously understood by resource managers. While the mechanics of implementing common seagrass restoration actions have been successfully developed by the restoration community, expectations of consistent or rapid recovery trajectories following restoration remain elusive.
Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) is an exotic shrub or small tree that has become well established as an invasive and highly competitive species through much of southern Florida. Love vine (Cassytha filiformis), a native parasitic plant, was noted parasitizing Brazilian pepper, apparently affecting its health. The objective of this study was to investigate the nature of this parasitic interaction in southern Florida. Brazilian pepper populations were studied to determine whether parasitism by love vine may affect growth and reproduction. Anatomical studies of love vine parasitizing Brazilian pepper determined physical aspects of the parasitic interaction at the cell and tissue level. Physiological aspects of this interaction were investigated to help describe love vine resource acquisition as a parasite on host Brazilian pepper plants, and as an autotrophic plant. An investigation of ecological aspects of this parasitic interaction was done to determine whether physical or biological aspects of habitats may contribute to love vine parasitism on Brazilian pepper. These studies indicated that: 1) parasitism by love vine significantly decreased growth and reproduction of Brazilian pepper plants; 2) anatomical and physiological investigations indicated that love vine was primarily a xylem parasite on Brazilian pepper, but that some assimilated carbon nutrients may also be acquired from the host; 3) love vine is autotrophic (i. e., hemiparasitic), but is totally dependent on its host for necessary resources; 4) the occurrence of love vine parasitism on Brazilian pepper is mediated by physical characters of the biological community.
The geographical, physical and biological aspects of the submarine canyons of the continental shelf off the coast of southern California have been described in earlier parts of this volume. Isopods were collected in 10 of the 15 canyons. Many benthic species were obtained since the specimens were obtained with a Campbell grab bottom sampler operated from the Hancock Foundation research vessel Velero IV.
The genus Hemidactylus Oken, 1817 has cosmopolite distribution, with three species occurring in Brazil, two of them native, H. brasilianus and H. agrius, and one exotic, H. mabouia. Considering the studies about ecology of lizards conducted in the Ecological Station of the Seridó, from 2001 to 2011, this study aimed (1) to re-evaluate the occurrence of the species of Hemidactylus in this ESEC; (2) to analyze ecological and biological aspects of the H. agrius population; and (3) to investigate the current and potential distribution of the native species of the genus in northeastern Brazil, analyzing the suitability of ESEC to this taxon. For the first two objectives, a sampling area consisting of five transects of 200 x 20 m, was inspected in alternating daily shifts for three consecutive days, from August 2012 to August 2013. For the latter objective, occurrence points of H. agrius and H. brasilianus from literature and from the database of Herpetological Collections of the UFRN and the UNICAMP were consulted to build predictive maps via the Maximum Entropy algorithm (MaxEnt). In ESEC Seridó, 62 H. agrius individuals were collected (25 females, 18 males and 19 juveniles), and two neonates were obtained from a communal nest incubated in the laboratory. No record was made for the other two species of the genus. Hemidactylus agrius demonstrated to be a nocturnal species specialized in habitats with rocky outcrops; but this species is generalist regarding microhabitat use. In the population studied, females had an average body length greater than males, and showed higher frequencies of caudal autotomy. Regarding diet, H. agrius is a moderately generalist species that consumes arthropods, especially insect larvae, Isoptera and Araneae; and vertebrates, with a case of cannibalism registered in the population. With respect to seasonal differences, only the number of food items ingested differed between seasons. The diet was similar between sexes, but ontogenetic differences were recorded for the total volume and maximum length of the food items. Significant relationships were found between lizard body/head size measurements and the maximum length of prey consumed. Cases of polydactyly and tail bifurcation were recorded in the population, with frequencies of 1.6% and 3.1%, respectively. In relation xv to the occurrence points of the native species, 27 were identified, 14 for H. agrius and 13 for H. brasilianus. The first species presented restricted distribution, while the second showed a wide distribution. In both models generated, the ESEC Seridó area showed medium to high suitability. The results of this study confirm the absence of H. brasilianus and H. mabouia this ESEC, and reveal H. agrius as a dietary opportunist and cannibal species. Further, the results confirm the distribution patterns shown by native species of Hemidactylus, and point ESEC Seridó as an area of probable occurrence for the species of the genus, the establishing of H. brasilianus and H. mabouia are probably limited by biotic factors, a fact yet little understood
CD4+ T cells play a crucial in the adaptive immune system. They function as the central hub to orchestrate the rest of immunity: CD4+ T cells are essential governing machinery in antibacterial and antiviral responses by facilitating B cell affinity maturation and coordinating the innate and adaptive immune systems to boost the overall immune outcome; on the contrary, hyperactivation of the inflammatory lineages of CD4+ T cells, as well as the impairments of suppressive CD4+ regulatory T cells, are the etiology of various autoimmunity and inflammatory diseases. The broad role of CD4+ T cells in both physiological and pathological contexts prompted me to explore the modulation of CD4+ T cells on the molecular level.
microRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules capable of regulating gene expression post-transcriptionally. miRNAs have been shown to exert substantial regulatory effects on CD4+ T cell activation, differentiation and helper function. Specifically, my lab has previously established the function of the miR-17-92 cluster in Th1 differentiation and anti-tumor responses. Here, I further analyzed the role of this miRNA cluster in Th17 differentiation, specifically, in the context of autoimmune diseases. Using both gain- and loss-of-function approaches, I demonstrated that miRNAs in miR-17-92, specifically, miR-17 and miR-19b in this cluster, is a crucial promoter of Th17 differentiation. Consequently, loss of miR-17-92 expression in T cells mitigated the progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and T cell-induced colitis. In combination with my previous data, the molecular dissection of this cluster establishes that miR-19b and miR-17 play a comprehensive role in promoting multiple aspects of inflammatory T cell responses, which underscore them as potential targets for oligonucleotide-based therapy in treating autoimmune diseases.
To systematically study miRNA regulation in effector CD4+ T cells, I devised a large-scale miRNAome profiling to track in vivo miRNA changes in antigen-specific CD4+ T cells activated by Listeria challenge. From this screening, I identified that miR-23a expression tightly correlates with CD4+ effector expansion. Ectopic expression and genetic deletion strategies validated that miR-23a was required for antigen-stimulated effector CD4+ T cell survival in vitro and in vivo. I further determined that miR-23a targets Ppif, a gatekeeper of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) release that protects CD4+ T cells from necrosis. Necrosis is a type of cell death that provokes inflammation, and it is prominently triggered by ROS release and its consequent oxidative stress. My finding that miR-23a curbs ROS-mediated necrosis highlights the essential role of this miRNA in maintaining immune homeostasis.
A key feature of miRNAs is their ability to modulate different biological aspects in different cell populations. Previously, my lab found that miR-23a potently suppresses CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity by restricting BLIMP1 expression. Since BLIMP1 has been found to inhibit T follicular helper (Tfh) differentiation by antagonizing the master transcription factor BCL6, I investigated whether miR-23a is also involved in Tfh differentiation. However, I found that miR-23a does not target BLIMP1 in CD4+ T cells and loss of miR-23a even fostered Tfh differentiation. This data indicate that miR-23a may target other pathways in CD4+ T cells regarding the Tfh differentiation pathway.
Although the lineage identity and regulatory networks for Tfh cells have been defined, the differentiation path of Tfh cells remains elusive. Two models have been proposed to explain the differentiation process of Tfh cells: in the parallel differentiation model, the Tfh lineage is segregated from other effector lineages at the early stage of antigen activation; alternatively, the sequential differentiation model suggests that naïve CD4+ T cells first differentiate into various effector lineages, then further program into Tfh cells. To address this question, I developed a novel in vitro co-culture system that employed antigen-specific CD4+ T cells, naïve B cells presenting cognate T cell antigen and BAFF-producing feeder cells to mimic germinal center. Using this system, I were able to robustly generate GC-like B cells. Notably, well-differentiated Th1 or Th2 effector cells also quickly acquired Tfh phenotype and function during in vitro co-culture, which suggested a sequential differentiation path for Tfh cells. To examine this path in vivo, under conditions of classical Th1- or Th2-type immunizations, I employed a TCRβ repertoire sequencing technique to track the clonotype origin of Tfh cells. Under both Th1- and Th2- immunization conditions, I observed profound repertoire overlaps between the Teff and Tfh populations, which strongly supports the proposed sequential differentiation model. Therefore, my studies establish a new platform to conveniently study Tfh-GC B cell interactions and provide insights into Tfh differentiation processes.