310 resultados para bike lanes


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Dans ce texte, nous analysons la mise en place d’un système de vélos partagés à Trois-Rivières initié par un organisme faisant de la participation citoyenne son principe fondamental d’action. Cette analyse montre comment l’atteinte des objectifs poursuivis par l’adhésion à ce principe participatif, outre le respect de l’expérience du citoyen dans le développement de son milieu de vie, peut poser problème. La similarité entre le système de vélos conçu avec la participation des citoyens et les systèmes offerts par les groupes industriels met en question la capacité du principe de la participation à produire des solutions alternatives. La difficulté relèverait de la volonté de faire des méthodes participatives un principe nécessaire à la réalisation des idéaux démocratiques des sociétés libérales modernes. Promulguer l’obéissance à des procédures d’action communes, pour elles-mêmes, nous éloigne d’une conception libérale de la démocratie qui s’attache d’abord à l’efficacité de l’action, donc à la qualité de ce qu’elle produit, indépendamment des moyens mis en œuvre.


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Cette recherche explore les différentes stratégies mises en place afin de minimiser les impacts négatifs encourus à la suite de la mise en service d'une voie de contournement pour les petites municipalités du Québec. Les stratégies identifiées ont été relevées dans la littérature, dans la documentation municipale ainsi que dans des études de cas, soit par des relevés terrains et des entretiens sur le territoire de quatre (4) municipalités. Les stratégies de planification mises sur pied visent essentiellement la configuration des entrées de villes, la signalisation ainsi que les programmes de revitalisation des noyaux urbains. Il ressort de l'analyse que la bonne acceptation sociale des voies de contournement est liée à la présence de concertation entre les différentes parties prenantes d'un projet tout au long de celui-ci. De plus, le temps écoulé entre les premiers balbutiements du projet et la mise en service d'une voie de contournement doit être d'une durée acceptable afin que des stratégies planifiées concordent avec le contexte économique et culturel dans lequel s'insèrera le projet. La recherche dresse ainsi le portrait des stratégies planifiées pour les municipalités situées le long de la route nationale 117 et ayant des voies de contournement. Plus spécifiquement, l'étude de cas porte sur les municipalités de Mont-Tremblant (secteur de Saint-Jovite), La Conception, Labelle et Rivière-Rouge dans la région des Laurentides.


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Contexte: Le diabète de type 2 est un problème de santé publique important. La pratique régulière de l’activité physique contribue à la prévention de cette maladie chronique. Toutefois, peu de recherches portent sur l’association entre l’activité physique de transport, notamment la marche utilitaire, et le diabète. Objectif : L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner l’association entre la présence d’un diagnostic de diabète de type 2 et les pratiques de marche utilitaire dans un échantillon transversal. Méthode : Cette étude est une analyse secondaire de données provenant d’un projet de recherche sur l’implantation d’un système de vélos libre-service. 7012 adultes ont été recrutés par téléphone au printemps 2009, à l’automne 2009 et à l’automne 2010. La marche utilitaire a été mesurée en utilisant des questions adaptées du International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). L’association entre la marche utilitaire et le diabète auto-rapporté a été examinée au moyen d’analyses de régression logistique multivariées. L’influence des variables socio- démographiques, du niveau d’activité physique autre et de l’indice de masse corporelle a été contrôlée. Des analyses de sensibilité ont aussi été faites, utilisant un seuil différent pour le temps de marche utilitaire. Résultats : Dans le modèle final, la marche utilitaire est associée à une prévalence du diabète plus faible (RC=0,721; IC 95% : 0,547-0,950). Conclusion: La pratique de la marche utilitaire est associée à une prévalence plus faible de diabète auto-rapporté. La promotion de ce type d’activité physique aurait sa place dans la prévention du diabète dans une perspective de santé publique.


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In this session we look at how to model flow of control and interactions between components using UML Activity and Sequence Diagrams. This is an introductory session and so for Activity Diagrams we only cover branching, forks and joins and swim lanes, and for Sequence we cover lifelines, messages and returns, and alt, par and opt frames.


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Antecedentes. La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es la segunda enfermedad neurodegenerativa más común en el mundo, la cual afecta el componente físico, psicológico y social de los individuos que la padecen. Numerosos estudios han abordado los beneficios de diferentes programas de ejercicio, llegando a ser una estrategia no-farmacológica efectiva para aminorar el deterioro funcional de los pacientes con EP. Objetivo. Determinar los efectos de las diferentes modalidades de ejercicio físico en los principales desenlaces clínicos en pacientes con EP. Métodos. Se consultaron las bases de datos MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, CENTRAL y PEDro desde febrero de 1990 hasta febrero de 2014 para identificar Ensayos Clínicos Aleatorizados (ECA) publicados. Además, se examinaron las listas de referencias de otras revisiones y de estudios identificados. La extracción de datos se realizó por dos autores independientes. Se empleó un modelo de efectos aleatorios en presencia de heterogeneidad estadística (I2>50%). El sesgo de publicación fue evaluado mediante el gráfico de embudo. Resultados: Un total de 18 estudios fueron incluidos. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las intervenciones con ejercicio y las siguientes medidas de resultado, severidad de los síntomas motores (MDS-UPDRS) DME 1.44, IC 95% [-2.09 a -0.78] (p<0.001) I2= 87,9% y el equilibrio DME 0,52 IC 95% [0,30 a 0,74] (p<0.001) I2= 85,6%. En el análisis de subgrupos en la modalidad de ejercicio aeróbico, en MDS-UPDRS DME -1,28, IC 95% [-1,98 a -0,59] (p<0.001), 3 calidad de vida DME -1,91 IC 95% [-2,76 a -1,07] (p<0.001), equilibrio DME 0,54 IC 95% [0,31 a 0,77] (p<0.001), 10-m WT DME 0,15 IC 95% [0,06 a 0,25] (p<0.001) y Vo2 máximo DME -1,09 IC 95% [-1,31 a -0,88] (p=0.001), 6MWT DME 40,46 IC 95% [11,28 a 69,65] (p=0.007). Conclusiones: El ejercicio aeróbico produjo mejoras significativas en MDS UPDRS, equilibrio, calidad de vida, 10-m WT y y Vo2 máximo; mientras que el ejercicio combinado mejoró la fuerza.


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Este proyecto fue galardonado con el 1er Premio de Innovación Educativa 2009.


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The Indian Ocean became the meeting point of two emerging empires in the early 16th century: the Mughal and the Portuguese empires, both different in their nature and objectives. While the Mughals were the dominant land power in the Indian subcontinent, the Portuguese dominated the coastal waters and the sea lanes They influenced each other’s fortunes, and of the region as a whole.


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The problem of planning multiple vehicles deals with the design of an effective algorithm that can cause multiple autonomous vehicles on the road to communicate and generate a collaborative optimal travel plan. Our modelling of the problem considers vehicles to vary greatly in terms of both size and speed, which makes it suboptimal to have a faster vehicle follow a slower vehicle or for vehicles to drive with predefined speed lanes. It is essential to have a fast planning algorithm whilst still being probabilistically complete. The Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRT) algorithm developed and reported on here uses a problem specific coordination axis, a local optimization algorithm, priority based coordination, and a module for deciding travel speeds. Vehicles are assumed to remain in their current relative position laterally on the road unless otherwise instructed. Experimental results presented here show regular driving behaviours, namely vehicle following, overtaking, and complex obstacle avoidance. The ability to showcase complex behaviours in the absence of speed lanes is characteristic of the solution developed.


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The planning of semi-autonomous vehicles in traffic scenarios is a relatively new problem that contributes towards the goal of making road travel by vehicles free of human drivers. An algorithm needs to ensure optimal real time planning of multiple vehicles (moving in either direction along a road), in the presence of a complex obstacle network. Unlike other approaches, here we assume that speed lanes are not present and that different lanes do not need to be maintained for inbound and outbound traffic. Our basic hypothesis is to carry forward the planning task to ensure that a sufficient distance is maintained by each vehicle from all other vehicles, obstacles and road boundaries. We present here a 4-layer planning algorithm that consists of road selection (for selecting the individual roads of traversal to reach the goal), pathway selection (a strategy to avoid and/or overtake obstacles, road diversions and other blockages), pathway distribution (to select the position of a vehicle at every instance of time in a pathway), and trajectory generation (for generating a curve, smooth enough, to allow for the maximum possible speed). Cooperation between vehicles is handled separately at the different levels, the aim being to maximize the separation between vehicles. Simulated results exhibit behaviours of smooth, efficient and safe driving of vehicles in multiple scenarios; along with typical vehicle behaviours including following and overtaking.


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GPS technology has been embedded into portable, low-cost electronic devices nowadays to track the movements of mobile objects. This implication has greatly impacted the transportation field by creating a novel and rich source of traffic data on the road network. Although the promise offered by GPS devices to overcome problems like underreporting, respondent fatigue, inaccuracies and other human errors in data collection is significant; the technology is still relatively new that it raises many issues for potential users. These issues tend to revolve around the following areas: reliability, data processing and the related application. This thesis aims to study the GPS tracking form the methodological, technical and practical aspects. It first evaluates the reliability of GPS based traffic data based on data from an experiment containing three different traffic modes (car, bike and bus) traveling along the road network. It then outline the general procedure for processing GPS tracking data and discuss related issues that are uncovered by using real-world GPS tracking data of 316 cars. Thirdly, it investigates the influence of road network density in finding optimal location for enhancing travel efficiency and decreasing travel cost. The results show that the geographical positioning is reliable. Velocity is slightly underestimated, whereas altitude measurements are unreliable.Post processing techniques with auxiliary information is found necessary and important when solving the inaccuracy of GPS data. The densities of the road network influence the finding of optimal locations. The influence will stabilize at a certain level and do not deteriorate when the node density is higher.


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GPS tracking of mobile objects provides spatial and temporal data for a broad range of applications including traffic management and control, transportation routing and planning. Previous transport research has focused on GPS tracking data as an appealing alternative to travel diaries. Moreover, the GPS based data are gradually becoming a cornerstone for real-time traffic management. Tracking data of vehicles from GPS devices are however susceptible to measurement errors – a neglected issue in transport research. By conducting a randomized experiment, we assess the reliability of GPS based traffic data on geographical position, velocity, and altitude for three types of vehicles; bike, car, and bus. We find the geographical positioning reliable, but with an error greater than postulated by the manufacturer and a non-negligible risk for aberrant positioning. Velocity is slightly underestimated, whereas altitude measurements are unreliable.


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The sign that marked the exact mid-point of the journey between Launceston and Hobart was located at the far side of the road in one of the overtaking lanes on the highway. The road that connected the two main towns in the state of Tasmania was full of overtaking lanes, special lanes that allowed drivers to pass others going in the same direction at slower speeds. Even though the north-south highway was wide and newly surfaced, there was only one lane in each direction. The passing lanes brought relief to a driver trapped behind a truck with a heavy load or who was in a hurry like Rusli that morning. He had only been in the southernmost Australian state for four months but had travelled back and forth between Launceston and Hobart nearly 20 times in a car belonging to the University of Tasmania where he worked. For some reason, he had never before noticed the marker which was only a knee-high sign with three sides. The one facing north to Launceston said H100 while the one facing south to Hobart said L100. Rusli had been hired as a lecturer for one academic year of about eight months to teach at the Indonesian programme at the university. Because Indonesian was the one language offered on both campuses, at least once a week Rusli had to drive from Launceston where he was appointed.


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The current system of controlling oil spills involves a complex relationship of international, federal and state law, which has not proven to be very effective. The multiple layers of regulation often leave shipowners unsure of the laws facing them. Furthemore, nations have had difficulty enforcing these legal requirements. This thesis deals with the role marine insurance can play within the existing system of legislation to provide a strong preventative influence that is simple and cost-effective to enforce. In principle, insurance has two ways of enforcing higher safety standards and limiting the risk of an accident occurring. The first is through the use of insurance premiums that are based on the level of care taken by the insured. This means that a person engaging in riskier behavior faces a higher insurance premium, because their actions increase the probability of an accident occurring. The second method, available to the insurer, is collectively known as cancellation provisions or underwriting clauses. These are clauses written into an insurance contract that invalidates the agreement when certain conditions are not met by the insured The problem has been that obtaining information about the behavior of an insured party requires monitoring and that incurs a cost to the insurer. The application of these principles proves to be a more complicated matter. The modern marine insurance industry is a complicated system of multiple contracts, through different insurers, that covers the many facets of oil transportation. Their business practices have resulted in policy packages that cross the neat bounds of individual, specific insurance coverage. This paper shows that insurance can improve safety standards in three general areas -crew training, hull and equipment construction and maintenance, and routing schemes and exclusionary zones. With crew, hull and equipment, underwriting clauses can be used to ensure that minimum standards are met by the insured. Premiums can then be structured to reflect the additional care taken by the insured above and beyond these minimum standards. Routing schemes are traffic flow systems applied to congested waterways, such as the entrance to New York harbor. Using natural obstacles or manmade dividers, ships are separated into two lanes of opposing traffic, similar to a road. Exclusionary zones are marine areas designated off limits to tanker traffic either because of a sensitive ecosystem or because local knowledge is required of the region to ensure safe navigation. Underwriting clauses can be used to nullify an insurance contract when a tanker is not in compliance with established exclusionary zones or routing schemes.


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Females are substantially less likely than males to cycle for transport in countries with low bicycle transport mode share. We investigated whether female commuter cyclists were more likely to use bicycle routes that provide separation from motor vehicle traffic.
Census of cyclists observed at 15 locations (including off-road bicycle paths, on-road lanes and roads with no bicycle facilities) within a 7.4 km radius of the central business district (CBD) of Melbourne, Australia, during peak commuting times in February 2004.
6589 cyclists were observed, comprising 5229 males (79.4%) and 1360 females (20.6%). After adjustment for distance of the bicycle facility from the CBD, females showed a preference for using off-road paths rather than roads with no bicycle facilities (odds ratio [OR] = 1.43, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.12, 1.83), or roads with on-road bicycle lanes (OR = 1.34, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.75).
Consistent with gender differences in risk aversion, female commuter cyclists preferred to use routes with maximum separation from motorized traffic. Improved cycling infrastructure in the form of bicycle paths and lanes that provide a high degree of separation from motor traffic is likely to be important for increasing transportation cycling amongst under-represented population groups such as women.


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Aims & Rationale/Objectives
To raise the awareness of health issues in rural Tasmania, the work of rural health professionals and community volunteers

A partnership initiative between the University Department of Rural Health and the Department of Health and Human Services attracted $64,000 sponsorship from government and private sector. It established 28 regional groups which organised local activities and awards for a community volunteeer and a health professional. Regional groups were surveyed about their planning process for rural health week, the activities held, their outcomes and future intentions.

Principal Findings
Regional groups were partnerships of local organisations. Activities had a preventative focus. They included cooking, bike rides, dances, manual handling, health checks, community art, suicide prevention.Events attracted up to 300 participants. There were 48 nominations for the 2 awards, which were perceived to have raised the profile of health professionals and volunteers. Activities that attracted most participation were fun runs and health expos. Most used their understanding of community needs when deciding on activities. Only a small number relied on formal health needs analyses. Groups varied in their assessment of how well the activities they organised actually met needs. Half the group members had not worked together previously. All but 3 intend to work with others in the future. Most group members learnt more about health programs and other professionals in their community.

Raised profile of health services and role of health professionals and volunteers in rural Tasmania.
Increased range of ongoing health promoting activities. Better planned and coordinated activities.