545 resultados para backscatter


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Air-atomized pure aluminium powder with 15 at.% MgB2 was mechanically milled (MMed) by using a vibrational ball mill, and MMed powders were consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) to produce composite materials with high specific strength. Solid-state reactions of MMed powders have been examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and mechanical properties of the SPSed materials have been evaluated by hardness measurements and compression tests. Orientation images of microstructures were obtained via the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique.

The solid-state reactions in the Al–15 at.% MgB2 composite materials occurred between the MMed powders and process control agent (PCA) after heating at 773–873 K for 24 h. The products of the solid-state reaction were a combination of AlB2, Al3BC and spinel MgAl2O4. Mechanical milling (MM) processing time and heating temperatures affect the characteristics of those intermetallic compounds. As the result of the solid-state reactions in MMed powders, a hardness increase was observed in MMed powders after heating at 573–873 K for 24 h. The full density was attained for the SPSed materials from 4 h or 8 h MMed powders in the Al–15 at.% MgB2 composite materials under an applied pressure of 49 MPa at 873 K for 1 h. The microstructure of the SPSed materials fabricated from the MMed powders presented the bimodal aluminium matrix grain structure with the randomly distributions. The Al–15 at.% MgB2SPSed material from powder MMed for 8 h exhibited the highest compressive 0.2% proof strength of 846 MPa at room temperature.


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The present work combines electron backscatter diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and Schmid analysis to investigate secondary twinning in the magnesium alloy Mg-3AI-1Zn. Inspection of the misorientations between the parent matrix and {1011} - {1012} doubly twinned volumes reveals that there are four possible variants. One of these variants characterized by 38°< 1210 > misorientation with the matrix is favoured much more than the others. This variant involves activation of the secondary twinning systems that are quite inconsistent with the Schmid-type behaviour. For the secondary twin to grow significantly it must take on a shape enforced by the primary twin, however, this is not optimal for strain compatibility. It is argued that the 38° < 1210 > variant occurs most frequently because it provides the closest match between the primary and secondaty twinning planes, thus minimizing the compatibility strain. This conjecture is confirmed by the simulations of twin activity m ellipsoidal grains performed using the visco-plastic self-consistent crystal plasticity model.


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Information regarding the composition and extent of benthic habitats on the South East Australian continental shelf is limited. In this habitat mapping study, multibeam echosounder (MBES) data are integrated with precisely geo-referenced video ground-truth data to quantify benthic biotic communities at Cape Nelson, Victoria, Australia. Using an automated decision tree classification approach, 5 representative biotic groups defined from video analysis were related to hydro-acoustically derived variables in the Cape Nelson survey area. Using a combination of multibeam bathymetry, backscatter and derivative products produced highest overall accuracy (87%) and kappa statistic (0.83). This study demonstrates that decision tree classifiers are capable of integrating variable data types for mapping distributions of benthic biological assemblages, which are important in maintaining biodiversity and other system services in the marine environment.


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The development of physically-based models of microstructural evolution during hot deformation of metallic materials requires knowledge of the grain/subgrain structure and crystallographic texture characteristics over a range of processing conditions. A Fe-30wt%Ni based alloy, retaining a stable austenitic structure at room temperature, was used for modelling the development of austenite microstructure during hot deformation of conventional carbon-manganese steels. A series of plane strain compression tests was carried out at a temperature of 950 °C and strain rates of 10 s-1 and 0.1 s-1 to several strain levels. Evolution of the grain/subgrain structure and crystallographic texture was characterised in detail using quantitative light microscopy and highresolution electron backscatter diffraction. Crystallographic texture characteristics were determined separately for the observed deformed and recrystallised grains. The subgrain geometry and dimensions together with the misorientation vectors across sub-boundaries were quantified in detail across large sample areas and the orientation dependence of these characteristics was determined. Formation mechanisms of the recrystallised grains were established in relation to the deformation microstructure.


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Shear bands formed during both cold and hot plastic deformation have been linked with several proposed mechanisms for the formation of ultrafine grains. The aim of the present work was to undertake a detailed investigation of the microstructural and crystallographic characteristics of the shear bands formed during hot deformation of a 22Cr-19Ni-3Mo (mass%) austenitic stainless steel and a Fe-30 mass%Ni based austenitic model alloy. These alloys were subjected to deformation in torsion and plane strain compression (PSC), respectively, at temperatures of 900°C and 950°C and strain rates of 0.7s-1 and 10s-1, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction in conjunction with scanning electron microscopy were employed in the investigation. It has been observed that shear bands already started to form at moderate strains in a matrix of pre-existing microbands and were composed of fine, slightly elongated subgrains (fragments). These bands propagated along a similar macroscopic path and the subgrains, present within their substructure, were rotated relative to the surrounding matrix about axes approximately parallel to the sample radial and transverse directions for deformation in torsion and PSC, respectively. The subgrain boundaries were largely observed to be non-crystallographic, suggesting that the subgrains generally formed via multiple slip processes. Shear bands appeared to form through a co-operative nucleation of originally isolated subgrains that gradually interconnected with the others to form long, thin bands that subsequently thickened via the formation of new subgrains. The observed small dimensions of the subgrains present within shear bands and their large misorientations clearly indicate that these subgrains can serve as potent nucleation sites for the formation of ultrafine grain structures during both subsequent recrystallisation, as observed during the present PSC experiments, and phase transformation.


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The microstructure and crystallographic texture characteristics were studied in a 22Cr-6Ni-3Mo duplex stainless steel subjected to plastic deformation in torsion at a temperature of 1000 °C using a strain rate of 1 s−1. High-resolution EBSD was successfully used for precise phase and substructural characterization of this steel. The austenite/ferrite ratio and phase morphology as well as the crystallographic texture, subgrain size, misorientation angles and misorientation gradients corresponding to each phase were determined over large sample areas. The deformation mechanisms in each phase and the interrelationship between the two are discussed.


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The evolution of crystallographic texture and deformation substructure was studied in a type 316L austenitic stainless steel, deformed in rolling at 900 °C to true strain levels of about 0.3 and 0.7. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used in the investigation and a comparison of the substructural characteristics obtained by these techniques was made. At the lower strain level, the deformation substructure observed by EBSD appeared to be rather poorly developed. There was considerable evidence of a rotation of the pre-existing twin boundaries from their original orientation relationship, as well as the formation of highly distorted grain boundary regions. In TEM, at this strain level, the substructure was more clearly revealed, although it appeared rather inhomogeneously developed from grain to grain. The subgrains were frequently elongated and their boundaries often approximated to traces of {111} slip planes. The corresponding misorientations were small and largely displayed a non-cumulative character. At the larger strain, the substructure within most grains became well developed and the corresponding misorientations increased. This resulted in better detection of sub-boundaries by EBSD, although the percentage of indexing slightly decreased. TEM revealed splitting of some sub-boundaries to form fine microbands, as well as the localized formation of microshear bands. The substructural characteristics observed by EBSD, in particular at the larger strain, generally appeared to compare well with those obtained using TEM. With increased strain level, the mean subgrain size became finer, the corresponding mean misorientation angle increased and both these characteristics became less dependent on a particular grain orientation. The statistically representative data obtained will assist in the development of physically based models of microstructural evolution during thermomechanical processing of austenitic stainless steels.


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The effects of strain path reversal on the macroscopic orientation of microbands in AA5052 have been studied using high resolution electron backscatter diffraction. Deformation was carried using two equal steps of forward/forward or forward/reverse torsion at a temperature of 300°C and strain rate of 1s-1 to a total equivalent tensile strain of 0.5. In both cases microbands were found in the majority of grains examined with many having more than one set. The microbands appear to cluster at specific angles to the macroscopic deformation. For the forward/forward condition microbands clustered around -20° and +45° to the maximum principle stress direction and at ± 30-35° to the principal strain direction. For the forward/reverse condition significantly more spread in microband angle was observed though peaks were visible at ±35° with respect to principal stress direction and at -40° and +30° with respect to the principal strain direction of the reverse torsion. This suggests the microbands formed in the forward deformation have or are dissolving and any new microbands formed are related to the deformation conditions of the final strain path.


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The aim of the present investigation was to determine the orientation dependence of substructure characteristics in an austenitic Fe−30wt%Ni model alloy subjected to hot plane strain compression. Deformation was carried out at a temperature of 950 °C using a strain rate of 10 s−1 to equivalent strain levels of approximately 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8. The specimens obtained were analysed using a fully automatic electron backscatter diffraction technique. The crystallographic texture was characterized for all the strain levels studied and the subgrain structure was quantified in detail at a strain of 0.4. The substructure characteristics displayed pronounced orientation dependence. The major texture components, namely the copper, S, brass, Goss and rotated Goss, generally contained one or two prominent families of parallel larger-angle extended subboundaries, the traces of which on the longitudinal viewing plane appeared systematically aligned along the {111} slip plane traces, bounding long microbands subdivided into slightly elongated subgrains by short lower-angle transverse subboundaries. Relatively rare cube-orientated grains displayed pronounced subdivision into coarse deformation bands containing large, low-misorientated subgrains. The misorientation vectors across subboundaries largely showed a tendency to cluster around the sample transverse direction. Apart from the rotated Goss texture component, the stored energy levels for the remaining components were principally consistent with the corresponding Taylor factor values.


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The variant selection phenomenon during the austenite to bainite phase transformation in hot-rolled TRIP-aided steels was quantitatively characterized at the level of individual austenite grains. The reconstruction of the electron backscatter diffraction maps provided evidence that bainite grows by packets of laths sharing a common {1 1 1}y plane in the austenite. The affect of hot deformation is to reduce the number of packets that form. It is suggested that slip activity is important in understanding this effect.


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Improved access to multibeam sonar and underwater video technology is enabling scientists to use spatially-explicit, predictive modelling to improve our understanding of marine ecosystems. With the growing number of modelling approaches available, knowledge of the relative performance of different models in the marine environment is required. Habitat suitability of 5 demersal fish taxa in Discovery Bay, south-east Australia, were modelled using 10 presence-only algorithms: BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, ENFA (distance geometric mean [GM], distance harmonic mean [HM], median [M], area-adjusted median [Ma], median + extremum [Me], area-adjusted median + extremum [Mae] and minimum distance [Min]), and MAXENT. Model performance was assessed using kappa and area under curve (AUC) of the receiver operator characteristic. The influence of spatial range (area of occupancy) and environmental niches (marginality and tolerance) on modelling performance were also tested. MAXENT generally performed best, followed by ENFA-GM and -HM, DOMAIN, BIOCLIM, ENFA-M, -Min, -Ma, -Mae and -Me algorithms. Fish with clearly definable niches (i.e. high marginality) were most accurately modelled. Generally, Euclidean distance to nearest reef, HSI-b (backscatter), rugosity and maximum curvature were the most important variables in determining suitable habitat for the 5 demersal fish taxa investigated. This comparative study encourages ongoing use of presence-only approaches, particularly MAXENT, in modelling suitable habitat for demersal marine fishes.


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The effective management of our marine ecosystems requires the capability to identify, characterise and predict the distribution of benthic biological communities within the overall seascape architecture. The rapid expansion of seabed mapping studies has seen an increase in the application of automated classification techniques to efficiently map benthic habitats, and the need of techniques to assess confidence of model outputs. We use towed video observations and 11 seafloor complexity variables derived from multibeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetry and backscatter to predict the distribution of 8 dominant benthic biological communities in a 54 km2 site, off the central coast of Victoria, Australia. The same training and evaluation datasets were used to compare the accuracies of a Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) and two new generation decision tree methods, QUEST (Quick Unbiased Efficient Statistical Tree) and CRUISE (Classification Rule with Unbiased Interaction Selection and Estimation), for predicting dominant biological communities. The QUEST classifier produced significantly better results than CRUISE and MLC model runs, with an overall accuracy of 80% (Kappa 0.75). We found that the level of accuracy with the size of training set varies for different algorithms. The QUEST results generally increased in a linear fashion, CRUISE performed well with smaller training data sets, and MLC performed least favourably overall, generating anomalous results with changes to training size. We also demonstrate how predicted habitat maps can provide insights into habitat spatial complexity on the continental shelf. Significant variation between patch-size and habitat types and significant correlations between patch size and depth were also observed.


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In the present study, the effects of kinematic and geometric asymmetries in rolling during multi-pass processing of IF steel are examined. The theoretical investigation by final element simulations and experimental investigations by means of electron-backscatter diffraction analysis and tensile tests suggest that asymmetric rolling increases the total imposed strain compared to symmetric rolling, and largely re-distributes the strain components due to additional shear. This enhances the intensity of grain refinement, strengthens and tilts crystallographic orientations, and increases mechanical strength. The effect is highest in the asymmetric rolling with differential roll diameters.