980 resultados para anterior commissure
BACKGROUND Recently, different genetic variants located within the IL2/IL21 genetic region as well as within both IL2RA and IL2RB loci have been associated to multiple autoimmune disorders. We aimed to investigate for the first time the potential influence of the IL2/IL21, IL2RA and IL2RB most associated polymorphisms with autoimmunity on the endogenous non-anterior uveitis genetic predisposition. METHODS A total of 196 patients with endogenous non-anterior uveitis and 760 healthy controls, all of them from Caucasian population, were included in the current study. The IL2/IL21 (rs2069762, rs6822844 and rs907715), IL2RA (2104286, rs11594656 and rs12722495) and IL2RB (rs743777) genetic variants were genotyped using TaqMan® allelic discrimination assays. RESULTS A statistically significant difference was found for the rs6822844 (IL2/IL21 region) minor allele frequency in the group of uveitis patients compared with controls (P(-value)=0.02, OR=0.64 CI 95%=0.43-0.94) although the significance was lost after multiple testing correction. Furthermore, no evidence of association with uveitis was detected for the analyzed genetic variants of the IL2RA or IL2RB loci. CONCLUSION Our results indicate that analyzed IL2/IL21, IL2RA and IL2RB polymorphisms do not seem to play a significant role on the non-anterior uveitis genetic predisposition although further studies are needed in order to clear up the influence of these loci on the non-anterior uveitis susceptibility.
: Para estudiar la historia natural del ictus isquémico por oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior se seleccionó una muestra prospectiva de pacientes con ictus agudo que no recibieron terapias de reperfusión en los que se confirmó una oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior mediante Dúplex transcraneal. El 74% de los pacientes tuvo mal pronóstico. Los pacientes con oclusión de la a.carótida interna terminal y de la a.cerebral media proximal tuvieron peor pronóstico funcional y mayor porcentaje de mortalidad a los tres meses que los pacientes con oclusión de la a.cerebral media distal.
BACKGROUND: Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM) is a new ophthalmological imaging technique essentially designed for the study of the anterior eye segment. Over the last 10 months, we've evaluated its contribution to the conservative treatment of anterior uveal melanoma's by means of accelerated proton beam irradiation. MATERIAL: Using UBM, we have examined 55 cases of uveal melanoma's, whose anterior border was situated at 6 mm or less from the limbus and that were consequently treated by proton beam irradiation. RESULTS: The presumed tumoral origin was the ciliary body's pars plicata in 13 cases and the pars plana or the choroid in 42 cases, 17 of which presented a tumoral invasion of the pars plicata. A pars plana detachment anterior to or surrounding the anterior tumoral border, was present in 22 cases. The height of the tumor could only be measured by UBM if it was less than 2.5 mm. Information gathered using UBM have contributed to an improvement of the therapy plan in 32 cases. CONCLUSION: Because of the strong attenuation of the high frequency ultrasound signal, UBM can only be used for the examination of intra-ocular structures situated in direct neighbourhood to the global wall. Despite this technical limitation, ist contribution to the planning of the conservative treatment of anterior uveal melanoma's by proton beam irradiation has appeared to be considerable.
Background: The current data comparing posterior and anterior circulation strokes with regards to clinical, etiological, radiological and outcome factors are conflicting. We searched for distinguishing features between both territories in 1'449 consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients. Methods: All consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to a single stroke unit from January 2003 to July 2008 were included in a prospective registry. Territory of acute stroke was determined by a combination of neuroimaging (MRI and / CT / CTP) and clinical symptoms and signs. Patients with uncertain localisation and patients with simultaneous strokes in the anterior and posterior circulation were excluded from this analysis. Results: Of a total of 1728 patients, 466 (17.0%) had had posterior, 983 (56.8%) anterior, 136 (7.9%) unknown territory, and 43 (2.5%) simultaneous posterior and anterior territory stroke. Of 39 variables that were compared, 29 differed significantly in univariate analysis, including less dependency (OR_0.50) and mortality (OR_0.56) at 3 months in posterior stroke. In multivariate analysis (see table), male gender, lacunar mechanism, arterial dissection and endovascular recanalisation were more frequent in posterior stroke, and admission NIHSS and IV-thrombolysis rate were lower. Significant acute arterial pathology (_50% stenosis) was less frequently found on acute imaging in posterior stroke (OR_0.33). Of 633 patients with significant arterial pathology, it was more frequently present intracranially in posterior (OR_1.62) and extracranially in anterior stroke (OR _ 0.87). In 610 patients where recanalisation was assessed at 24 hours, intracranial (OR_0.26), extracranial (OR_0.25) and overall recanalisation (OR_0.34) was less frequent in the posterior circulation. Conclusions: Acute posterior strokes are less severe and recover better, despite lower IV thrombolysis and recanalisation rates. They are more frequently due to lacunes and dissections and have less arterial pathology burden then anterior circulation strokes.
The use of cages of different material and shapes for cervical discectomy with fusion (ACDF) has increased during the last few years. The use of additional osteogenic material is controversial. We prospectively evaluated an empty, Plasmapore-covered titanium cage (PCTC) in 45 patients undergoing 58 ACDFs. Patients were evaluated using standard clinical and radiological criteria. Good to excellent outcome was achieved in 93%, 78% and 75% after 3, 12 and 48 months, respectively. Sixty-five percent of patients could resume their prior work after 48 months. Disc space height and lordosis could be preserved in all cases. Two percent of the treated levels showed subsidence and 2% increased segmental motion. There were no procedure-related complications. Implantation of an empty PCTC after microsurgical anterior cervical discectomy is a safe procedure with good results and low incidence of complications. Disc height and lordosis can be preserved with low incidence of subsidence and good fusion rates.
Purpose: To describe the evolution of retinal thickness in eyes affected with acute anterior uveitis (AAU) in the course of follow-up and to assess its correlation with severity of inflammatory activity in the anterior chamber. Methods: Design: Prospective, cohort study Setting: Institutional study Patient population: 72 eyes (affected and fellow eyes) of 36 patients Observation procedure: Patients were followed daily until beginning of resolution of inflammatory activity and weekly thereafter. Optical coherence tomography and laser flare photometry were performed at each visit. Treatment consisted of topical corticosteroids Main outcome measures: Retinal thickness of affected eyes, difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes and their evolution in time, association between maximal retinal thickness and initial laser flare photometry. Results: Difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes became significant on average seven days from baseline and remained so through-out follow-up (p<0.001). There was a steep increase in retinal thickness of affected eyes followed by a progressive decrease after reaching a peak value. Maximal difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes was observed between 17 and 25 days from baseline and exhibited a strong, positive correlation with initial laser flare photometry values (p=0.015). Conclusions: Retinal thickness in eyes affected with AAU presents a steep increase over 3 to 4 weeks and then gradually decreases. Severity of inflammation at baseline predicts the amount of retinal thickening in affected eyes. A characteristic pattern of temporal response of retinal anatomy to inflammatory stimuli seems to arise.
Se estima que en España la incidencia de la lesión del ligamento cruzado anterior (L.C.A) es de 4 casos por cada 10.000 habitantes/año. Su reconstrucción quirúrgica incluye habitualmente la utilización de autoinjertos (con tejido tendinoso propio del paciente). Los dos más frecuentes son de tendón rotuliano y de tendones isquiotibiales.La lesión del L.C.A y su intervención quirúrgica hace tributario al trabajador de una incapacidad temporal (IT). No existe consenso en cuanto a la elección entre los dos injertos en la cirugía de L.C.A ni se conoce su impacto en la duración de la IT.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es describir la duración de la incapacidad temporal en función de la técnica quirúrgica de autoinjertos utilizada en la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior.Se trata de cohorte retrospectiva de 151 trabajadores que han sido tributarios de una IT por plastia de ligamento cruzado anterior de la rodilla, utilizando autoinjertos. El ámbito de estudio es una mutua de accidentes de trabajo y enfermedades profesionales de la Seguridad Social (Mutual Midat Cyclops - MC MUTUAL). Los trabajadores han sido intervenidos quirúrgicamente en la Clínica MC-Copérnico de Barcelona, por una de las técnicas (T. rotuliano o T. Isquiotibiales).Para la técnica del Tendón Rotuliano se obtuvo una muestra de 68 trabajadores intervenidos quirúrgicamente, con una DM de 121 días, y para la técnica de los Tendones Isquiotibiales se recogió una muestra de 83 intervenciones quirúrgicas, con una DM de 113. La DM total fue de 117 días de IT.El análisis de los datos no arrojó diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el tiempo de retorno al trabajo entre los trabajadores intervenidos por las técnicas quirúrgicas señaladas.
Objectif Analyser les résultats, les complications et les pièges rencontrés lors de la période d'apprentissage de la technique de la DALK avec réalisation d'une Big Bubble . Matériels et Méthodes : Étude rétrospective de 20 DALKs réalisées entre 2006 et 2007. L'âge moyen était de 45.21 ans (18 à 76). Le groupe comprenait 7 hommes et 13 femmes. Les indications opératoires étaient : kératocône (n=15), leucome herpétique (n=3) et taie cornéenne post-abcès bactérien (n=2). Le suivi comprenait la MAVC pré et post-opératoire, la réfraction post-opératoire, la transparence de la greffe, la qualité de l'interface donneur/receveur, et l'analyse des complications per et post-opératoires. Résultats Parmi les 20 DALKs, 8 cas ont été transformés en kératoplastie perforante à cause d'une perforation per-opératoire de la membrane de Descemet (40 % des cas). Le suivi moyen était de 7.77 mois. Les meilleures acuités visuelles corrigées moyennes pré et post-opératoires étaient de 0.158 (0.02 à 0.4) et 0.4357 (0.25 à 0.6) pour les DALKs et de 0.125 (0.1 à 0.3) et 0.463 (0.02 à 0.8) pour les DALKs transformées en kératoplastie perforante. Les greffes étaient transparentes dans tous les cas. Dans 3 cas, des plis de l'interface ont constitués une gêne de la qualité visuelle (di ou triplopie). Un haze de l'interface a été observé dans 5 cas avec disparition progressive lors du suivi. Discussion La DALK est une technique efficace dans le traitement des atteintes stromales profondes de la cornée, elle permet de préserver l'endothélium du donneur qui est sain dans ce type de pathologie. Conclusion La réalisation de la Big Bubble lors de la dissection de la Descemet et la qualité de l'interface donneur/receveur demeurent les éléments clés d'une telle procédure. Cette technique opératoire est probablement une des techniques les plus difficiles qu'un chirurgien de la cornée ait à maîtriser.
The discovery of an anterior mediastinal mass requires careful management with specific consideration of the pathology. More than 50% of all mediastinal masses seen in adults are in the anterior mediastinum. The most frequent diagnoses are thymoma, lymphoma, teratoma and benign thyroid tumours. 60% of cases are malignant. Often the clinical and radiological findings do not allow a definitive diagnosis and a histological diagnosis is often required to select the optimal treatment modality. The choice of biopsy technique depends on the localization of the lesion, clinical factors, and the availability of special techniques and equipment. Biopsy may be obtained by trans-thoracic puncture under computed tomography or ultrasound guidance, or by a surgical approach (mediastinotomy or thoracoscopy).
OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare the long-term clinical outcome of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with intracoronary stenting of patients with isolated proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. BACKGROUND: Although numerous trials have compared coronary angioplasty with bypass surgery, none assessed the clinical evaluation in the long term. METHODS: We evaluated the 10-year clinical outcome in the SIMA (Stent versus Internal Mammary Artery grafting) trial. Patients were randomly assigned to stent implantation versus CABG. RESULTS: Of 123 randomized patients, 59 underwent CABG and 62 received a stent (2 patients were excluded). Follow-up after 10 years was obtained for 98% of the randomized patients. Twenty-six patients (42%) in the percutaneous coronary intervention group and 10 patients (17%) in the CABG group reached an end point (p < 0.001). This difference was due to a higher need for additional revascularization. The incidences of death and myocardial infarction were identical at 10%. Progression of the disease requiring additional revascularization was rare (5%) and was similar for the 2 groups. Stent thrombosis occurred in 2 patients (3%). Angina functional class showed no significant differences between the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Both stent implantation and CABG are safe and highly effective in relieving symptoms in patients with isolated, proximal left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis. Stenting with bare-metal stents is associated with a higher need for repeat interventions. The long-term prognosis for these patients is excellent with either mode of revascularization.
PURPOSE: To investigate whether the prophylactic use of bevacizumab reduces the rate of rubeosis after proton therapy for uveal melanoma and improves the possibility to treat ischemic, reapplicated retina with laser photocoagulation. DESIGN: Comparative retrospective case series. METHODS: Uveal melanoma patients with ischemic retinal detachment and treated with proton therapy were included in this institutional study. Twenty-four eyes received prophylactic intravitreal bevacizumab injections and were compared with a control group of 44 eyes without bevacizumab treatment. Bevacizumab injections were performed at the time of tantalum clip insertion and were repeated every 2 months during 6 months, and every 3 months thereafter. Ultra-widefield angiography allowed determination of the extent of retinal ischemia, which was treated with laser photocoagulation after retinal reapplication. Main outcome measures were the time to rubeosis, the time to retinal reattachment, and the time to laser photocoagulation of ischemic retina. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics were balanced between the groups, except for thicker tumors and larger retinal detachments in the bevacizumab group, potentially to the disadvantage of the study group. Nevertheless, bevacizumab prophylaxis significantly reduced the rate of iris rubeosis from 36% to 4% (log-rank test P = .02) and tended to shorten the time to retinal reapplication until laser photocoagulation of the nonperfusion areas could be performed. CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic intravitreal bevacizumab in patients treated with proton therapy for uveal melanoma with ischemic retinal detachment prevented anterior segment neovascularization, until laser photocoagulation to the reapplied retina could be performed.