999 resultados para angular forces


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A narrow strip is used to control mean and fluctuating forces on a circular cylinder at Reynolds numbers from 2.0 x 10(4) to 1.0 x 10(5). The axes of the strip and cylinder are parallel. The control parameters are strip width ratio and strip position characterized by angle of attack and distance from the cylinder. Wind tunnel tests show that the vortex shedding from both sides of the cylinder can be suppressed, and mean drag and fluctuating lift on the cylinder can be reduced if the strip is installed in an effective zone downstream of the cylinder. A phenomenon of mono-side vortex shedding is found. The strip-induced local changes of velocity profiles in the near wake of the cylinder are measured, and the relation between base suction and peak value in the power spectrum of fluctuating lift is studied. The control mechanism is then discussed from different points of view.


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Receptor-based detection of pathogens often suffers from non-specific interactions, and as most detection techniques cannot distinguish between affinities of interactions, false positive responses remain a plaguing reality. Here, we report an anharmonic acoustic based method of detection that addresses the inherent weakness of current ligand dependant assays. Spores of Bacillus subtilis (Bacillus anthracis simulant) were immobilized on a thickness-shear mode AT-cut quartz crystal functionalized with anti-spore antibody and the sensor was driven by a pure sinusoidal oscillation at increasing amplitude. Biomolecular interaction forces between the coupled spores and the accelerating surface caused a nonlinear modulation of the acoustic response of the crystal. In particular, the deviation in the third harmonic of the transduced electrical response versus oscillation amplitude of the sensor (signal) was found to be significant. Signals from the specifically-bound spores were clearly distinguishable in shape from those of the physisorbed streptavidin-coated polystyrene microbeads. The analytical model presented here enables estimation of the biomolecular interaction forces from the measured response. Thus, probing biomolecular interaction forces using the described technique can quantitatively detect pathogens and distinguish specific from non-specific interactions, with potential applicability to rapid point-of-care detection. This also serves as a potential tool for rapid force-spectroscopy, affinity-based biomolecular screening and mapping of molecular interaction networks.


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Adhesion forces of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC) membrane in the gel phase are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulation. In the simulations, individual DPPC molecules are pulled out of DPPC membranes with different rates and we get the maximum adhesion forces of DPPC membrane. We find that the maximum adhesion forces increase with pull rate, from about 400 to 700 pN when pull rates are from 0.001 to 0.03 nm/ps. We analyze the relationship between pull rate and adhesion forces of different origins using Brownian dynamics and notice that viscosity of solvent plays an important role in adhesion forces. Then we simulate the motion of a single DPPC molecule in solvent and it elucidates that the maximum drag force is almost linear with respect to the pull rate. We use Stokes' relation to describe the motion of a single DPPC molecule and deduce the effective length of a DPPC molecule. Conformational analyses indicate that the free energy variation of a DPPC molecule inside and outside of the DPPC membrane is an essential part of adhesion energy.


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A hybrid finite difference method and vortex method (HDV), which is based on domain decomposition and proposed by the authors (1992), is improved by using a modified incomplete LU decomposition conjugate gradient method (MILU-CG), and a high order implicit difference algorithm. The flow around a rotating circular cylinder at Reynolds number R-e = 1000, 200 and the angular to rectilinear speed ratio alpha is an element of (0.5, 3.25) is studied numerically. The long-time full developed features about the variations of the vortex patterns in the wake, and drag, lift forces on the cylinder are given. The calculated streamline contours agreed well with the experimental visualized flow pictures. The existence of critical states and the vortex patterns at the states are given for the first time. The maximum lift to drag force ratio can be obtained nearby the critical states.


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The influences of Casimir and van der Waals forces on the nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) electrostatic torsional varactor are studied. A one degree of freedom, the torsional angle, is adopted, and the bifurcation behaviour of the NEMS torsional varactor is investigated. There are two bifurcation points, one of which is a Hopf bifurcation point and the other is an unstable saddle point. The phase portraits are also drawn, in which periodic orbits are around the Hopf bifurcation point, but the periodic orbit will break into a homoclinic orbit when meeting the unstable saddle point.


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El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo entre los años 2005 y 2007, con el objetivo de evaluar la adaptación y rendimiento de la variedad mejorada INTA Vaina Roja, en las zonas de Las Segovias, Centro Norte, Centro Sur y Pacífico Sur de Nicaragua. En el año 2006 se condujeron nueve ensayos de rendimiento, uno en Madriz, cinco en Estelí, uno en Matagalpa y dos en Jinotega. En las etapas preliminares de rendimiento, el ensayo incluyó 51 líneas F8, y en las pruebas avanzadas de rendimiento se incluyeron 34 líneas F9 y 14 líneas F8 y F9. Estos trabajos se realizaron de acuerdo a las condiciones agroecológicas de cada localidad bajo condiciones de secano. En las pruebas preliminares se utilizó una sola repetición, y en pruebas avanzadas, se utilizó un diseño de látice 6 x 6 y de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones. Los resultados obtenidos muestra que a nivel de experimentación las líneas 429 DFSZ 15094-39 (2 188 kg ha-1), MIB 438 (2 644 kg ha-1), 426 DFSZ 15094-39(2 182 kg ha-1) e INTA Vaina Roja (2 013 kg ha-1) sobresalieron por su rendimiento de grano. Durante las evaluaciones, la variedad INTA Vaina Roja resultó tolerante a la enfermedad de mancha angular( Phaeoisariopsis griseola). Además, la variedad INTA Vaina Roja se validó en parcelas comerciales en campos de agricultores en 54 ambientes de los departamentos de Estelí, Madriz, Nueva Segovia, Matagalpa, Jinotega, Chontales y Carazo. En estas parcelas de validación, la variedad INTA Vaina Roja (915 kg ha-1) superó en un 17% en los 54 sitios de validación a las variedades comerciales (784 kg ha-1) utilizadas como testigos locales. Así mismo, dio los mejores rendimientos (1 343 kg ha-1) en 24 ambientes identificados como favorables con un 16% más que las variedades comerciales (1155 kg ha-1). En los 30 ambientes identificados como desfavorables la variedad INTA Vaina Roja (573 kg ha-1), tuvo los mayores rendimientos, superando a las variedades comerciales (487 kg ha-1) en un 18%. En ambas situaciones la variedad INTA Vaina Roja con coeficientes de variación de 27.18 y 33.85% presentó mejor estabilidad que las variedades comerciales. Durante el proceso de experimentación y de validación, se observó que la variedad INTA Vaina Roja presentó tolerancia a alta humedad en el suelo, lo que la hace ser un material ideal para adaptación al cambio climático. La variedad INTA Vaina Roja presentó una Tasa Marginal de Retorno de 991% superior a las variedades comerciales.


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A fifth-order theory for solving the problem of interaction between Stokes waves and exponential profile currents is proposed. The calculated flow fields are compared with measurements. Then the errors caused by the linear superposition method and approximate theory are discussed. It is found that the total wave-current field consists of pure wave, pure current and interaction components. The shear current not only directly changes the flow field, but also indirectly does sx, by changing the wave parameters due to wave-current interaction. The present theory can predict the wave kinematics on shear currents satisfactorily. The linear superposition method may give rise to more than 40% loading error in extreme conditions. When the apparent wave period is used and the Wheeler stretching method is adopted to extrapolate the current, application of the approximate theory is the best.


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Based on the idea proposed by Hu [Scientia Sinica Series A XXX, 385-390 (1987)], a new type of boundary integral equation for plane problems of elasticity including rotational forces is derived and its boundary element formulation is presented. Numerical results for a rotating hollow disk are given to demonstrate the accuracy of the new type of boundary integral equation.