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A adsorção de B pelo solo é o principal fenômeno que afeta sua disponibilidade e seu potencial de contaminação. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: (a) investigar os efeitos do pH na adsorção de B em amostras superficiais e subsuperficiais de um Latossolo Vermelho Acriférrico (LVwf) e de um Latossolo Amarelo Ácrico (LAw) - ambos com balanço positivo de cargas no horizonte Bw - e de um Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico (NVef); (b) avaliar a adequação do modelo de Langmuir em simular os resultados experimentais de adsorção; e (c) correlacionar os atributos químicos, físicos e mineralógicos dos solos com os valores de adsorção máxima (Ads máx) e do coeficiente de afinidade (K L), derivados das isotermas. Experimentos do tipo "batch" foram realizados para determinação da quantidade de boro adsorvido, tendo como eletrólito-suporte soluções de NaCl 0,01 mol L-1 com 0,1; 0,2; 0,4; 0,8; 1,2; 1,6; 2,0; e 4,0 µg mL-1 de B. Houve aumento da adsorção de B com a elevação do pH e da concentração inicial de B adicionado. Maiores quantidades de B foram adsorvidas na amostra superficial do NVef e nos horizontes Bw positivamente carregados dos Latossolos ácricos. A adsorção de B foi representada por isotermas dos tipos C (linear) e L (exponencial) e adequadamente ajustada pelo modelo de Langmuir. Os parâmetros Ads máx e K L estimados por regressão não-linear não se correlacionaram com o pH. No pH natural, teores de matéria orgânica (MO) e de argila foram as variáveis que mais influenciaram a Ads máx nas camadas superficiais. Nas camadas subsuperficiais, a Ads máx correlacionou-se negativamente com os teores de MO e positivamente com os de gibbsita. Teores de (hidr)óxidos de Fe cristalinos e amorfos estiveram correlacionados aos valores de K L obtidos nas amostras subsuperficiais e ao pH natural, bem como à Ads máx das camadas superficiais após aumento do pH.


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A retenção de Se pelos colóides do solo constitui importante processo para a manutenção da sanidade ambiental. A informação sobre a adsorção de Se em solos altamente intemperizados é restrita e existem poucos padrões quantitativos disponíveis para a definição de estratégias de remediação de áreas contaminadas. Quantidades crescentes de Se (5, 10, 25, 50, 100 e 250 mg L-1), na forma de Na2SeO3, foram adicionadas a amostras de dez Latossolos brasileiros [três Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos (LVA-1, LVA-2 e LVA-3), dois Latossolos Vermelhos (LV-1 e LV-2), um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico (LVef), um Latossolo Vermelho acriférrico (LVwf), dois Latossolos Amarelos (LA-1 e LA-2) e um Latossolo Amarelo acriférrico (LAwf)]. Isotermas de adsorção foram construídas e foi verificado o ajuste dos resultados experimentais aos modelos de Langmuir e de Freundlich. A equação de Langmuir ajustou melhor os resultados de adsorção de Se do que a isoterma de Freundlich. Todas as isotermas apresentaram o formato tipo-L (exponencial), com exceção daquelas obtidas para o LVA-1 e para o LVA-2, que apresentaram comportamento tipo-C (linear). Valores de adsorção máxima (Ads máx), estimada pelo modelo de Langmuir, variaram de 135 (LVA-3) a 2.245 mg kg-1 (LA-1), enquanto os coeficientes de afinidade (K L) estiveram entre 0,002 (LVA-2) e 0,326 (LVA-3). A constante de afinidade estimada pelo modelo de Freundlich (Kf) variou de 13,7 (LVA-2) a 180,1 (LAwf). A adsorção máxima de Se foi mais elevada no LVef e nos Latossolos ácricos (LAwf e LVwf), enquanto os maiores valores de Kf foram encontrados no LV-2, LVef, LVA-3 e LVwf. Não houve correlação entre os atributos dos solos e as constantes de Langmuir. Valores de Kf correlacionaram-se com os teores de argila (r = 0,42*) e com a capacidade de troca de ânions (r = 0,64*).


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The Newton-Hooke algebras in d dimensions are constructed as contractions of dS(AdS) algebras. Nonrelativistic brane actions are WZ terms of these Newton-Hooke algebras. The NH algebras appear also as subalgebras of multitemporal relativistic conformal algebras, SO(d+1,p+2). We construct generalizations of pp-wave metrics from these algebras.


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An inflating brane world can be created from ``nothing'' together with its anti-de Sitter (AdS) bulk. The resulting space-time has compact spatial sections bounded by the brane. During inflation, the continuum of KK modes is separated from the massless zero mode by the gap m=(3/2)H, where H is the Hubble rate. We consider the analogue of the Nariai solution and argue that it describes the pair production of ``black cigars'' attached to the inflating brane. In the case when the size of the instantons is much larger than the AdS radius, the 5-dimensional action agrees with the 4-dimensional one. Hence, the 5D and 4D gravitational entropies are the same in this limit. We also consider thermal instantons with an AdS black hole in the bulk. These may be interpreted as describing the creation of a hot universe from nothing or the production of AdS black holes in the vicinity of a pre-existing inflating brane world. The Lorentzian evolution of the brane world after creation is briefly discussed. An additional ``integration constant'' in the Friedmann equation-accompanying a term which dilutes like radiation-describes the tidal force in the fifth direction and arises from the mass of a spherical object inside the bulk. In general, this could be a 5-dimensional black hole or a ``parallel'' brane world of negative tension concentrical with our brane-world. In the case of thermal solutions, and in the spirit of the AdS/CFT correspondence, one may attribute the additional term to thermal radiation in the boundary theory. Then, for temperatures well below the AdS scale, the entropy of this radiation agrees with the entropy of the black hole in the AdS bulk.


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In Einstein-Maxwell theory, magnetic flux lines are "expelled" from a black hole as extremality is approached, in the sense that the component of the field strength normal to the horizon goes to zero. Thus, extremal black holes are found to exhibit the sort of ¿Meissner effect¿ which is characteristic of superconducting media. We review some of the evidence for this effect and present new evidence for it using recently found black hole solutions in string theory and Kaluza-Klein theory. We also present some new solutions, which arise naturally in string theory, which are non-superconducting extremal black holes. We present a nice geometrical interpretation of these effects derived by looking carefully at the higher dimensional configurations from which the lower dimensional black hole solutions are obtained. We show that other extremal solitonic objects in string theory (such as p-branes) can also display superconducting properties. In particular, we argue that the relativistic London equation will hold on the world volume of ¿light¿ superconducting p-branes (which are embedded in flat space), and that minimally coupled zero modes will propagate in the adS factor of the near-horizon geometries of "heavy," or gravitating, superconducting p-branes.


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We discuss the weak gravitational field created by isolated matter sources in the Randall-Sundrum brane world. For the case of a single wall of positive tension, the field stays localized near the wall if the source is stationary. We calculate the leading Kaluza-Klein corrections to the linearized gravitational field of a nonrelativistic spherical object, which is different from the Schwarzschild solution at large distances. In the case of two branes of opposite tension, linearized Brans-Dicke (BD) gravity is recovered on either wall, with different BD parameters. On the wall with positive tension the BD parameter is larger than 3000 provided that the separation between walls is larger than 4 times the AdS radius. The gravitational field due to shadow matter is also considered.


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(2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) gravity is quantized in the presence of an external scalar field. We find that the coupling between the scalar field and gravity is equivalently described by a perturbed conformal field theory at the boundary of AdS3. This allows us to perform a microscopic computation of the transition rates between black hole states due to absorption and induced emission of the scalar field. Detailed thermodynamic balance then yields Hawking radiation as spontaneous emission, and we find agreement with the semiclassical result, including greybody factors. This result also has application to four and five-dimensional black holes in supergravity.


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BACKGROUND: Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland (ADS) is a voluntary data registry introduced in 1996. Its ultimate goal is to promote quality in anaesthesiology. METHODS: The ADS registry analyses routinely recorded adverse events and provides benchmark comparisons between anaesthesia departments. Data collection comprises a set of 31 variables organised into three modules, one mandatory and two optional. RESULTS: In 2010, the database included 2,158,735 anaesthetic procedures. Over time, the proportions of older patients have increased, the largest group being aged 50-64 years. The percentage of patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status 1 has decreased while the percentage of ASA status 2 or 3 patients has increased. The most frequent comorbidities recorded were hypertension (21%), smoking (16%), allergy (15%) and obesity (12%). Between 1996 and 2010, 125,579 adverse events were recorded, of which 34% were cardiovascular, 7% respiratory, 39% technical and 20% non-specific. The most severe events were resuscitation (50%), oliguria (22%), myocardial ischaemia (17%) and haemorrhage (10%). CONCLUSION: Routine ADS data collection contributes to the monitoring of trends in anaesthesia care in Switzerland. The ADS system has proved to be usable in daily practice, although this remains a constant challenge that is highly dependent on local quality management and quality culture. Nevertheless, success in developing routine regular feedback to users to initiate discussions about anaesthetic events would most likely help strengthen departmental culture regarding safety and quality of care.


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What’s wrong with this advertisement? This wording used to be very familiar in our daily newspaper ads. But the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act was passed in 1988, making it illegal to refuse to rent or sell property to families because they have children. In 1992, the Iowa Civil Rights Act was amended to also prohibit discrimination against families with children. The law defines a family with children as follows: One or more individuals under the age of 18 living with a parent, or with a person having legal custody  A designee of such parent or legal guardian  Persons who are expecting a baby or who are seeking legal custody of a child.


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We present the result of polar angle resolved x¿ray photoemission spectroscopy on Al(111)/O and cluster calculations of the O(1s) binding energy (BE) for various model situations. In the experimental data two O(1s) peaks are observed, separated by 1.3 eV. The angular behavior (depth¿resolution) could indicate that the lower BE peak is associated with an O atom under the surface, and the higher BE peak with an O atom above the surface. Equally, it could indicate oxygen islands on the surface where the perimeter atoms have a higher O(1s) BE than the interior atoms. The cluster calculations show that the former interpretation cannot be correct, since an O ads below the surface has a higher calculated O(1s) BE than one above. Cluster calculations simulating oxygen islands are, however, consistent with the experimental data.


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Rapport de synthèse : Bien que les complications sévères de l'anesthésie soient actuellement rares, des informations contradictoires existent à propos du rôle et de l'importance de l'hypertension artérielle chronique sur la survenue de complications en cours d'anesthésie. En raison de la prévalence élevée de l'hypertension artérielle dans la population et du grand nombre d'anesthésies effectuées, il est important de clarifier cette relation. Le but de l'étude était d'évaluer si les personnes hypertendues étaient à risque accru de présenter des complications lors d'anesthésies à partir de données collectées de routine lors d'anesthésies usuelles réalisées en Suisse. Nous avons utilisé les données figurant dans le registre ADS (Anesthésie Données Suisse) correspondant à des anesthésies, générales ou locorégionales, réalisées pour chirurgie élective chez des adultes, entre 2000 et 2004 dans 24 hôpitaux suisses. L'attention était portée principalement sur les incidents cardio-vasculaires, mais les autres incidents relevés de routine ont aussi été évalués. La présence d'une hypertension artérielle chronique était définie par la présence d'un traitement antihypertenseur ou par l'anamnèse d'une hypertension artérielle, combinée à la mesure d'une pression artérielle élevée (systolique >160 mm Hg ou diastolique >100 mm Hg) lors de l'examen préopératoire de l'anesthésiste. Les incidents relevés en cours d'anesthésie ont été définis a priori et sont enregistrés de routine sur la feuille d'anesthésie et reportés dans une base de données centralisée. En raison de la structure des données, des analyses hiérarchiques ont été effectuées incluant des variables individuelles (niveau 1), liées aux groupes d'interventions chirurgicales (niveau 2) et à l'hôpital (niveau 3). Parmi les 124 939 interventions, 27 881 (22%) concernaient des patients connus pour une hypertension artérielle chronique. Au moins un incident est survenu dans 16,8% des interventions (95% Cl 16,6 -17,0%). Chez 7 549 patients, au moins un incident cardio- vasculaire est survenu, soit dans 6% des anesthésies (95% Cl 5.9-6.2%). Le rapport des cotes (odds ratio) moyen ajusté pour les incidents cardio-vasculaires chez les patients hypertendus était de 1.38 (95% Cl 1.27-1.49), indiquant une augmentation du risque chez les patients hypertendus. Cependant, l'hypertension n'était pas liée à un risque augmenté de survenue d'un autre incident. Les rapports de cotes ajustés de la survenue d'une complication cardiovasculaire en présence d'une hypertension artérielle variaient selon les hôpitaux entre 0.41 et 2.25. Ainsi, cette étude confirme la présence d'un risque accru de survenue d'une complication cardiovasculaire chez un patient hypertendu lors d'une anesthésie pour chirurgie élective. Il s'agissait le plus souvent d'une arythmie ou d'une perturbation hémodynamique. Cette augmentation du risque proche de 40% a aussi été trouvée dans une revue systématique avec méta-analyse. L'hétérogénéité des institutions -qui persiste même en tenant compte des ajustements pour le type d'intervention chirurgicale et des variables individuelles (case-mix) - suggère des différences de pratique de l'anesthésie selon l'hôpital.


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The objective of this work was to study the sorption and desorption of imazaquin, in surface and subsurface soil samples from Brazil. Sorption and desorption steps were carried out using batch equilibration and high performance liquid chromatography analytical routines. The value of Kf,ads was positively correlated with clay content, and negatively correlated with pH of supernatant. Samples from Typic Haplustox, clayey soil profile having high clay content, provided higher Kf,ads values, and negative correlation with organic carbon, silt content, cation exchange capacity and pH.


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This paper compares the inflectional diversity and density of adjectives and verbs in French CS, CDS, and ADS samples in a social perspective. The aim of the study is to show that the relation between CS, CDS, and ADS is not identical as far as verb and adjective inflection is concerned. We firstly expected verb inflectional morphology to be less diverse and dense in CDS and CS than in ADS. Conversely, we predicted adjective inflectional diversity and density to be higher in CDS and CS. Interestingly the findings do not exactly match the first prediction. The social implications of the study are discussed.


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We study the gravitational dual of a high-energy collision in a confining gauge theory. We consider a linearized approach in which two point particles traveling in an AdS-soliton background suddenly collide to form an object at rest (presumably a black hole for large enough center-of-mass energies). The resulting radiation exhibits the features expected in a theory with a mass gap: late-time power law tails of the form t −3/2, the failure of Huygens" principle and distortion of the wave pattern as it propagates. The energy spectrum is exponentially suppressed for frequencies smaller than the gauge theory mass gap. Consequently, we observe no memory effect in the gravitational waveforms. At larger frequencies the spectrum has an upward-stairway structure, which corresponds to the excitation of the tower of massive states in the confining gauge theory. We discuss the importance of phenomenological cutoffs to regularize the divergent spectrum, and the aspects of the full non-linear collision that are expected to be captured by our approach.


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Tumors in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) patients are often proximal to the major blood vessels in the abdomen or neck. In external-beam radiotherapy, these tumors present a challenge because imaging resolution prevents the beam from being targeted to the tumor lesion without also irradiating the artery wall. This problem has led to potentially life-threatening delayed toxicity. Because radioimmunotherapy has resulted in long-term survival of NHL patients, we investigated whether the absorbed dose (AD) to the artery wall in radioimmunotherapy of NHL is of potential concern for delayed toxicity. SPECT resolution is not sufficient to enable dosimetric analysis of anatomic features of the thickness of the aortic wall. Therefore, we present a model of aortic wall toxicity based on data from 4 patients treated with (131)I-tositumomab. METHODS: Four NHL patients with periaortic tumors were administered pretherapeutic (131)I-tositumomab. Abdominal SPECT and whole-body planar images were obtained at 48, 72, and 144 h after tracer administration. Blood-pool activity concentrations were obtained from regions of interest drawn on the heart on the planar images. Tumor and blood activity concentrations, scaled to therapeutic administered activities-both standard and myeloablative-were input into a geometry and tracking model (GEANT, version 4) of the aorta. The simulated energy deposited in the arterial walls was collected and fitted, and the AD and biologic effective dose values to the aortic wall and tumors were obtained for standard therapeutic and hypothetical myeloablative administered activities. RESULTS: Arterial wall ADs from standard therapy were lower (0.6-3.7 Gy) than those typical from external-beam therapy, as were the tumor ADs (1.4-10.5 Gy). The ratios of tumor AD to arterial wall AD were greater for radioimmunotherapy by a factor of 1.9-4.0. For myeloablative therapy, artery wall ADs were in general less than those typical for external-beam therapy (9.4-11.4 Gy for 3 of 4 patients) but comparable for 1 patient (32.6 Gy). CONCLUSION: Blood vessel radiation dose can be estimated using the software package 3D-RD combined with GEANT modeling. The dosimetry analysis suggested that arterial wall toxicity is highly unlikely in standard dose radioimmunotherapy but should be considered a potential concern and limiting factor in myeloablative therapy.