692 resultados para Zwitterionic micelles


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In view of the vast potential of micellar systems as media in which reactions may be conducted, a clear understanding of the structure of micelles is essential. The unique features of micelles and how these have been utilized to catalyse and control photochemical reactivity are briefly surveyed here. Micellar media, when used for chemical reactions, exhibit features that are completely different from those of ordinary non-aqueous solvents. A thermal or photochemical reaction conducted in micellar media is influenced by the effects of the micellar environment which result in control and/or modification of reactivity. The salient features of micelles that influence the photochemical reactivity are cage and microviscosity effects, localization and compartmentalization effects, pre-orientational, polarity and counterion effects.


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Photodimerization of 2-substituted naphthalenes in organic solvents has been well explored. In contrast to their behavior in organic solvents, in anionic and cationic micellar media enhanced reactivity and pronounced regioselectivity are observed. Reactivity enhancement in micellar media is attributed to the local concentration effect. Enhanced reactivity in CTAC and DTAC compared to CTAB micelles is attributed to the counterion effect, and the regioselective photodimerization observed in anionic and cationic micelles leading exclusively to the cis dimer or the products derived therefrom is rationalized on the basis of the preorientational effect of micelles.


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The aggregation property of multiheaded surfactants has been investigated by constant pressure molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in aqueous medium. The model multiheaded surfactants contain more than one headgroup (x = 2, 3, and 4) for a single tail group. This increases the hydrophilic charge progressively over the hydrophobic tail which has dramatic consequences in the aggregation behavior. In particular, we have looked at the change in the aggregation property such as critical micellar concentration (cmc), aggregation number, and size of the micelles for the multiheaded surfactants in water. We find with increasing number of headgroups of the Multiheaded surfactants that the cmc values increase and the aggregation numbers as well as the size of the micelles decrease. These trends are in agreement with the experimental findings as reported earlier with x = 1, 2, and 3. We also predict the aggregation properties of multiheaded surfactant With four headgroups (x = 4) for which no experimental studies exist yet.


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Nanoporous anatase with a thin interconnected filmlike morphology has been synthesized in a single step by coupling a nonhydrolytic condensation reaction of a Ti precursor with a hybrid sol-gel combustion reaction. The method combines the advantages of a conventional sol-gel method for the formation of porous structures with the high crystallinity of the products obtained by combustion methods to yield highly crystalline, phase-pure nanoporous anatase. The generation of pores is initiated by the formation of reverse micelles in a polymeric polycondensation product, which expand during heating, leading to larger pores. A reaction scheme involving a complex formation and nonhydrolytic polycondensation reaction with ester elimination leads to the formation of ail extended Ti-O-Ti network. The effect of process parameters, such as temperature and relative ratio of cosurfactants, on phase formation has been studied. The possibility of band gap engineering by controlled doping during synthesis and the possibility of attachment of molecular/nanoparticle sensitizers provide opportunities for easy preparation of photoanodes for solar cell applications.


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Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal oxide systems present exotic electronic properties and high specific surface areas, and also demonstrate promising applications ranging from electronics to energy storage. Yet, in contrast to other types of nanostructures, the question as to whether we could assemble 2D nanomaterials with an atomic thickness from molecules in a general way, which may give them some interesting properties such as those of graphene, still remains unresolved. Herein, we report a generalized and fundamental approach to molecular self-assembly synthesis of ultrathin 2D nanosheets of transition metal oxides by rationally employing lamellar reverse micelles. It is worth emphasizing that the synthesized crystallized ultrathin transition metal oxide nanosheets possess confined thickness, high specific surface area and chemically reactive facets, so that they could have promising applications in nanostructured electronics, photonics, sensors, and energy conversion and storage devices.


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Thermally stable mesoporous TiO2/SiO2 hybrid films with pore size of 50 nm have been synthesized by adopting the polymeric micelle-assembly method. A triblock copolymer, poly(styrene-b-2-vinyl pyridine-b-ethylene oxide), which serves as a template for the mesopores, was utilized to form polymeric micelles. The effective interaction of titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) with the polymeric micelles enabled us to fabricate stable mesoporous films. By changing the molar ratio of TEOS and TTIP, several mesoporous TiO2/SiO2 hybrid films with different compositions can be synthesized. The presence of amorphous SiO2 phase effectively retards the growth of anatase TiO2 crystal in the pore walls and retains the original mesoporous structure, even at higher temperature (650 °C). These TiO2/SiO2 hybrid films are of very high quality, without any cracks or voids. The addition of SiO2 phase to mesoporous TiO2 films not only adsorbs more organic dyes, but also significantly enhances the photocatalytic activity compared to mesoporous pure TiO2 film without SiO2 phase.


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The keto-enol type tautomerism in anti-thyroid drugs and their selenium analogues are described. The commonly used anti-thyroid drug methimazole exists predominantly in its thione form, whereas its selenium analogue exists in a zwitterionic form. To understand the effect of thione/thiol and selone/selenol tautomerism on the inhibition of peroxidase-catalysed reactions, we have synthesized some thiones and selones in which the formation of thiol/selenol forms are blocked by different substituents. These compounds were synthesized by a carbene route utilizing an imidazolium salt. The crystal structures of these compounds reveal that the C=Se bonds in the selones are more polarized than the C=S bonds in the corresponding thiones. The structures of selones were studied in solution by NMR spectroscopy and the 77Se NMR chemical shifts for the selones show large upfield shifts in the signals, confirming their zwitterionic structures in solution. The inhibition of lactoperoxidase by the synthetic thiones indicates that the presence of a free N-H moiety is essential for an efficient inhibition. In contrast, such moiety is not required for an inhibition by the selenium compounds.


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The photochemical and redox properties of two newly synthesized tetrahydroquinoxaline-based squaraine dyes (SQ) are investigated Using femto- and nanosecond laser flash photolysis, pulse radiolysis, and cyclic voltammetry. In acetonitrile and dichloromethane, these squaraines exist its monomers in the zwitterionic form (lambda(max) approximate to 715 nm, epsilon(max) approximate to 1.66 x 10(5) M-1 cm(-1) in acetonitrile). Their excited sin-let states ((1)SQ*) exhibit a broad absorption hand at 480 nm, with singlet lifetimes of 44 and 123 ps for the two dyes. Both squaraines exhibit poor intersystem crossing efficiency (Phi(ISC) < 0.001). Their excited triplet states ((3)SQ*), however, Ire efficiently generated by triplet-triplet energy transfer Using triplet excited 9,10-dibromoanthracene. The excited triplet states of the squaraines dyes exhibit it broad absorption hand at ca. 560 nm (epsilon(triplet) approximate to 4.2 x 10(4) M-1 cm(-1)) and undergo deactivation via triplet-triplet annihilation and ground-state quenching processes. The oxidized forms of the investigated squaraines (SQ(center dot+)) exhibit absorption maxima at 510 and 610 nm.


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In this paper, the effect of some commonly used antithyroid drugs and their analogues on peroxynitrite-mediated nitration of proteins is described. The nitration of tyrosine residues in bovine serum albumin (BSA) and cytochromec was studied by Western blot analysis. These studies reveal that the antithyroid drugs methimazole (MMI), 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU), and 6-methyl-2-thiouracil (MTU), which contain thione moieties, significantly reduce the tyrosine nitration of both BSA and cytochrome c. While MMI exhibits good peroxynitrite (PN) scavenging activity, the thiouracil compounds PTU and MTU are slightly less effective than MMI. The S- and Se-methylated compounds show a weak inhibitory effect in the nitration of tyrosine, indicating that the presence of a thione or selone moiety is important for an efficient inhibition. Similarly, the replacement of N-H moiety in MMI by N-methyl or N-m-methoxybenzyl substituents dramatically reduces the antioxidant activity of the parent compound. Theoretical studies indicate that the substitution of N-H moiety by N-Me significantly increases the energy required for the oxidation of sulfur center by PN. However, such substitution in the selenium analogue of MMI increases the activity of parent compound. This is due to the facile oxidation of the selone moiety to the corresponding selenenic and seleninic acids. Unlike N,N'-disubstituted thiones, the corresponding selones efficiently scavenge PN, as they predominantly exist in their zwitterionic forms in which the selenium atom carries a large negative charge.


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The carbohydrate residues of glycosphingolipids were implicated in many biologic processes such as cell-to-cell interactions; and as receptors for some viruses, bacterial and plant toxins, hormones, and so forth, and invariably for all the lectins (1). However, their receptor functions remained poorly defined for a long time as they form micelles even at very low concentrations in aqueous medium. In micelles, the oligosaccharide chains are not expected to have a well defined orientation suitable for recognition by macromolecular ligands. This problem was overcome by incorporating them in model membranes, namely, the liposomes. The demonstration of lectin-glycolipid interaction using liposomal model membranes was a crucial development that established glycolipids as biological receptors. Moreover, glycolipid-bearing liposomes provide a convenient system for investigating the role of glycolipid density, orientation, and exposure of their oligosaccharide chains at the membrane interface relevant to their receptor function (2–4).


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Structural specificity for the direct vesicle−vesicle exchange of phospholipids through stable molecular contacts formed by the antibiotic polymyxin B (PxB) is characterized by kinetic and spectroscopic methods. As shown elsewhere [Cajal, Y., Rogers, J., Berg, O. G., & Jain, M. K. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 299−308], intermembrane molecular contacts between anionic vesicles are formed by a small number of PxB molecules, which suggests that a stoichiometric complex may be responsible for the exchange of phospholipids. Larger clusters containing several vesicles are formed where each vesicle can make multiple contacts if sterically allowed. In this paper we show that the overall process can be dissected into three functional steps: binding of PxB to vesicles, formation of stable vesicle−vesicle contacts, and exchange of phospholipids. Polycationic PxB binds to anionic vesicles. Formation of molecular contacts and exchange of monoanionic phospholipids through PxB contacts does not depend on the chain length of the phospholipid. Only monoanionic phospholipids (with methanol, serine, glycol, butanol, or phosphatidylglycerol as the second phosphodiester substituent in the head group) exchange through these contacts, whereas dianionic phosphatidic acid does not. Selectivity for the exchange was also determined with covesicles of phosphatidylmethanol and other phospholipids. PxB does not bind to vesicles of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine, and its exchange in covesicles is not mediated by PxB. Vesicles of dianionic phospholipids, like phosphatidic acid, bind PxB; however, this phospholipid does not exchange. The structural features of the contacts are characterized by the spectroscopic and chemical properties of PxB at the interface. PxB in intermembrane contacts is readily accessible from the aqueous phase to quenchers and reagents that modify amino groups. Results show that PxB at the interface can exist in two forms depending on the lipid/PxB ratio. Additional studies show that stable PxB-mediated vesicle−vesicle contacts may be structurally and functionally distinct from “stalks”, the putative transient intermediate for membrane fusion. The phenomenon of selective exchange of phospholipids through peptide-mediated contacts could serve as a prototype for intermembrane targeting and sorting of phospholipids during their biosynthesis and trafficking in different compartments of a cell. The protocols and results described here also extend the syllogistic foundations of interfacial equilibria and catalysis.


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The time dependent response of a polar solvent to a changing charge distribution is studied in solvation dynamics. The change in the energy of the solute is measured by a time domain Stokes shift in the fluorescence spectrum of the solute. Alternatively, one can use sophisticated non-linear optical spectroscopic techniques to measure the energy fluctuation of the solute at equilibrium. In both methods, the measured dynamic response is expressed by the normalized solvation time correlation function, S(t). The latter is found to exhibit uniquefeatures reflecting both the static and dynamic characteristics of each solvent. For water, S(t) consists of a dominant sub-50 fs ultrafast component, followed by a multi-exponential decay. Acetonitrile exhibitsa sub-100 fs ultrafast component, followed by an exponential decay. Alcohols and amides show features unique to each solvent and solvent series. However, understanding and interpretation of these results have proven to be difficult, and often controversial. Theoretical studiesand computer simulations have greatly facilitated the understanding ofS(t) in simple systems. Recently solvation dynamics has been used extensively to explore dynamics of complex systems, like micelles and reverse micelles, protein and DNA hydration layers, sol-gel mixtures and polymers. In each case one observes rich dynamical features, characterized again by multi-exponential decays but the initial and final time constants are now widely separated. In this tutorial review, we discuss the difficulties in interpreting the origin of the observed behaviour in complex systems.


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Observations at a series of temperatures of the changes in viscosities and depolarization factors of 1% and 18% solutions of calcium stearate in cetane to which varying amounts of water have been added can be interpreted in terms of the existence of anisometric micelles. In general, changes in the size of the micelles inferred from values of ρh agree with those deduced from the viscosity data. The correlation between anisometry of micelles from rheological and optical observations is much poorer in the case of ρν, presumably because of the difficulty in differentiating the contribution of anisometry and anisotropy to ρν.


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Nanocrystalline perovskite barium titanate with an average particle size less than similar to 10 nm is produced using sol-gel route involving ligand-assisted templating. BaTiO3 is obtained by the controlled hydrolysis and condensation reaction of barium acetate (Ba(CH3COO)(2)) with titanium tetra chloride (TiCl4) in the reverse micelles of dodecylamine (DDA) which is used as the template. Our attempts to produce mesoporous BaTiO3 have resulted in the formation of nanocrystalline BaTiO3. The synthesis of nanostructured BaTiO3 is carried out using the ligand-assisted templating approach which proceeds through the sol-gel route. Dodecylamine is used as the template. The sol-gel process in general presents inherent advantages because the nanostructure of the desired materials can be controlled together with their porous structure. Ligand-assisted templating approach involves the formation of covalent bond between the inorganic analogue and the template. Ba(CH3COO)(2) and TiCl4 are used as barium-source and titanium-source respectively. The reaction between Ba(CH3COO)(2) and TiCl4 is found to take place deliberately on the pre-assembled species which acts as the template or occurring with in them which in turn will lead to the generation of the desired nanoscale structure (nanopores or nanoparticles).


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To establish the crucial role of lipopolysaccharide in the initial recognition event of symbiotic peanut-Rhizobium system the ability of various surface polysaccharides isolated from Bradyrhizobium arachis to inhibit the precipitin reaction between peanut agglutinin and asialoganglioside: deoxycholate (1:1) micelles was estimated. It was compared with that of nonsymbiotic systems e.g. Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Bradyrhizobium ciceris and Escherichia coli. Peanut agglutinin was found to interact more strongly with the lipopolysaccharide of Bradyrhizobium arachis than the exopolysaccharide or capsular polysaccharide. The inhibitory capacity of lipopolysaccharides from homologous and heterologous Bradyrhizobium as measured in terms of the concentration necessary for 50 percent inhibition of precipitin reaction were 1428, 500, 410, and 277 times less than that of lactose for Bradyrhizobium arachis, B. japonicum, B. ciceris and Escherichia coli, respectively. These results support that host lectin peanut agglutinin can recognize homologous Bradyrhizobium lipopolysaccharide by virtue of its binding specificity of higher magnitude.