901 resultados para YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit


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La planification intégrée du développement urbain et des transports durables est aujourd’hui cruciale au double impératif d’une plus grande maîtrise des déplacements automobiles et d’une diminution de la « dépendance automobile », éléments essentiels au développement durable des grandes métropoles. La présente recherche visait l‘approfondissement des connaissances sur l‘évolution récente de la forme urbaine dans les trois régions métropolitaines canadiennes de Toronto, Montréal et Vancouver, sous l’angle particulier de l’intégration « forme urbaine – transports durables ». Notre stratégie de recherche a consisté en l’élaboration d’un cadre d‘analyse qui devait permettre une opérationnalisation complète du paradigme d‘aménagement à l‘étude ainsi qu’une évaluation de sa mise en œuvre. Ce cadre tire parti des opportunités analytiques qu‘offrent les systèmes d‘information géographique (SIG) ainsi que certains outils Internet courants de « visite virtuelle des lieux » tel que Google Earth. Il en est résulté une approche méthodologique originale, multidimensionnelle et multi-échelle. Son application a permis des analyses particulières de la forme urbaine pour chacune des trois régions cibles, structurées selon trois axes principaux : leur performance globale (autour de 2006), leur performance en périphérie métropolitaine ainsi que l’évolution de leur performance entre 2001 et 2006. De nos analyses comparatives, Vancouver se démarque avec des performances supérieures pour les trois axes, tout particulièrement pour l‘évolution de ses performances. Montréal arrive quant à elle troisième, en raison notamment de sa faible performance en périphérie. Globalement, les trois régions métropolitaines affichent de faibles niveaux d’intégration entre la forme urbaine et les réseaux de transport durable et souffrent d’une grande dépendance automobile structurelle, particulièrement en leur périphérie. Par ailleurs, en dépit d’objectifs de planification adéquats, les déficiences de leur forme urbaine et leurs progrès relativement modestes laissent présager une prédominance de la dépendance automobile qui perdurera au cours des prochaines années. Il nous apparaît primordial que tous les acteurs du domaine public fassent preuve d‘une plus grande « lucidité », voire maturité, face aux lourds constats exposant la difficile mise en œuvre de leurs objectifs ainsi que la dichotomie entre ce qui « se passe sur le terrain » et le contenu de leurs politiques. Une première étape obligée vers un raffinement des politiques et, peut-être, vers leur plus grande efficacité passe sans doute par la pleine reconnaissance des limites du paradigme d’aménagement actuel et de l‘immense défi que représente un inversement des tendances. Cela implique notamment une plus grande transparence en matière d‘évaluation des politiques ainsi que des efforts communs pour le développement et la diffusion de données de qualité dans les domaines connexes de la forme urbaine et des transports urbains, de meilleurs outils de monitoring, etc., qui pourraient aider à instituer une nouvelle synergie entre tous les acteurs impliqués tant dans la recherche urbaine, le développement urbain que les politiques d’aménagement et de transport. Le raffinement de notre propre approche méthodologique pourrait aussi bénéficier de telles avancées, approche qui constitue une des avenues possibles pour la poursuite de l‘exploration de l‘enjeu de l‘intégration « forme urbaine – transports durables » dans les régions métropolitaines canadiennes.


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As transformações na dinâmica demográfica ocorrida nas últimas décadas nos espaços urbanos passam, em grande medida, pela reconfiguração territorial, econômica e social das áreas metropolitanas, na qual os movimentos das pessoas exercem influência fundamental. Para este trabalho, propomos uma abordagem sobre o movimento migratório intra-metropolitano em 14 áreas metropolitanas brasileiras, quais sejam: Belém, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Campinas, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Fortaleza, Goiânia, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São Paulo e Vitória; questionamos se este fenômeno estaria alterando a histórica “pressão pelas áreas centrais metropolitanas” ou se essa população está mudando de residência, mas continua trabalhando no núcleo. Pensando sobre os movimentos da população ocupada nas regiões metropolitanas, buscamos ainda considerar os tipos de movimentos realizados (núcleo-periferia; periferia-núcleo e periferia-periferia) com uma caracterização desta população. Portanto, nossa reflexão está relacionada às diferentes lógicas que operam sobre o lugar de moradia das pessoas e os lugares de outros fazeres que determinam a vida urbana, especialmente o lugar de trabalho. A localização dos postos de trabalho em áreas mais “centrais” e a quantidade considerável de pessoas que se deslocam para estes municípios também são fenômenos expressivos ainda. Será que os movimentos cotidianos podem se apresentar como uma alternativa para a residência em outras áreas da metrópole e o trabalho nas áreas centrais? Nossa proposta é a de que esses processos precisam ser analisados cada vez mais em conjunto com a migração intra-metropolitana.


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Este artículo presenta una revisión general, desde un punto de vista institucional y normativo, de la puesta en práctica de la Ley 128 de 1994, por la cual se expide la Ley Orgánica de las Áreas Metropolitanas en Colombia. Aquí se exploran algunos aciertos y fracasos de esta regulación frente al avance de las formas metropolitanas y regionales en el país durante los últimos años, proponiendo además algunos elementos de discusión para el fortalecimiento de estas áreas metropolitanas y otras figuras sub-regionales, desde consideraciones institucionales, financieras y de gestión.-----This essay provides an overview from an institutional and regulatory standpoint, of the implementation of Law 128/1994 by which the Organic Law of Metropolitan Areas in Colombia is enacted. Certain achievements and failures of this regulation are explored in face of the progress of metropolitan and regional forms in Colombia during the last years, and discussion elements for strengthening such metropolitan and other subregional areas are proposed from institutional, financial, and management considerations.


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En los últimos 15 años las tendencias de inestabilidad social y política en la metrópoli de México en materia de seguridad pública, se localizan, principalmente, en la aparente falta de viabilidad política de la coordinación intergubernamental. Igualmente, se caracterizan por un desfase institucional frente al crecimiento de la violencia urbana, además de la “sofisticación” de las acciones del crimen organizado. Esta perspectiva contradice un conjunto de acciones “localistas”, que han sido implementadas por los sucesivos gobiernos de la ciudad.A partir del análisis de tendencias recientes de la inseguridad en la metrópoli, desde una perspectiva crítica de la historia de las acciones institucionales en la materia y, a partir de dos estudios de caso, buscamos definir la gobernabilidad metropolitana en la Ciudad de México a través del prisma de la seguridad pública. Concluimos que este campo, el cual tiene un indudable peso en la opinión pública, constituye un excelente laboratorio de legitimación política y, por ende, en las perspectivas de futuro de la metrópoli de México.-----The trend towards social and political instability in Mexico City over the past 15 years, particularly in terms of public insecurity, can be attributed to what we identify as a lack of political feasibility in the coordination between government agencies at local and state levels. At the same time, these tendencies are characterized by institutions failing to keep up with an increment in urban violence, as well as with the increasingly sophisticated techniques used by organized crime. It would seem that localized policies promoted by the governments of metropolitan Mexico City are misguided in their efforts to combat crime.An analysis of recent trends of insecurity in Mexico City is conducted with a critical appraisal of the history of institutional policies implemented to counter those trends. Two case studies within the metropolitan area of Mexico City are examined, in an attempt to evaluate the role of government agencies and explore the significance of metropolitan governance. Conclusions highlight that public security policy is a fertile ground to improve on the quality of life of metropolitan dwellers, considering the relevance of the “insecurity problem” in public opinion. Furthermore, we argue, it is a means for local governments to achieve the elusive political legitimacy they need.-----La tendance à l’ingouvernabilité dans la métropole de Mexico au cours des quinze dernières années, en particulier dans le domaine de la sécurité publique, est due en grande partie au manque de viabilité politique de la coordination entre les différents acteurs publics concernés. Cette tendance se caractérise par un décalage entre l’action institutionnelle: d’une part l’augmentation de la violence urbaine, d’autre part la “sophistication” des modes opératoires du crime organisé. Cette perspective contredit un ensemble d’actions à caractère résolument local des propres décideurs publics de Mexico.À partir d’une analyse des tendances récentes de l’insécurité dans la métropole, dans une perspective critique de l’histoire des actions institutionnelles dans ce secteur et de deux études de cas, on cherche dans cet article à définir un “modèle en cours” de la gouvernabilité métropolitaine à partir de la sécurité à Mexico. On conclut que dans le champ de l’action publique, le thème de la sécurité urbaine constitue un excellent terrain d’expérimentation et de légitimation politique des acteurs politiques, et ouvre donc de nouvelles perspectives pour l’agglomération de Mexico.


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A questão da mulher e o trabalho tem sido analisada sob diferentes perspectivas, que, por sua vez, têm sido bastante criticadas por simplificarem a questão. Este trabalho propõe que a questão da mulher e sua situação no trabalho, em particular no trabalho considerado precário, seja examinada sob a perspectiva de gênero. Esta oferece uma possibilidade analítica que permite um exame mais profundo das condições e diferenças entre mulheres e homens na esfera do trabalho.


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The research investigates the differences among Brazilian metropolitan regions, in what concerns to the composition of their productive and occupational structures. This investigation aims to allow the observation of the differentiated stages of metropolitan development, in comparing the spaces among themselves and in measuring the intensity of the differences. This work intends to subsidize the analysis of the private and public firms location choices, and on the other hand, to point out the necessities of public intervention aiming regional development. The analysis is accomplished with the help of differentiation regional indexes, calculated from information aggregated in special tabulations, in order to accomplish the specifics objectives of this research.


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Esta monografia analisa os obstáculos políticos e institucionais para a criação e sobrevivência de uma organização de planejamento e administração na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, desde as primeiras idéias sobre a necessidade de um plano para a região até o surgimento de uma autarquia: Superintendência de Desenvolvimento metropolitano - PLAMBEL -,ressaltando-se os mecanismos de sobrevivência e adaptação em ambiente, não raro, adverso. Como se trata de uma entidade cujo campo de açao e uma região metropolitana, achou-se oportuno, antes de iniciar a análise de seus antecedentes e realizações, buscar alguns conceitos mais correntes sobre regiões metropolitanas, inclusive para identificar os parâmetros, variáveis"e características adotadas no Brasil para a delimitação das regiões metropolitanas. Assim, toda a primeira parte do trabalho é dedicada ao quadro de referência teórico e institucional, incluindo uma digressão sobre formas encontradas em outros países onde o fenômeno metropolitano tem merecido maior atenção do poder público, na tentativa de eliminar ou minimizar os efeitos perversos da me tropolização. Depois de analisar a organização e seus principais trabalhos mesmo antes de oficialmente criada, o autor conclui que, tendo em vista a situação de irreversibilidade em que atualmente se encontram as entidades metropolitanas de planejamento e ad ministração, pode-se prever que o PLA~IDEL, se conseguir manter uma liderança institucional que defenda seus programas e objetivos, se imporá como uma organização indispensável como instrumento de planejamento e coordenação das ações governamentais na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Ressalta também a necessidade de uma aliança confiável entre a entidade e os Municípios, a fim de que os interesses metropolitanos, tais como definidos no texto da monografia, possam efetivamente se sobrepor aos interesses meramente locais ou apenas setoriais de órgãos de outros níveis de governo, que eventualmente possam tentar agir sem observância dos planos globais da região.


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This study reviews the spatial configuration from the road network of an urban compound formed by the cities of Crato, Juazeiro do Norte and Barbalha (the Crajubar - core of the Cariri metropolitan region, in the State of Ceará, Brazil), in order to establish nexus (or relations) between different levels of accessibility and the formation/ transformation and specialization of centralities in local and metropolitan scales. Stemming from the Social Logic of Space theoretical and operational apparatus, the study explores modeling possibilities (with axial lines, segments and lines of continuity) which is then confronted to empirical observations concerning movement flows and land use, within a Geographic Information System database. At different scales of analysis, the results suggest evidences of continuity were found in the permanence of intra-urban centres and sub-centres within each town, whereas evidences of change pointed out to the formation of a new centrality of metropolitan magnitude in the neighbourhood referred to as the Triângulo, in the municipality of Juazeiro, where high levels of topological accessibility coincides with the appearance of new business buildings as well as with the emergence of urban equipment of a scale more adequate to meet a regional demand


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This work was developed in the research line: "The habitus of study: builder of a new reality in the basic education of metropolitan area Natal" which is being developed with the support of CAPES by the Centre for Education. Acts, especially the problem of academic performance of students in basic education of the public in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN). Thus, the aim of this paper is to construct a typology of students in the 9th year of basic education, attending the public schools (state or municipal) of MRN, 2009, and assess, according to these profiles, what personal characteristics student and their families: economic, social and cultural capital as well as teaching practices create environments capable of favoring a good educational development as measured by the performance obtained in the assessments in mathematics and English language. The data used were provided through the microdata Brazil Exam 2009 held by INEP. We used the methods Grade of Membership (GoM) for construction of profiles relevance of students according to the characteristics already mentioned. With these profiles was verified, which were effectively generating good performance in school curriculum components evaluated. The findings indicate that students belonging to the profile considered good environment, able to achieve better school performance both in Portuguese as in Mathematics, compared to the extreme profiles and adverse deficit


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Urban growth of metropolitan areas has produced impacts of considerable importance on environment and water resources. Such impacts are in general associated with human activities, such as basin area uncontrolled development. In this context, Pitimbu river watershed, located at Natal metropolitan area, has been affected by uncontrolled development caused by urban expansion. Indeed, such effects have been reflected on water quantity and quality, which may produce social consequences. Pitimbu river is an important water supplier for human consumption, actually supplying a 2600 m3/h water discharge. This study aims to analyze the qualitative and quantitative aspects of water and sediment on Pitimbu river lowland portion. For this purpose, physical-chemical water properties were analyzed, and sediment macro invertebrates benthonic were monitored in two cross sections in a period between November 8th, 2007 and October 3rd, 2008. Monitoring methodology consisted of water and sediment sampling for laboratory analysis. Water quality analysis included Dissolved Oxygen, Oxygen Biochemical Demand, Nitrate, pH and Alkalinity, Suspended and Total Solids. The analysis of heavy metals in the sediment included Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Chrome, Silver and Nickel. Dry season water discharge data were measured and used to adjust recession function parameters, whose values reveal quick recession and strong river-aquifer unconfined interaction. Water quality analysis revealed the absence of degradation by organic composites. However, DO and BOD levels indicate that more consistent results could be provided if sampling time interval were reduced. Biomonitoring showed signs of aquatic ecosystem degradation by the absence of sensitive and abundance of resistant benthic organisms. Obtained results demonstrate the urgent need of effective management measures to provide environmental protection. The increase of environmental degradation will certainly make impracticable the use of water for human consumption


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We intended, in this study, to understand the sense of the leisure, due to the new work relationships in times of globalization, for syndical leaders that act in entities of metropolitan areas of São Paulo (Brazil) and Lisbon (Portugal). The methodology used was Phenomenology, Situated Phenomenon. Based on the data originated in the interviews, we established the following thematic categories: A) The request for the reduction of the work day, B) Actions related to the use of the leisure, C) Leisure as recovery for the work. We consider that in the globalization times, after diverse conquests of the workers, unhappily, we have attended in the last few decades, increasing precariousness of rights of the workers in the two searched countries, generating unreliability of the worker ahead of the experience of its work and of its leisure in independent way, it exempts, creative, significant and humanized.


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This work entitled "Planning and Tourism Territorial Management in the Metropolitan Region of Natal-RN" analyzes the tourism and its relationship to (re) production of socio-territorial inequalities in the metropolitan region of Natal (RMNatal) to from the planning and territorial management of the activity. For both, the methodological procedures were undertaken from research held about of literature on tourism, planning and territorial management, surveying and public policy analysis of tourism in national and local as well as the construction of levels of integration and differentiation of metropolitan municipalities in relation to tourism. Besides the shortage of studies on this subject, this research has shown that public policies focused on this sector has come under a great fragility in regard to tourism planning in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, causing the planning activity is a strong array of fragmentation and socio-territorial inequalities in RMNatal


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Includes bibliography


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)