319 resultados para Worry.
Os processos históricos que permeiam as diretrizes curriculares possibilitaram enxergar quais são as idéias e as preocupações para com a formação de professores no âmbito da Educação Física. Dentro desse contexto, o objetivo foi averiguar, nas políticas públicas de formação de professor dessa disciplina, como ocorreu o processo de qualificação e certificação, buscando entender as justificativas que orientaram a regulamentação dos normativos legais de 1939 a 2004. Portanto, trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de análise qualitativa, tendo como fonte primária as Diretrizes Curriculares veiculada pela imprensa oficial. As novas Diretrizes Curriculares (Resoluções CNE/CP 01/2002, 02/2002 e 7/2004) apontaram perspectivas na formação de um professor mais qualificado para o seu campo de atuação, priorizando a questão da dimensão política da profissão, das competências e do corpo de conhecimento da área. Embora haja progressos em relação aos normativos anteriores, chama-se atenção para a necessidade de que as propostas em construção façam a mediação entre a proposta atual, o percurso histórico do próprio curso e a relação teoria-prática, visando o equilíbrio na formação. A proposta das novas diretrizes não deixa de evidenciar avanços significativos no horizonte da profissionalidade docente e da identidade profissional docente. da mesma forma, para o leitor ou estudioso atento, não deixa de causar preocupação o excesso de competências técnicas colocadas, passando-se a impressão de que agora o que vale é o primado do saber fazer.
Há mais de cinqüenta anos, existe a preocupação em se definir os objetivos para o laboratório didático, revisando currículos e buscando ações mais localizadas e orientadas de acordo com o avanço crescente de conhecimentos das concepções alternativas de vários tópicos da Física por parte dos alunos, levando-se em conta as dificuldades específicas enfrentadas por eles no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Podem-se identificar duas linhas filosóficas que norteiam o processo ensino-aprendizagem com relação aos objetivos do laboratório didático. Uma linha defende que para sedimentar os conceitos expostos em aulas teóricas é necessária a prática em laboratório. A outra linha defende que o alvo da prática em laboratório deveria ser a obtenção e análise de dados, levando-se em conta a teoria aprendida. Atualmente, se percebe um crescimento por parte de profissionais que entendem haver uma necessidade de planejar, definir e hierarquizar objetivos detalhados, além de propiciar atividades que favoreçam de acordo com cada classe dentro da linha filosófica a que se identifica o profissional, não se esquecendo que ainda existem profissionais que não aceitam essa postura. Dentro desta perspectiva, foi aplicado um questionário a trinta alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Física da UNESP-Bauru, que já cursaram as cinco disciplinas práticas básicas do curso. Os alunos pontuaram de acordo com a sua visão dos objetivos reais frente aos objetivos ideais do laboratório didático. Os resultados mostraram que o laboratório didático vem cumprindo seu papel na opinião dos alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Física.
Culturally, childbearing is understood as a situation that subjects will experience at some point in their lives, especially people who are married or have a similar affectionate relationship. Thus, to realize the inability to meet such a fate seems to be a natural cultural trigger of suffering, frustration and feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. Specifically for men, infertility is closely related to loss of masculinity, virility. He fails in his role as a male. This study sought to understand the impact that infertility have on the existence of a man who receives such a diagnosis, both in self-image as in their marital, sexual and professional roles. This study sets up as a hermeneutic phenomenological research based on the ideas of the philosopher Martin Heidegger. Participants were seven heterosexual, married and infertile men. Two interviews were conducted. The analysis of the material included both the material of the narratives, as the affectation of the researcher when interacting with the participants and their narratives, through phenomenological-hermeneutic interpretation. The results corroborate the literature that states the difficulty of the men, immersed in a context that defines them as virile, powerful and invulnerable to worry about issues related to health and disease. The possibility of any condition that impairs the reproductive capacity exceeds the acceptable limits of daily life for these men, not being recognized as a model of masculinity present in the condition in which they recognize. This leads to questions about their masculinity, role in the marital relationship and their existence. Thus, to recognize themselves as infertile surpass a medical diagnosis and is associated with the construction of meaning for their existence from the approximation with the infertility condition, which helps in redirecting their choices, restoring the project to be self and allowing further recognition as men. In the marital relationship, doing what they can to ensure, theirs happiness. Through these actions, they remain playing the role of family provider, showing that they are able to protect their wives and taking in assisted reproduction or adoption of children viable alternatives to fulfill the desire to leave a legacy and give a child to their wives and to society. Another result observed, refers to the ontological condition of care that characterizes the human being. The ways in which men are treated socially demonstrates a type of care that focuses on the development of characteristics such as strength, virility and determination but does not allow them to cope with the suffering of emotionally difficult situations, such as the diagnosis of infertility. At the end, the study gives rise to reflections on the need to provide a 12 space for men and their expressions of suffering, as well as to recognize their ability to overcome the painful and difficult situations
This study aimed to analyze the work of social workers at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), with the analytical approach the contracting process with the HUOL with the National Health System (SUS), which is set from 2004. Thus, this study sought in times of state reform, restructuring and tension between enlargement / reduction of social and labor rights, understanding the limits and possibilities of social work in HUOL, analyzing how these determinations bounce in the practice of social workers included in the collective process of health work. From a theoretical and methodological historical and dialectical materialism, we conducted literature search, in which developed book report and readings of texts, articles, books that focus on the central categories of the study, namely: Work, Social Work, Health, Health Reform , Project ethical and professional politician. Operationalized also a documentary research, on the Brazilian Public Health Policy, (SUS) and of the Education, as well as research field in which we conducted interviews with 11 social workers, employees packed the HUOL. We conclude that social workers did not participate in the discussion process of contracting the HUOL with the Municipal Health Secretariat of Natal, RN, manager of health and full resetting of user access, via reference setting - counter-referral services provided by the hospital brought the main demands on Social Work guidance regarding the functionality of SUS, and the social intervention in the struggle to guarantee such access. However, the data show that the expansion of demands that require the intervention of the social worker at HUOL is not associated with quantitative growth of these professionals need. Such conditions inflect the possibilities of materialization of the professional ethical-political project, even though that these professionals worry and seek the intellectual improvement, quality of service and to guarantee the social rights of users in the professional practice everyday
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A ansiedade pré-operatória na criança é caracterizada por tensão, apreensão, nervosismo e preocupação e pode ser expressa de diversas formas. Alterações de comportamento no pós-operatório como enurese noturna, distúrbios alimentares, apatia, insônia, pesadelos e sono agitado podem ser resultado desta ansiedade. em algumas crianças, estas alterações persistem por até um ano. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar os aspectos envolvidos com a ansiedade que afeta a criança e os pais durante o período que antecede a cirurgia, bem como as intervenções, farmacológicas ou não, para reduzi-la. CONTEÚDO: O artigo aborda a ligação entre a ansiedade pré-operatória em crianças e as alterações de comportamento que podem ocorrer no período pós-operatório, bem como a influência de variáveis como idade, temperamento, experiência hospitalar prévia e dor. Medidas para reduzir a ansiedade pré-operatória na criança como a presença dos pais durante a indução da anestesia ou programas de informação e a utilização de medicação pré-anestésica também são revisadas. CONCLUSÕES: O período que antecede a cirurgia acompanha-se de grande carga emocional para toda família, sobretudo para a criança. Um pré-operatório turbulento significa, para muitas crianças, alterações de comportamento que se manifestam de forma variada e por períodos prolongados em algumas vezes. A presença dos pais durante a indução da anestesia e programas de preparação pré-operatórios para a criança e para os pais podem ser úteis para casos selecionados, levando em conta a idade, temperamento e experiência hospitalar prévia. A medicação pré-anestésica com benzodiazepínicos, em especial o midazolam, é claramente o método mais eficaz para redução da ansiedade pré-operatória em crianças e das alterações de comportamento por ela induzidas.
This project refers to a study somewhat controversial , as in focusing less recognized and valued hand, although the dynamics of tourism pass to take another view , you can not beforehand consider favorable or unfavorable . Analyzes the phenomenon related to conception or perception of poverty from tourism residents and non residents of the Favela of Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro tourist guides . It is a subject to an object of research somewhat controversial , but about which there is already an academic and scientific concern and deserves an investigator look. Fits as a qualitative study whose methodological procedure based on interviews and participant observation , and the geographic divisions chosen the Rocinha slum , for its expressiveness and for being a pioneer in this type of tourism , had to conducting fieldwork lasting six months, which was accompanied by at least four hours walking work of sixteen tour guides, eight residents and eight non- residents in the community, working for different travel agencies and tourism. End of each tour, all tour guides answered a semi-structured questionnaire, containing nineteen questions. Most respondents tour guides authorized record interview, which has made it possible to analyze the speech through spoken language. In tourism, foreign tourists are the main target, although rarely also count with the participation of domestic tourists. Notes that the relationship between poverty and slums, from the perceptions of tourist guides residents better reflects the reality of favela residents compared with non residents guides, since they fully know all the intricacies and better the difficulties they have endured and still go, when it comes to the issue of stigmatization respect, by which has suffered by Brazilian society, in relation to live in slums, and have your dwelling place as a tourist attraction. While presenting the social reality of Rocinha consistently during his work, the non residents guides worry about being as natural as possible with tourists as much as the locals show slum, in the same way they avoid authorize tourists to take compromising photos and that will expose the intimacy of community residents . Concludes that, while recognizing the importance of elevation to the rank of tourist attraction and its promising prospects, requires attention and priority, given the greater precariousness of the human condition in relation to the prime areas in which it operates tourism should be a vector of development, not a masking of reality
Os conflitos médico-legais que ocorrem no exercício da Cirurgia e da Medicina são motivos de preocupação não só no meio médico, mas também na sociedade como um todo, pois se de um lado geram um maior desgaste emocional ao médico, por outro, os pacientes estão sendo rejeitados. As causas desses conflitos são muitas, envolvendo fatores não assistenciais, como o sistema de saúde distorcido e desorganizado, a falta de participação da sociedade e do médico na melhoria desse sistema, o aparelho formador que lança no mercado grande número de jovens médicos despreparados para o exercício dessa nobre profissão, além da falta do ensino continuado. A solução para esses conflitos não poderá ser por meio de simples criação de leis, e nem pela negativa da existência do erro médico, que ocorre numa freqüência até maior do que os próprios conflitos. Todavia, pode-se afirmar que é muito importante melhorar a relação médico-paciente. É necessário, ainda, que o médico conheça a fundo seus deveres de conduta e que, principalmente, se abstenha de praticar abusos do poder. A sociedade deve também entender que a saúde não é uma questão exclusiva dos médicos e que deve lutar pela melhoria das condições dos níveis de vida.
Through the analysis of the informational activity at the primary care of SUS at the scale of places, this dissertation has as central objective to observe the dispute for the concepts of health and sickness, in the ambit of Brazilian Health Movement, featuring, on one hand, the clinic, biomedical or flexnerian line hegemonic, scientifically restrict and the primary frame of references for the Brazilian health politics and on the other hand a multiplicity of new proposals and critic thoughts to the current model, which have , as common characteristic, the worry with a territorial way of thinking the health context, therefore beyond the biological processes. On the first chapter we jut out with details these scientific and ideological movements, on a wider way, but also on the specificities of the public health s information politics. On the second chapter we analyze the downward health information circle at the basic care, observing the operational processes of the information s technical systems SIAB and e-SUS. On the third and last chapter, we give references to think about an upward health information circle, centered on the places, ruled by the notions of autonomy, organic solidarity and communicational density. It would possess, as method s primary horizon, the local organization of production and managing of information through the work of the Health Community Agent, privileging therefore the urgency of the most contingent needs of the people in theirs every day s life
Background Head lice constitute a problem in children. Each year, numerous cases of pediculosis occur worldwide. Little work has been performed to evaluate the understanding, opinions, and actions of populations regarding head lice. These areas are important as they enable clinicians and educators to alert parents on how to avoid treatments that are innocuous or of high risk to patients.Methods A cross-sectional study was performed by interviewing the heads of households of 100 randomly chosen residences within the study area.Results The results obtained showed that 13% were infested during the first week of the survey, and 86% in the 24 weeks prior to the study. The number of positive cases increased with increasing resident number, and decreased in families with parents with a higher educational level. Itching was the principal clinical manifestation and caused sleep compromise in 65% of respondents. Innocuous and unhealthy practices to combat infestation, such as the use of inflammables and home insecticides, were common.Conclusion The results showed that certain beliefs generated worry and confusion in parents, who blamed head lice as the cause of various health problems which were not due to this insect.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Estudo qualitativo, que objetivou apreender o significado da gravidez da adolescente para seus familiares. Empregou-se a entrevista semi-estruturada e discurso do sujeito coletivo. A gravidez da adolescente é representada como problema a ser enfrentado com o suporte familiar. As famílias preocupam-se e se mobilizam para resolver as adversidades. Além do choque pela notícia, impotência quanto à prevenção da gravidez, conformismo, alegria e melhora no relacionamento familiar pela chegada do bebê, evidenciou-se a frustração devido à interrupção/mudança no projeto de vida familiar em relação à adolescente sem um relacionamento estável com o pai da criança. Considera-se que, ao se valorizar a perspectiva dos familiares sobre a gestação na adolescência, o cuidado profissional à adolescente grávida e à família pode se dar em parceria e sintonia com o contexto familiar e social, facilitando o enfrentamento de conflitos e reconhecendo a família como sujeito ativo nesse processo.
Analysis of diametrical wear of grinding wheel and roundness errors in the machining of steel VC 131
Due to the high industrial competitiveness, the rigorous laws of environmental protection, the necessary reduction of costs, the mechanical industry sees itself forced to worry more and more with the refinement of your processes and products. In this context, can be mentioned the need to eliminate the roundness errors that appear after the grinding process. This work has the objective of verifying if optimized nozzles for the application of cutting fluid in the grinding process can minimize the formation of the roundness errors and the diametrical wear of grinding wheel in the machining of the steel VC 131 with 60 HRc, when compared to the conventional nozzles. These nozzles were analyzed using two types of grinding wheels and two different cutting fluids. Was verified that the nozzle of 3mm of diameter, integral oil and the CBN grinding wheel, were the best options to obtain smaller roundness errors and the lowest diametrical wears of grinding wheels.
Studying the satisfaction of patients on the outcome of an aesthetic dermatological filler treatment
Background: Many factors contribute to extend productive life in the modern world. Competition makes people worry about physical appearance, mosftly in respect to facial and skin aging. This has motivated new developments in cosmetic dermatology and the need of evaluating patient satisfaction with the new proposed treatments. Poll questionnaire has been used for such evaluation, and the analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG) mapping obtained while the patient answers the satisfaction questionnaire may render the results less subjective. Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to study the satisfaction of a group of 33 women (mean age, 44.years) treated with hyaluronic acid filling of nasolabial folding or lips, combining the EEG brain mapping and questionnaire techniques. Methods: At the third month of evaluation, two networked personal computers were used for the EEG recording and for presenting the patient with a questionnaire about her well-being feeling; self-evaluation of her face; her satisfaction with the results of the aesthetic treatment; how the family, friends, and people at work evaluated the result of the treatment; and her decision to repeat the treatment and to recommend it to friends and family. Results: Poll results showed that patients were feeling well and were satisfied with the results of the aesthetic treatment. Furthermore, the regression EEG mappings showed patients to be satisfied with their appearance and with the treatment involving similar brain areas. Conclusion: Patients decided to undergo the treatment because they were already considering it (54%) or because they were dissatisfied with their lips or nasolabial folding (52%). The fact that the treatment was free of charge solidified the decision. Patients consider themselves as good-looking and they wanted to preserve such a condition. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)