907 resultados para Western-blotting


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Caffeine, which specifically inhibits ATM/ATR kinases, efficiently abrogates the ionizing radiation (IR)-induced G2 arrest and increases the sensitivity of various tumor cells to IR. Mechanisms for the effect of caffeine remain to be elucidated. As a target of ATM/ATR kinases, BRCA1 becomes activated and phosphorylated in response to IR. Thus, in this work, we investigated the possible role of BRCA1 in the effect of caffeine on G2 checkpoint and observed how BRCA1 phosphorylation was regulated in this process. For these purposes, the BRCA1 protein level and the phosphorylation states were analyzed by Western blotting by using an antibody against BRCA1 and phospho-specific antibodies against Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 residues in cells exposed to a combination of IR and caffeine. The results showed that caffeine down-regulated IR-induced BRCA1 expression and specifically abolished BRCA1 phosphorylation of Ser-1524, which was followed by an override of G2 arrest by caffeine. In addition, the ability of BRCA1 to transactivate p21 may be required for MCF-7 but not necessary for Hela response to caffeine. These data suggest that BRCA1 may be a potential target of caffeine. BRCA1 and its phosphorylation are most likely to be involved in the caffeine-inhibitable event upstream of G2 arrest.


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放射治疗是肿瘤三大治疗手段之一(手术治疗、放疗、化疗),如何提高肿瘤细胞的放射敏感性一直是科研人员关注的研究方向。电离辐射导致细胞死亡的主要方式是细胞凋亡,然而肿瘤细胞内往往细胞凋亡信号通路异常,降低了治疗效果。其中细胞内高水平表达的细胞凋亡抑制蛋白(Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein,IAP)抑制了caspase分子的活性,而caspase分子正是细胞凋亡的执行分子。因此科学家们通过各种手段尤其是RNA干涉的方法以抑制肿瘤细胞内细胞凋亡抑制蛋白的表达及蛋白活性来达到提高肿瘤治疗效果的目的。 Survivin是凋亡抑制蛋白家族的一员,该蛋白在大多数恶性肿瘤中高表达,而在正常组织中检测不到,因此具有组织特异性。Survivin参与肿瘤细胞分化并抑制肿瘤细胞凋亡,它的高表达被证明与很多恶性肿瘤对放射治疗中产生的辐射抗性相关。本文主要研究了不同LET射线辐照下人肝癌HepG2细胞 survivin的表达及其表达对重离子诱导的生物学效应的影响。首先,我们使用不同LET的碳离子束和X射线辐照HepG2细胞,采用标准克隆形成法确定其辐射敏感性,利用流式细胞技术(FCM)检测辐射后细胞周期分布,RT-PCR和western blotting检测survivin的表达。结果显示,人肝HepG2癌细胞经不同LET射线照射,survivin表达是不同的。与低LET的X射线相比,高LET碳离子诱导的细胞损伤和周期阻滞更明显,从而诱导了更强烈的survivin表达。 接着,根据Genbank提供的survivin序列,合成特异性survivin-siRNA寡核苷酸,转染HepG2细胞,抑制survivin的表达。我们发现siRNA转染后诱导了细胞G2/M期阻滞,增加了自发性和辐射诱导的细胞凋亡。在碳离子辐照后,siRNA细胞克隆存活率明显下降。这些结果显示survivin表达是细胞产生高LET辐射抗性的关键因素。最后,我们初步探讨了在细胞凋亡过程中,survivin基因的作用机制。发现抑制survivin表达,对离子束辐射诱导的Bcl-2和Bax表达没有明显的影响。Survivin表达直接抑制了caspase-3和-9的活性,从而抑制了细胞凋亡。以上的实验结果表明:不同LET射线辐照细胞后survivin出现差异表达,与X射线相比,高LET重离子诱导的HepG2细胞中survivin表达更明显,以survivin为靶基因的siRNA技术应用于HepG2细胞,可以极大提高该细胞对重离子辐射的敏感性。本论文研究为临床应用重离子束治疗癌症提供了非常有用的基础数据,同时也为重离子束放射治疗联合基因治疗提供了新的思路


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随着肿瘤认识的不断深入,肿瘤外科学、肿瘤放射治疗学、肿瘤化学治疗学构成了现代肿瘤治疗学的三大支柱,而放射治疗学的研究对于肿瘤的治疗有重要的临床意义。本文通过对HeLa进行辐射来观察其产生的旁效应信号通路,从而对临床工作的起到一定的帮助。辐照过的细胞通过释放信号分子引起周围未辐照细胞产生一系列的生物学反应的现象,称之为辐射诱导的旁效应。活性氧(Reactive oxygen species, ROS)和一氧化氮(Nitric oxide, NO)是辐射诱导的旁效应信号通路中的两个重要信号分子。本文研究了这两种重要的信号分子在辐射诱导的HeLa细胞旁效应信号通路中的关系。通过微核实验,我们发现X射线以及12C6+ 辐照过的HeLa细胞及其旁观者细胞的微核形成明显增加,而1%的二甲亚砜(Dimethyl sulfoxide,DMSO,ROS清除剂)预处理X射线辐照的细胞则显著抑制了受辐照细胞及其旁观者细胞的微核形成。1 Gy的X射线辐照能够抑制细胞的增殖速率而0.5%和1%的DMSO预处理则能减少X射线的增殖抑制作用,并且DMSO预处理的效果与浓度有关:1%的DMSO比0.5%的DMSO处理更大程度的恢复了受辐照细胞的增殖速率。另一方面,接受条件培养基(Conditioned medium)的旁观者细胞的增殖速率增加,而DMSO预处理产生条件培养基的受辐照细胞则使旁观者细胞的增殖速率降低,且DMSO预处理的效果同样与其浓度相关:浓度越高,条件培养基的刺激生长作用越小。Western blotting和DAF-FM DA荧光探针检测分别显示了辐照过后细胞的诱导型一氧化氮合酶(Inducible nitric oxide synthase, iNOS)和NO水平均升高,而DMSO预处理则降低其水平。因此,我们推测在X射线辐照的HeLa细胞旁效应信号通路当中ROS是NO的上游信号。另外,我们采用培养基转移后立即加DMSO或BMS-345541(IKK/NF-κB抑制剂)的方法研究了旁观者细胞当中的旁效应信号通路。我们发现DMSO和BMS-345541均显著抑制了旁观者细胞的NO水平。因此,在旁观者细胞当中ROS与NF-κB均为NO的上游信号


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Penaeidins, members of a new family of antimicrobial peptides constitutively produced and stored in the haemocytes of penaeid shrimp, display antimicrobial activity against bacteria, and fungi. Here, a DNA sequence encoding the mature Ch-penaeidin peptide was cloned into the pPIC9K vector and transformed into Pichia pastoris. The transformed cells were screened for multi-copy plasmids using increasing concentrations of G418. Positive colonies carrying chromosomal integrations of the Chp gene were identified by phenotype and PCR. When transformed cells were induced with methanol, SDS-PAGE and Western blotting revealed the production of a similar to6100 Da recombinant CHP (rCHP) expression product. Large scale expression revealed that rCHP was produced at 108 mg/L under optimal conditions in the highest Chp-producing P. pastoris clone. The antimicrobial activities of rCHP were studied by liquid phase analysis, which revealed that rCHP exhibited activities against some Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, but had a relatively low activity against some fungi. Purification of rCHP by cation exchange chromatography and subsequent automated amino acid sequencing revealed the presence of four additional amino acids (YVEF) at the N-terminus that belonged to the cleaved fusion signal peptide; these residues may account for the observed decrease in antifungal activity. Together, these observations indicate that rCHP is an effective antimicrobial peptide that can be successfully produced at high levels in the yeast, and therefore may be a potential antimicrobial candidate for practical use. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The construction of the shuttle, expression vector of human tumor necrosis factor alpha (hTNF-alpha) gene and its expression in a cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 was reported. The 700-bp hTNF cDNA fragments have been recovered from plasmid pRL-rhTNF, then inserted downstream of the promoter PpsbA in the plasmid pRL439. The resultant intermediary plasmid pRL-TC has further been combined with the shuttle vector pDC-8 to get the shuttle, expression vector pDC-TNF. The expression of the rhTNF gene in Escherichia coil has been analyzed by SDS-PAGE and thin-layer scanning, and the results show that the expressed TNF protein with these two vectors is 16.9 percent (pRL-TC) and 15.0 percent (pDC-TNF) of the total proteins in the cells, respectively, while the expression level of TNF gene in plasmid pRL-rhTNF is only 11.8 percent. Combined with the participation of the conjugal and helper plasmids, pDC-TNF has been introduced into Anabaena sg PCC 7120 by triparental conjugative transfer, and the stable transgenic strains have been obtained. The existence of the introduced plasmid pDC-TNF in recombinant cyanobacterial cells has been demonstrated by the results of the agarose electrophoresis with the extracted plasmid samples and Southern blotting with alpha-(32)p labeled hTNF cDNA probes, while the expression of the hTNF gene in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 has been confirmed by the results of Western blotting with extracted protein samples and human TNF-alpha monoclonal antibodies. The cytotoxicity assays using the mouse cancer cell line L929 proved the cytotoxicity of the TNF in the crude extracts from the transgenic cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.


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The progress in genome sequencing has led to an increasing submission of uncharacterized hypothetical genes with the domain of unknown function, DUF985, in GenBank, and none of these genes is related to a known protein. We therefore underwent an experimental study to identify the function of a DUF985 domain-containing hypothetical gene BbDUF985 (GenBank Accession No. AY273818) isolated from amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri (B. belcheri). BbDUF985 was successfully expressed in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems, and its recombinant proteins expressed in both systems definitely exhibited an activity of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI). Both tissue-section in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry demonstrated that BbDUF985 was expressed in a tissue-specific manner, with most abundant levels in the hepatic caecum and ovary. In CHO cells transfected with the expression plasmid pEGFP-N1/BbDUF985, the fusion protein was targeted in the cytoplasm of CHO cells, suggesting that BbDUF985 is a cytosolic protein. In contrast, Western blotting indicated that BbDUF985 was also present in amphioxus humoral fluids, suggesting that it exists as a secreted protein as well. Our study provided a framework for further understanding the biochemical properties and physiological function of DUF985-containing hypothetical proteins in other species. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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迟缓爱德华氏菌是危害水产养殖业发展的重要病原菌之一,因而其免疫防治研究具有重要意义。论文分析了9种具有保护潜能的迟缓爱德华氏菌蛋白,经过牙鲆免疫保护实验,筛选出EseD和Et18两种有显著性保护效应的抗原。为了提高其保护效应,论文使用基因工程技术将这两种抗原融合到一起,构建重组融合蛋白EEH。结果表明,融合蛋白EEH保护效应较EseD和Et18分别免疫时有所提高。ELISA和Western blotting 结果显示,三种蛋白都能诱导牙鲆产生特异抗体。这些研究为开发迟缓爱德华氏菌疫苗提供了理论基础。 论文克隆分析了迟缓爱德华氏菌AcrAB耐药系统,采用定点突变确定了acrAB、acrR的启动子序列和AcrR在acrAB启动子的结合位点。启动子分析显示,AcrR对acrAB启动子有300倍抑制效应, 对acrR启动子有3倍抑制效应。定点突变显示,K39和R45对AcrR功能具重要性;缺失突变表明,N端205个氨基酸残基是其功能必需。实验筛选出Acriflavine、Ethidium Bromide、Methyl Viologen、Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate等四种AcrR诱导物。分析AcrR过量表达菌株结果显示,其耐药性、生长状况和毒力水平较阴性对照组降低。这些研究加深了我们对迟缓爱德华氏菌耐药机制及其与毒力关系的了解。


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The phototherapy effects in the skin are related to biomodulation, usually to accelerate wound healing. However, there is no direct proof of the interrelation between the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and light-emitting diode (LED) in neuropeptide secretion, these substances being prematurely involved in the neurogenic inflammation phase of wound healing. This study therefore focused on investigating LLLT and LED in Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) secretion in healthy rat skin. Forty rats were randomly distributed into five groups with eight rats each: Control Group, Blue LED Group (470 nm, 350 mW power), Red LED Group (660 nm, 350 mW power), Red Laser Group (660 nm, 100 mW power), and Infrared Laser Group (808 nm, 100 mW power) (DMCA (R) Equipamentos Ltda., So Carlos, So Paulo, Brazil). the skin of the animals in the experimental groups was irradiated using the punctual contact technique, with a total energy of 40 J, single dose, standardized at one point in the dorsal region. After 14 min of irradiation, the skin samples were collected for CGRP and SP quantification using western blot analysis. SP was released in Infrared Laser Group (p = 0.01); there was no difference in the CGRP secretion among groups. Infrared (808 nm) LLLT enhances neuropeptide SP secretion in healthy rat skin.


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Background. the skin neurogenic inflammation is mainly related to Substance P (SP) and Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide (CGRP). There is no data on their availability in the dynamics of skin nerve endings, concerning their release and replenishment after a nociceptive stimulus, so this was investigated. Materials and methods. 25 rats were randomly distributed in 5 groups. the animals of the control group (CG) determined the baseline levels of neuropeptides in the skin. the groups S0 and S30 did not receive any cutaneous stimulus at 30 and 60 minutes, respectively. in the group S1, an incision stimulus was made at 30 minutes. in the group S31, a nociceptive stimulus was performed by subdermal scratching at 30 minutes and, at 60 minutes, the incision stimulus was carried out in the same location (nociceptive hyperstimulation). the skin samples of the other animals were harvested from the back 1 minute after their death. SP, pro-CGRP and CGRP were quantified by Western Blotting. Results. the incision stimulus released SP, S1 compared to S0 (p < 0.05) detected in the first minute, and the replenishment time was more than 30 minutes. Also, it cleaved pro-CGRP, S1 compared to S31 (p < 0.05) in the first minute, and its replenishment time less than 30 minutes. Release of CGRP was not detected. Conclusion. the incision released SP already detected in the first minute; its replenishment time is more than 30 minutes. the incision decreased pro-CGRP, also detected in the first minute; and its replenishment time is less than 30 minutes.


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Russell M. Morphew, Hazel A. Wright, E. James LaCourse, Debra J. Woods and Peter M. Brophy (2007). Comparative proteomics of excretory-secretory proteins released by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica in sheep host bile and during in vitro culture ex host. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 6 (6), 963-972. Sponsorship: BBSRC / EU RAE2008


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Trophoblasts of the placenta are the frontline cells involved in communication and exchange of materials between the mother and fetus. Within trophoblasts, calcium signalling proteins are richly expressed. Intracellular free calcium ions are a key second messenger, regulating various cellular activities. Transcellular Ca2+ transport through trophoblasts is essential in fetal skeleton formation. Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are high conductance cation channels that mediate Ca2+ release from intracellular stores to the cytoplasm. To date, the roles of RyRs in trophoblasts have not been reported. By use of reverse transcription PCR and western blotting, the current study revealed that RyRs are expressed in model trophoblast cell lines (BeWo and JEG-3) and in human first trimester and term placental villi. Immunohistochemistry of human placental sections indicated that both syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast cell layers were positively stained by antibodies recognising RyRs; likewise, expression of RyR isoforms was also revealed in BeWo and JEG-3 cells by immunofluorescence microscopy. In addition, changes in [Ca2+]i were observed in both BeWo and JEG-3 cells upon application of various RyR agonists and antagonists, using fura-2 fluorescent videomicroscopy. Furthermore, endogenous placental peptide hormones, namely angiotensin II, arginine vasopressin and endothelin 1, were demonstrated to increase [Ca2+]i in BeWo cells, and such increases were suppressed by RyR antagonists and by blockers of the corresponding peptide hormone receptors. These findings indicate that 1) multiple RyR subtypes are expressed in human trophoblasts; 2) functional RyRs in BeWo and JEG-3 cells response to both RyR agonists and antagonists; 3) RyRs in BeWo cells mediate Ca2+ release from intracellular store in response to the indirect stimulation by endogenous peptides. These observations suggest that RyR contributes to trophoblastic cellular Ca2+ homeostasis; trophoblastic RyRs are also involved in the functional regulation of human placenta by coupling to endogenous placental peptide-induced signalling pathways.


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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an incurable neurodegenerative disorder, accounting for over 60% of all cases of dementia. The primary risk factor for AD is age, however several genetic and environmental factors are also involved. The pathological characteristics of AD include extracellular deposition of the beta-amyloid peptide (Aβ) and intraneuronal accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) made of aggregated paired helical filaments (PHFs) of the hyperphosphorylated tau protein, along with synaptic loss and neuronal death. There are numerous biochemical mechanisms involved in AD pathogenesis, however the reigning hypothesis points to toxic oligomeric Aβ species as the primary causative factor in a cascade of events leading to neuronal stress and dyshomeostasis that initiate abnormal regulation of tau. The insulin and IGF-1 receptors (IR, IGF-1R) are the primary activators of PI3- K/Akt through which they regulate cell growth, development, glucose metabolism, and learning and memory. Work in our lab and others shows increased Akt activity and phosphorylation of its downstream targets in AD brain, along with insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 signalling (IIS) dysfunction. This is supported by studies of AD models in vivo and in vitro. Our group and others hypothesise that Aβ activates Akt through IIS to initiate a negative feedback mechanism that desensitises neurons to insulin/IGF-1, and sustains activation of Akt. In this study the functions of endogenous Akt, IR, and the insulin receptor substrate (IRS-1) were examined in relationship to Aβ and tau pathology in the 3xTg-AD mouse model, which contains three mutant human transgenes associated with familial AD or dementia. The 3xTg-AD mouse develops Aβ and tau pathology in a spatiotemporal manner that best recapitulates the progression of AD in human brain. Western blotting and immunofluorescent microscopy techniques were utilised in vivo and in vitro, to examine the relationship between IIS, Akt, and AD pathology. I first characterised in detail AD pathology in 3xTg-AD mice, where an age-related accumulation of intraneuronal Aβ and tau was observed in the hippocampal formation, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex, and at late stages (18 months), extracellular amyloid plaques and NFTs, primarily in the subiculum and the CA1 layer of the hippocampal formation. Increased activity of Akt, detected with antibody to phosphoSer473-Akt, was increased in 3xTg-AD mice compared to age-matched non-transgenic mice (non-Tg), and in direct correlation to the accumulation of Aβ and tau in neuronal somatodendritic compartments. Akt phosphorylates tau at residue Ser214 within a highly specific consensus sequence for Akt phosphorylation, and phosphoSer214-tau strongly decreases microtubule (MT) stabilisation by preventing tau-MT binding. PhosphoSer214-tau increased concomitantly with this in the same age-related and region-specific fashion. Polarisation of tau phosphorylation was observed, where PHF-1 (tauSer396/404) and phosphoSer214-tau both appeared early in 3xTg-AD mice in distinct neuronal compartments: PHF-1 in axons, and phosphoSer214-tau in neuronal soma and dendrites. At 18 months, phosphoSer214-tau strongly colocalised with NFTs positive for the PHF- 1 and AT8 (tauSer202/Thr205) phosphoepitopes. IR was decreased with age in 3xTg-AD brain and in comparison to age-matched non-Tg, and this was specific for brain regions containing Aβ, tau, and hyperactive Akt. IRS-1 was similarly decreased, and both proteins showed altered subcellular distribution. Phosphorylation of IRS-1Ser312 is a strong indicator of IIS dysfunction and insulin resistance, and was increased in 3xTg-AD mice with age and in relation to pathology. Of particular note was our observation that abberant IIS and Akt signalling in 3xTg-AD brain related to Aβ and tau pathology on a gross anatomical level, and specifically localised to the brain regions and circuitry of the perforant path. Finally, I conducted a preliminary study of the effects of synthetic Aβ oligomers on embryonic rat hippocampus neuronal cultures to support these results and those in the literature. Taken together, these novel findings provide evidence for IIS and Akt signal transduction dysfunction as the missing link between Aβ and tau pathogenesis, and contribute to the overall understanding of the biochemical mechanisms of AD.


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Enzymes and biochemical mechanisms essential to survival are under extreme selective pressure and are highly conserved through evolutionary time. We applied this evolutionary concept to barnacle cement polymerization, a process critical to barnacle fitness that involves aggregation and cross-linking of proteins. The biochemical mechanisms of cement polymerization remain largely unknown. We hypothesized that this process is biochemically similar to blood clotting, a critical physiological response that is also based on aggregation and cross-linking of proteins. Like key elements of vertebrate and invertebrate blood clotting, barnacle cement polymerization was shown to involve proteolytic activation of enzymes and structural precursors, transglutaminase cross-linking and assembly of fibrous proteins. Proteolytic activation of structural proteins maximizes the potential for bonding interactions with other proteins and with the surface. Transglutaminase cross-linking reinforces cement integrity. Remarkably, epitopes and sequences homologous to bovine trypsin and human transglutaminase were identified in barnacle cement with tandem mass spectrometry and/or western blotting. Akin to blood clotting, the peptides generated during proteolytic activation functioned as signal molecules, linking a molecular level event (protein aggregation) to a behavioral response (barnacle larval settlement). Our results draw attention to a highly conserved protein polymerization mechanism and shed light on a long-standing biochemical puzzle. We suggest that barnacle cement polymerization is a specialized form of wound healing. The polymerization mechanism common between barnacle cement and blood may be a theme for many marine animal glues.


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BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is refractory to conventional therapies. To overcome the problem of heterogeneity, more brain tumor markers are required for prognosis and targeted therapy. We have identified and validated a promising molecular therapeutic target that is expressed by GBM: human multidrug-resistance protein 3 (MRP3). METHODS: We investigated MRP3 by genetic and immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of human gliomas to determine the incidence, distribution, and localization of MRP3 antigens in GBM and their potential correlation with survival. To determine MRP3 mRNA transcript and protein expression levels, we performed quantitative RT-PCR, raising MRP3-specific antibodies, and IHC analysis with biopsies of newly diagnosed GBM patients. We used univariate and multivariate analyses to assess the correlation of RNA expression and IHC of MRP3 with patient survival, with and without adjustment for age, extent of resection, and KPS. RESULTS: Real-time PCR results from 67 GBM biopsies indicated that 59/67 (88%) samples highly expressed MRP3 mRNA transcripts, in contrast with minimal expression in normal brain samples. Rabbit polyvalent and murine monoclonal antibodies generated against an extracellular span of MRP3 protein demonstrated reactivity with defined MRP3-expressing cell lines and GBM patient biopsies by Western blotting and FACS analyses, the latter establishing cell surface MRP3 protein expression. IHC evaluation of 46 GBM biopsy samples with anti-MRP3 IgG revealed MRP3 in a primarily membranous and cytoplasmic pattern in 42 (91%) of the 46 samples. Relative RNA expression was a strong predictor of survival for newly diagnosed GBM patients. Hazard of death for GBM patients with high levels of MRP3 RNA expression was 2.71 (95% CI: 1.54-4.80) times that of patients with low/moderate levels (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Human GBMs overexpress MRP3 at both mRNA and protein levels, and elevated MRP3 mRNA levels in GBM biopsy samples correlated with a higher risk of death. These data suggest that the tumor-associated antigen MRP3 has potential use for prognosis and as a target for malignant glioma immunotherapy.


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The myokine irisin is supposed to be cleaved from a transmembrane precursor, FNDC5 (fibronectin type III domain containing 5), and to mediate beneficial effects of exercise on human metabolism. However, evidence for irisin circulating in blood is largely based on commercial ELISA kits which are based on polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) not previously tested for cross-reacting serum proteins. We have analyzed four commercial pAbs by Western blotting, which revealed prominent cross-reactivity with non-specific proteins in human and animal sera. Using recombinant glycosylated and non-glycosylated irisin as positive controls, we found no immune-reactive bands of the expected size in any biological samples. A FNDC5 signature was identified at ~20 kDa by mass spectrometry in human serum but was not detected by the commercial pAbs tested. Our results call into question all previous data obtained with commercial ELISA kits for irisin, and provide evidence against a physiological role for irisin in humans and other species.