1000 resultados para Waldorf, Método de educação


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In the Renaissance, the anatomy project a map of the body. Since then, the human body has been investigated for innumerable techniques, configuring new landscapes on the condition human being and the proper knowledge. In accordance with Merleau-Ponty (1975), All technique is body technique. It configures and extends the Metaphysical structure of our meat. In this direction, any intervention in the human body, a tattooing, a surgery or a performance, extends the perception and the directions of the existence of the subject. Merleau-Ponty (1975) still affirms, that all technique presents objective interventions. However, the body, ahead of these interventions, doesn t have to be considered only object, but subject that, from the interventions, attributes sensible and meanings through the movements, also being this its way of being in the world. Searching to extend this reflection on the discontinuities between the object body and the subject body, as well as, with the objective to reflect on the relation between the corporal techniques and the production of the subjectivity and the knowledge of the physical education, we reflect on the body art, as one technique of body that marks the exterior of the body, exteriorizing the subjectivity, to search new means to the body and that ahead of this, we believe being able to project innumerable directions for the corporal transformations in the contemporarily. As a method for our reflection in we will support them in the phenomenology. IT presents as a new ontology, in which distinction does not occur enters the operating paper of the citizen that knows and the influence of the known object. The phenomenological understanding of body will be able to contribute with the knowledge of the Physical Education, a time that gives us important arguments on the experience of the body in relation with the nature, the culture, history. To be a body is to be tied to a world that we do not possess completive, but that we do not cease to search it


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O cuidado à criança envolve a identificação e o atendimento às necessidades de modo a oferecer-lhe atenção como pessoa em contínuo processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento. Contudo, o cuidado oferecido à criança que convive em instituição escolar está permeado por conflitos que fragilizam a relação família-escola, não sendo estimulada a articulação desses atores no que refere ao cuidar da criança. Diante dessa problemática, objetivou-se analisar a construção de um pacto do cuidar entre mães e educadoras de crianças que frequentam um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, tendo como método a pesquisa-ação. Envolveu doze mães e oito educadoras de uma instituição de educação infantil de Cidade Nova, no município de Natal, no período de abril a novembro de 2013. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista grupo focal, observação participante, seminários e diário de campo. Os resultados foram analisados seguindo o direcionamento da análise temática freireana. Na etapa do diagnóstico situacional, que investigou a realidade vivenciada pelas participantes do estudo, percebeu-se que as educadoras não se sentem preparadas para lidar com aspectos de saúde-doença da criança e recusam as ações de cuidado como desempenho de suas funções, interpretada como uma atitude que ultrapassa sua competência profissional. Os pais, por sua vez, apresentaram dificuldade de entendimento e clareza da sua função e relação com a instituição e executam as ações de saúde sem associá-lo à promoção e prevenção, além de realizarem com conhecimento empírico. Vista a necessidade de mudança das ações de saúde prestadas à criança, decidiu-se conjuntamente, através de uma roda de conversa, realizar capacitações sobre higiene e limpeza, medidas caseiras no cuidado à criança e primeiros socorros. Na etapa de implementação da ação coletiva as participantes consideraram as atividades úteis no cuidado prestado à criança e perceberam a importância do cuidado compartilhado para o desenvolvimento infantil. Com o desenvolvimento das capacitações, as participantes sentiram a necessidade de sistematizar as atividades prestadas à criança nos problemas de saúde e, para tanto, foram construídos, conjuntamente, protocolos e procedimentos operacionais padrão para a formalizar as ações. Na etapa de avaliação dos encontros, constatou-se que há expectativas positivas para a continuidade do cuidado em comunhão entre pais e educadores, pois foram construídas novas percepções em relação ao cuidado da criança. Percebeu-se mudança considerável nas mães assíduas ao estudo quanto ao cuidado e interesse, no entanto tornaram-se evidentes as fragilidades no processo de trabalho do CMEI, pois emergiram a dificuldade existente nos membros que compõe a instituição de educação infantil de articular o cuidado à educação. Como principal dificuldade, elenca-se o alto índice de mães faltosas e a dificuldade de articular com outros profissionais de saúde para as atividades. Considera-se que o pacto de cuidar não foi implantado integralmente, pois partilhar cuidados sugere o encontro de pais e educadores que podem ter aspectos divergentes sobre necessidades infantis e desenvolvimento, o que requer constante negociação entre as partes. Nesse sentido, constitui-se em um processo contínuo de aperfeiçoamento entre família e instituição de educação infantil


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This study searches to supply an existing gap in the empirical research about the performance of controllers of Micron and Small Companies (MSCs) in the context of corporative education (EC) through the Method of Support of Decision in Corporative Education (MSDCE). In the context of MCSs, this is a pioneering work, for other works related to this thematic searched in literature are limited to conjecture the possibility of its implantation via cooperation between companies; moreover, they do not apply any type of diagnosis method or viability. The object of study is an association of supermarkets of the city of Natal/RN, composed by 16 stores, of what 14 had been searched. The main objective of this work was to apply the first stage of the MSDCE and to verify the possibility of implanting the Corporative Education in the searched MSCs. As a result, it was obtained the profile of the companies and the validation of the above-mentioned Method. The phase of diagnosis conceived through the implantation of the first stage occurred through visits to the stores, interviews, application of questionnaires and place observation. The first stage - strategical analysis for professional education - was divided in two phases: analysis of the current corporative situation and available identification of the involved difficulties and resources. The implantation of the first stage of the MSDCE in the Association of Supermarkets Parceiros da Economia demanded a mapping of abilities and demonstrated how the education management works, the main difficulties and limitations of the MCSs of the supermerket branch of Natal/RN. Beyond the technological aspects, it was verified that cultural and educational aspects need to be worked to reach efficiency in the process of implantation of a corporative education program


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The research aims to evaluate the contributions of a teaching unit to enhance the learning contents ecological green areas in elementary school. The work was conducted with elementary students in a public school in Natal-RN. We sought to identify the students´ previous knowledge about the contents of ecology, develop and implement a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU; assess learning of ecological concepts in Teaching Unit Potentially Significant; assess the contribution of interpretative trail as strategy teaching to learning content ecology. The survey of students´ previous knowledge through the pre-test was essential to identify the appropriate subsumers and partially correct, since they served as "anchor" for further expansion of scientific concepts contained in this research. The green areas of the school as an educational, contributed the motivational aspect, as students were protagonists throughout the entire process of teaching and learning. The method of stimulated memory was effective to evidence learning ecological concepts in interpretive trails. The use of diverse activities organized on a PMTU promoted intellectual autonomy of the students and facilitated the acquisition of new meanings through progressive differentiation, and integrative reconciliation consolidation of ecological content and concepts related to biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the central ideas thematic Life and Environment. The development of procedural skills to capture and share meanings, observe, collect and record data, hypotheses, ability to explain, to apply knowledge to solve problem situations, argue, identify, compare, differentiate and relate concepts, negotiate meanings, reflecting Critically, systematize data was evidenced. Collaborative activities promoted the incorporation of attitudinal contents as developing respect for differences, learn to work in teams to plan, develop and implement actions together for citizenship and environmental responsibility. The application of the Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU showed evidence of Critical meaningful learning ecological concepts covered in elementary school.


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This study aims to analyze the communication graphics of layouts of hypermedia interfaces oriented to Distance Education via the Internet. This proposal is justified by widening the offer of courses that modality and the consequent application of items of hypermedia for teaching-learning. The method of analysis involved the search nethnographic, addressed to the cycle student intermediary of the Training Program Continuing Medias in Education, and the evaluation heuristic of the interfaces of Virtual Learning Environment "E-Proinfo" and of the modules of the Cycle. This evaluation we observed the implementation of the attributes of usability and the degree of interactivity of each interface. The results revealed an inefficient implementation of the attributes of usability, which meant a consequent reduction of the levels of interactivity. As proposing the present Design Virtual Learning, a model of hypermedia layout, designed to generate usability for Virtual learning environments and extend the acquisition of literancy for students and tutors. This proposal design not hypermedia aims the demarcation of models pre-conceived, but the proposal of layout in which each element of hypermedia is applied with a view to generate a seaworthiness intuitive, more agile and efficient, in these ambients


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Na pesquisa investigou-se como docentes universitários em Educação Física conceituam didática. Realizou-se revisão da literatura abordando história e conceituações da didática. Utilizando-se a técnica de entrevista e análise qualitativa, coletou-se e analisou-se depoimentos de treze docentes universitários oriundos do mestrado em Educação Física. Com o método de abordagem histórico constatou-se que a didática esteve articulada às tendências pedagógicas: tradicional, escola nova, tecnicista e progressista e é conceituada como disciplina, área de estudos e técnica de ensino. Como técnica pode ser entendida no sentido amplo, referindo-se a procedimentos de levar alguém a aprender algo e no sentido pedagógico apresenta os procedimentos atrelados à questões sócio-morais. Os depoimentos coletados revelaram que os docentes universitários entendem a didática no sentido amplo. Conclui-se que na formação destes docentes universitários a didática foi abordada apenas como técnica de ensino, apesar de sua trajetória histórica e a prática pedagógica estarem diretamente ligadas aos rumos da educação.


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In this research, characterized as a qualitative study, we aimed to analyze the Job Profiles, Objectives and Curriculum Flows specified in Pedagogical Projects of the undergraduate Courses of Physical Education of public, state and federal universities, in the São Paulo state. We also analyzed their articulations and adequacy to the Institutional Pedagogical Project and Institutional Development Plan. The latest Resolutions of Physical Education in Higher Education and conceptualizations of the Pedagogical Project of Course are presented. The method of approach is current History. There was a documental research in order to analyze the official documents. A limited offering of public courses when compared to private institutions was verified and also, there was a greater offering of bachelor degree courses (expanded and generalized formation) concerning health, sport and leisure fields. Courses defined specifically for teachers' formation and educational gap between the pedagogical discourses and the curriculum structures were also presented. In conclusion, this research indicates the necessity of a change in the curricular mentality in order to implement the pedagogical discourses of courses.


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Correntes teóricas presentes na literatura científica têm demonstrado a importância das relações interpessoais para o processo de construção do conhecimento. É no contexto da interação professor e aluno que se configura a relação entre as necessidades educacionais dos alunos e as respostas pedagógicas a elas disponibilizadas, o que envolve o domínio do conhecimento pelo professor, sua capacitação técnico-científica, a competência de ensinar pesquisando, as características sócio-culturais e o perfil psicológico dos atores sociais envolvidos- professor e aluno. Buscando melhor compreender este universo, elaborou-se este estudo que teve como objetivo descrever as interações ocorridas entre uma professora, e seus alunos, em classes em que se propunha adotar uma prática pedagógica inclusiva. Os dados foram coletados em 2 salas de aula, em escola estadual de Ensino Fundamental, no município de Bauru. O processo de coleta de dados se deu através do registro da realidade de sala de aula em vídeo tape. Optou-se por este método, por permitir a recuperação posterior dos dados. A coleta se deu no transcorrer do 1º semestre do ano letivo de 2001. A análise fundamentou-se em sistema prévio de categorias, e tratou os dados quantitativa e qualitativamente. Os resultados demonstraram peculiaridades e diferenças nas interações da professora com os seus alunos, em função da presença ou ausência da deficiência. Indicaram, também, que a interação vem demonstrando avanços na prática educacional, no que diz respeito à atenção pedagógica, da professora, ao aluno com deficiência.


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Popular Health Education in its emancipatory dimension refers to individuals and groups to exchange knowledge and experiences, allowing them to associate health to the outcomes of their living conditions. Under this view, health workers and health users are subjects of the educative process. Thus, this study aims to identify the key clinical and socio sanitary attributes and promote educational activities with patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in a Family Health Care Unit of the Western Sanitary District, in the city of Natal / RN. It is an action research which uses the references of the Theory of Liberating Education, which is based on a problem-solving pedagogy and that values dialogue in the process of understanding oneself and the world. Thirty-six diabetics, who are residents of the area covered by the health care unit, and thirty health workers participated in the survey. Each group had an average of twelve participants, and the meetings took place at the Unit´s hall, using conversation wheels, group dynamics, life narratives, experiences telling, movie exhibition and discussions, music, knowledge telling, desires, limitations, beliefs and values socially constructed. Data collection took place during the second half of two thousand and thirteen through Free Word Association Technique (FWAT), recordings of conversation wheels, participative observation, group dynamics, testimonies, questionnaires, life narratives and photographs. The empirical material was organized and subjected to three analyzes: thematic content (Bardin), textual statistics analysis by software IRAMUTEQ (Ratinaud), and photographic analysis (Edmund Feldman). The data analyses originated words, expressions, categories, themes and creative situations showing that popular health education is in process of construction, but still very incipient in primary care. The National Policy on Popular Health Education shows us the necessary ways for the transformation of health practices and the build of a more shared and solidary society. The meetings could be place to reverse that normative logic that has been happening over the years in primary care, but that by itself is not enough. It is possible to conclude that the use of active practices, increasing of listening and training on Popular Health Education will enable changes in the scenario where users and health workers deal with diabetes mellitus. Thus we see the popular health education is being timidly incorporated to the educational process of the subjects involved in this study, and far away from the principles of participation, organization of political work, increase opportunities for dialogue, respect, solidarity and tolerance among different actors involved in addressing the health problems that are fundamental to the improvement in building healthy practices of primary care


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El estudio presenta el problema de la violencia doméstica contra los niños de hasta cinco años en el contexto de los centros municipales de Educación Infantil (CMEI) en la ciudad de Natal-RN. Constituye un análisis bajo el enfoque teórico y metodológico de carácter cualitativo, en vista de la totalidad, con la asunción de la violencia doméstica contra los niños en su guía sociales, legales, históricos y culturales con el tema. Tiene como objetivo investigar si los profesionales que trabajan en Educación Infantil son capaces de identificar las posibles situaciones de violencia doméstica contra los niños que están bajo su responsabilidad, e incluso si, en los casos de los casos sospechosos o reales de la identidad de saber que las referencias deben ser adoptadas. La ruta entre el conocimiento y el método establecido implica el análisis conceptual de la infancia, la educación infantil y violencia doméstica contra los niños, además de la realización de grupos focales con los participantes de la encuesta con sus registros en un diario de campo. Perciben a sí mismos para el estudio de las contradicciones en la lucha contra la violencia doméstica contra los niños. Incluso con los conocimientos teóricos sobre el tema, los profesionales no pueden dar referencias adecuadas para proteger a los niños y detener la violencia. Nos encontramos con que las condiciones objetivas del trabajo de los profesionales que trabajan en CMEI, asociados con poco conocimiento sobre el tema, no contribuyen a las referencias. Llegamos a la conclusión de que es necesario la participación de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación, sin olvidar que todas las acciones tienen limitaciones como la violencia doméstica contra los niños también se relaciona con problemas estructurales de la sociabilidad capitalista.


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The present investigation analyzes if it has, amongst the accountants of the city of Fortaleza-Ceará, a culture of Continued Professional Education, in the perspective of one future obligatoriness to garantee to the society best professional services in the terms of Resolution CFC nº 995/04 through the analysis of the activities played for the accountants in the city of Fortaleza, as well as through the analysis and detection of the factors that have motivated or made it difficult the search for the Continued Education and to inquire the attributes considered indispensable for the professional exercise. With this objective, the study presents a historical boarding of the development of the Accounting and the Countable Superior Education in Brazil, the approaches and the intentions of the Program of Continued Professional Education. The procedure used in the research was the inductive method with the use of a questionnaire applied to the accountants of the city of Fortaleza registered at the Regional Accountancy Council of Ceará-CRC-CE, of which it could evidence that if on one hand it is perceived that in the city of Fortaleza most of the accountants have a cocern for a continuous learning represented by 97,31% of the sample ; on the other hand it understands that some would have difficulties to accept the imposition, understanding that desmotivating factors exist as : expensive activities, few offers of courses and even though time lack


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Water scarcity is a reality for the inhabitants of the Brazilian semiarid region. The problem, in quantitative terms , is caused due to local climatic conditions due mostly to a water deficit. Qualitatively, results of multiple uses and resulting contamination by human activities. Eutrophication is presented as a threat to the sustainable use of water resources, in order to favor the predominance of dense populations of cyanobacteria, which can be potentially harmful to human health. The aim of this study is to understand the population dynamics of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria to assess water quality of reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros belonging to bacia Apodi Mossoró-RN . Water samples were collected monthly between October 2011 and May 2012 in reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros, in this latter , in Jan/12 we performed a diel profile . The abiotic variables obtained in the field and in the laboratory were: water temperature , dissolved oxygen , pH , turbidity , transparency , total nitrogen and total phosphorus . Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net and bottle of Van dorn . Were performed : identification , quantification , calculation of biovolume , classification into functional groups and index calculation phytoplankton assembly ( Q ) , cyanotoxins were quantified by ELISA . Statistical analyzes supported the evaluation of the dynamics between biotic and abiotic factors. A questionnaire was conducted to examine the conceptions of the population, education professionals and students. The reservoir of Pau dos Ferros, shallow , turbid and eutrophic showed dominance of the functional group SN throughout the sample period . The phytoplankton biomass ranged from 20 to 70 mm ³ . L - 1, the lowest values coincided with the increase of the mixing zone and transparency, which contributed to the occurrence of a change in species composition phytoplankton . The application of the index Q proved relevant, the reservoir of Pau dos Ferros , depending on the species present , was classified ecologically as bad for almost the entire sample period . The reservoir Santa Cruz do Apodi showed low biomass ( 0.04 and 4.31 mm ³ . L - 1 ) and greater diversity in the phytoplankton composition . According to the index assembly (Q ), it showed moderate condition during most of the period influenced by different functional groups of typical meso- eutrophic environment (K S0, H1, C, F , J , E, D and N) . Associations of diatoms and green algae D and X1 succeeded populations of cyanobacteria in periods marked by greater instability in the system , caused by wind or rain. In summary , the occurrence of drought has a direct influence on the hydrological conditions of the reservoirs , in general, these events, reducing the reservoir level is directly related to decreased water quality and increased density of phytoplankton occurring predominance of cyanobacteria , the index Q reflected well to changes in phytoplankton composition , being a good indicator for biomonitoring of reservoirs in this study and survey of previous conceptions showed the need to work on environmental awareness for the preservation of water resources by conducting workshops for Environmental Education


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The aim of this study was to investigate the social representation of technological education teachers at the Federal Technological Education Network. The survey was conducted from 2007 to 2010, and the respondents were 275 teachers, 135 of the Federal Center for Technological Education (CEFET in portuguese) in the state of Amazonas, in Manaus unit headquarters; 140 of the CEFET in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, a unit based in Natal. We adopt the concept of technological education as the top level of professional education, that is to say, the undergraduate programs of short duration called technological courses. The Federal Technological Education Network gathers hundreds of related institutions, coordinated and supervised by the Office of Vocational and Technological Education of the Ministry of Education. Although many of these institutions offer courses in technology education, no research addressing this subject from the perspective of Social Representations Theory (SRT) was found in the literature. We seek to unravel the social representation of technological education of the teachers by adopting the procedural approach of SRT. This is a qualitative approach, focusing on significant aspects of the representative activity and the formation mechanisms of the representation. Therefore, we search the socio-genesis of the representation in the articulations between discourses, social institutions and practices. We initiated the research through applying critical reading and an analytical perspective on the historical and regulatory documents of technological education in Brazil, from the early twentieth century to the present day. We adopt the Procedure for Multiple Classifications (PMC) from the Free Words Association Technique (FWAT) to access the elements of representational content. For the analysis of the data obtained with FWAT and selection of major words / phrases pertinent to the semantic field of education technology, we used Hamlet II software. For the data analysis of PMC and Free Classification (FC) we used the SPSS ® (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 17.0 and used the method of multidimensional scaling - Multidimensional scaling - (MDS). The output from the central MDS takes the form of a set of scatterplots - "perceptual maps" - of which the points are the elements of the representational content. For the FC data analysis we used the Scalogram Multidimensional Analysis (SMA) - which makes use of the original data in its raw form and allows categorical data to be interpreted in the map as measures of (di)similarity. In order to help with the understanding of the settings of the perceptual maps of FC, we used the Content Analysis of the discourse fragments of the teachers interviewed. The results confirm our initial hypothesis regarding the presence of a single plot among the socio-cognitive study subjects, which is the basis for a social representation of technological education in line with the historic assumption of the dichotomy between mental and manual labor. In spite of the three merging representational elements of the representational content, the perceptual maps compiled from the MSA statistics corroborates the dichotomy, with the exception of the map relating to the subgroup of teachers belonging to the humanities


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physical education with a discipline or field has reached the status and scope in all spheres of contemporary culture. Not by chance that issues relating to body and human movement in recent years have been the focus of studies, especially understanding of the need to reflect on new concepts in physical education. Science in the traditional sense, as a method of analysis supports the idea of scientific rigor, but is fundamental reflection. This essay seeks the interface between science and philosophy, on which discussions can take other visibilities in physical education as an activity of the culture. With interdisciplinary approaches and thinking about body movement, focus on scientific concepts and philosophical traverse historically a possible way to rethink the design physical education.


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The effects of vibration on the human body have been documented for many years. Recently, the use of vibration is an auxiliary method of physical training in the young, elderly and athletes. Recent studies indicate an increase in gain of strength, flexibility, endurance and power of individuals trained with vibrating equipments. Despite the fairly widespread use, the physiological effects of vibration are still poorly understood, and there is great variability in the training protocols used in the literature. Future studies should be conducted as a way to better understand the physiological effects of vibration and also the affects of different protocols on physical training as strength, flexibility, endurance and power.