693 resultados para Volunteer workers in mental health
The aim of the research project was to identify the efficacy of the family psychoeducation program as a strategy for reducing the hospital admissions of young people. It also aimed to determine if the family psychoeducation program had an impact on the experience of caregiving and knowledge and satisfaction of services provided by the mental health service. A retrospective chart audit compared readmission history of 27 clients whose families attended a psychoeducation program with readmission history of a matched group of young people whose families did not attend the program. A telephone survey was conducted for both groups of families to investigate knowledge and understanding of services and burden of care. The results indicated that family participation in a brief multiple family psychoeducation program did not reduce the number or duration of admissions of the young people. There was no impact on the level of care for families who attended the psychoeducation program, however, this group showed some evidence of increased knowledge and understanding of services as compared to the control group.
A sample (n=124) of schizophrenic patients from a defined catchment area of the city os S.Paulo, Brazil, who had been consecutively admitted to hospital, was assessed for psychopathological status and social adjustment levels. Sociodemographic, socio-economic and occupational characteristics were recorded: almost 30% of the subjects had no occupation and received no social benefit, more than two-thirds had a monthly per capita income of US$ 100.00 or less. Sixty-five percent presented with Schneiderian firstrank symptoms. Nearly half the sample showed poor or very poor social adjustment in the month prior to admission. The most affected areas of social functioning were participation in the household activities, work and social withdrawal. The current mental health policy of promoting extra-mural care as an alternative to the previous hospital-based model will then mean the investment in a network of new community-based services, that give effective treatment and support to patients and their families. The need of further research into the current picture of mental disorders in the country is stressed.
The objective of this descriptive study was to map mental health research in Brazil, providing an overview of infrastructure, financing and policies mental health research. As part of the Atlas-Research Project, a WHO initiative to map mental health research in selected low and middle-income countries, this study was carried out between 1998 and 2002. Data collection strategies included evaluation of governmental documents and sites and questionnaires sent to key professionals for providing information about the Brazilian mental health research infrastructure. In the year 2002, the total budget for Health Research was US$101 million, of which US$3.4 million (3.4) was available for Mental Health Research. The main funding sources for mental health research were found to be the São Paulo State Funding Agency (Fapesp, 53.2%) and the Ministry of Education (CAPES, 30.2%). The rate of doctors is 1.7 per 1,000 inhabitants, and the rate of psychiatrists is 2.7 per 100,000 inhabitants estimated 2000 census. In 2002, there were 53 postgraduate courses directed to mental health training in Brazil (43 in psychology, six in psychiatry, three in psychobiology and one in psychiatric nursing), with 1,775 students being trained in Brazil and 67 overseas. There were nine programs including psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, psychobiology and mental health, seven of them implemented in Southern states. During the five-year period, 186 students got a doctoral degree (37 per year) and 637 articles were published in Institute for Scientic Information (ISI)-indexed journals. The investment channeled towards postgraduate and human resource education programs, by means of grants and other forms of research support, has secured the country a modest but continuous insertion in the international knowledge production in the mental health area.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the extent of mental health scientific production in Brazil from 1999 to 2003, and to identify the nature of the publications generated, their sources of finance and the ways of publicly disseminating the research findings. METHODS: Searches for publications were conducted in the Medline and PsychInfo databases for the period 1999-2003. A semi-structured questionnaire developed by an international team was applied to 626 mental health researchers, covering each interviewee's educational background, research experience, access to funding sources, public impact and research priorities. The sample was composed by 626 mental health researchers identified from 792 publications indexed on Medline and PsychInfo databases for the period above, and from a list of reviewers of Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. RESULTS: In Brazil, 792 publications were produced by 525 authors between 1999 and 2003 (441 indexed in Medline and 398 in the ISI database). The main topics were: depression (29.1%), substance misuse (14.6%), psychoses (10%), childhood disorders (7%) and dementia (6.7%). Among the 626 Brazilian mental health researchers, 329 answered the questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: There were steadily increasing numbers of Brazilian articles on mental health published in foreign journals from 1999 to 2003: the number of articles in Medline tripled and it doubled in the ISI database. The content of these articles corresponded to the priorities within mental health, but there is a need for better interlinking between researchers and mental health policymakers.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the state of psychosocial and mental health of professionals affected by asbestos.METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted with 110 professionals working in the Ferrolterra region of Spain, who were affected by asbestos poisoning. This group was compared with a group of 70 shipyard workers with no manifestation of work-related diseases. All the participants were male with a mean age of 67 years. This study was conducted in 2013, between January and June, and used the SCL-90 questionnaire by Derogatis as its primary measure for research. This questionnaire consists of 9 variables that measure psychosomatic symptoms. In addition, an overall index of psychosomatic gravity was calculated. The participants were also asked two questions concerning their overall perception of feeling good. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and logistic regression.RESULTS Participants affected by asbestos poisoning showed high occurrence rates of psychological health variables such as somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, and global severity index.CONCLUSIONS Social interaction as a differentiating factor between workers affected by work-related chronic syndromes as compared to healthy participants will possibly aid in the development of intervention programs by improving the social network of affected individuals.
ABSTRACT – Background: Primary Health Care (PHC) is usually the first contact with the health system, and health professionals are key mediators for enabling citizens to take care of their health. In Portugal, great improvements have been achieved in the biometric indicators of maternal and child health during the last decades. Nevertheless, scant attention has been paid to the mental health dimension, in spite of the recognition of its importance, being pregnancy and early childhood crucial opportunities in the lifecycle for mental health promotion, especially in the early years of life, with a strong impact in the health of the child. The impact of early attachment between mother and baby on maternal and child health has long been recognized. This attachment can be influenced by some factors, as the mother’s emotional adjustment. Attention to these factors may facilitate implementation of both positive conditions and preventative measures. Family support during the transition to parenthood has been highlighted as an effective measure and PHC professionals are in a privileged position as information sources as well as mediators. Aims: The project we present describes an action-research process developed together among academic researchers and health professionals to embrace these issues. We intend to enable health professionals to support families in the transition to parenthood thereby promoting children’s mental health. Approach: The project is driven by a participatory approach intended to lead to reorganization of health care during pregnancy and early childhood. Effective change happens when those involved are interested and motivated, what makes their participation so important. Reflection about current practices and needs, and knowledge about evidence-based interventions have been guiding the selection of changes to introduce in clinical practice for family support and development of parenthood skills and self-confidence. Development: We summarize the main steps in development: the initial assessment and the picture taken from the community under study; the decision making process; the training programme of PHC professionals in action; the review of the protocols of maternal consultation, home visits and antenatal education; the implementation planning; the plan for evaluation the effectiveness of the changes introduced in the delivery of maternal and child health care units. The already developed work has shown that motivation, leadership and organizational issues are decisive for process development.-------------------------- RESUMO - Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários são habitualmente o primeiro contacto com o sistema de saúde e os profissionais de saúde são mediadores chave na capacitação dos cidadãos para cuidarem da sua saúde. Em Portugal, nas últimas décadas, têm-se alcançado grandes melhorias nos indicadores biométricos de saúde materno-infantil. Contudo, tem-se dedicado pouca atenção à dimensão de saúde mental, apesar do reconhecimento da sua importância. A gravidez e primeira infância têm sido apontadas como uma oportunidade crucial no ciclo de vida para a promoção da saúde mental. É dado especial enfoque aos primeiros tempos de vida, dado o forte impacto na saúde da criança. O impacte da vinculação precoce entre a mãe e o bebé na saúde da mãe e da criança há muito que é reconhecido. Esta vinculação pode ser influenciada por vários factores, nomeadamente pelo ajustamento emocional da mãe. A focalização nestes aspectos pode facilitar a criação de condições favoráveis e a implementação de medidas preventivas. O suporte familiar durante o período de transição para a parentalidade tem sido enfatizado como uma medida eficaz e os Cuidados de Saúde Primários estão numa posição privilegiada como fontes de informação e como mediadores. O projecto que apresentamos descreve um processo de investigação- acção desenvolvido em parceria entre investigadores académicos e profissionais de saúde para abordar os aspectos referidos. Pretende-se capacitar os profissionais de saúde para apoiarem as famílias na transição para a parentalidade, promovendo assim a saúde mental das crianças. O projecto baseia-se numa abordagem participativa, direccionada para a reorganização dos cuidados durante a gravidez e primeiros tempos de vida. A mudança efectiva acontece quando os envolvidos estão interessados e motivados, o que torna a sua participação tão importante. A reflexão acerca das práticas e necessidades actuais e o conhecimento acerca de intervenções baseadas na evidência têm guiado a selecção das alterações a introduzir na prática clínica, no sentido de promover o suporte familiar e o desenvolvimento de competências parentais e auto-confiança. Neste artigo, apresentamos as etapas principais do desenvolvimento do projecto: avaliação inicial da comunidade em estudo; processo de tomada de decisão; programa de formação dos profissionais dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários; revisão dos protocolos da consulta de saúde materna, visita domiciliária e educação pré-natal; planeamento da implementação; plano de avaliação da efectividade das alterações introduzidas na prestação de cuidados. O trabalho já desenvolvido tem mostrado que a motivação, liderança e aspectos
Exercise promotes several health benefits, such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory improvements. It is believed that the practice of exercise in individuals with psychiatric disorders, e.g. schizophrenia, can cause significant changes. Schizophrenic patients have problematic lifestyle habits compared with general population; this may cause a high mortality rate, mainly caused by cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate changes in physical and mental health, cognitive and brain functioning due to the practice of exercise in patients with schizophrenia. Although still little is known about the benefits of exercise on mental health, cognitive and brain functioning of schizophrenic patients, exercise training has been shown to be a beneficial intervention in the control and reduction of disease severity. Type of training, form of execution, duration and intensity need to be better studied as the effects on physical and mental health, cognition and brain activity depend exclusively of interconnected factors, such as the combination of exercise and medication. However, one should understand that exercise is not only an effective nondrug alternative, but also acts as a supporting linking up interventions to promote improvements in process performance optimization. In general, the positive effects on mental health, cognition and brain activity as a result of an exercise program are quite evident. Few studies have been published correlating effects of exercise in patients with schizophrenia, but there is increasing evidence that positive and negative symptoms can be improved. Therefore, it is important that further studies be undertaken to expand the knowledge of physical exercise on mental health in people with schizophrenia, as well as its dose-response and the most effective type of exercise.
Assessing the community needs of mental health residential care service users in Republic of Moldova
RESUMO: Background: Problemas de saúde mental são um grande problema clínico e social na República da Moldávia, representando uma quota significante de deficiência, sendo classificada no top cinco das dez linhas na hierarquia das condições. A taxa de incidência tem sido crescente na República da Moldávia, atingindo cerca de 15.000 por ano (14,655 em 2011), ou seja, 411,4 por 100 mil habitantes, e uma taxa de prevalência de 97.525 pessoas em 2011, ou seja, 2,737.9 por 100 mil habitantes. Sistema de atendimento psiquiátrico fornece serviços de saúde mental escassos a nível da comunidade, visando principalmente terapia hospitalar, centralizada, através de uma rede de três hospitais psiquiátricos, com 1.860 camas e 4 sanatórios psico- neurológicos com 1890 camas, assim alimentando-se a estigmatização do paciente. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi a avaliação das necessidades individuais dos beneficiários e do seu nível de autonomia dentro de cuidados residenciais, para o planeamento de reformas de saúde mental e desinstitucionalização na República da Moldávia. Este estudo foi encomendado pelo Ministério do Trabalho, Proteção Social e da Família e pelo Ministério da Saúde, com o apoio da Organização Mundial da Saúde, para determinar o cumprimento eficaz do artigo 19 da Convenção da ONU. O estudo tem os seguintes objetivos: Avaliar o nível de autonomia dos residentes nos hospitais psiquiátricos e sanatórios psico-neurológico, usando uma amostra representativa de 10 por ce nto do número total de pacientes/residentes e comparação cruzada; Para avaliar quatro sanatórios psico-neurológicos para adultos e três hospitais psiquiátricos; Para desenvolver recomendações para o planeamento da desinstitucionalização das pessoas com problemas de saúde mental e colocação na comunidade com base nos resultados do estudo. Metodologia e resultados: O estudo fez uso de duas ferramentas globais: questionário para a avaliação individual dos residentes do estabelecimento de saúde mental, e questionário de avaliação institucional. Todos os entrevistados foram divididos em quatro categorias conforme com o grau de dependência e preparação de viver de forma independente na comunidade. Apenas 1,2% dos entrevistados de PNHB eram totalmente dependentes de terceiros ou serviços especializados, tornando-se a categoria 4, que necessitam de cuidados e apoio contínuo. No PH esta categoria de pessoas é ausente. Conclusões: A condição dos entrevistados foi pior em PNBH que em PH. No entanto, ainda, aqueles que estão prontos para ser desinstitucionalizados correspondem com a maior parte dos entrevistados. Todos os hospitais tinham o consentimento do utente para admissão e tratamento, enquanto não houve consentimento qualquer em PNBH. É bastante óbvio que tanto os hospitais como também a sistema de assistência residencial não atingem a sua finalidade, o que significa que a maioria dos utentes pode ser desinstitucionalizados, sem qualquer terapia de suporte.------------------ABSTRACT: Background: Mental health problems are a major clinical and social issue in the Republic of Moldova,accounting for a significant share of disability and ranking in top five of the ten lines in the hierarchy of conditions. The incidence rate has been growing in the Republic of Moldova to reach approximately 15 thousand a year (14,655 in 2011), i.e. 411.4 per 100 thousand population, and a prevalence rate of 97,525 thousand people in 2011, i.e. 2,737.9 per 100 thousand population. Psychiatric care system provides for scanty mental health services at community level, aiming mainly at centralized hospital-based therapy through a network of three psychiatric hospitals tallying up 1,860 beds and 4 psycho-neurological boarding houses with 1,890 beds, thus fuelling up patient stigmatization. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the individual needs of beneficiaries and their level of autonomy within residential care for the planning of mental health system reforms and deinstitutionalization in the Republic of Moldova. This study was commissioned by the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and by the Ministry of Health, with the World Health Organization support, to provide for effective enforcement of article 19 of the UN CRPD. The study pursued the following goals: To evaluate the level of autonomy of the psychiatric hospital and psycho-neurological boarding house residents by using a representative sample of 10 per cent of the total number of patients / residents and cross-comparison; To evaluate four psycho-neurological boarding houses for adults and three psychiatric hospitals; To develop recommendations for planning the deinstitutionalization of people with mental health problems and community placement based on the study findings.Methodology and results: The study made use of two global tools: questionnaire for individual assessment of mental health facility residents, and institutional assessment questionnaire. All interviewees were divided into four categories by one’s degree of dependence and readiness to live independently in the community. Only 1.2% of respondents from PNHB were fully dependent on a third party or specialized services, making up category 4, requiring continuous care and support. In PH this category of people is absent.Conclusions: The condition of respondents was worse in PNBH than in PH. However, yet, those ready to be deinstitutionalized accounted for most of respondents there. All hospitals had the resident’s consent to admission and treatment, whereas there was no consent in PNBH whatsoever. It is quite obvious that both the hospitals and residential care system do not achieve their intended purpose, meaning that the majority of residents may be deinstitutionalized without any support therapy.
RESUMO: As mulheres presas encontram-se num sistema essencialmente dirigido por e concebido para homens. As mulheres que entram na prisão geralmente vêm de ambientes marginalizados e desfavorecidos e muitas vezes têm histórias de violência e abuso físico e sexual. As mulheres presas são um grupo particularmente vulnerável, uma vez que dentro do sistema prisional as suas necessidades de saúde e higiene são muitas vezes negligenciadas. O primeiro passo para o desenvolvimento de programas e práticas sensíveis ao género é compreender as características das mulheres delinquentes e definir fatores de vida específicos que contribuem para a formação do comportamento criminoso de mulheres. Em junho de 2012 foi realizada uma investigação na única prisão feminina da Geórgia, para estudar as necessidades mentais e psicossociais das mulheres presas. O objetivo da pesquisa foi o desenvolvimento de programas de apoio pertinentes para a reabilitação, ressocialização e reintegração, e a elaboração de recomendações práticas para a gestão das prisões. Foi desenvolvido um instrumento de pesquisa (inquérito) com uma fundamentação conceptual baseada em quatro principais teorias: Teoria dos Caminhos (Pathways Theory), teoria do desenvolvimento psicológico da mulher (Theory of Women’s Psychological Development), Trauma e Teorias da Dependência (Trauma and Addiction Theories). Foram inquiridas 120 mulheres presas. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que muitas das necessidades das mulheres presas são diferentes das dos homens e requerem estratégias adaptadas às suas características e situações psicossociais específicas. A maioria das mulheres encarceradas é jovem, enérgica, pode trabalhar, tem profissão e família. As presas sofrem de problemas psicológicos e muitas vezes são rejeitadas pelas suas famílias. Uma parte substancial das mulheres presas tem múltiplos problemas de saúde física e mental. A maioria delas tem filhos e sofre com o facto das crianças estarem a crescer longe da mãe. Com base nos resultados desta investigação é possível elaborar um contexto promotor do planeamento e desenvolvimento de serviços com um enfoque de género na prisão. Na perspetiva de longo prazo, o conhecimento das necessidades básicas e a introdução de programas e serviços com necessidades específicas pertinentes irá beneficiar as presas e as suas famílias, e melhorar a eficácia do sistema de justiça criminal.----------ABSTRACT: Female inmates find themselves in a system essentially run by men for men. Women who enter prison usually come from marginalized and disadvantaged backgrounds and are often characterized by histories of violence, physical and sexual abuse. Female prisoners constitute an especially vulnerable group given their specific health and hygienic needs within the system are often neglected. The first step in developing gender-sensitive program and practice is to understand female offenders’ characteristics and the specific life factors that shape women’s patterns of offending. In June 2012 a research was carried out in the Georgian only female prison facility to assess the mental and psychosocial needs of women prisoners, aiming to develop effective support programs for their rehabilitation, re-socialization and reintegration, as well as to elaborate new recommendations concerning prison management. A survey instrument (questionnaire) was developed within a theoretical framework based on four fundamental theories: Pathways Theory, Theory of Women’s Psychological Development and Trauma and Addiction Theories. Sample size was defined to be 120 surveyed persons. The study showed that needs of incarcerated women were different from those of men, thus requiring approaches tailored to their specific psychosocial characteristics and situations. The basic population of imprisoned women consisted of young, energetic, working-age females, most often with a professional qualification. Female prisoners suffered from psychological problems and are were more likely to be rejected by their families. Most of them had children and suffered that the children were growing without mothers. A substantial proportion of women offenders had multiple physical and mental health problems. Based on the study findings a conceptual framework can be elaborated towards planning and developing gender-sensitive services in prison. In the long-term perspective, acknowledgement of baseline needs and introduction of the relevant needs-specific programs and services may benefit women prisoners as well as their families, improving the effectiveness of the criminal justice system.
ABSTRACT: Background: Childhood is a critical time for social and emotional development, educational progress and mental health prevention. Mental health for children and adolescents is defined by the achievement of expected developmental, cognitive, social and emotional skills. The development of child-adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) is a necessity for each country, not only as a prevention measure for the wellbeing of people, but also as an investment to the future of countries. Qualitative evaluation of services is the only way to ensure whether services function under quality standards and increase the possibility of better outcomes for their patients. This study examines the greek outpatient CAMHS against the British Standards of National Institute of Excellence for community CAMHS. The Standards assessed refer to the areas of Assessment, Care and Intervention. Objectives: The main objectives of the study are 1) to evaluate Greek outpatient CAMHS in the Attica region 2) to promote the evaluation process for mental health services in Greece. Methods: Due to the fact that Greek services are based on the British model, the tool used was the British self-review questionnaire of Quality Network for Community CAMHS(QNCC).The tool was translated, adapted and posted to services. Twelve out of twenty outpatient CAMHS of Attica (including Athens) responded. Data was collected and performed by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS. Results: The study resulted that the CAMHS examined, meet moderately the British Standards of 1) Referral and Access, 2) Assessment & Care planning, 3) Care & Intervention. Two out of twelve services examined, meet the standards of "Assessment and Care" in a higher percentage between 75% and 100%. Conclusions: The paper describes a satisfactory function of CAMHS in Attica prefecture taking into consideration the extremely difficult political situation of Greece at the time of the research. Strong and weak domains are identified. Also the translation and adaptation of British tools promote the evaluation process and quality assurance of Greek CAMHS.
RESUMO: Objetivo Avaliar a qualidade dos serviços de saúde mental e a situação dos direitos humanos no Hospital de Saúde Mental de Kabul (KMHH) e fornecer recomendações para o desenvolvimento de um plano de melhoria, actualização e revisão da Política, Estratégia e Plano Nacionais de Saúde Mental,. Métodos A avaliação foi realizada em Janeiro de 2015 no KMHH e na Burn Ward do Hospital Terciário de Isteqlal por uma equipa multidisciplinar usando Qualidade Direitos Tool Kit da OMS. Antes da avaliação, o protocolo foi aprovado pelo Institutional Review Board e obtido o consentimento informado de cada entrevistado. Realizaram-se entrevistas com 16 utentes do serviço, 17 funcionários do hospital e 7 familiares, além da revisão de documentos e da observação das unidades de internamento do KMHH e das interações interpessoais entre funcionários do hospital e utentes do serviço. A comissão de avaliação reviu também a documentação e observou a Unidade de Queimados do Hospital Terciário de Isteqlal, a fim de avaliar e comparar a paridade entre as duas instalações. Após a avaliação, todos os membros da comissão se reuniram e puseram em conjunto todas as conclusões num relatório final. Resultados Encontrámos algumas lacunas graves no nível de prestação de serviços e no respeito pelos direitos humanos dos utentes dos serviços e dos seus familiares. Uma série de políticas, diretrizes e procedimentos relacionados com os direitos humanos dos pacientes estavam ausentes. O ambiente terapêutico e o padrão de vida eram inadequados, existia má qualidade do atendimento e dos serviços prestados, os utilizadores enfrentavam violações do direito ao exercício da capacidade legal e da liberdade pessoal, eram quimica e fisicamente (uso de correntes) contidos e expostos a abusos verbais, físicos e emocionais, e havia grande ênfase no tratamento institucional. Todos estes aspectos foram considerados como extensa violação dos direitos humanos dos utentes de serviço do KMHH. Conclusão Os serviços disponíveis para utentes dos serviços de saúde mental apresentam alguns problemas devido à desconfiança e falta de consciencialização sobre os direitos das pessoas com doença mental e precisam ser alterados de forma positiva. A Lei de Saúde Mental existente difere muito das recomendações da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Incapacidades (CRPD) e requer revisão e adaptação de acordo com esta Convenção. -------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Objective To assess the quality of mental health services and human rights condition in the Kabul Mental Health Hospital (KMHH) and provide recommendations for development of an improvement plan and to update and revise the National Mental Health Policy, Strategy and Plan. Methods The assessment was conducted in January 2015 in the KMHH and the Burn Ward of Isteqlal Tertiary Hospital by a multidisciplinary team using WHO Quality Rights Tool Kit. Before the assessment, Institutional Review Board approval and informed consent from each interviewee were obtained. Interviews were conducted with 16 service users, 17 hospital staffs and 7 family members in addition to documents review and observation of inpatient units of KMHH plus interpersonal interactions between hospital staff and service users. The assessment committee reviewed the documentation and observed the Burn Ward of Isteqlal Tertiary hospital in order to measure and compare parity between the two facilities. After the assessment, all committee members gathered and synchronized all findings into a final report. Results There were some serious gaps on service provision level and respecting human rights of service users and their family members. A series of policies, guidelines and procedures related to patients’ human rights were absent. Inadequate treatment environment and standard of living, poor quality of care and services, violations of the right to exercise legal capacity and personal liberty, being chemically and physically (e.g. chain) restrained, being exposed to verbal, physical and emotional abuse, and emphasis on institutional treatment were all extensive human rights violation that service users were experiencing in KMHH. Conclusion The available services for mental health service users are questionable due to mistrust and lack of awareness about rights of people with disabilities and need to be positively changed. Existing Mental Health Act has a large number of disparities with the CRPD and requires revision and adaptation in accordance to CRPD.
OBJECTIVE: Brazil is the country with the largest community of Japanese descendants in the world, from a migration movement that started in 1908. However, more recently (1988), a movement in the opposite direction began. Many of these descendants went to Japan for work purposes and suffered mental distress. Some of them sought treatment in Japan, while others returned to Brazil to seek treatment. The aim of the present study was to compare the sociodemographic profile and diagnoses of Japanese Brazilian psychiatric outpatients in Japan (remaining group) and in Brazil (returning group). METHOD: All consecutive Japanese Brazilian outpatients who received care from the psychiatric units in Japan and Brazil from April 1997 to April 2000 were compared. The diagnoses were based on ICD-10 and were made by psychiatrists. Sociodemographic data and diagnoses in Brazil and Japan were compared by means of the Chi-Squared Test. RESULTS: The individuals who returned to Brazil were mostly male and unmarried, had lived alone in Japan, had stayed there for short periods and were classified in the schizophrenia group. The individuals who remained in Japan were mostly female and married, were living with family or friends, had stayed there for long periods and were classified in the anxiety group. Logistic regression showed that the most significant factors associated with the returning group were that they had lived alone and stayed for short periods (OR = 0.93 and 40.21, respectively). CONCLUSION: We conclude that living with a family and having a network of friends is very important for mental health in the context evaluated.
El informe de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2001), refiere que en un plazo de 20 años los trastornos mentales pasarán a ser la segunda causa dentro de la carga de morbilidad a nivel mundial, y en la actualidad una de cada cuatro personas padece de algún trastorno mental en alguna etapa de su vida. Los estudios realizados en diversos países revelan que una proporción importante de los consultantes de la atención primaria en salud presentan algún tipo de trastornos mentales. Desde esta perspectiva, la atención primaria de la salud ofrece una oportunidad de intervenir en el manejo de los trastornos mentales de forma temprana y eficaz. En Argentina, es limitada la información acerca del registro epidemiológico en salud mental, no contando con estudios abordados desde la Atención Primaria en la provincia de Córdoba. El objetivo general del proyecto es estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales entre los consultantes de atención primaria por problemas de salud general. Para ello se propone: Estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales en una muestra representativa de consultantes adultos por problemas de salud general, de centros de atención primaria de la ciudad de Córdoba, identificar y describir los tipos de trastornos mentales que presentan estos consultantes adultos de centros de atención primaria y analizar la prevalencia de los trastornos mentales por sexo y edad de la población en estudio. Metodología: el estudio se realizará en consultorios de Atención Primaria de Salud distribuídos en todo el éjido de la ciudad, teniendo en cuenta la representación de las 12 zonas de CPC. La muestra es probabilística, estratificada, polietápica de pacientes que consultan en el primer nivel de atención. Se entrevistarán 1200 pacientes utilizando la versión computorizada del CIDI 3.0, que proporciona diagnóstico de acuerdo a la DSM IV y la CIE-10. La confiabilidad y la validez del instrumento ha sido ampliamente documentada y la traducción de la encuesta al español fue realizada conforme a las recomendaciones de la OMS. El análisis efectuado será de prevalencia de Trastornos Mentales y del Comportamiento (TMC),asociación entre factores sociodemográficos y TCM estimados calculando las razones de disparidad (odds ratio), regresión logística a fin de ajustar los resultados por la posible interacción entre variables, análisis de la asociación de todas las variables con los TMC, análisis univariado de la asociación de cada variable con los TMC, controlando sexo y edad, se construirá un modelo de regresión logística. En todos los casos el nivel de significación será de 0,05. El equipo de trabajo, de cooperación internacional entre profesionales de la UNC y de la Universidad de Chile, y con la participación en colaboración de los profesionales dependientes de la Secretaría de Salud de la municipalidad de Córdoba, representa un avance para trabajar en los centros de salud de esta ciudad, constituyéndose en un avance, cualitativo y cuantitativo de la actividad científica en Atención Primaria en salud mental con abordaje epidemiológico. Se espera contribuir al conocimiento acerca de la prevalencia de los problemas de salud mental de esta población en la ciudad de Córdoba, proporcionando información a los funcionarios y responsables por la gestión de las áreas vinculadas a la salud mental, aportando conocimiento que promueva una temprana identificación de riesgos iniciales en salud mental y conductas de cuidado en la población como potencial de bienestar.Así mismo, se espera sistematizar una experiencia que pueda ser replicada en otros sitios geográficos. Por todo lo anterior, esta propuesta permitirá conocer por primera vez en la ciudad de Córdoba la frecuencia y características de los problemas de salud mental entre consultantes de Atención Primaria, información fundamental para el desarrollo posterior de estrategias que busquen mejorar la detección y el tratamiento de estos problemas. According to the WHO Report (2001), in 20 years, mental health disorders (MHDs) will be the world’s second most frequent cause of morbidity. Primary care offers the opportunity to handle MHDs efficiently at an early stage. In Argentina, the epidemiologic data on mental health (MH) is limited, and there are no records for Córdoba. The aim of this project is to assess the prevalence of MHDs among consultants who resort to primary health centers (PHCCs) in the city of Córdoba for common health problems, by using a representative sample of adult consultants, identifying and describing the types of MHDs evinced, and analysing prevalence by sex and age group under study. Methodology:the study will be carried out in PHCCs located in the municipal area of Córdoba, covering the 12 zones corresponding to the CPCs (municipal branch offices for each zone). A multi-stage stratified random sample of 1200 patients will be interviewed using the program CIDI 3.0 to produce a diagnostic according to DSM IV and CIE-10, a tool with proven reliability and validity.The aspects to be analysed are prevalence of mental and behavior disorders, their association with socio-demographic factors estimated by odds ratios, logistic regression for adjustment of potential interaction among variables, association with all variables, and univariate analysis for association with each variable. Significance level will be 0.05 in all cases. The international teamwork including professionals from the Universities of Córdoba, Chile and the Public Health Department of the Municipality of Córdoba constitutes a qualitative and quantitative step forward in the field of primary health care studies with an epidemiologic approach. This project aims at providing administrators in the MH area with data for the early detection of initial risks in MH and the promotion of prevention habits. This will be the first study conducted in Córdoba, and is aimed at facilitating replication in other geographical areas.
Background : In the present article, we propose an alternative method for dealing with negative affectivity (NA) biases in research, while investigating the association between a deleterious psychosocial environment at work and poor mental health. First, we investigated how strong NA must be to cause an observed correlation between the independent and dependent variables. Second, we subjectively assessed whether NA can have a large enough impact on a large enough number of subjects to invalidate the observed correlations between dependent and independent variables.Methods : We simulated 10,000 populations of 300 subjects each, using the marginal distribution of workers in an actual population that had answered the Siegrist's questionnaire on effort and reward imbalance (ERI) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ).Results : The results of the present study suggested that simulated NA has a minimal effect on the mean scores for effort and reward. However, the correlations between the effort and reward imbalance (ERI) ratio and the GHQ score might be important, even in simulated populations with a limited NA.Conclusions : When investigating the relationship between the ERI ratio and the GHQ score, we suggest the following rules for the interpretation of the results: correlations with an explained variance of 5% and below should be considered with caution; correlations with an explained variance between 5% and 10% may result from NA, although this effect does not seem likely; and correlations with an explained variance of 10% and above are not likely to be the result of NA biases. [Authors]
AIM: To assess self-perceived health status and mental health outcomes of former extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants at young adulthood compared with community norms and to analyse predictors of poor outcome. METHODS: Fifty-five ELBW adults, 18 men (33%), with median (range) gestational age of 28.7 (25.0-34.0) weeks and birth weight of 930 (680-990) grams, born in Switzerland, were included. They self-rated their health status and mental health at a mean (range) age of 23.3 (21.8-25.9) years. Health status was measured by the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 questionnaire and mental health by the Brief Symptom Inventory. RESULTS: The mean scores for both outcome measures were in the normal range. However, the study group self-rated significantly higher physical health status and lower mental health status compared with the community norms, and scores for self-perceived mental health tended to be worse in the former. ELBW adults reported more problems in socio-emotional role functioning compared with the community norms. Female sex was associated with poorer and bronchopulmonary dysplasia with better mental health status. CONCLUSION: Health status and mental health of former ELBW adults were overall satisfying. However, the comparison with the community norms revealed differences, which may be important for parental and patient counselling and developing support strategies.