928 resultados para Volumes Finitos


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Research to date has tended to concentrate on bandwidth considerations to increase scalability in distributed interactive simulation and virtual reality systems. This paper proposes that the major concern for latency in user interaction is that of the fundamental limit of communication rate due to the speed of light. Causal volumes and surfaces are introduced as a model of the limitations of causality caused by this fundamental delay. The concept of virtual world critical speed is introduced, which can be determined from the causal surface. The implications of the critical speed are discussed, and relativistic dynamics are used to constrain the object speed, in the same way speeds are bounded in the real world.


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Background The quality of the early environment is hypothesized to be an influence on morphological development in key neural areas related to affective responding, but direct evidence to support this possibility is limited. In a 22-year longitudinal study, we examined hippocampal and amygdala volumes in adulthood in relation to early infant attachment status, an important indicator of the quality of the early caregiving environment. Methods Participants (N = 59) were derived from a prospective longitudinal study of the impact of maternal postnatal depression on child development. Infant attachment status (24 Secure; 35 Insecure) was observed at 18 months of age, and MRI assessments were completed at 22 years. Results In line with hypotheses, insecure versus secure infant attachment status was associated with larger amygdala volumes in young adults, an effect that was not accounted for by maternal depression history. We did not find early infant attachment status to predict hippocampal volumes. Conclusions Common variations in the quality of early environment are associated with gross alterations in amygdala morphology in the adult brain. Further research is required to establish the neural changes that underpin the volumetric differences reported here, and any functional implications.


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The glutamate system including N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) affects synaptic formation, plasticity and maintenance. Recent studies have shown a variable (GT)n polymorphism in the promoter region of the NMDA subunit gene (GRIN2A) and a length-dependent inhibition of transcriptional activity by the (GT)n repeat. In the present study, we examined whether the GRIN2A polymorphism is associated with regional brain volume especially in medial temporal lobe structures, in which the NMDA-dependent synaptic processes have been most extensively studied. Gray matter regions of interest (ROIs) for the bilateral amygdala and hippocampus were outlined manually on the magnetic resonance images of 144 healthy individuals. In addition, voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was conducted to explore the association of genotype with regional gray matter volume from everywhere in the brain in the same sample. The manually measured hippocampal and amygdala volumes were significantly larger in subjects with short allele carriers (n = 89) than in those with homozygous long alleles (n = 55) when individual differences in intracranial volume were accounted for. The VBM showed no significant association between the genotype and regional gray matter volume in any brain region. These findings suggest that the functional GRIN2A (GT)n polymorphism could weakly but significantly impact on human medial temporal lobe volume in a length-dependent manner, providing in vivo evidence of the role of the NMDA receptor in human brain development.


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A number of international students, predominately from Asian countries, are present in universities in the UK, United States, and Australia. There is little research exploring their experiences as they negotiate the disciplinary requirements of their courses. This paper investigates students' agency as they write their first assignment for their Master's of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages course and the academics who teach them. Talk around texts and the positioning theory are used to analyse the data. It is argued that the students demonstrate strategic agency, which allows them to better understand the academic requirements of their disciplines. The analysis reveals the complexities involved in international students' adaptation to disciplinary discourse and the implications for teaching and learning in higher education.


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Seafloors of unconsolidated sediment are highly dynamic features; eroding or accumulating under the action of tides, waves and currents. Assessing which areas of the seafloor experienced change and measuring the corresponding volumes involved provide insights into these important active sedimentation processes. Computing the difference between Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) obtained from repeat Multibeam Echosounders (MBES) surveys has become a common technique to identify these areas, but the uncertainty in these datasets considerably affects the estimation of the volumes displaced. The two main techniques used to take into account uncertainty in volume estimations are the limitation of calculations to areas experiencing a change in depth beyond a chosen threshold, and the computation of volumetric confidence intervals. However, these techniques are still in their infancy and, as a result, are often crude, seldom used or poorly understood. In this article, we explored a number of possible methodological advances to address this issue, including: (1) using the uncertainty information provided by the MBES data processing algorithm CUBE, (2) adapting fluvial geomorphology techniques for volume calculations using spatially variable thresholds and (3) volumetric histograms. The nearshore seabed off Warrnambool harbour - located in the highly energetic southwest Victorian coast, Australia - was used as a test site. Four consecutive MBES surveys were carried out over a four-months period. The difference between consecutive DEMs revealed an area near the beach experiencing large sediment transfers - mostly erosion - and an area of reef experiencing increasing deposition from the advance of a nearby sediment sheet. The volumes of sediment displaced in these two areas were calculated using the techniques described above, both traditionally and using the suggested improvements. We compared the results and discussed the applicability of the new methodological improvements. We found that the spatially variable uncertainty derived from the CUBE algorithm provided the best results (i.e. smaller confidence intervals), but that similar results can be obtained using as a fixed uncertainty value derived from a reference area under a number of operational conditions.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de fluxo de água em barragens de terra, em regimes permanente e transiente, com a utilização do Método de Elementos Finitos. No estudo de fluxo em regime permanente duas formas de abordar o problema são apresentadas e comparadas. A primeira considera, para a discretização da malha de elementos finitos, somente a região saturada, de maneira que a linha freática é obtida através de ajustes desta malha de elementos finitos. A segunda considera toda a região saturada-insaturada, sendo discretizado todo o domínio físico da barragem. A malha de elementos finitos não é modificada ao longo das iterações e a linha freática é obtida por interpolação dentro dos elementos, em função dos valores nodais do potencial de pressões. O desenvolvimento teórico das equações utilizadas para as duas formas de abardagem é apresentado, mostrando onde elas diferem entre si. No estudo de fluxo em regime transiente é utilizado apenas o esquema de malha fixa de elementos finitos.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um modelo computacional, baseado no método dos elementos finitos, para o estudo de peças de concreto armado e protendido submetidas a estados planos de tensão. O estudo abrange situações de carga de curta e longa duração, onde consideram-se fluência e retração do concreto e relaxação do aço. São utilizados modelos constitutivos elasto-viscoplásticos para descrever o comportamento dos materiais. Implementou-se um modelo de camadas superpostas para melhor representar o comportamento do concreto, onde o material é composto de diversas camadas que sofrem a mesma deformação. Cada camada possui diferentes características materiais e a tensão total é obtida pela soma das diferentes contribuições de cada camada. Para a fissuração da concreto, utilizou-se um modelo de fissuras distribuídas, que leva em conta a contribuição do concreto entre fissuras. Tanto a amadura passiva como a de pratensão são introduzidas no modelo como uma linha de material mais rígido dentro do elemento de concreto. Os deslocamentos ao longo da armadura são referenciados aos deslocamentos nodais do elemento de concreto. Deste modo, obtém-se uma matriz de rigidez para a armadura com as mesmas dimensões que a matriz de rigidez do elemento de concreto, A matriz de rigidez do elemento concreto-aço é a soma das duas matrizes. Considera-se aderência perfeita entre o concreto e o aço. Os resultados obtidos com esse programa computacionai são comparados com valores experimentais disponíveis.