859 resultados para Visão de cores. Reprodução. Comunicação socio-sexual. Primatas do Novo Mundo. Callithrix jacchus


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The paper studies the mobilization occurred in June 2013 in Brazil, initially under the banner of the Movement Free Pass, but without the existence of a lead, but multiple voices that alternate in search of social and economic change. The object of study is the communication made through social networks and their realization, or realization, the streets of major cities. The rallies demonstrate the power of communications media and a new phenomenon of talk, the use of social networks, now as uniting factor and not just a showcase of everyday life. The internet has become a new means of communication easy and free access, in addition to its fast dissipation data. Thus, the youth was used such technology to an uprising in the pursuit of social improvement of the cities where marches happened. Such a move still without an academic and social needs to be discussed so that, in addition to understood, can expand contributions to society, helping it in its claims. Was chosen as the site for the #causabrasil study and understanding of issues in which the public expresses dissatisfaction. The site performs an analysis with the combination of hastags a list of pre-registered and a list of terms used by different users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Google, through monitoring tool Seekr, and an infographic presents the main political demands of the population.


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The paper studies the mobilization occurred in June 2013 in Brazil, initially under the banner of the Movement Free Pass, but without the existence of a lead, but multiple voices that alternate in search of social and economic change. The object of study is the communication made through social networks and their realization, or realization, the streets of major cities. The rallies demonstrate the power of communications media and a new phenomenon of talk, the use of social networks, now as uniting factor and not just a showcase of everyday life. The internet has become a new means of communication easy and free access, in addition to its fast dissipation data. Thus, the youth was used such technology to an uprising in the pursuit of social improvement of the cities where marches happened. Such a move still without an academic and social needs to be discussed so that, in addition to understood, can expand contributions to society, helping it in its claims. Was chosen as the site for the #causabrasil study and understanding of issues in which the public expresses dissatisfaction. The site performs an analysis with the combination of hastags a list of pre-registered and a list of terms used by different users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Google, through monitoring tool Seekr, and an infographic presents the main political demands of the population.


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"A comunicação é a voz da marca, meio através do qual uma marca procura estabelecer um diálogo e construir um relacionamento com o cliente" (Kotler, 2009). O presente trabalho de investigação tem como principal intuito compreender a importância das redes sociais, mais concretamente do facebook e da correta gestão de crise nas redes sociais. A Internet e as Redes Sociais trouxeram consigo novas funcionalidades que abriram um novo mundo no que respeita ao tipo de comunicação das marcas. Nos dias de hoje, as redes sociais são vistas como um instrumento inovador que ajuda as pessoas a criarem laços pessoais e verdadeiros (Holloman, 2011). Segundo Mangold e Fauls (2009), a criação de páginas ou comunidades por parte das marcas, nas redes sociais, permite aos consumidores interagirem com a marca ou com os outros consumidores sobre aspetos relacionados com a marca, assim acaba por surgir um envolvimento direto e em tempo real entre marcas e consumidores. Os cidadãos vivem rodeados de informação e as redes sociais, como o facebook, são um dos fatores que contribuem para o excesso de notícias que um cidadão recebe. Logo, o novo poder do consumidor está diretamente associado ao fácil acesso à informação. Estamos na “era das tecnologias de informação”, em que a informação é abundante, e à distância de um click é possível ter um conhecimento geral sobre quase tudo o que existe (Adolpho, 2012). Mas por vezes, a informação certa para o público nem sempre é conseguida, deste modo as empresas devem estar preparadas para a emergência de crises, para as gerir e minimizar os seus impactos.


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A tese aborda os processos comunicacionais nas rádios comunitárias do Sertão do Nordeste do Brasil que estão na Internet. Objetiva-se entender teórica e empiricamente como ocorrem esses processos nestas emissoras e explorar suas especificidades; compreender as estruturas, programações, equipes, financiamentos e históricos de inserção digital; entender os processos de estímulo, emissão e interação, em termos de cidadania; compreender como se dão as novas vozes, territoriais e na Internet; entender como se dá a participação do usuário (internauta); e listar as rádios comunitárias ou que se assumem comunitárias sertanejas, entendendo suas peculiaridades de programação, diferencial em termos de emissão territorial e não territorial (via Internet). A metodologia empregada consiste em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, em mapeamento prévio das emissoras, bem como de pesquisa de campo por meio visitas in loco e de entrevistas semiestruturadas para entender-se as emissoras nos oito Estados sertanejos nordestinos (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe). Acompanhou-se também o trabalho das emissoras na Internet, tanto em seus sites quanto a presença em redes sociais. Constata-se, com base em parâmetros teóricos, a existência de três tipos de emissoras de rádio comunitária na Internet: as off-line (que apenas têm espaço na Internet, mas não há transmissão simultânea), as online institucionais (que apenas transmitem simultaneamente a programação no dial) e as online dinâmicas (que têm conteúdo diferencial da emissora no dial e promovem interação e interatividade). O fato de estar na Internet faz com que as emissoras de rádio comunitária sertanejas aumentem sua capacidade de promover a participação, a interação e a interatividade, pois ocorre a retroalimentação da comunicação comunitária radiofônica com um novo tipo movido pela desterritorialização, que é o maior desafio dessas emissoras em lugares de baixo poder aquisitivo e comunicacional onde a presença do coronelismo eletrônico ainda persiste.


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O presente trabalho busca examinar as dificuldades que o coordenador pedagógico tem encontrado no processo de construção de sua identidade como formador de professores de Educação Infantil, tanto do ponto de vista individual, como institucional. O quadro teórico gira em torno da obra de Paulo Freire, para discutir a concepção de educação e formação de professores numa visão mais humanista, mais comprometida com o homem inserido num mundo moderno e em constante transformação e, portanto, inacabado; Madalena Freire possibilita desvelar os meandros da formação docente na Educação Infantil; José Cerchi Fusari contribui para a discussão da formação inicial e continuada, descrevendo e analisando as representações dos coordenadores pedagógicos; finalmente, Vera Maria Nigro de Souza Placco aborda a formação em serviço como um conjunto de relações interpessoais e o trabalho do coordenador pedagógico como possibilidade de aprendizagem do adulto professor. A pesquisa foi realizada com oito coordenadores pedagógicos de escolas públicas de Educação Infantil sob responsabilidade da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo, todos efetivos e com permanência no cargo variando de um ano e sete meses a 23 anos. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise dos conteúdos coletados nas entrevistas, as quais foram gravadas em áudio e depois transcritas. As perguntas da pesquisa foram aprofundadas ao longo do desenvolvimento deste trabalho e, respeitando-se o quadro teórico, foi elaborado um roteiro temático com questões semiestruturadas. A conclusão da pesquisa aponta para o fato de que a identidade do coordenador pedagógico de Educação Infantil não é algo pronto, acabado. A identidade se faz no dia a dia, nas relações intra e interpessoais, no diálogo com o grupo, na construção de rotinas e na partilha das responsabilidades, bem como no trabalho integrado e articulado com a direção da escola.


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It is known that the catecholamine group is constituted by dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline, in which the synthesis is regulated by an enzyme named tyrosine hydroxylase. Thus, 3-hydroxytyramine/dopamine (DA) is a precursor of the noradrenaline and adrenaline synthesis and acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. The three main nuclei, named the retrorubral field (A8 group), the substantia nigra pars compacta (A9 group) and the ventral tegmental area (A10 group), are arranged in the die-mesencephalic portion and are involved in three complexes circuitries - the mesostriatal, mesolimbic and mesocortical pathways. These pathways are related to behavioral manifestations, motricity, learning, reward and pathologies such as Parkinson’s Disease and Schizophrenia. Thus, the aim of this study was to perform de morphological analysis of the A8, A9 and A10 nuclei of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). The marmoset is a neotropical primate, whose morphological and functional characteristics supports the suitability of use of this animal in biomedical research. Coronal sections of the marmoset brain were submitted to cytoarchitectonic characterization and TH-immunohistochemistry. Based on the morphology of the neurons, it was possible to subdivide the A10 group in seven regions: interfascicular nucleus, raphe rostral linear nucleus and raphe caudal linear nucleus, in the middle line; paranigral and parainterfascicular nucleus, in the middle zone; rostral portion of the ventral tegmental area nucleus and parabrachial pigmented nucleus, located in the dorsolateral portion of the mesencephalic tegmentum. A9 group was divided into four regions: substantia nigra compacta dorsal and ventral tiers; substantia nigra compacta lateral and medial clusters. No subdivisions were founded into A8 group. These results revealed that A8, A9 and A10 are phylogenetically conserved between species, but it’s necessary to expand the studies about this compartmentalization, investigating its occurrence in other primate species or investigating its functional relevance.


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Nos períodos críticos de plasticidade neural ocorre uma maior permissividade do sistema nervoso ao ambiente, por isto, a ação do estresse sobre o individuo e suas repercussões sobre áreas responsáveis pelo controle dos sistemas de resposta ao estresse e por funções cognitivas complexas vem recebendo bastante atenção. A utilização de modelos experimentais translacionais tem sido imprescindível na elucidação destes mecanismos e das patologias associadas. Diante disto, este trabalho investigou os efeitos do estresse social sobre parâmetros fisiológicos, comportamentais, cognitivos e sobre a neurogênese no córtex pré-frontal (CPF) durante um período crítico de plasticidade cerebral, a fase juvenil, em machos de Callithrix jacchus. Durante cinco meses, 5 animais foram acompanhados em suas famílias (GF) e 5 animais foram isolados socialmente por 4 meses (GI), após um mês em observação em ambiente familiar (fase basal- FB). Ao final do 5º mês foram aplicados 2 testes de memória de trabalho (MT) nos animais GF e GI. Em seguida, 3 animais de cada grupo foram sacrificados para análise do fator de neurogênese BDNF ( Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) por imunofluorescência no CPF (sub-regiões orbitofrontal e lateral). Os animais do GF não variaram significativamente o cortisol ao longo do estudo, enquanto o GI elevou o cortisol e comportamentos indicadores de ansiedade (CA) na primeira semana do isolamento. Em seguida, o GI apresentou uma redução no cortisol, nos CA, no peso corporal e um aumento de comportamentos estereotipados e da anedonia, alterações tipicamente depressivas em primatas não-humanos. Ao final, o GI apresentaram níveis de cortisol menores que em FB. Ambos os grupos apresentaram dificuldades em realizar e aprender as tarefas cognitivas e a presença de BDNF no córtex pré-frontal foi independente do grupo (GF ou GI), porém correlacionou-se com os níveis de cortisol presentes na ultima semana do estudo, e os animais com presença de BDNF no CPF lateral e orbitofrontal apresentaram maiores níveis de cortisol. Estes resultados contribuem no processo de validação do sagui como um bom modelo psiquiátrico translacional e aponta para possibilidade de estudos sobre transtornos depressivos na juventude e suas repercussões posteriores. Além disto, os resultados observados para as tarefas cognitivas levou-nos a fazer uma releitura dos protocolos utilizados em estudos de memoria de trabalho com animais adultos desta espécie, com a finalidade de aprimora-los facilitando a aprendizagem em animais juvenis, naives e em situações de estresse. Ademais, evidenciou-se pela primeira vez a relação do estresse, cortisol e níveis de BDNF, em animais juvenis desta espécie, com a fim de contribuir com sua utilização como modelo animal neurocognitivo.


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Advanced age may become a limiting factor for the maintenance of rhythms in organisms, reducing the capacity of generation and synchronization of biological rhythms. In this study, the influence of aging on the expression of endogenous periodicity and synchronization (photic and social) of the circadian activity rhythm (CAR) was evaluated in a diurnal primate, the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). This study had two approaches: one with longitudinal design, performed with a male marmoset in two different phases: adult (three years) and older (9 y.o.) (study 1) and the second, a transversal approach, with 6 old (♂: 9.7 ± 2.0 y.o.) and 11 adults animals (♂: 4.2 ± 0.8 y.o.) (study 2). The evaluation of the photic synchronization involved two conditions in LD (natural and artificial illuminations). In study 1, the animal was subjected to the following stages: LD (12:12 ~ 350: ~ 2 lx), LL (~ 350 lx) and LD resynchronization. In the second study, the animals were initially evaluated in natural LD, and then the same sequence stages of study 1. During the LL stage in study 2, the vocalizations of conspecifics kept in natural LD on the outside of the colony were considered temporal cue to the social synchronization. The record of the activity was performed automatically at intervals of five minutes through infrared sensor and actimeters, in studies 1 and 2, respectively. In general, the aged showed a more fragmented activity pattern (> IV < H and > PSD, ANOVA, p < 0.05), lower levels of activity (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and shorter duration of active phase (ANOVA, p < 0.05) in LD conditions, when compared to adults. In natural LD, the aged presented phase delay pronounced for onset and offset of active phase (ANOVA, p < 0.05), while the adults had the active phase more adjusted to light phase. Under artificial LD, there was phase advance and greater adjustment of onset and offset of activity in relation to the LD in the aged (ANOVA, p < 0.05). In LL, there was a positive correlation between age and the endogenous period () in the first 20 days (Spearman correlation, p < 0.05), with prolonged  held in two aged animals. In this condition, most adults showed free-running period of the circadian activity rhythm with  < 24 h for the first 30 days and later on relative coordination mediated by auditory cues. In study 2, the cross-correlation analysis between the activity profiles of the animals in LL with control animals kept under natural LD, found that there was less social synchronization in the aged. With the resubmission to the LD, the resynchronization rate was slower in the aged (t-test; p < 0.05) and in just one aged animal there was a loss of resynchronization capability. According to the data set, it is suggested that the aging in marmosets may be related to: 1) lower amplitude and greater fragmentation of the activity, accompanied to phase delay with extension of period, caused by changes in a photic input, in the generation and behavioral expression of the CAR; 2) lower capacity of the circadian activity rhythm to photic synchronization, that can become more robust in artificial lighting conditions, possibly due to the higher light intensities at the beginning of the active phase due to the abrupt transitions between the light and dark phases; and 3) smaller capacity of non-photic synchronization for auditory cues from conspecifics, possibly due to reducing sensory inputs and responsiveness of the circadian oscillators to auditory cues, what can make the aged marmoset most vulnerable, as these social cues may act as an important supporting factor for the photic synchronization.


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Advanced age may become a limiting factor for the maintenance of rhythms in organisms, reducing the capacity of generation and synchronization of biological rhythms. In this study, the influence of aging on the expression of endogenous periodicity and synchronization (photic and social) of the circadian activity rhythm (CAR) was evaluated in a diurnal primate, the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). This study had two approaches: one with longitudinal design, performed with a male marmoset in two different phases: adult (three years) and older (9 y.o.) (study 1) and the second, a transversal approach, with 6 old (♂: 9.7 ± 2.0 y.o.) and 11 adults animals (♂: 4.2 ± 0.8 y.o.) (study 2). The evaluation of the photic synchronization involved two conditions in LD (natural and artificial illuminations). In study 1, the animal was subjected to the following stages: LD (12:12 ~ 350: ~ 2 lx), LL (~ 350 lx) and LD resynchronization. In the second study, the animals were initially evaluated in natural LD, and then the same sequence stages of study 1. During the LL stage in study 2, the vocalizations of conspecifics kept in natural LD on the outside of the colony were considered temporal cue to the social synchronization. The record of the activity was performed automatically at intervals of five minutes through infrared sensor and actimeters, in studies 1 and 2, respectively. In general, the aged showed a more fragmented activity pattern (> IV < H and > PSD, ANOVA, p < 0.05), lower levels of activity (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and shorter duration of active phase (ANOVA, p < 0.05) in LD conditions, when compared to adults. In natural LD, the aged presented phase delay pronounced for onset and offset of active phase (ANOVA, p < 0.05), while the adults had the active phase more adjusted to light phase. Under artificial LD, there was phase advance and greater adjustment of onset and offset of activity in relation to the LD in the aged (ANOVA, p < 0.05). In LL, there was a positive correlation between age and the endogenous period () in the first 20 days (Spearman correlation, p < 0.05), with prolonged  held in two aged animals. In this condition, most adults showed free-running period of the circadian activity rhythm with  < 24 h for the first 30 days and later on relative coordination mediated by auditory cues. In study 2, the cross-correlation analysis between the activity profiles of the animals in LL with control animals kept under natural LD, found that there was less social synchronization in the aged. With the resubmission to the LD, the resynchronization rate was slower in the aged (t-test; p < 0.05) and in just one aged animal there was a loss of resynchronization capability. According to the data set, it is suggested that the aging in marmosets may be related to: 1) lower amplitude and greater fragmentation of the activity, accompanied to phase delay with extension of period, caused by changes in a photic input, in the generation and behavioral expression of the CAR; 2) lower capacity of the circadian activity rhythm to photic synchronization, that can become more robust in artificial lighting conditions, possibly due to the higher light intensities at the beginning of the active phase due to the abrupt transitions between the light and dark phases; and 3) smaller capacity of non-photic synchronization for auditory cues from conspecifics, possibly due to reducing sensory inputs and responsiveness of the circadian oscillators to auditory cues, what can make the aged marmoset most vulnerable, as these social cues may act as an important supporting factor for the photic synchronization.


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Chronic weight loss in marmosets is often associated with wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS), an important disease that occurs in callitrichid colonies around the world. Even though its etiology is very difficult to determine, particular variables, such as weight loss, diarrhea and alopecia, associated or not with infestation in the pancreatic ducts with Trichospirura leptossoma (Nematoda: Thelazioidea), seem to be linked with the syndrome. This study investigated the histopathology of the lungs, duodenum, liver, gallbladder, extrahepatic bile ducts and pancreatic ducts of six common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) suffering from severe non-diarrheic weight loss. Three individuals died naturally and the other three were euthanized. Microscopic findings showed the presence of adult flukes (Platynosomum) in the liver. These flukes, which provoke common infection in cats, were also observed inside the gallbladder as well as in the intra and extrahepatic bile ducts in common marmosets. Portal fibrosis was observed in two animals, which developed chronic fibrosing hepatopathy (biliary pattern, grade 3). The disease progresses without diarrhea and without pancreatic lesions or infestation. With the rogression, the animals presented with ascending cholangitis, cholestasis and portal fibrosis, sometimes culminating in secondary biliary cirrhosis. Therefore, this nfirmity, associated with chronic weight loss in common marmosets, could be another tiological factor linked with WMS


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ARAÚJO, Arrilton ; SOUSA, Maria Bernardete Cordeiro . Testicular volume and reproductive status of Wild Callithrix jacchus. International Journal of Primatology, v.29, p.1355–1364, 2008. DOI 10.1007/s10764-008-9291-4