926 resultados para Virtualizzazione, Nested Virtualization, IaaS, Virtualbox, Okeanos
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are generally used to collect information from the environment. The gathered data are delivered mainly to sinks or gateways that become the endpoints where applications can retrieve and process such data. However, applications would also expect from a WSN an event-driven operational model, so that they can be notified whenever occur some specific environmental changes instead of continuously analyzing the data provided periodically. In either operational model, WSNs represent a collection of interconnected objects, as outlined by the Internet of Things. Additionally, in order to fulfill the Internet of Things principles, Wireless Sensor Networks must have a virtual representation that allows indirect access to their resources, a model that should also include the virtualization of event sources in a WSN. Thus, in this paper a model for a virtual representation of event sources in a WSN is proposed. They are modeled as internet resources that are accessible by any internet application, following an Internet of Things approach. The model has been tested in a real implementation where a WSN has been deployed in an open neighborhood environment. Different event sources have been identified in the proposed scenario, and they have been represented following the proposed model.
La iniciativa FIWARE ofrece un conjunto de APIs potentes que proporcionan la base para una innovación rápida y eficiente en el Internet del Futuro. Estas APIs son clave en el desarrollo de aplicaciones que usan tecnologías muy recientes e innovadoras, como el Internet de las cosas o la Gestión de Identidad en módulos de seguridad. Este documento presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación web de FIWARE usando componentes virtualizados en máquinas virtuales. La aplicación web está basada en “la fábrica de chocolate de Willy Wonka” como una implementación metafórica de una aplicación de seguridad e IoT en un entorno industrial. El componente principal es un servidor web en node.js que conecta con varios componentes de FIWARE, conocidos como “Generic Enablers”. La implementación está compuesta por dos módulos principales: el módulo de IoT y el módulo de seguridad. El módulo de IoT gestiona los sensores instalados por Willy Wonka en las salas de fábrica para monitorizar varios parámetros como, por ejemplo, la temperatura, la presión o la ocupación. El módulo de IoT crea y recibe información de contexto de los sensores virtuales. Esta información de contexto es gestionada y almacenada en un componente de FIWARE conocido como Context Broker. El Context Broker está basado en mecanismos de subscripciones que postean los datos de los sensores en la aplicación, en tiempo real y cuando estos cambian. La conexión con el cliente se produce mediante Web Sockets (socket.io). El módulo de seguridad gestiona las cuentas y la información de los usuarios, les autentica en la aplicación usando una cuenta de FIWARE y comprueba la autorización para acceder a distintos recursos. Distintos roles son creados con distintos permisos asignados. Por ejemplo, Willy Wonka puede tener acceso a todos los recursos, mientras que un Oompa Loopa encargado de la sala del chocolate solo deberías de tener acceso a los recursos de su sala. Este módulo está compuesto por tres componentes: el Gestor de Identidades, el PEP Proxy y el PDP AuthZForce. El gestor de identidades almacena las cuentas de FIWARE de los usuarios y permite la autenticación Single Sing On usando el protocolo OAuth2. Tras logearse, los usuarios autenticados reciben un token de autenticación que es usado después por el AuthZForce para comprobar el rol y permiso asociado del usuario. El PEP Proxy actúa como un servidor proxy que redirige las peticiones permitidas y bloquea las no autorizadas.
Para empezar, se ha hecho un análisis de las diferentes posibilidades que se podían implementar para poder conseguir el objetivo del trabajo. El resultado final debe ser, disponer de máquinas para que el sistema operativo fuese independiente del hardware que se tiene instalado en él . Para ello, se decide montar un sistema operativo de base en todos los equipos del laboratorio, que tenga las necesidades mínimas que se necesitan, las cuales son una interfaz gráfica y conexión de red. Hay que intentar reducir el consumo de recursos al máximo con este sistema operativo mínimo para que el rendimiento de las máquinas sea lo más fluido posible para los usuarios. El sistema elegido fue Linux con su distribución Ubuntu [ubu, http] con los módulos mínimos que permita funcionar el software necesario. Una vez se instala el sistema operativo anfitrión, se instala el escritorio Xfce [ubu2, http], que es el más ligero de Ubuntu, pero que proporciona buen rendimiento. Después, se procedió a instalar un software de virtualización en cada equipo. En este caso se decidió, por las buenas prestaciones que ofrecía, que fuera VirtualBox [vir2,http] de Oracle. Sobre éste software se crean tantas máquinas virtuales (con sistema operativo Windows) como asignaturas diferentes se cursan en el laboratorio donde se trabaje. Con esto, se consigue que al arrancar el programa los alumnos pudieran escoger qué máquina arrancar y lo que es más importante, se permite realizar cualquier cambio en el hardware (exceptuando el disco duro porque borraría todo lo que se tuviera guardado). Además de no tener que volver a reinstalar el sistema operativo nuevamente, se consigue la abstracción del software y hardware. También se decide que, para tener un respaldo de las máquinas virtuales que se tengan creadas en VirtualBox, se utiliza un servidor NAS. Uno de los motivos de utilizar dicho servidor fue por aprovechar una infraestructura ya creada. Un servidor NAS da la posibilidad de recuperar cualquier archivo (máquina virtual) cuando haga falta porque haya alguna máquina virtual corrupta en algún equipo, o en varios. Este tipo de servidor tiene la gran ventaja de ser multicast, es decir, permite solicitudes simultáneas. ABSTRACT For starters, there has been an analysis of the different possibilities that could be implemented to achieve the objective of the work. This objective was to have machines for the operating system to be independent of the hardware we have installed on it. Therefore, we decided to create an operating system based on all computers in the laboratory, taking the minimum needs we need. This is a graphical interface and network connection. We must try to reduce the consumption of resources to the maximum for the performance of the machines is as fluid as possible for users. The system was chosen with its Ubuntu Linux distribution with minimum modules that allow us to run software that is necessary for us. Once the base is installed, we install the Xfce desktop, which is the lightest of Ubuntu, but which provided good performance. Then we proceeded to install a virtualization software on each computer. In this case we decided, for good performance that gave us, it was Oracle VirtualBox. About this software create many virtual machines (Windows operating system) as different subjects are studied in the laboratory where we are. With that, we got it at program startup students could choose which machine start and what is more important, allowed us to make any changes to the hardware (except the hard drive because it would erase all we have). Besides not having to reinstall the operating system again, we get the software and hardware abstraction. We also decided that in order to have a backup of our virtual machines that we created in VirtualBox, we use a NAS server. One reason to use that server was to leverage their existing network infrastructure. A NAS server gives us the ability to retrieve any file (image) when we do need because there is some corrupt virtual machine in a team, or several. This is possible because this type of server allows multicast connection.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es estudiar, desde un punto de vista práctico, las posibilidades que ofrece la plataforma de ejercicios de ciberseguridad propuesta por la Universidad de Rhode Island en Estado Unidos, denominada Open Cyber Challenge Platform (OCCP); para ello primero nos ubicaremos dentro del campo de la ciberseguridad, estudiando porqué este área está tomando tanta relevancia, observando datos de estudios reales realizados por instituciones de prestigio, al mismo tiempo estudiaremos la tendencia actual y futura de los ciberataques. Seguidamente, analizaremos el estado del arte de la enseñanza en ciberseguridad y como se está enfocando por parte de las universidades y empresas más importantes en el sector. En esta parte del sector se está imponiendo una novedosa forma para desarrollar el aprendizaje tanto práctico como teórico basada en simular situaciones reales mediante escenarios virtuales. Una vez vistas otras opciones, nos centraremos en OCCP, podremos estudiar el estado de desarrollo de esta plataforma, la situación actual y las principales características. Además detallaremos el primer escenario propuesto por ellos mismos, estudiando los principales componentes, la topología de la red virtual de la empresa virtualizada, los principales ficheros de configuración, e incluso la montaremos y ejecutaremos y podremos observar como el equipo rojo ataca el servidor web de la empresa que lo tiene que proteger el equipo azul y consigue que la web deje de funcionar. También incluiremos una guía de instalación del escenario para que el lector pueda probar con su propio ordenador las posibilidades de esta plataforma. VirtualBox es un programa gratuito de virtualización perteneciente a la empresa Oracle. Más adelante estudiaremos este programa centrándonos en el servicio web ofrecido por VirtualBox ya que es utilizado por la plataforma Open Cyber Challenge Platform como virtualizador o hipervisor. Podremos ver como suelen funcionar los servicios web de este tipo en general y después nos centraremos principalmente en el archivo descriptivo de las interfaces que ofrece esta plataforma. Finalmente, resumiremos los resultados y conclusiones proponiendo un trabajo futuro ya que como hemos dicho esta plataforma está en estado de desarrollo y seguramente al final de la lectura del proyecto incluso el lector se haya podido percatar del potencial tan elevado que tiene una plataforma de este estilo. ABSTRACT. The main objective of this project is to study, from a practical standpoint the possibilities offered by the cybersecurity exercises platform proposed by the University of Rhode Island in United States, called Cyber Challenge Open Platform (OCCP); therefore we will place first in the field of cybersecurity, studying why this area is taking so much relevance, watching real data studies by prestigious institutions and the current and future trend of cyber-attacks. Then, we will discuss the state of the art of teaching cybersecurity and how universities and major companies in the sector are focusing to reach the aims among students or workers. In this part of the sector it is increasing the popularity of a new way to develop both practical and theoretical learning based on simulating real situations through virtual scenarios. Once seen other options, we will focus on OCCP, we can study the state of development of this platform, the current situation and main characteristics. In addition we will detail the first proposed scenario by the very own university, studying the main components, the topology of the virtual network virtualized enterprise, the main configuration files, and even we would mount and execute it. We will see how the red team attacks the web server of the company and get it thrown out. At the same time the blue team will have to protect it. We will also include an installation guide of the scenario so that the reader can test in their own computer the possibilities of this tool. VirtualBox is a free virtualization program belonging to the Oracle enterprise. Later on we will study this program focusing on the web service provided by VirtualBox because it is used by the Open Cyber Challenge Platform like hypervisor. We will see how this kind of web services work and then we will focus mainly on the descriptive file of the interfaces provided by this tool. Finally we summarize the results and conclusions proposing a future work since as we have said this platform is in the development stage and certainly at the end of reading the project even the reader may have realized of such high potential as would have a tool of this kind.
A loxP-transposon retrofitting strategy for generating large nested deletions from one end of the insert DNA in bacterial artificial chromosomes and P1 artificial chromosomes was described recently [Chatterjee, P. K. & Coren, J. S. (1997) Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 2205–2212]. In this report, we combine this procedure with direct sequencing of nested-deletion templates by using primers located in the transposon end to illustrate its value for position-specific single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery from chosen regions of large insert clones. A simple ampicillin sensitivity screen was developed to facilitate identification and recovery of deletion clones free of transduced transposon plasmid. This directed approach requires minimal DNA sequencing, and no in vitro subclone library generation; positionally oriented SNPs are a consequence of the method. The procedure is used to discover new SNPs as well as physically map those identified from random subcloned libraries or sequence databases. The deletion templates, positioned SNPs, and markers are also used to orient large insert clones into a contig. The deletion clone can serve as a ready resource for future functional genomic studies because each carries a mammalian cell-specific antibiotic resistance gene from the transposon. Furthermore, the technique should be especially applicable to the analysis of genomes for which a full genome sequence or radiation hybrid cell lines are unavailable.
The mapping of high-dimensional olfactory stimuli onto the two-dimensional surface of the nasal sensory epithelium constitutes the first step in the neuronal encoding of olfactory input. We have used zebrafish as a model system to analyze the spatial distribution of odorant receptor molecules in the olfactory epithelium by quantitative in situ hybridization. To this end, we have cloned 10 very divergent zebrafish odorant receptor molecules by PCR. Individual genes are expressed in sparse olfactory receptor neurons. Analysis of the position of labeled cells in a simplified coordinate system revealed three concentric, albeit overlapping, expression domains for the four odorant receptors analyzed in detail. Such regionalized expression should result in a corresponding segregation of functional response properties. This might represent the first step of spatial encoding of olfactory input or be essential for the development of the olfactory system.
Nested chromosomal deletions are powerful genetic tools. They are particularly suited for identifying essential genes in development either directly or by screening induced mutations against a deletion. To apply this approach to the functional analysis of mouse chromosome 2, a strategy for the rapid generation of nested deletions with Cre recombinase was developed and tested. A loxP site was targeted to the Notch1 gene on chromosome 2. A targeted line was cotransfected with a second loxP site and a plasmid for transient expression of Cre. Independent random integrations of the second loxP site onto the targeted chromosome in direct repeat orientation created multiple nested deletions. By virtue of targeting in an F1 hybrid embryonic stem cell line, F1(129S1×Cast/Ei), the deletions could be verified and rapidly mapped. Ten deletions fell into seven size classes, with the largest extending six or seven centiMorgans. The cytology of the deletion chromosomes were determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Eight deletions were cytologically normal, but the two largest deletions had additional rearrangements. Three deletions, including the largest unrearranged deletion, have been transmitted through the germ line. Several endpoints also have been cloned by plasmid rescue. These experiments illustrate the means to rapidly create and map deletions anywhere in the mouse genome. They also demonstrate an improved method for generating nested deletions in embryonic stem cells.
Risk of suicide among users of calcium channel blockers: population based, nested case-control study
Obiettivi. Lo scopo di questo studio è di confrontare la mortalità e l’incidenza per tutte le cause, tutti i tumori, tumori specifici e per le cause non neoplastiche, in una coorte dei lavoratori impiegati nel cantiere navale di Monfalcone (GO) tra il 1974 e il 1994, con quella della popolazione generale della regione FVG e d’Italia. L’obiettivo è eseguire tali confronti considerando il livello di esposizione ad amianto, la durata di esposizione (in anni) precedente al 1985, il periodo di prima assunzione, quali principali indicatori di esposizione occupazionale ad asbesto. Obiettivo secondario è quello di contribuire alla conoscenza circa la correlazione tra esposizione ad asbesto e l’incidenza di tumori nelle principali sedi digestive. Metodi. Tramite metodo indiretto sono stati calcolati SIR (periodo 1995-2009) e SMR (periodo 1995-2012) per tumore maligno della pleura, tumore di trachea bronchi e polmone, per tutti i tumori e per malattie non neoplastiche. È stato condotto uno studio caso- controllo nested per la stima degli gli ORs rispettivamente per tumore maligno della pleura e del polmone. Sono stati applicati modelli di Poisson per la stima degli IRRs riguardanti le principali sedi digestive, utilizzando quali variabili esplicative: a) il rischio di esposizione ad asbesto legato alla mansione e b) il numero di anni di esposizione precedenti al 1985. Risultati. Nell’intera coorte (5582 uomini) gli SMR indicavano un eccesso di mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura incrementato rispettivamente di circa 7 volte (SMR= 7,03; IC95% 5,61-8,79) e di poco più di 14 volte (SMR= 14,20; IC95% 11,33-17,75) rispettivamente quando il confronto è stato fatto con la popolazione standard del FVG e dell’Italia. L’aumento della mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura risulta fortemente aumentato in tutte le stratificazioni. Gli SMR per il tumore di trachea, bronchi e polmone sono risultati essere prossimi all'unità quando le analisi sono state eseguite nell’intera coorte, mentre risultano aumentati in modo significativo rispetto alla popolazione generale quando calcolati nei soggetti a rischio medio e assunti presso i cantieri navali di Monfalcone prima del 1974 (SMR= 1,38 95%CI 1,00-1,85) e nei soggetti classificati a rischio medio e assunti nel periodo 1985-1994 (SMR= 4,88 95%CI 1,00-14,25). Analogamente, nell’intera coorte, i SIR per tumore maligno della pleura calcolati nell’intera coorte erano aumentati di oltre 7 volte (SIR= 7,65; IC95% 6,19-9,49), mentre l’incidenza del tumore di trachea bronchi e polmone non vede incrementi rispetto alla popolazione di riferimento. Coloro che hanno avuto una durata di esposizione maggiore di 30 anni prima del 1985 dimostrano un aumento dell’incidenza di tumore di trachea, bronchi e polmone (SIR=1,34 IC95% 1,00-1,77), statisticamente significativo, così come per coloro che son stati classificati a rischio medio di esposizione e assunti precedentemente al 1974 (SIR=1,46 IC95% 1,06-1,95) e per coloro che sono stati classificati ad alto rischio e assunti nel periodo 1985-1994 (SIR=5,68 IC95% 1,17-16,60). Nell’intera coorte si registra un significativo aumento di incidenza di tumore dello stomaco in coloro classificati a alto rischio (SIR= 1,47 IC95% 1,05-2,00), mentre l’incidenza di tumore del pancreas vede un incremento dell’incidenza in coloro classificati a medio rischio di esposizione ad asbesto (SIR= 2,21 IC95% 1,21-3,72). Il sottogruppo le cui informazioni risultavano mancanti mostrano un incremento del SIR, borderline ma non significativo, per tumore del colon-retto (SIR= 1,29 IC95% 0,94-1,73). Emerge un significativo aumento dell’incidenza del tumore dello stomaco in coloro con un periodo di esposizione precedente al 1985 compreso tra 10 e 20 anni (SIR= 1,71 IC95% 1,12-2,49). Anche i SIR per il tumore del pancreas vedono un incremento statisticamente significativo in coloro che hanno una durata di esposizione precedente al 1985 inferiore a 10 anni e maggiore di 30: rispettivamente i SIR sono stati di 2,23 (IC95% 1,07-4,10) e 2,57 (IC95% 1,53-4,07). I risultati relativi ai confronti interni non mostrano significatività statistica. Conclusioni. I risultati indicano che nella coorte degli uomini ex- lavoratori dei cantieri navali di Monfalcone vi era un incremento forte e statisticamente significativo della mortalità e dell’incidenza di tumore maligno della pleura rispetto sia alla popolazione generale del FVG sia a quella dell’Italia. Eccessi di mortalità ed incidenza sono stati rilevati talvolta anche per il tumore di trachea, bronchi e polmone, quando le analisi sono state condotte stratificando la coorte in gruppi omogenei di rischio. Il più elevato eccesso rispetto all’atteso sia della mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura e del tumore del polmone, che dell’incidenza, si osservava nei lavoratori con mansioni a rischio medio, seguito dal gruppo con mansioni a rischio elevato. I Risultati riguardanti l’incidenza dei tumori delle principali sedi digestive ha visto nell’intera coorte un aumento significativo dei SIR per tumore dello stomaco e del pancreas, anche quando condotti per sottogruppi. Tuttavia le stime relative agli outcome diversi dal tumore maligno della pleura e del tumore del polmone devono essere interpretate con cautela. Le associazioni positive riscontrate tramite confronti interni non presentano significatività statistica.