467 resultados para Vickers hardnes


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As increased work demands and longer working hours become the reality for many employees, the concept of work-life balance has received increasing attention. This paper presents findings from an exploratory study of Australian middle managers, which investigated the impact of middle managers’ daily organizational experiences on their lives both in and beyond the workplace. We focus on respondents’ reports of the difficulty in achieving work-life balance, specifically, the organizational impediments to creating balance. Three particular areas where these impediments were apparent are: the impact of new technologies; limits to autonomy and control in the middle management role; and difficulties in taking advantage of flexibility initiatives in the workplace. As middle managers are caught in the middle between work and personal life, there is a need for organizations to support middle managers’ efforts to achieve work-life balance if the organization’s long-term goals are to be achieved.


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Middle managers in today's organisations have reported experiencing longer working hours and intensified work regimes. These increased pressures, in turn, have led to growing difficulty in addressing the integration of their work and personal lives. In an exploratory study of the daily workplace experiences of Australian middle managers and the impacts on their personal lives, one of the key themes to emerge was respondents' concerns about the negative effects on their friendships. This paper discusses middle managers' recognition of the value of friendships for their wellbeing, and the resultant anger and sadness reported at the strain on these relationships due to competing time demands. The significant role that friendships play in alleviating some of the stresses of work demands, while concurrently being impeded by these same demands, is an important issue for organisations to consider. These findings indicate the need for middle managers to truly have an ability to engage in activities - and friendships - which will aid them in their working lives. The study also indicates a need for further investigation into the development and maintenance of friendships for both middle managers and other groups of employees.


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Vickers and nano indentations were performed on a structurally relaxed Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass (BMG), and the evolution of the shear bands in the relaxed BMG was investigated and compared to that in the as-cast alloy. Results indicate that the plastic deformation in the BMG with structure relaxation is accommodated by the semicircular (primary) and radial (secondary) as well as tertiary shear bands. Quantitatively, the shear band density in the relaxed alloy was much lower than that in the as-cast alloy. The annihilation of free volume caused by the annealing was responsible for the embrittlement of the sample with structure relaxation.


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Vickers and nanoindentationswere carried out on an annealed Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass (BMG), and the evolution of the shear bands in the annealed BMG was investigated and compared to that in the as-cast alloy. Results indicate that the plastic deformation in the BMG with the structure relaxation is accommodated by the semicircular (primary) and radial (secondary) as well as tertiary shear bands. Quantitatively, the shear band density in the annealed alloywas much lower than that in the as-cast alloy. The load-displacement curve of nanoindentation test for the annealed alloy exhibited a more flat serrated flow. The annihilation of free volume caused by the annealing was responsible for the embrittlement of the annealed sample.


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Poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) is a potential candidate for electronic applications due to its low permittivity, low loss, high melting point, better chemical resistance, excellent insulating properties and easy processibility. Present paper discusses the preparation and characterization of SrTiO3 filled PEEK composite for microwave substrate applications. The dielectric constant, dielectric loss and temperature variation of dielectric constant of the composites have been studied up to 1 MHz using an Impedance Analyzer. Different theoretical approaches have been employed to predict the effective permittivity of composite systems and the results are compared with that of the experimental data. The crystallinity of the bulk composite is studied by X-ray diffraction studies. Scanning electron microscopic technique has been employed to study the dispersion of the particulate filler in PEEK matrix. Vickers hardness of pure and filled PEEK composite has been measured using Microhardness Tester. The effect of particle size on the dielectric as well as mechanical properties of SrTiO3/PEEK composite system is also studied by incorporating micronsize and nanosize fillers. Present study shows that a temperature stable composite can be realized by judiciously selecting appropriate filler concentration in the PEEK matrix.


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Very recently 63Cu NMR has been shown to be extremely sensitive in detecting and differentiating between the precipitate phases that form in Al-Cu alloys during heat treatment. This technique is now used to quantify the effectiveness of small additions of Sn to the alloy Al-1.7 at.% Cu in promoting the rapid nucleation and growth of the θ'-phase precipitate. Two parallel series of 63Cu NMR spectra were recorded for Al-1.7 at.% Cu and Al-1.7 at.% Cu-0.01 at.% Sn: (i) aged at 130° C to observe the comparative rate of phase evolution and (ii) aged at 200° C to observe the rate of growth of θ'-phase and to compare with the Vickers hardness of the alloys aged at 200° C for similar periods. Evidence is presented that a metastable precursor phase to θ' (labelled TPHM2757math001) is formed in Al-Cu-Sn which transforms to θ' on further aging.


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Participation and success in paid work is a key element of identity for many men. The increased prevalence of downsizing and the associated discarding of individuals from their workplaces, then, has particular relevance for men. This paper shares qualitative findings from an exploratory phenomenological study investigating the experiences of Australian executives who had been made redundant. Three themes related to male identity are presented here: Failing as the breadwinner; Being less of a person; and, Losing success. The participants in this study shared feelings of anger, sadness, fear and embarrassment as a result of the assault to their identity that accompanied their involuntary redundancies. The impacts of redundancy were not only felt in relation to their job loss, but continued after returning to work. At a time when downsizing continues to feature as a routine part of organisational life—for some, an experience repeated throughout their careers—further exploration of the experience of redundancy and its implications is required.


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Axotomized neurons have the innate ability to undergo regenerative sprouting but this is often impeded by the inhibitory central nervous system environment. To gain mechanistic insights into the key molecular determinates that specifically underlie neuronal regeneration at a transcriptomic level, we have undertaken a DNA microarray study on mature cortical neuronal clusters maintained in vitro at 8, 15, 24 and 48 hrs following complete axonal severance. A total of 305 genes, each with a minimum fold change of ±1.5 for at least one out of the four time points and which achieved statistical significance (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.05), were identified by DAVID and classified into 14 different functional clusters according to Gene Ontology. From our data, we conclude that post-injury regenerative sprouting is an intricate process that requires two distinct pathways. Firstly, it involves restructuring of the neurite cytoskeleton, determined by compound actin and microtubule dynamics, protein trafficking and concomitant modulation of both guidance cues and neurotrophic factors. Secondly, it elicits a cell survival response whereby genes are regulated to protect against oxidative stress, inflammation and cellular ion imbalance. Our data reveal that neurons have the capability to fight insults by elevating biological antioxidants, regulating secondary messengers, suppressing apoptotic genes, controlling ion-associated processes and by expressing cell cycle proteins that, in the context of neuronal injury, could potentially have functions outside their normal role in cell division. Overall, vigilant control of cell survival responses against pernicious secondary processes is vital to avoid cell death and ensure successful neurite regeneration.


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Stainless steel is the most widely used alloys of steel. The reputed variety of stainless steel having customised material properties as per the design requirements is Duplex Stainless Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel. The Austenite Stainless Steel alloy has been developed further to be Super Austenitic Stainless Steel (SASS) by increasing the percentage of the alloying elements to form the half or more than the half of the material composition. SASS (Grade-AL-6XN) is an alloy steel containing high percentages of nickel (24%), molybdenum (6%) and chromium (21%). The chemical elements offer high degrees of corrosion resistance, toughness and stability in a large range of hostile environments like petroleum, marine and food processing industries. SASS is often used as a commercially viable substitute to high cost non-ferrous or non-metallic metals. The ability to machine steel effectively and efficiently is of utmost importance in the current competitive market. This paper is an attempt to evaluate the machinability of SASS which has been a classified material so far with very limited research conducted on it. Understanding the machinability of this alloy would assist in the effective forming of this material by metal cutting. The novelty of research associated with this is paper is reasonable taking into consideration the unknowns involved in machining SASS. The experimental design consists of conducting eight milling trials at combination of two different feed rates, 0.1 and 0.15 mm/tooth; cutting speeds, 100 and 150 m/min; Depth of Cut (DoC), 2 and 3 mm and coolant on for all the trials. The cutting tool has two inserts and therefore has two cutting edges. The trial sample is mounted on a dynamometer (type 9257B) to measure the cutting forces during the trials. The cutting force data obtained is later analyzed using DynaWare supplied by Kistler. The machined sample is subjected to surface roughness (Ra) measurement using a 3D optical surface profilometer (Alicona Infinite Focus). A comprehensive metallography process consisting of mounting, polishing and etching was conducted on a before and after machined sample in order to make a comparative analysis of the microstructural changes due to machining. The microstructural images were capture using a digital microscope. The microhardness test were conducted on a Vickers scale (Hv) using a Vickers microhardness tester. Initial bulk hardness testing conducted on the material show that the alloy is having a hardness of 83.4 HRb. This study expects an increase in hardness mostly due to work hardening may be due to phase transformation. The results obtained from the cutting trials are analyzed in order to judge the machinability of the material. Some of the criteria used for machinability evaluation are cutting force analysis, surface texture analysis, metallographic analysis and microhardness analysis. The methodology followed in each aspect of the investigation is similar to and inspired by similar research conducted on other materials. However, the novelty of this research is the investigation of various aspects of machinability and drawing comparisons between each other while attempting to justify each result obtained to the microstructural changes observed which influence the behaviour of the alloy. Due to the limited scope of the paper, machinability criteria such as chip morphology, Metal Removal Rate (MRR) and tool wear are not included in this paper. All aspects are then compared and the optimum machining parameters are justified with a scope for future investigations


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The evidence underpinning the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) is overwhelming. As the emphasis shifts more towards interventions and the translational strategies for disease prevention, it is important to capitalize on collaboration and knowledge sharing to maximize opportunities for discovery and replication. DOHaD meetings are facilitating this interaction. However, strategies to perpetuate focussed discussions and collaborations around and between conferences are more likely to facilitate the development of DOHaD research. For this reason, the DOHaD Society of Australia and New Zealand (DOHaD ANZ) has initiated themed Working Groups, which convened at the 2014-2015 conferences. This report introduces the DOHaD ANZ Working Groups and summarizes their plans and activities. One of the first Working Groups to form was the ActEarly birth cohort group, which is moving towards more translational goals. Reflecting growing emphasis on the impact of early life biodiversity - even before birth - we also have a Working Group titled Infection, inflammation and the microbiome. We have several Working Groups exploring other major non-cancerous disease outcomes over the lifespan, including Brain, behaviour and development and Obesity, cardiovascular and metabolic health. The Epigenetics and Animal Models Working Groups cut across all these areas and seeks to ensure interaction between researchers. Finally, we have a group focussed on 'Translation, policy and communication' which focusses on how we can best take the evidence we produce into the community to effect change. By coordinating and perpetuating DOHaD discussions in this way we aim to enhance DOHaD research in our region.


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O objetivo da dissertação é analisar as principais teorias keynesianas do investimento desenvolvidas no pós-gerra, tendo em vista a característica das decisões de investimento, e finalmente em uma linha que podemos denominar de fundamentalista ou pós-keynesiana, isto é, admitindo explicitamente a incerteza, se considerará o modelo de Shackle-Vickers como uma alternativa aos modelos baseados em uma racionalidade econômica convencional.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivos o estudo da produção de uma liga metálica nanoestruturada através do processo de moagem de alta energia, determinar a evolução microestrutural desta liga metálica durante o seu processamento e sua utilização na forma de revestimento protetor, depositado por aspersão térmica HVOF. O material escolhido foi a superliga NiCrAlY devido a sua grande importância tecnológica e pela pequena quantidade de trabalhos publicados até o momento sobre a produção e o emprego desta liga na forma nanoestruturada. A superliga NiCrAlY foi processada através de um moinho de alta energia do tipo Szegvari, empregando-se esferas de aço AISI 52100 como meio de moagem, em 3 diferentes condições de agitação e 3 relações entre meio de moagem/material. O material processado foi caracterizado através de diferentes métodos de análise, segundo critérios como: i) morfologia, caracterizada através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e granulometria por difração de laser, ii) tamanho de cristalito, através da análise do alargamento dos picos de difração de raios X pelo método single-line, iii) nível de contaminação por Fe, determinado através da análise por fluorescência de raios X. Revestimentos protetores foram depositados através do processo de aspersão térmica HVOF sobre substratos de aço inox AISI 304 para o estudo dos parâmetros de deposição e controle microestrutural dos revestimentos, com o objetivo de manter o tamanho de cristalito nanométrico das partículas após a deposição Os resultados mostram que o processo de moagem de alta energia provoca uma profunda alteração na morfologia das partículas, originando partículas achatadas e pequenos fragmentos, além de uma rápida redução do tamanho de cristalito, atingindo valores menores do que 20 nm nas primeiras horas de processamento. A microestrutura dos revestimentos depositados apresenta-se com um caráter lamelar acentuado, devido ao formato pré-aspersão das partículas, e uma microestrutura densa com uma quantidade relativamente grande de óxidos interlamelares. Também foi constatado que o processo de deposição dos revestimentos por aspersão térmica HVOF leva a um crescimento no tamanho dos cristalitos das partículas, mas é capaz de manter o tamanho dos cristalitos inferior a 100 nm após a deposição, levando a um revestimento com microdureza Vickers 35% superior com relação ao revestimento depositado com o material convencional.