807 resultados para Vertex Coloring Problem,AMPL


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We consider the problem of scheduling a multi-mode real-time system upon identical multiprocessor platforms. Since it is a multi-mode system, the system can change from one mode to another such that the current task set is replaced with a new task set. Ensuring that deadlines are met requires not only that a schedulability test is performed on tasks in each mode but also that (i) a protocol for transitioning from one mode to another is specified and (ii) a schedulability test for each transition is performed. We propose two protocols which ensure that all the expected requirements are met during every transition between every pair of operating modes of the system. Moreover, we prove the correctness of our proposed algorithms by extending the theory about the makespan determination problem.


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Finding the optimal value for a problem is usual in many areas of knowledge where in many cases it is needed to solve Nonlinear Optimization Problems. For some of those problems it is not possible to determine the expression for its objective function and/or its constraints, they are the result of experimental procedures, might be non-smooth, among other reasons. To solve such problems it was implemented an API contained methods to solve both constrained and unconstrained problems. This API was developed to be used either locally on the computer where the application is being executed or remotely on a server. To obtain the maximum flexibility both from the programmers’ and users’ points of view, problems can be defined as a Java class (because this API was developed in Java) or as a simple text input that is sent to the API. For this last one to be possible it was also implemented on the API an expression evaluator. One of the drawbacks of this expression evaluator is that it is slower than the Java native code. In this paper it is presented a solution that combines both options: the problem can be expressed at run-time as a string of chars that are converted to Java code, compiled and loaded dynamically. To wide the target audience of the API, this new expression evaluator is also compatible with the AMPL format.


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm for the resource constrained multi-project scheduling problem. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedules are constructed using a heuristic that builds parameterized active schedules based on priorities, delay times, and release dates defined by the genetic algorithm. The approach is tested on a set of randomly generated problems. The computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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The process of resources systems selection takes an important part in Distributed/Agile/Virtual Enterprises (D/A/V Es) integration. However, the resources systems selection is still a difficult matter to solve in a D/A/VE, as it is pointed out in this paper. Globally, we can say that the selection problem has been equated from different aspects, originating different kinds of models/algorithms to solve it. In order to assist the development of a web prototype tool (broker tool), intelligent and flexible, that integrates all the selection model activities and tools, and with the capacity to adequate to each D/A/V E project or instance (this is the major goal of our final project), we intend in this paper to show: a formulation of a kind of resources selection problem and the limitations of the algorithms proposed to solve it. We formulate a particular case of the problem as an integer programming, which is solved using simplex and branch and bound algorithms, and identify their performance limitations (in terms of processing time) based on simulation results. These limitations depend on the number of processing tasks and on the number of pre-selected resources per processing tasks, defining the domain of applicability of the algorithms for the problem studied. The limitations detected open the necessity of the application of other kind of algorithms (approximate solution algorithms) outside the domain of applicability founded for the algorithms simulated. However, for a broker tool it is very important the knowledge of algorithms limitations, in order to, based on problem features, develop and select the most suitable algorithm that guarantees a good performance.


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The control of a crane carrying its payload by an elastic string corresponds to a task in which precise, indirect control of a subsystem dynamically coupled to a directly controllable subsystem is needed. This task is interesting since the coupled degree of freedom has little damping and it is apt to keep swinging accordingly. The traditional approaches apply the input shaping technology to assist the human operator responsible for the manipulation task. In the present paper a novel adaptive approach applying fixed point transformations based iterations having local basin of attraction is proposed to simultaneously tackle the problems originating from the imprecise dynamic model available for the system to be controlled and the swinging problem, too. The most important phenomenological properties of this approach are also discussed. The control considers the 4th time-derivative of the trajectory of the payload. The operation of the proposed control is illustrated via simulation results.


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This paper presents a biased random-key genetic algorithm for the resource constrained project scheduling problem. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. Active schedules are constructed using a priority-rule heuristic in which the priorities of the activities are defined by the genetic algorithm. A forward-backward improvement procedure is applied to all solutions. The chromosomes supplied by the genetic algorithm are adjusted to reflect the solutions obtained by the improvement procedure. The heuristic is tested on a set of standard problems taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm for the multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), in which multiple execution modes are available for each of the activities of the project. The objective function is the minimization of the construction project completion time. To solve the problem, is applied a two-level genetic algorithm, which makes use of two separate levels and extend the parameterized schedule generation scheme by introducing an improvement procedure. It is evaluated the quality of the schedule and present detailed comparative computational results for the MRCPSP, which reveal that this approach is a competitive algorithm.


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Engineering Education includes not only teaching theoretical fundamental concepts but also its verification during practical lessons in laboratories. The usual strategies to carry out this action are frequently based on Problem Based Learning, starting from a given state and proceeding forward to a target state. The possibility or the effectiveness of this procedure depends on previous states and if the present state was caused or resulted from earlier ones. This often happens in engineering education when the achieved results do not match the desired ones, e.g. when programming code is being developed or when the cause of the wrong behavior of an electronic circuit is being identified. It is thus important to also prepare students to proceed in the reverse way, i.e. given a start state generate the explanation or even the principles that underlie it. Later on, this sort of skills will be important. For instance, to a doctor making a patient?s story or to an engineer discovering the source of a malfunction. This learning methodology presents pedagogical advantages besides the enhanced preparation of students to their future work. The work presented on his document describes an automation project developed by a group of students in an engineering polytechnic school laboratory. The main objective was to improve the performance of a Braille machine. However, in a scenario of Reverse Problem-Based learning, students had first to discover and characterize the entire machine's function before being allowed (and being able) to propose a solution for the existing problem.


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We study the existence and multiplicity of positive radial solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the Minkowski-curvature equation { -div(del upsilon/root 1-vertical bar del upsilon vertical bar(2)) in B-R, upsilon=0 on partial derivative B-R,B- where B-R is a ball in R-N (N >= 2). According to the behaviour off = f (r, s) near s = 0, we prove the existence of either one, two or three positive solutions. All results are obtained by reduction to an equivalent non-singular one-dimensional problem, to which variational methods can be applied in a standard way.


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedule is constructed using a heuristic priority rule in which the priorities of the activities are defined by the genetic algorithm. The heuristic generates parameterized active schedules. The approach was tested on a set of standard problems taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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This paper presents an optimization approach for the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP). The JSSP is a difficult problem in combinatorial optimization for which extensive investigation has been devoted to the development of efficient algorithms. The proposed approach is based on a genetic algorithm technique. The scheduling rules such as SPT and MWKR are integrated into the process of genetic evolution. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedules are constructed using a priority rule in which the priorities and delay times of the operations are defined by the genetic algorithm. Schedules are constructed using a procedure that generates parameterized active schedules. After a schedule is obtained a local search heuristic is applied to improve the solution. The approach is tested on a set of standard instances taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, September, 5-7, 2002, Aveiro, Portugal


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Trabalho de projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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The container loading problem (CLP) is a combinatorial optimization problem for the spatial arrangement of cargo inside containers so as to maximize the usage of space. The algorithms for this problem are of limited practical applicability if real-world constraints are not considered, one of the most important of which is deemed to be stability. This paper addresses static stability, as opposed to dynamic stability, looking at the stability of the cargo during container loading. This paper proposes two algorithms. The first is a static stability algorithm based on static mechanical equilibrium conditions that can be used as a stability evaluation function embedded in CLP algorithms (e.g. constructive heuristics, metaheuristics). The second proposed algorithm is a physical packing sequence algorithm that, given a container loading arrangement, generates the actual sequence by which each box is placed inside the container, considering static stability and loading operation efficiency constraints.