946 resultados para Vector control


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Urban occurrence of human and canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is linked to households with characteristics conducive to the presence of sand flies. This study proposes an ad hoc classification of households according to the environmental characteristics of receptivity to phlebotominae and an entomological study to validate the proposal. Here we describe the phlebotominae population found in intra- and peridomiciliary environments and analyse the spatiotemporal distribution of the VL vector Lutzomyia longipalpis of households receptive to VL. In the region, 153 households were classified into levels of receptivity to VL followed by entomological surveys in 40 of those properties. Kruskal-Wallis verified the relationship between the households’ classification and sand fly abundance and Kernel analysis evaluated L. longipalpis spatial distribution: of the 740 sand flies were captured, 91% were L. longipalpis; 82% were found peridomiciliary whilst the remaining 18% were found intradomiciliary. No statistically significant association was found between sandflies and households levels. L. longipalpis counts were concentrated in areas of high vulnerability and some specific households were responsible for the persistence of the infestation. L. longipalpis prevails over other sand fly species for urban VL transmission. The entomological study may help target the surveillance and vector control strategies to domiciles initiating and/or maintaining VL outbreaks.


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BACKGROUND: Urbanization in African cities has major impact on malaria risk. Niamey, the capital of the Republic of Niger, is situated in the West African Sahel zone. The short rainy season and human activities linked with the Niger River influence mosquito abundance. This study aimed at deciphering the factors of distribution of urban malaria vectors in Niamey.

METHODS: The distribution of mosquito aquatic stages was investigated monthly from December 2002 to November 2003, at up to 84 breeding sites, throughout Niamey. An exploratory analysis of association between mosquito abundance and environmental factors was performed by a Principal Component Analysis and confirmed by Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric test. To assess the relative importance of significant factors, models were built for Anopheles and Culicinae. In a second capture session, adult mosquitoes were collected weekly with pyrethrum sprays and CDC light-traps from June 2008 to June 2009 in two differentiated urban areas chosen after the study's first step. Members of the Anopheles gambiae complex were genotyped and Anopheles females were tested for the presence of Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite antigens using ELISA.

RESULTS: In 2003, 29 % of 8420 mosquitoes collected as aquatic stages were Anopheles. They were significantly more likely to be found upstream, relatively close to the river and highly productive in ponds. These factors remained significant in regression and generalized linear models. The Culicinae were found significantly more likely close to the river, and in the main temporary affluent stream. In 2009, Anopheles specimens, including Anopheles gambiae s.l. (95 %), but also Anopheles funestus (0.6 %) accounted for 18 % of the adult mosquito fauna, with a large difference between the two sampled zones. Three members of the An. gambiae complex were found: Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles coluzzii, and An. gambiae. Nineteen (1.3 %) out of 1467 females tested for P. falciparum antigen were found positive.

CONCLUSION: The study provides valuable update knowledge on malaria vector ecology and distribution in Niamey. The identification of spatial and environmental risk factors could pave the way to larval source management strategy and allow malaria vector control to focus on key zones for the benefit of the community.


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Les anthracyclines tels que la doxorubicin et la daunorubicin sont une famille de médicaments anticancéreux hydrophiles qui doivent être transportés dans les cellules afin d’exercer leur action par intercalation à l’ADN dans le noyau cellulaire. Ceci mène à la perturbation du métabolisme de l’ADN et entraine la mort cellulaire. Les anthracyclines sont utilisés pour le traitement d’une variété de cancers incluant la leucémie, les lymphomes, le cancer du sein, le cancer des poumons et le cancer des ovaires. Étant donné que le transport actif des anthracyclines dans les cellules a partiellement été démontré, le transporteur spécifique impliqué dans ce processus n’est pas encore connu. En utilisant un modèle de cancer des ovaires, la lignée cellulaire TOV2223G, nous avons démontré que des substrats spécifiques au transporteur de cations organiques 1 (OCT1), notamment la ergothionéine, la thiamine et la phenformin, ont partiellement inhibé l’absorption de la daunorubicin en différence de la carnitine qui est un substrat de haute affinité des transporteurs CT2 et OCTN2. Ces résultats suggèrent que les transporteurs organiques spécifiques au transport de la carnitine ne sont pas impliqués dans le transport des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nos résultats ont démontré que l’absorption de la daunorubicin est orchestrée par le transporteur OCT1 dans les cellules TOV2223G (Km ~ 5 μM) et des concentrations micromolaires de choline ont complètement abolies l’absorption de la drogue. De plus, un ARN sh dirigé contre OCT1 a réprimé son expression protéique, ce qui a été confirmé par la technique d’immuno-buvardage en utilisant un anti-OCT1 anticorps. Les cellules déficientes en OCT1 n’ont pas été capables d’absorber la daunorubicin et ont été plus résistantes à l’action de la drogue par rapport aux cellules contrôle. La transfection des cellules HEK293T avec un plasmide construit de façon à faire exprimer OCT1 comme protéine de fusion avec la protéine fluorescente EYFP a montré que celle-ci est localisée dans la membrane plasmique. Les cellules transfectées ont été capables d’absorber cinq fois plus de daunorubicin comparé aux cellules contrôles. Cette étude est, selon nous, la première à démontrer que OCT1 est un transporteur de haute affinité des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des défauts de OCT1 peuvent contribuer à l’efficacité de la réponse des cellules cancéreuses à la chimiothérapie avec les anthracyclines.


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Les anthracyclines tels que la doxorubicin et la daunorubicin sont une famille de médicaments anticancéreux hydrophiles qui doivent être transportés dans les cellules afin d’exercer leur action par intercalation à l’ADN dans le noyau cellulaire. Ceci mène à la perturbation du métabolisme de l’ADN et entraine la mort cellulaire. Les anthracyclines sont utilisés pour le traitement d’une variété de cancers incluant la leucémie, les lymphomes, le cancer du sein, le cancer des poumons et le cancer des ovaires. Étant donné que le transport actif des anthracyclines dans les cellules a partiellement été démontré, le transporteur spécifique impliqué dans ce processus n’est pas encore connu. En utilisant un modèle de cancer des ovaires, la lignée cellulaire TOV2223G, nous avons démontré que des substrats spécifiques au transporteur de cations organiques 1 (OCT1), notamment la ergothionéine, la thiamine et la phenformin, ont partiellement inhibé l’absorption de la daunorubicin en différence de la carnitine qui est un substrat de haute affinité des transporteurs CT2 et OCTN2. Ces résultats suggèrent que les transporteurs organiques spécifiques au transport de la carnitine ne sont pas impliqués dans le transport des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nos résultats ont démontré que l’absorption de la daunorubicin est orchestrée par le transporteur OCT1 dans les cellules TOV2223G (Km ~ 5 μM) et des concentrations micromolaires de choline ont complètement abolies l’absorption de la drogue. De plus, un ARN sh dirigé contre OCT1 a réprimé son expression protéique, ce qui a été confirmé par la technique d’immuno-buvardage en utilisant un anti-OCT1 anticorps. Les cellules déficientes en OCT1 n’ont pas été capables d’absorber la daunorubicin et ont été plus résistantes à l’action de la drogue par rapport aux cellules contrôle. La transfection des cellules HEK293T avec un plasmide construit de façon à faire exprimer OCT1 comme protéine de fusion avec la protéine fluorescente EYFP a montré que celle-ci est localisée dans la membrane plasmique. Les cellules transfectées ont été capables d’absorber cinq fois plus de daunorubicin comparé aux cellules contrôles. Cette étude est, selon nous, la première à démontrer que OCT1 est un transporteur de haute affinité des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des défauts de OCT1 peuvent contribuer à l’efficacité de la réponse des cellules cancéreuses à la chimiothérapie avec les anthracyclines.


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Metarhizium anisopliae is an entomopathogenic fungus relevant in biotechnology with applications like malaria vector control. Studies of its virulence factors are therefore of great interest. Fungal ribotoxins are toxic ribonucleases with extraordinary efficiency against target ribosomes and suggested as potential insecticides. Here, we describe this ribotoxin characteristic activity in M. anisopliae cultures. Anisoplin has been obtained as a recombinant protein and further characterized. It is structurally similar to hirsutellin A, the ribotoxin from the entomopathogen Hirsutella thompsonii. Moreover, anisoplin shows the ribonucleolytic activity typical of ribotoxins and cytotoxicity against insect cells. How Metarhizium uses this toxin and possible applications are on perspective.


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This thesis explored the role of essential Rhoptry-proteins (RAPs) in parasites that cause malaria. Utilising genetic engineering approaches, this work provides the first formal proof that RAPs are not involved in the invasion of host erythrocytes and instead presents evidence supporting a post-invasion role. This changes the existing notion of RAPs as potential vaccine-candidates to being potential drug-targets.


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This paper proposes a multilevel inverter configuration which produces a hexagonal voltage space vector structure in the lower modulation region and a 12-sided polygonal space vector structure in the overmodulation region. A conventional multilevel inverter produces 6n plusmn 1 (n = odd) harmonics in the phase voltage during overmodulation and in the extreme square-wave mode of operation. However, this inverter produces a 12-sided polygonal space vector location, leading to the elimination of 6n plusmn 1 (n = odd) harmonics in the overmodulation region extending to a final 12-step mode of operation with a smooth transition. The benefits of this arrangement are lower losses and reduced torque pulsation in an induction motor drive fed from this converter at higher modulation indexes. The inverter is fabricated by using three conventional cascaded two-level inverters with asymmetric dc-bus voltages. A comparative simulation study of the harmonic distortion in the phase voltage and associated losses in conventional multilevel inverters and that of the proposed inverter is presented in this paper. Experimental validation on a prototype shows that the proposed converter is suitable for high-power applications because of low harmonic distortion and low losses.


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A constant switching frequency current error space vector-based hysteresis controller for two-level voltage source inverter-fed induction motor (IM) drives is proposed in this study. The proposed controller is capable of driving the IM in the entire speed range extending to the six-step mode. The proposed controller uses the parabolic boundary, reported earlier, for vector selection in a sector, but uses simple, fast and self-adaptive sector identification logic for sector change detection in the entire modulation range. This new scheme detects the sector change using the change in direction of current error along the axes jA, jB and jC. Most of the previous schemes use an outer boundary for sector change detection. So the current error goes outside the boundary six times during sector change, in one cycle,, introducing additional fifth and seventh harmonic components in phase current. This may cause sixth harmonic torque pulsations in the motor and spread in the harmonic spectrum of phase voltage. The proposed new scheme detects the sector change fast and accurately eliminating the chance of introducing additional fifth and seventh harmonic components in phase current and provides harmonic spectrum of phase voltage, which exactly matches with that of constant switching frequency voltage-controlled space vector pulse width modulation (VC-SVPWM)-based two-level inverter-fed drives.


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A current-error space-vector-based hysteresis current controller for a general n-level voltage-source inverter (VSI)-fed three-phase induction motor (IM) drive is proposed here, with control of the switching frequency variation for the full linear modulation range. The proposed current controller monitors the space-vector-based current error of an n-level VSI-fed IM to keep the current error within a parabolic boundary, using the information of the current triangular sector in which the tip of the reference vector lies. Information of the reference voltage vector is estimated using the measured current-error space vectors, along the alpha- and beta-axes. Appropriate dimension and orientation of this parabolic boundary ensure a switching frequency spectrum similar to that of a constant-switching-frequency voltage-controlled space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) (SVPWM)-based IM drive. Like SVPWM for multilevel inverters, the proposed controller selects inverter switching vectors, forming a triangular sector in which the tip of the reference vector stays, for the hysteresis PWM control. The sector in the n-level inverter space vector diagram, in which the tip of the fundamental stator voltage stays, is precisely detected, using the sampled reference space vector estimated from the instantaneous current-error space vectors. The proposed controller retains all the advantages of a conventional hysteresis controller such as fast current control, with smooth transition to the overmodulation region. The proposed controller is implemented on a five-level VSI-fed 7.5-kW IM drive.


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This article describes neural network models for adaptive control of arm movement trajectories during visually guided reaching and, more generally, a framework for unsupervised real-time error-based learning. The models clarify how a child, or untrained robot, can learn to reach for objects that it sees. Piaget has provided basic insights with his concept of a circular reaction: As an infant makes internally generated movements of its hand, the eyes automatically follow this motion. A transformation is learned between the visual representation of hand position and the motor representation of hand position. Learning of this transformation eventually enables the child to accurately reach for visually detected targets. Grossberg and Kuperstein have shown how the eye movement system can use visual error signals to correct movement parameters via cerebellar learning. Here it is shown how endogenously generated arm movements lead to adaptive tuning of arm control parameters. These movements also activate the target position representations that are used to learn the visuo-motor transformation that controls visually guided reaching. The AVITE model presented here is an adaptive neural circuit based on the Vector Integration to Endpoint (VITE) model for arm and speech trajectory generation of Bullock and Grossberg. In the VITE model, a Target Position Command (TPC) represents the location of the desired target. The Present Position Command (PPC) encodes the present hand-arm configuration. The Difference Vector (DV) population continuously.computes the difference between the PPC and the TPC. A speed-controlling GO signal multiplies DV output. The PPC integrates the (DV)·(GO) product and generates an outflow command to the arm. Integration at the PPC continues at a rate dependent on GO signal size until the DV reaches zero, at which time the PPC equals the TPC. The AVITE model explains how self-consistent TPC and PPC coordinates are autonomously generated and learned. Learning of AVITE parameters is regulated by activation of a self-regulating Endogenous Random Generator (ERG) of training vectors. Each vector is integrated at the PPC, giving rise to a movement command. The generation of each vector induces a complementary postural phase during which ERG output stops and learning occurs. Then a new vector is generated and the cycle is repeated. This cyclic, biphasic behavior is controlled by a specialized gated dipole circuit. ERG output autonomously stops in such a way that, across trials, a broad sample of workspace target positions is generated. When the ERG shuts off, a modulator gate opens, copying the PPC into the TPC. Learning of a transformation from TPC to PPC occurs using the DV as an error signal that is zeroed due to learning. This learning scheme is called a Vector Associative Map, or VAM. The VAM model is a general-purpose device for autonomous real-time error-based learning and performance of associative maps. The DV stage serves the dual function of reading out new TPCs during performance and reading in new adaptive weights during learning, without a disruption of real-time operation. YAMs thus provide an on-line unsupervised alternative to the off-line properties of supervised error-correction learning algorithms. YAMs and VAM cascades for learning motor-to-motor and spatial-to-motor maps are described. YAM models and Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) models exhibit complementary matching, learning, and performance properties that together provide a foundation for designing a total sensory-cognitive and cognitive-motor autonomous system.


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This paper presents the results of an investigation into the utility of remote sensing (RS) using meteorological satellites sensors and spatial interpolation (SI) of data from meteorological stations, for the prediction of spatial variation in monthly climate across continental Africa in 1990. Information from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) polar-orbiting meteorological satellites was used to estimate land surface temperature (LST) and atmospheric moisture. Cold cloud duration (CCD) data derived from the High Resolution Radiometer (HRR) onboard the European Meteorological Satellite programme's (EUMETSAT) Meteosat satellite series were also used as a RS proxy measurement of rainfall. Temperature, atmospheric moisture and rainfall surfaces were independently derived from SI of measurements from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) member stations of Africa. These meteorological station data were then used to test the accuracy of each methodology, so that the appropriateness of the two techniques for epidemiological research could be compared. SI was a more accurate predictor of temperature, whereas RS provided a better surrogate for rainfall; both were equally accurate at predicting atmospheric moisture. The implications of these results for mapping short and long-term climate change and hence their potential for the study anti control of disease vectors are considered. Taking into account logistic and analytical problems, there were no clear conclusions regarding the optimality of either technique, but there was considerable potential for synergy.


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Tesis (Maestria en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) UANL