841 resultados para Vaccin anti-cancer
Cells are packed with membrane structures, defining the inside and outside, and the different subcellular compartments. These membranes consisting mainly of phospholipids have a variety of functions in addition to providing a permeability barrier for various compounds. These functions involve cellular signaling, where lipids can act as second messengers, or direct regulation of membrane associating proteins. The first part of this study focuses on relating some of the physicochemical properties of membrane lipids to the association of drug compounds to membranes. A fluorescence based method is described allowing for determination of the membrane association of drugs. This method was subsequently applied to a novel drug, siramesine, previously shown to have anti-cancer activity. Siramesine was found to associate with anionic lipids. Especially interesting is its strong affinity for a second messenger lipid phosphatidic acid. This is the first example of a small molecule drug compound specifically interacting with a cellular lipid. Phosphatidic acid in cells is required for the activation of many signaling pathways mediating growth and proliferation. This provides an intriguing possibility for a simple molecular mechanism of the observed anti-cancer activity of siramesine. In the second part the thermal behavior and self assembly of charged and uncharged membrane assemblies was studied. Strong inter-lamellar co-operativity was observed for multilamellar DPPC vesicles using fluorescence techniques together with calorimetry. The commonly used membrane models, large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and multilamellar vesicles (MLV) were found to possess different biophysical properties as interlamellar interactions of MLVs drive segregation of a pyrene labeled lipid analogue into clusters. The effect of a counter-ion lattice on the self assembly of a cationic gemini surfactant was studied. The presence of NaCl strongly influenced the thermal phase behavior of M-1 vesicles, causing formation of giant vesicles upon exceeding a phase transition temperature, followed by a subsequent transition into a more homogenous dispersion. Understanding the underlying biophysical aspects of cellular membranes is of fundamental importance as the complex picture of the structure and function of cells is evolving. Many of the cellular reactions take place on membranes and membranes are known to regulate the activity of many peripheral and intergral membrane associating proteins. From the point of view of drug design and gene technology, membranes can provide an interesting target for future development of drugs, but also a vehicle sensitive for environmental changes allowing for encapsulating drugs and targeting them to the desired site of action.
Glucosinolates are a group of sulphur-containing glycosides found in the plant order Brassicales which includes the Brassica vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. When brought into contact with the plant enzymes, myrosinases, the glucosinolates break down releasing glucose and other products which serve principally in plant defence against herbivores. The most important of the products from a human nutritional viewpoint, are the isothiocyanates. These potent inducers of detoxifying enzymes bestow the distinct anti-cancer properties on these plants. Unique among tropical fruits, papaya is known to contain an abundance of one particular glucosinolate, glucotropaeolin. Other compounds that play a pivotal role in the chemical defence system of many plants are the cyanogenic glycosides. Cyanogenic glycosides are activated by plant enzymes in the event of pest attack, releasing the deterrent: toxic hydrogen cyanide. Papaya, in addition to glucosinolates, also contains low levels of cyanogenic glycosides, an unusual occurrence because it was assumed that the two classes of metabolites were mutually exclusive. Studies measuring the levels of both in the edible parts of the papaya fruit and other utilised tissues are discussed and considered in the context of potential human health ramifications. All rights reserved, Elsevier.
Purpose In the oncology population where malnutrition prevalence is high, more descriptive screening tools can provide further information to assist triaging and capture acute change. The Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment Short Form (PG-SGA SF) is a component of a nutritional assessment tool which could be used for descriptive nutrition screening. The purpose of this study was to conduct a secondary analysis of nutrition screening and assessment data to identify the most relevant information contributing to the PG-SGA SF to identify malnutrition risk with high sensitivity and specificity. Methods This was an observational, cross-sectional study of 300 consecutive adult patients receiving ambulatory anti-cancer treatment at an Australian tertiary hospital. Anthropometric and patient descriptive data were collected. The scored PG-SGA generated a score for nutritional risk (PG-SGA SF) and a global rating for nutrition status. Receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC) were generated to determine optimal cut-off scores for combinations of the PG-SGA SF boxes with the greatest sensitivity and specificity for predicting malnutrition according to scored PG-SGA global rating. Results The additive scores of boxes 1–3 had the highest sensitivity (90.2 %) while maintaining satisfactory specificity (67.5 %) and demonstrating high diagnostic value (AUC = 0.85, 95 % CI = 0.81–0.89). The inclusion of box 4 (PG-SGA SF) did not add further value as a screening tool (AUC = 0.85, 95 % CI = 0.80–0.89; sensitivity 80.4 %; specificity 72.3 %). Conclusions The validity of the PG-SGA SF in chemotherapy outpatients was confirmed. The present study however demonstrated that the functional capacity question (box 4) does not improve the overall discriminatory value of the PG-SGA SF.
Nybildning av blodkärl från tidigare existerande kärl, angiogenes, är ett väsentligt skede vid tumörtillväxt. Denna process regleras av bland annat tillväxtfaktorer, var av den vaskulära endoteliala tillväxtfaktorn har en central roll. Hämning av angiogenes kan ske antingen extracellulärt med hjälp av humaniserade monoklonala antikroppar eller intracellulärt med hjälp av småmolekylära hämmaren. Sunitinib är en småmolekylär multikinashämmare och inhiberar flera tyrosinkinasreceptorer som påverkar tumörtillväxten och metastasutvecklingen vid cancer. Sunitinibs främsta indikationer är gastrointestinala stromacellstumörer, metastaserad njurcellscancer och neuroendokrina tumörer i bukspottskörteln. Behandling med tyrosinkinashämmare orsakar biverkningar som hypertension, kardiotoxicitet och njursvikt, vilka antas bero på de hämmande effekterna på mål som inte är väsentliga för anti-cancer-aktiviteten (”off-target” biverkningar). Bland annat AMP-aktiverat proteinkinas (AMPK), ett kinas som upprätthåller metabolisk homeostas i hjärtat, inhiberas av sunitinib och antas framkalla kardiovaskulära biverkningar. För att reducera ”off-target” biverkningar strävar man till att hitta alternativ som minskar de skadliga effekterna utan att den terapeutiska aktiviteten försvagas. Bland annat ett begränsat kaloriintag har uppvisat skyddande effekt på hjärtat via mekanismer sammankopplade till ökad resistens mot oxidativ stress, inflammation och mitokondriell dysfunktion, samt avtagande apoptos och autofagi. Detta sker delvis genom aktivering av enzymet Sirt1. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka ifall kaloribegränsning skyddar mot kardiovaskulära och renala biverkningar inducerade av sunitinib hos råttor. Dessutom studerades vilka signalkedjor i cellen som medverkar. I studien användes 40 spontant hypertensiva råttor samt 10 normotensiva Wistar-Kyoto råttor. Försöksdjuren delades in i fem grupper beroende på behandling; I WKY kontroll, II SHR kontroll, III SHR + kaloribegränsning 70 %, IV SHR + sunitinib 3 mg/kg och V SHR + sunitinib 3 mg/kg + kaloribegränsning 70 %. Behandlingsperioden var åtta veckor. Blodtrycket mättes varje vecka med svansmanchett, urinutsöndringen undersöktes vecka 4 och vecka 8 med metabolismburar, ultraljudsundersökning av hjärtat utfördes sista veckan och blodkärlens respons till acetylkolin och natriumnitroprussid studerades i samband med avlivning. Proteinerna Sirt1 och AMPK analyserades i hjärtat med Western blotting samt förekomsten av makrofagmarkören ED1 i njurarna med immunhistokemi. Studien visade att sunitinibdosen 3 mg/kg är mycket väl tolererbar hos råttor eftersom sunitinib inte orsakade högre blodtryck, kraftigare hypertrofi eller mer omfattande njurskada jämfört med obehandlade SHR- grupper. Utgående från resultaten kan man också konstatera att kaloribegränsningen har positiva kardiovaskulära effekter.
Background and Purpose: Withanolides are naturally occurring chemical compounds. They are secondary metabolites produced via oxidation of steroids and structurally consist of a steroid-backbone bound to a lactone or its derivatives. They are known to protect plants against herbivores and have medicinal value including anti-inflammation, anti-cancer, adaptogenic and anti-oxidant effects. Withaferin A (Wi-A) and Withanone (Wi-N) are two structurally similar withanolides isolated from Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha alcoholic leaf extract (i-Extract), rich in Wi-N, was shown to kill cancer cells selectively. Furthermore, the two closely related purified phytochemicals, Wi-A and Wi-N, showed differential activity in normal and cancer human cells in vitro and in vivo. We had earlier identified several genes involved in cytotoxicity of i-Extract in human cancer cells by loss-of-function assays using either siRNA or randomized ribozyme library. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study, we have employed bioinformatics tools on four genes, i.e., mortalin, p53, p21 and Nrf2, identified by loss-of-function screenings. We examined the docking efficacy of Wi-N and Wi-A to each of the four targets and found that the two closely related phytochemicals have differential binding properties to the selected cellular targets that can potentially instigate differential molecular effects. We validated these findings by undertaking parallel experiments on specific gene responses to either Wi-N or Wi-A in human normal and cancer cells. We demonstrate that Wi-A that binds strongly to the selected targets acts as a strong cytotoxic agent both for normal and cancer cells. Wi-N, on the other hand, has a weak binding to the targets; it showed milder cytotoxicity towards cancer cells and was safe for normal cells. The present molecular docking analyses and experimental evidence revealed important insights to the use of Wi-A and Wi-N for cancer treatment and development of new anti-cancer phytochemical cocktails.
Owing to the reduced co-relationship between conventional flat Petri dish culture (two-dimensional) and the tumour microenvironment, there has been a shift towards three-dimensional culture systems that show an improved analogy to the same. In this work, an extracellular matrix (ECM)-mimicking three-dimensional scaffold based on chitosan and gelatin was fabricated and explored for its potential as a tumour model for lung cancer. It was demonstrated that the chitosan-gelatin (CG) scaffolds supported the formation of tumoroids that were similar to tumours grown in vivo for factors involved in tumour-cell-ECM interaction, invasion and metastasis, and response to anti-cancer drugs. On the other hand, the two-dimensional Petri dish surfaces did not demonstrate gene-expression profiles similar to tumours grown in vivo. Further, the three-dimensional CG scaffolds supported the formation of tumoroids, using other types of cancer cells such as breast, cervix and bone, indicating a possible wider potential for in vitro tumoroid generation. Overall, the results demonstrated that CG scaffolds can be an improved in vitro tool to study cancer progression and drug screening for solid tumours.
Type I DNA topoisomerases from bacteria catalyse relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA in a Mg2+ dependent manner. Although topoisomerases of distinct classes have been subjected for anti-cancer and anti-infective drug development, bacterial type I enzymes are way behind in this regard. Our studies with Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I (MstopoI) revealed several of its distinct properties compared to the well studied Escherichia coli topoisomerase I (EctopoI) suggesting the possibility of targeting the mycobacterial enzyme for inhibitor development. Here, we describe Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I (MttopoI) and compare its properties with MstopoI and EctopoI. The enzyme cleaves DNA at preferred sites in a pattern similar to its ortholog from M. smegmatis. Oligonucleotides containing the specific recognition sequence inhibited the activity of the enzyme in a manner similar to that of MstopoI. Substitution of the acidic residues, D111 and E115 which are involved in Mg2+ co-ordination, to alanines affected the DNA relaxation activity. Unlike the wild type enzyme, D111A was dependent on Mg2+ for DNA cleavage and both the mutants were compromised in religation. The monoclonal antibody (mAb), 2F3G4, developed against MstopoI inhibited the relaxation activity of MttopoI. These studies affirm the characteristics of MttopoI to be similar to MstopoI and set a stage to target it for the development of specific small molecule inhibitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Benzimidazole derivatives are well known for their antibacterial, antiviral, anticonvulsant, antihistaminic, anthelmintic and antidepressant activities. Benzimidazole's unique base-selective DNA recognition property has been studied widely. However, most of the early benzimidazole systems have been targeted towards the binding of duplex DNA. Here we have shown the evolution and progress of the design and synthesis of new benzimidazole systems towards selective recognition of the double-stranded DNA first. Then in order to achieve selective recognition of the G-quadruplex DNA and utilize their potential as future anti-cancer drug candidates, we have demonstrated their selective cytotoxicity towards the cancer cells and potent telomerase inhibition ability.
The present study demonstrates a method to deliver hydrophobic drugs by incorporation into thin films and microcapsules fabricated via a layer-by-layer assembly approach. The hydrophobic molecule binding properties of albumin have been exploited for solubilization of a water-insoluble molecule, pyrene (model drug), by preparation of non-covalent conjugates with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Conjugation with BSA renders a highly negative zeta potential to the previously uncharged pyrene which favors the assembly formation by electrostatic interaction with a positively charged polyelectrolyte, chitosan (at acidic pH). The growth of the assembly was followed by monitoring pyrene absorbance with successive layer deposition. The thin film assembly was demonstrated to be capable of releasing its hydrophobic cargo under physiological conditions. We demonstrated the applicability of this approach by encapsulating a water-insoluble drug, curcumin. These assemblies were further loaded with the anti-cancer drug Doxorubicin. Biocompatible calcium carbonate microparticles were used for capsule preparation. The porous nature of the microparticles allows for the pre-encapsulation of therapeutic macromolecules like protein. The fabrication of protein encapsulated stable microcapsules with hydrophobic molecules incorporated into the shell of the microcapsules has been demonstrated. The microcapsules were further capable of loading hydrophilic molecules like Rhodamine B. Thus, using the approach described, a multi-agent carrier for hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs as well as therapeutic macromolecules can be envisioned.
The formation of telomeric G-quadruplexes has been shown to inhibit telomerase activity. Indeed, a number of small molecules capable of p-stacking with G-tetrads have shown the ability to inhibit telomerase activity through the stabilization of G-quadruplexes. Curcumin displays a wide spectrum of medicinal properties ranging from anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-protozoal, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory to anti-cancer activity. We have investigated the interactions of curcumin and its structural analogues with the human telomeric sequence AG(3)(T(2)AG(3))(3) under molecular crowding conditions. Experimental studies indicated the existence of a AG(3)(T(2)AG(3))(3)/curcumin complex with binding affinity of 0.72 x 10(6) M-1 under molecular crowding conditions. The results from UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, a fluorescent TO displacement assay, circular dichroism and molecular docking studies, imply that curcumin and their analogues interact with G-quadruplex DNA via groove binding. While other analogs of curcumin studied here bind to G-quadruplexes in a qualitatively similar manner their affinities are relatively lower in comparison to curcumin. The Knoevenagel condensate, a methoxy-benzylidene derivative of curcumin, also exhibited significant binding to G-quadruplex DNA, although with two times decreased affinity. Our study establishes the potential of curcumin as a promising natural product for G-quadruplex specific ligands.
The formation of telomeric G-quadruplexes has been shown to inhibit telomerase activity. Indeed, a number of small molecules capable of p-stacking with G-tetrads have shown the ability to inhibit telomerase activity through the stabilization of G-quadruplexes. Curcumin displays a wide spectrum of medicinal properties ranging from anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-protozoal, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory to anti-cancer activity. We have investigated the interactions of curcumin and its structural analogues with the human telomeric sequence AG(3)(T(2)AG(3))(3) under molecular crowding conditions. Experimental studies indicated the existence of a AG(3)(T(2)AG(3))(3)/curcumin complex with binding affinity of 0.72 x 10(6) M-1 under molecular crowding conditions. The results from UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, a fluorescent TO displacement assay, circular dichroism and molecular docking studies, imply that curcumin and their analogues interact with G-quadruplex DNA via groove binding. While other analogs of curcumin studied here bind to G-quadruplexes in a qualitatively similar manner their affinities are relatively lower in comparison to curcumin. The Knoevenagel condensate, a methoxy-benzylidene derivative of curcumin, also exhibited significant binding to G-quadruplex DNA, although with two times decreased affinity. Our study establishes the potential of curcumin as a promising natural product for G-quadruplex specific ligands.
Deficiencies in the mismatch repair (MMR) pathway are associated with several types of cancers, as well as resistance to commonly used chemotherapeutics. Rhodium metalloinsertors have been found to bind DNA mismatches with high affinity and specificity in vitro, and also exhibit cell-selective cytotoxicity, targeting MMR-deficient cells over MMR-proficient cells.
Here we examine the biological fate of rhodium metalloinsertors bearing dipyridylamine ancillary ligands. These complexes are shown to exhibit accelerated cellular uptake which permits the observation of various cellular responses, including disruption of the cell cycle and induction of necrosis, which occur preferentially in the MMR-deficient cell line. These cellular responses provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the selective activity of this novel class of targeted anti-cancer agents.
In addition, ten distinct metalloinsertors with varying lipophilicities are synthesized and their mismatch binding affinities and biological activities studied. While they are found to have similar binding affinities, their cell-selective antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities vary significantly. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) experiments show that all of these metalloinsertors localize in the nucleus at sufficient concentrations for binding to DNA mismatches. Furthermore, metalloinsertors with high rhodium localization in the mitochondria show toxicity that is not selective for MMR-deficient cells. This work supports the notion that specific targeting of the metalloinsertors to nuclear DNA gives rise to their cytotoxic and antiproliferative activities that are selective for cells deficient in MMR.
To explore further the basis of the unique selectivity of the metlloinsertors in targeting MMR-deficient cells, experiments were conducted using engineered NCI-H23 lung adenocarcinoma cells that contain a doxycycline-inducible shRNA which suppresses the expression of the MMR gene MLH1. Here we use this new cell line to further validate rhodium metalloinsertors as compounds capable of differentially inhibiting the proliferation of MMR-deficient cancer cells over isogenic MMR-proficient cells. General DNA damaging agents, such as cisplatin and etoposide, in contrast, are less effective in the induced cell line defective in MMR.
Finally, we describe a new subclass of metalloinsertors with enhanced potency and selectivity, in which the complexes show Rh-O coordination. In particular, it has been found that both Δ and Λ enantiomers of [Rh(chrysi)(phen)(DPE)]2+ bind to DNA with similar affinities, suggesting a possible different binding conformation than previous metalloinsertors. Remarkably, all members of this new family of compounds have significantly increased potency in a range of cellular assays; indeed, all are more potent than the FDA-approved anticancer drugs cisplatin and MNNG. Moreover, these activities are coupled with high levels of selectivity for MMR-deficient cells.
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Leishmanioses são um grupo de doenças com um largo espectro de manifestações clínicas, as quais variam desde lesões cutâneas até o envolvimento visceral severo, podendo levar ao óbito. A leishmaniose é, ainda hoje, uma doença negligenciada, estando entre os agravos prioritários do programa de pesquisa sobre doenças da pobreza da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Além de não haver vacinas disponíveis, a terapia é baseada em medicamentos injetáveis que causam sérios efeitos colaterais, tornando o tratamento inviável para muitos países endêmicos. Drogas derivadas de metal representam um novo arsenal terapêutico antimicrobiano e anti-câncer. Os inibidores de peptidase/agentes quelantes tais como 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados, no estado livre de metal ou como ligantes com metais de transição, interferem com a função de vários sistemas biológicos. Em trabalhos anteriores, nosso grupo descreveu que o parasito L. braziliensis produziu moléculas gp63 sensíveis a 1,10-fenantrolina. No presente trabalho, demonstramos a distribuição celular da molécula gp63 em uma cepa virulenta de L. braziliensis por meio de análises bioquímicas e imuno-histoquímica. Depois disso, relatamos os efeitos inibitórios de três compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina, 1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona (phendio), [Cu(phendio)2] e [Ag(phendio)2], nas atividades metalopeptidases celulares e extracelulares produzidas por promastigotas de L. braziliensis, bem como as suas ações sobre a viabilidade do parasita e na interação com as células de macrófagos murinos. As moléculas gp63 foram detectadas em compartimentos de parasitos, incluindo membrana citoplasmatica e bolsa flagelar. O tratamento de promastigotas de L. braziliensis durante 1 hora com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados resultou numa inibição significativa da viabilidade celular e mostrou um mecanismo de ação irreversível. Estes inibidores de metalopeptidases induziram apoptose em promastigotas de L. braziliensis, demonstrada através da marcação com anexina/iodeto de propídio e ensaio TUNEL. O pré-tratamento de promastigotas com os inibidores de metalopeptidases induziram uma diminuição na expressão de moléculas de superfície gp63, assim como uma redução significativa no índice de associação com macrófagos. Em paralelo, macrófagos infectados com L. braziliensis e tratados com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados promoveram uma potente redução sobre o número de amastigotas intracelulares. O tratamento de macrófagos com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados não induziram o aumento de óxido nítrico. A ação combinatória sobre a capacidade de crescimento entre os compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina e Glucantime, quando ambos foram utilizados em concentracões sub-inibidoras, também foi observada. In vivo os compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina e seus drivados foram capazes de controlar o tamanho das lesões a partir da terceira semana de tratamento em relação ao controle não tratado em hamsters infectados quando administrado por via intraperitoneal. Os animais tratados com os compostos apresentaram maior resposta intradérmica (DTH) aos antígenos de L. braziliensis. Coletivamente, a 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados metálicos apresentam uma nova perspectiva de estudos para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos anti-L. braziliensis
A juçara, Euterpe oleracea Mart., fruta indígena da Amazônia Legal, é rica em fitoquímicos com atividades anti-oxidante, antiinflamatória e anti-câncer. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar os efeitos do extrato hidroalcoólico da casca, caroço e fruto total da juçara em diferentes linhagens de células malignas humana. Os frutos foram coletados no Parque da Juçara, localizado no Maracanã, município de São Luís, seguida da confecção da excicata que se mantém registrada no Herbário Rosa Mochel do Núcleo de Estudos Biológicos da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão. Os extratos hidroalcoólicos da casca, caroço e fruto total foram extraidos no Laboratório de Farmacologia e Psicobiologia da UERJ. As linhagens celulares utilizadas nos ensaios foram MCF-7 (adenocarcinoma de mama), CACO-2 e HT-20 (adenocarcinoma colo retal) e adenocarcinoma na mama (MDA-MB-468). As linhagens foram tratadas com 10, 20 e 40g/mL dos extratos por 24 e 48 horas e feitas às análises. Células MCF-7 controle apresentaram núcleo proeminente com nucléolos evidentes. Após tratamento com o extrato hidroalcoólico da casca da juçara, as células mostraram morfologia arredondada com retração do citoplasma. O ensaio de viabilidade com MTT ((3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide)) demonstrou uma redução na viabilidade das células. Após 48 horas, o tratamento das células com 20g/mL do extrato da casca reduziu a viabilidade sendo que o efeito citotóxico do tratamento com 40g/mL do extrato da casca foi potencializado. Células tratadas com 10g/mL do extrato do caroço de juçara apresentavam-se arredondadas com consequente redução no volume celular. A concentração 20g/mL de extrato hidroalcoólico do caroço, causou severa redução no volume das células e ocasionou o surgimento de vacúolos intracelulares. O mesmo foi observado após tratamento com 40g/mL. O tratamento com 40g/mL do extrato hidroalcoólico do fruto total, modificou drasticamente a morfologia das células MCF-7 causando vacuolização e aparente lise com perda do conteúdo citoplasmático e o ensaio da viabilidade com MTT demonstrou redução na viabilidade das células MCF-7 tratadas com 20 e 40g/mL após 24 horas de tratamento. Análises por MET (Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão) demonstraram o surgimento de vesículas autofágicas, cuja comprovação deu-se com a identificação da expressão da proteína LC3BII na membrana do autofagossoma pela técnica de Western Blotting. Mediante o demonstrado pelos experimentos, com as linhagens MCF-7 e MDA-MB-468, confirma-se que as frações isoladas do extrato do caroço da juçara, promove modificações celulares indicativas de autofagia a partir de 10g/mL, em 24 horas. O núcleo permaneceu íntegro, não apresentando características de núcleo apoptótico. Os dados são conclusivos para ocorrência de morte celular por autofagia em linhagem celulares de carcinoma de mama MCF-7 quando tratadas com extrato hidroalcoólico da casca, caroço e fruto total da juçara do Maranhão, agente quimiopreventivo no câncer de mama estrogênio-dependente.