948 resultados para University 2.0


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En pleno siglo XXI, el uso de Internet y los avances no sólo afectan a las personas sino que las empresas también deben evolucionar al mismo ritmo y adaptar todas sus prácticas a dichos avances. Con la aparición de la Web 2.0, ciertos aspectos de las empresas han quedado obsoletos y se han debido adaptar a la nueva era: la era de la comunicación e de la interacción a través de Internet. Se han creado nuevos modelos de negocio, se han mejorado actividades de la cadena de valor, han surgido nuevas estrategias de marketing y comunicación corporativa y se han creado unos nuevos canales de venta, alrededor del fenómeno e-Commerce. En cuanto a los trabajadores, las empresas han comenzado a valorar nuevas competencias relacionadas con el uso de Internet y la Web 2.0. Dichas competencias pueden ser comunes para muchos puestos de trabajo, por ejemplo el uso de redes sociales o la gestión de la información, otras son más específicas y dependen del puesto de trabajo que consideremos. Finalmente, la aparición de la Web 2.0 ha exigido a las empresas a crear nuevas áreas y puestos de trabajo o modificar los actuales para adecuarse a los nuevos tiempos y tendencias. Así surgen los diferentes perfiles profesionales de las áreas de Estrategia Digital, Marketing Digital, Contenido Digital, Social Media, Análisis Big Data, e-Commerce y Mobile Marketing. Estos perfiles gozan de mucha popularidad y demanda por parte de las empresas y se estima que va a crecer aún más el número de puestos relacionados con el ámbito digital, ya que son las profesiones del futuro.


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El trabajo que se presenta a continuación es un plan de marketing para la empresa Gastronomía Vasca, concretamente, para el desarrollo de uno de sus servicios, Menú 2.0, el cual se creó en 2012 y para el que se pretende establecer el camino de crecimiento para el periodo 2015/2016. Para la determinación del modo en el que desarrollar este crecimiento, en primer lugar, se va a analizar la situación en la que se encuentra actualmente tanto a nivel interno como respecto del entorno. Esto nos permitirá detectar las fortalezas y las debilidades que presenta la empresa, así como las amenazas y las oportunidades que le ofrece el entorno, y a partir de las cuales se definirán los objetivos que deben establecerse para Menú 2.0. Por último, tras la definición de los objetivos, se establecerán las estrategias y las acciones que se han de realizar para el cumplimiento de éstos. Además, se establecerán métodos de control para que la empresa pueda medir durante el desarrollo del plan, el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados.


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[ES] Viablidad de un proyecto económico, restaurante inteligente HENAO 40 2.0


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The 1997 International Year of the Reef sees the release of ReefBase 2.0: a global database on coral reefs and their resources. It provides the most comprehensive and accessible repository of information to date. Containing information on over 7000 coral reefs in more than 123 countries, ReefBase 2.0 offers an extensive range of time-related data pertaining to coastal tourism, benthic environment ecology, fish population statistics, oceanography, socioeconomics, mariculture, and harvest activities. It also outlines the stresses causing reef degradation as well as management initiatives. Complemented by hundreds of digitized maps provided by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) and over 500 high quality photographs, ReefBase 2.0 is not only an essential tool for coral reef management but also an comprehensive guide for tourists, scuba divers and snorkelers alike. ReefBase has contributed substantially to the success of the International Coral Reef Institute (ICRI) and serves as the official database of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), bringing together an increasing volume of data on coral reef health, management and significance to humanity, and making it widely available. Over the next five years, the information contained within ReefBase will be utilized as an instrument for developing coral reef health assessment criteria, sustainable management criteria, and providing continuously updated summaries of threats endangering coral reefs around the globe. This will be a strong basis for focused corrective action in an attempt to conserve coral reefs and properly manage their resources for future generations.


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Some antibullying interventions have shown positive outcomes with regard to reducing violence. The aim of the study was to experimentally assess the effects on school violence and aggressiveness of a program to prevent and reduce cyberbullying. The sample was comprised of a randomly selected sample of 176 adolescents (93 experimental, 83 control), aged 13-15 years. The study used a repeated measures pre-posttest design with a control group. Before and after the program, two assessment instruments were administered: the "Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar-Revisado" (CUVE-R [School Violence Questionnaire- Revised]; Alvarez Garcia et al., 2011) and the "Cuestionario de agresividad premeditada e impulsiva" (CAPI-A [Premeditated and Impulsive Aggressiveness Questionnaire]; Andreu, 2010). The intervention consisted of 19 one-hour sessions carried out during the school term. The program contains 25 activities with the following objectives: (1) to identify and conceptualize bullying/cyberbullying; (2) to analyze the consequences of bullying/cyberbullying, promoting participants' capacity to report such actions when they are discovered; (3) to develop coping strategies to prevent and reduce bullying/cyberbullying; and (4) to achieve other transversal goals, such as developing positive variables (empathy, active listening, social skills, constructive conflict resolution, etc.). The pre-posttest ANCOVAs confirmed that the program stimulated a decrease in: (1) diverse types of school violence teachers' violence toward students (ridiculing or publicly humiliating students in front of the class, etc.); students' physical violence (fights, blows, shoves... aimed at the victim, or at his or her property, etc.); students' verbal violence (using offensive language, cruel, embarrassing, or insulting words... toward classmates and teachers); social exclusion (rejection or exclusion of a person or group, etc.), and violence through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT; violent behaviors by means of electronic instruments such as mobile phones and the Internet); and (2) premeditated and impulsive aggressiveness. Pre-posttest MANCOVA revealed differences between conditions with a medium effect size. This work contributes an efficacious intervention tool for the prevention and reduction of peer violence. The conclusions drawn from this study have interesting implications for educational and clinical intervention.


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To manage and process a large amount of oceanographic data, users must have powerful tools that simplify these tasks. The VODC for PC is software designed to assist in managing oceanographic data. It based on 32 bits Windows operation system and used Microsoft Access database management system. With VODC for PC users can update data simply, convert to some international data formats, combine some VODC databases to one, calculate average, min, max fields for some types of data, check for valid data…


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A critical element for the successful growth of GaN device layers on Si is accurate control of the AlGaN buffer layers used to manage strain. Here we present a method for measuring the composition of the AlGaN buffer layers in device structures which makes use of a one-dimensional x-ray detector to provide efficient measurement of a reciprocal space map which covers the full compositional range from AlN to GaN. Combining this with a suitable x-ray reflection with low strain sensitivity it is possible to accurately determine the Al fraction of the buffer layers independent of their relaxation state. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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门户(Portal)是基于组件的web应用,它可以集成Internet环境下各种现有应用系统、数据资源和网络信息资源,并为用户形成个性化的访问页面,实现信息的集成和发布。Portlet是门户中的可重用组件,能够提供对web内容、应用程序和其他资源的访问。JSR168规范(Portlet 1.0)和JSR286规范(Portlet 2.0)提供了Portlet的标准。 随着门户的广泛使用,门户已经成为获取信息,巩固和整合IT基础设施的平台。于是来自于同一公司的、自主的、分散的多个部门都部署了自己的门户,但这些门户之间却无法进行内容共享,即Portlet在门户之间的集成。于是出现了联邦门户(Federated Portals),它是由多个分散的门户构成的网络,这些门户基于共同的标准协同工作。联邦门户实现了在异构门户之间共享远程内容,这些远程内容来自于名为生产者的门户,被收集、组合和运行在名为消费者的门户中。 联邦门户的基本特征是基于规范实现跨门户的系统联合。因此联邦门户的关键在于对门户间互操作标准的制定。这个标准就是OASIS推出的WSRP(Web Services for Remote Portlets)规范。WSRP规范提供了门户间互操作标准,成为联邦门户的基础技术。它有1.0和2.0两个版本,分别产生于2003年和2008年。 为了提高联邦门户应用的构建效率,增强异构门户互操作性的能力,完善联邦门户的用户友好性,需要为OncePortal提供支持WSRP 2.0规范的联邦门户。 本文从WSRP 2.0规范和联邦门户的需求出发,设计并实现了支持WSRP 2.0规范的联邦门户。首先根据WSRP 2.0规范对远程Portlet的语法模型、交互模型和生命周期模型三个方面进行特征分析;其次总结了联邦门户的核心功能、系统边界,并给出了联邦门户的设计;然后从Portlet URL的生成与改写、Portlet统一协作框架、远程Portlet资源服务、WSRP容器和代理容器以及Portlet缓存共5个方面介绍了联邦门户的关键技术;最后基于以上分析和设计,实现了联邦门户扩展应用,并将其应用在中科院软件所自主研发的门户产品OncePortal中。


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Bulk novel cemented carbides (W1-xAlx)C-10.1 vol% Co (x = 0.2, 0.33, 0.4, 0.5) are prepared by mechanical alloying and hot-pressing sintering. Hot-pressing (HP) is used to fabricate the bulk bodies of the hard alloys. The novel cemented carbides have good mechanical properties compared with WC-Co. The density and operating cost of the novel material is much lower than a WC-Co system. The material is easy to process and the processing leads to nano-scaled, rounded, particles in the bulk material. The hardness of (W1-xAlx)C-10.1 vol% Co (x = 0.2, 0.33, 0.4, 0.5) hard material is 20.37, 21.16, 21.59 and 22.16 GPa, and the bending strength is 1257, 1238, 1211 and 1293 MPa, with the aluminum content varying from 20% to 50%. The relationship between the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the novel hard alloy is also discussed.