Proline-rich peptides from Bothrops jararaca venom (Bj-PRO) were characterized based on the capability to inhibit the somatic angiotensin-converting enzyme. The pharmacological action of these peptides resulted in the development of Captopril, one of the best examples of a target-driven drug discovery for treatment of hypertension. However, biochemical and biological properties of Bj-PROs were not completely elucidated yet, and many recent studies have suggested that their activity relies on angiotensin-converting enzyme-independent mechanisms. Here, we show that Bj-PRO-7a (
Introduction: Mouth cancer is classified as having one of the ten highest cancer incidences in the world. In Brazil, the incidence and mortality rates of oral cancer are among the highest in the world. Intraoral cancer (tongue, gum, floor of the mouth, and other non-specified parts of the mouth), the accumulated survival rate after five years is less than 50%. Objectives: Estimate the accumulated survival probability after five years and adjust the Cox regression model for mouth and oropharyngeal cancers, according to age range, sex, morphology, and location, for the city of Natal. Describe the mortality and incidence coefficients of oral and oropharyngeal cancer and their tendencies in the city of Natal, between 1980 and 2001 and between 1997 and 2001, respectively. Methods: Survival data of patients registered between 1997 and 2001 was obtained from the Population-based Cancer Record of Natal. Differences between the survival curves were tested using the log-rank test. The Cox proportional risk model was used to estimate risk ratios. The simple linear regression model was used for tendency analyses of the mortality and incidence coefficients. Results: The probability after five years was 22.9%. The patients with undifferentiated malignant neoplasia were 4.7 times more at risk of dying than those with epidermoid carcinoma, whereas the patients with oropharyngeal cancer had 2.0 times more at risk of dying than those with mouth cancer. The mouth cancer mortality and incidence coefficients for Natal were 4.3 and 2.9 per 100 000 inhabitants, respectively. The oropharyngeal cancer mortality and incidence coefficients were, respectively, 1.1 and 0.7 per 100 000 87 inhabitants. Conclusions: A low survival rate after five years was identified. Patients with oropharyngeal cancer had a greater risk of dying, independent of the factors considered in this study. Also independent of other factors, undifferentiated malignant neoplasia posed a greater risk of death. The magnitudes of the incidence coefficients found are not considered elevated, whereas the magnitudes of the mortality coefficients are high
Estudou-se o tamanho da boca de larvas de tilápia-do-nilo e testou-se o efeito de diferentes granulometrias da ração sobre o ganho de peso, comprimento e sobrevivência das larvas aos 30 e 60 dias de arraçoamento. Avaliou-se também o método de sexagem por meio de microscopia de luz aos 35 dias de idade. A medida da boca das larvas apresentou valores médios de 918,2±152,9μm aos cinco dias de idade. de acordo com esse dado, testaram-se três granulometrias: 0,25, 0,35 e 0,50mm. Aos 30 e aos 60 dias de arraçoamento, 10% das larvas foram medidas, pesadas e contadas para cálculo da taxa de sobrevivência. O tamanho dos grânulos testados não afetou o desempenho das larvas de tilápia nilótica com alimentação iniciada aos cinco dias pós-eclosão. Quanto à sexagem histológica aos 35 dias de idade, as gônadas apresentaram-se, em sua maioria, indiferenciadas. Recomenda-se que essa análise deva ser realizada de acordo com o tamanho dos animais e não com a idade.
Este trabalho teve por objetivos descrever a morfologia dos diásporos, as fases da germinação e determinar o substrato mais adequado para o crescimento inicial de plântulas de pupunha. Periodicamente, unidades representativas de cada fase de germinação foram retiradas para a descrição da seqüência dos eventos morfológicos. Os substratos usados para o crescimento inicial foram Plantmax HT, areia, terra (latossolo roxo) e outro com proporções iguais de terra, areia e esterco (TAE). Avaliou-se o crescimento inicial das plântulas aos 101 dias após o transplante, com base na sua altura, número de folhas, comprimento e largura das folhas. Observou-se que as sementes são albuminosas, com endosperma oleaginoso e de consistência relativamente dura. O embrião é lateral, periférico e relativamente indiferenciado, de forma cônica. A germinação inicia-se com o desenvolvimento de uma massa de células indiferenciadas na depressão micropilar. Posteriormente, esta massa de células torna-se cilíndrica, com a diferenciação dos primórdios caulinar e radicular. O primórdio caulinar é constituído por três bainhas envolvendo a primeira folha. Estas se abrem sucessivamente, permitindo a emergência da folha primária. Entre os substratos testados, de acordo com os parâmetros avaliados, os mais adequados para crescimento inicial de mudas de Bactris gasipaes Kunth foram o TAE e o Plantmax.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever a morfologia dos diásporos e as suas fases de germinação, bem como determinar o substrato mais adequado para a germinação das sementes e o crescimento das plântulas de palmeira-da-rainha (Archontophoenix alexandrae (F. Mueller) H. Wendl. e Drude). Periodicamente, unidades representativas de cada fase de germinação foram retiradas para as descrições morfológicas. Os substratos utilizados foram Plantmax®, areia, terra (latossolo roxo) e outro com proporções iguais de terra, areia e esterco (TAE). Foi instalado um experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Avaliaram-se a porcentagem, o tempo médio de germinação e o crescimento inicial das plântulas aos 135 dias após a emergência, com base na altura, diâmetro do colo e número, comprimento e largura das folhas. As sementes são albuminosas, com endosperma ruminado e oleaginoso, e o embrião é lateral, periférico e relativamente indiferenciado. A germinação é do tipo criptocotiledonar hipógea, iniciando-se com a formação de uma massa de células indiferenciadas na depressão micropilar. Essa massa de células torna-se cilíndrica, com a diferenciação dos primórdios caulinares e radiculares. Concomitantemente, ocorre o desenvolvimento de raízes adventícias no eixo embrionário. O substrato mais indicado para a germinação de sementes de palmeira-da-rainha é o Plantmax®, porém, para o crescimento inicial, indica-se Plantmax® e TAE.
Background: Embryonic stem cells are cells derived from early-stage embryos that are characterized by pluripotency and self-renewal capacity. The in vitro cultured murine embryonic stem cells can indefinitely propagate in an undifferentiated state in the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). However, when stimulated, these cells can differentiate into cell lines derived from all three embryonic germ layers. The trichostatin A (TSA) is an epigenetic modifier agent and several studies have used the TSA to stimulate cellular differentiation. However, most of these studies only assessed one TSA concentration. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of different TSA concentrations on histone hyperacetylation during in vitro cell differentiation of murine pluripotent embryonic stem cells, cultured with or without LIF, in the quest of to standardize their application on early cultures of embryonic stem cells.Materials, Methods & Results: Undifferentiated murine embryonic stem cells were plated in the presence of different TSA concentrations (0 nM, 15 nm, 50 nM and 100 nM) in the presence or absence of LIF. Thus, the treatments were evaluated in undifferentiated embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF (Control group: 0 nM LIF(+); Group 15 nM LIF+; Group 50 nM LIF+ and Group 100 nM LIF+), and in embryonic stem cells cultured in the absence of LIF (Control group: 0 nM LIF; Group 15 nM LIF(-); Group 50 nM LIF(-) and Group 100 nM LIF-). Treatment with TSA was performed for 24 h. After that the medium was replaced with fresh medium without TSA. Samples were collected at 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h after the beginning of the experiment. Three replicates were performed in each experimental group. The relative amount of Histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation was analyzed in all groups, as well as the cell proliferation in the embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF. In the control group (0 nM), the absence of LIF resulted in higher levels (P < 0.05) of H3lys9ac compared to the cultures supplemented with LIF. In the embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF, the 50 nM and 100 nM treatments resulted in higher levels (P < 0.05) of H3lys9ac when compared with 0 nM and 15 nM treatments. Evaluating the Hoechst area in the 0 nM group, it was observed that the number of cells increased (P < 0.05) according to the time of culture. Treatment with 15 nM also reflected a similar distribution, but the Hoechst area in 15 nM group was lower (P < 0.05) at 24 and 48h when compared to the observed in the control group. In the 100 nM treatment, was observed that the area of Hoechst was lower (P < 0.05) to that obtained in the control group at 12, 24 and 48h. In addition, it was observed that treatment with TSA induces greater cellular differentiation when compared to control groups in stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF as well as in the absence of LIF.Discussion: In the present study it was observed that TSA treatment increased the levels of histone acetylation in murine embryonic stem cells at a 50 nM concentration, making it possible to reduce the concentration recommended in the literature (100 nM). In addtion, it was concluded that the lower TSA concentrations utilized (15 nm and 50 nM) was less harmful to cellular proliferation than the 100 nM TSA concentration.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dypsis leptocheilos (Hodel) Beentje & J. Dransf. palms are widely used in landscaping, however there is a lack of studies about its biology, especially on the morphology of its seedling disseminules and the ideal seed storage time without loss of viability. The objectives of this work were to describe the morphological aspects and to study the storage effect on the germination of D. leptocheilos seeds. The experiments were performed at FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus, São Paulo State, Brazil. In order to obtain a morphology description 100 disseminules were sowed in vermiculite. The external and internal sides of the disseminules as well as the representative phases of the germination process were sketched with the help of a light chamber attached to a stereomicroscope. Five treatments were arranged in order to study the storage effects on the seeds (four months of storage and straight after harvest), with four replicates with 25 disseminules each (seeds with attached endocarp) in a completely randomized design. The germination test was conducted over a 140 days period and noted every two days. In order to calculate the germination percentage (% G) and the Germination Speed Index (GSI), the seeds were considered germinated when the germinative button appeared. The data were submitted to a polynomial regression analysis to verify the behavior of the variables over the storage period. The D. leptocheilos seeds have rounded shape, ruminate endosperm and hard consistency. The embryo is lateral, peripheral and relatively undifferentiated, with approximately 3 mm long and conical shape. The germination percentage increased from 17% for seeds sowed straight after harvest to 73% for those stored over a three-month period. For the GSI the increase was about 0.85%. It was concluded that the germination of D. leptocheilos is of an adjacent ligulate type. Furthermore, the seeds stored for 3 months at 14 degrees C showed both higher percentage and germination speed.
Cryopreservation is a process where cells or biological tissues are preserved by freezing at very low temperatures and aims to cease reversibly, in a controlled manner, all the biological functions of living tissues, i.e., maintain cell preservation so that it can recover with high degree of viability and functional integrity. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of cryopreservation on the mesenchymal stem cells originating from the periodontal ligament of human third molars by in vitro experiments. Six healthy teeth were removed and the periodontal cells grown in culture medium containing α-MEM supplemented with antibiotics and 15% FBS in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2 at 37° C. Cells isolated from each sample were divided into two groups: Group I - immediate cell culture (not fresh cryopreserved cells) and Group II - cell cryopreservation, during a period of 30 days. Analyses of rates of cell adhesion and proliferation in different groups were performed by counting the cells adhered to the wells, in intervals of 24, 48 and 72 hours after the start of cultivation. The number of cells in each well was obtained by counting viable cells with the use of hemocytometer and the method of exclusion of cells stained by trypan blue. The difference between groups for each of the times was analyzed by Wilcoxon test. Regarding the temporal evolution for each group, analysis was done by Friedman's test to verify the existence of differences between times and, when it existed, the Wilcoxon penalty was applied. The results showed no statistically significant difference between the two groups analyzed in this study. Therefore, we conclude that the cryopreservation process, after a period of 30 days, did not influence the cell type studied, and there was no difference in growth capacity in vitro between the groups
RACIONAL: O carcinoma de pequenas células primário do esôfago é tumor raro, agressivo, morfologicamente indistinguível de seu correspondente no pulmão. OBJETIVO: Apresentar os aspectos clínico-patológicos de dois pacientes com carcinoma de pequenas células do esôfago. RELATO DE CASOS: Paciente 1: masculino, 56 anos com disfagia progressiva há seis meses e emagrecimento, com antecedentes de tabagismo e etilismo. A endoscopia mostrou lesão vegetante dos 30 aos 40 cm da arcada dentária superior e o exame anatomopatológico, diagnosticou neoplasia maligna indiferenciada de pequenas células com marcadores imunoistoquímicos positivos para cromogranina e sinaptofisina, caracterizando a linhagem neuroendócrina da neoplasia. Após dois ciclos de quimioterapia (cisplatina e etoposide) associada à radioterapia ele apresentou remissão da disfagia. Paciente 2: masculino, 55 anos, com queixas de pirose, disfagia, rouquidão há seis meses, com emagrecimento de 10 kg no período. A endoscopia mostrou lesão vegetante à 30 cm da arcada dentária superior, obstrutiva. O exame anatomopatológico revelou carcinoma de pequenas células, com os mesmos marcadores imunoistoquímicos positivos para linhagem neuroendócrina. Tomografia computadorizada mostrou metástases hepáticas. Frente ao estadio avançado da doença optou-se pela indicação de gastrostomia. O paciente desenvolveu pneumonia e faleceu dois meses após o diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO: A evolução dos portadores de carcinoma de pequenas células do esôfago depende do estadiamento da doença e apesar da alta agressividade biológica, este tumor apresenta boa resposta à quimioterapia associada à radioterapia.
Context.-The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous microorganism strongly associated with lymphoproliferative disorders and a large number of human neoplasms, mainly undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Burkitt lymphoma. The viral DNA has been detected in other tumors, such as carcinomas from tonsil, salivary glands, and thymus, and malignancies of the female genital tract. Some authors have proposed that EBV could play a role in the carcinogenesis of cervical tumors; however, other studies do not support this hypothesis.Objective.-To assess whether EBV is associated with female genital tract neoplasms.Design.-Sixty-five biopsy specimens (5 in situ carcinomas, 24 invasive squamous cell carcinomas, 6 lymphoepithelioma-like carcinomas, and 30 endocervical adenocarcinomas) were used to perform EBV detection through RNA in situ hybridization.Results.-None of the cervical carcinoma cases studied was positive for EBV infection.Conclusions.-The results suggest that it is still premature to incriminate EBV in the carcinogenesis of cervical carcinoma.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Nesta pesquisa foram obtidos dados histológicos e morfométricos comparativos sobre os testículos de gatos, pós-orquiectomia, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1, gatos com até 1 ano de idade e Grupo 2, animais acima de 1 ano. Verificou-se que: (1) aos 4 meses de idade os túbulos seminíferos apresentaram-se pouco desenvolvidos e com ausência de luz, epitélio seminífero baixo, células de Sertoli indiferenciadas e tecido intersticial escasso; (2) aos 5 meses os túbulos seminíferos começaram a se diferenciar com aumento do diâmetro e luz tubulares e as demais estruturas permaneceram semelhantes à observação anterior; (3) aos 6-7 meses ocorreu o início da espermatogênese e espermiogênese; as células de Leydig apareceram maiores, poliédricas com citoplasma vacuolizado e núcleo claro, e tecido intersticial esparso com poucos vasos sangüíneos; (4) os animais com 1 ano de idade apresentaram morfologia testicular igual à do animal adulto, com túbulos seminíferos de maior diâmetro, epitélio germinativo alto e luz tubular pequena, as células de Leydig aparecendo poliédricas, com dimensões variadas, citoplasma vacuolizado, núcleo claro e nucléolo evidente, e espaço intertubular seminífero variado com vasos sanguíneos, predominantemente evidentes; (5) no Grupo 1 o diâmetro médio dos túbulos seminíferos foi de 160,58µm e no Grupo 2 foi de 185,94µm, sendo os valores médios significantes entre si; (6) a altura média do epitélio seminífero foi de 49,51µm para o Grupo 1 e de 63,29µm para o Grupo 2, estaticamente significantes; (7) os maiores valores mensurados foram obtidos para os gatos do Grupo 2, por serem gatos adultos e portanto com os órgãos reprodutores funcionais.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Morphological and histochemical methods were used to evaluate the myotomal muscle characteristics of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) from hatching to 40 days old. During the larval period, the musculature consisted predominantly of white muscle. White and red muscle mass increased at 10, 20, 30 and 40 days after hatching. The larvae had round muscle fibers with a moderate degree of maturation and central nuclei. In subsequent phases, small and immature fibers were visible near larger and more differentiated fibers. Undifferentiated cells or presumptive myoblasts located in embryogenic zones were visible in the dorsal and ventral regions, and were more evident at 30 and 40 days. The red muscle fibers located in the subdermal region, had oxidative metabolism and slow contraction, whereas the more predominant white muscle fibers had glycolytic metabolism and fast contraction. Our findings indicate that during the initial phases, myotomal muscle growth in pacu occurs by both, muscle fiber hypertrophy and hyperplasia. The analysis of frequency of red and white muscle fibers shows that hyperplastic growth is intense in this period. As the growth rate in adult fish is related to the number of muscle fibers in young fish, extrinsic factors could change the muscle fiber phenotype and influence their ultimate size.