949 resultados para Type IV secretion systems


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is an opportunistic pathogen of the cystic fibrosis lung that elicits a strong inflammatory response. B. cenocepacia employs a type VI secretion system (T6SS) to survive in macrophages by disarming Rho-type GTPases, causing actin cytoskeletal defects. Here, we identified TecA, a non-VgrG T6SS effector responsible for actin disruption. TecA and other bacterial homologs bear a cysteine protease-like catalytic triad, which inactivates Rho GTPases by deamidating a conserved asparagine in the GTPase switch-I region. RhoA deamidation induces caspase-1 inflammasome activation, which is mediated by the familial Mediterranean fever disease protein Pyrin. In mouse infection, the deamidase activity of TecA is necessary and sufficient for B. cenocepacia-triggered lung inflammation and also protects mice from lethal B. cenocepacia infection. Therefore, Burkholderia TecA is a T6SS effector that modifies a eukaryotic target through an asparagine deamidase activity, which in turn elicits host cell death and inflammation through activation of the Pyrin inflammasome.


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In the present study, we investigated the involvement of Aeromonas spp. in eliciting disease outbreaks in freshwater ornamental fishes across the state of Kerala, India. We investigated three incidences of disease, in which the moribund fishes exhibited clinical signs such as haemorrhagic septicemia (in gouramy, Trichogaster sp.), dropsy (in Oscar, Astronotus ocellatus) and tail rot/fin rot (in gold fish, Carassius carassius). Pure cultures (n = 20 from each fish; 60 in total) of Aeromonas spp. were recovered from the abdominal fluid as well as from internal organs of affected fishes, although they could not be identified to species level because of the variations in their phenotypic characters. The molecular fingerprinting of the isolates using Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus PCR proved the genetic diversity of the isolates from the three sites. The phylogenetic trees constructed using concatenated sequences (using 16S rRNA, gyrA, gyrB and rpoD genes) indicated that they were related to Aeromonas veronii. They exhibited marked cytotoxic and haemolytic activity, which were responsible for the pathogenic potential of the isolates. The isolates possessed multiple virulence genes such as enterotoxins (act and alt), haemolytic toxins (aerA and hlyA), genes involved in type III secretion system (ascV, aexT and ascF–ascG), glycerophospholipid-cholesterol acyltransferase (gcat) and a type IV pilus (tapA) gene, as determined by PCR. Virulence of representative isolates to goldfish was also tested, and we found LD50 values of 104.07–105.35 cfu/fish. Furthermore, the organisms could be recovered as pure cultures from the lesions as well as from the internal organs.


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The human pathogen enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 colonizes human and animal gut via formation of attaching and effacing lesions. EHEC strains use a type III secretion system to translocate a battery of effector proteins into the mammalian host cell, which subvert diverse signal transduction pathways implicated in actin dynamics, phagocytosis, and innate immunity. The genomes of sequenced EHEC O157: H7 strains contain two copies of the effector protein gene nleH, which share 49% sequence similarity with the gene for the Shigella effector OspG, recently implicated in inhibition of migration of the transcriptional regulator NF-kappa B to the nucleus. In this study we investigated the role of NleH during EHEC O157: H7 infection of calves and lambs. We found that while EHEC Delta nleH colonized the bovine gut more efficiently than the wild-type strain, in lambs the wild-type strain exhibited a competitive advantage over the mutant during mixed infection. Using the mouse pathogen Citrobacter rodentium, which shares many virulence factors with EHEC O157: H7, including NleH, we observed that the wild-type strain exhibited a competitive advantage over the mutant during mixed infection. We found no measurable differences in T-cell infiltration or hyperplasia in colons of mice inoculated with the wild-type or the nleH mutant strain. Using NF-kappa B reporter mice carrying a transgene containing a luciferase reporter driven by three NF-kappa B response elements, we found that NleH causes an increase in NF-kappa B activity in the colonic mucosa. Consistent with this, we found that the nleH mutant triggered a significantly lower tumor necrosis factor alpha response than the wild-type strain.


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Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strains comprise a broad group of bacteria, some of which cause attaching and effacing (AE) lesions and enteritis in humans and animals. Non-O157:H7 EHEC strains contain the gene efa-1 (referred to in previous publications as efa1), which influences adherence to cultured epithelial cells. An almost identical gene in enteropathogenic E. coli (lifA) mediates the inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation and proinflammatory cytokine synthesis. We have shown previously that significantly lower numbers of EHEC 05 and 0111 efa-1 mutants are shed in feces following experimental infection in calves and that these mutants exhibit reduced adherence to intestinal epithelia compared with isogenic wild-type strains. E. coli O157:H7 strains lack efa-1 but encode a homolog on the pO157 plasmid (toxB/l7095) and contain a truncated version of the efa-1 gene (efa-1'/z4332 in O island 122 of the EDL933 chromosome). Here we report that E. coli O157:H7 toxB and efa-1' single and double mutants exhibit reduced adherence to cultured epithelial cells and show reduced expression and secretion of proteins encoded by the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE), which plays a key role in the host-cell interactions of EHEC. The activity of LEE1, LEE4, and LEE5 promoters was not significantly altered in E. coli O157:H7 strains harboring toxB or efa-1' mutations, indicating that the effect on the expression of LEE-encoded secreted proteins occurs at a posttranscriptional level. Despite affecting type III secretion, mutation of toxB and efa-1' did not significantly affect the course of fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 following experimental inoculation of 10- to 14-day-old calves or 6-week-old sheep. Mutation of tir caused a significant reduction in fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 in calves, indicating that the formation of AE lesions is important for colonization of the bovine intestine.


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Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, enteropathogenic E. coli, and Citrobacter rodentium are highly adapted enteropathogens that successfully colonize their host's gastrointestinal tract via the formation of attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions. These pathogens utilize a type III secretion system (TTSS) apparatus, encoded by the locus of enterocyte effacement, to translocate bacterial effector proteins into epithelial cells. Here, we report the identification of EspJ (E. coli-secreted protein J), a translocated TTSS effector that is carried on the 5' end of the cryptic prophage CP-933U. Infection of epithelial cells in culture revealed that EspJ is not required for A/E lesion activity in vivo and ex vivo. However, in vivo studies performed with mice demonstrated that EspJ possesses properties that influence the dynamics of clearance of the pathogen from the host's intestinal tract, suggesting a role in host survival and pathogen transmission.


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Intestinal colonization by enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli requires the locus of enterocyte effacement-encoded type III secretion system. We report that NleC and NleD are translocated into host cells via this system. Deletion mutants induced attaching and effacing lesions in vitro, while infection of calves or lambs showed that neither gene was required for colonization.


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Xylella fastidiosa is an important phytopathogenic bacterium that causes many serious plant diseases, including Pierce`s disease of grapevines. Disease manifestation by X. fastidiosa is associated with the expression of several factors, including the type IV pili that are required for twitching motility. We provide evidence that an operon, named Pil-Chp, with genes homologous to those found in chemotaxis systems, regulates twitching motility. Transposon insertion into the pilL gene of the operon resulted in loss of twitching motility (pilL is homologous to cheA genes encoding kinases). The X. fastidiosa mutant maintained the type IV pili, indicating that the disrupted pilL or downstream operon genes are involved in pili function, and not biogenesis. The mutated X. fastidiosa produced less biofilm than wild-type cells, indicating that the operon contributes to biofilm formation. Finally, in planta the mutant produced delayed and less severe disease, indicating that the Pil-Chp operon contributes to the virulence of X. fastidiosa, presumably through its role in twitching motility.


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This paper is concerned with the problem of finite-time stabilization for some nonlinear stochastic systems. Based on the stochastic Lyapunov theorem on finite-time stability that has been established by the authors in the paper, it is proven that Euler-type stochastic nonlinear systems can be finite-time stabilized via a family of continuous feedback controllers. Using the technique of adding a power integrator, a continuous, global state feedback controller is constructed to stabilize in finite time a large class of two-dimensional lower-triangular stochastic nonlinear systems. Also, for a class of three-dimensional lower-triangular stochastic nonlinear systems, a recursive design scheme of finite-time stabilization is given by developing the technique of adding a power integrator and constructing a continuous feedback controller. Finally, a simulation example is given to illustrate the theoretical results. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Karnik-Mendel (KM) algorithm is the most widely used type reduction (TR) method in literature for the design of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLS). Its iterative nature for finding left and right switch points is its Achilles heel. Despite a decade of research, none of the alternative TR methods offer uncertainty measures equivalent to KM algorithm. This paper takes a data-driven approach to tackle the computational burden of this algorithm while keeping its key features. We propose a regression method to approximate left and right switch points found by KM algorithm. Approximator only uses the firing intervals, rnles centroids, and FLS strnctural features as inputs. Once training is done, it can precisely approximate the left and right switch points through basic vector multiplications. Comprehensive simulation results demonstrate that the approximation accuracy for a wide variety of FLSs is 100%. Flexibility, ease of implementation, and speed are other features of the proposed method.


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The efficiency of inhibition to corrosion of steel AISI 1018 of surfactant coconut oil saponified (SCO) and heterocyclic type mesoionics (1,3,4-triazólio-2-tiolato) in systems microemulsionados (SCO-ME and SCO-ME-MI) Of type O/A (rich in water emulsion) region with the work of Winsor IV. The systems microemulsionados (SCO-ME and SCO-ME-MI) were evaluated with a corrosion inhibitor for use in saline 10,000 ppm of chloride enriched with carbon dioxide (CO2). The assessment of corrosion inhibitors were evaluated by the techniques of linear polarization resistance (LPR) and loss of weight (MW) in a cell instrumented given the gravity and electrochemical devices. The systems were shooting speed of less than 60 minutes and efficiency of inhibition [SCO-ME (91.25%) and SCO-ME-MI (98.54%)]


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Edema de Reinke é doença crônica da laringe na qual a camada superficial da lâmina própria é expandida por muco espesso conferindo-lhe aspecto gelatinoso. Relaciona-se ao tabagismo e acomete, preferencialmente mulheres, as quais apresentam a voz mais grave. Suas características histológicas nem sempre conseguem diferenciá-lo das demais lesões benignas da laringe, havendo necessidade de técnicas histológicas adicionais. OBJETIVOS: Estudar a imunoexpressão da fibronectina, do colágeno IV e da laminina no edema de Reinke por meio de técnicas imunoistoquímicas. Estudo prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Blocos histológicos de 60 casos cirúrgicos de edema de Reinke foram resgatados, submetidos a novos cortes e às reações imunoistoquímicas para fibronectina, laminina e colágeno IV pelo método da Avidina Biotina Peroxidase. Todos os pacientes eram fumantes e adultos, sendo 50 mulheres e 10 homens. RESULTADOS: As análises da imunoexpressão da fibronectina, do colágeno IV e da laminina foram mais expressivas no endotélio dos vasos (68,33%, 76,66%, 73,33%, respectivamente), e menos relevantes na membrana basal (25,0%, 5,0% e 3,3%, respectivamente). CONCLUSÕES: No edema de Reinke, a imunoexpressão da fibronectina, da laminina e do colágeno IV na membrana basal não apresentam relevância, havendo predomínio desses anticorpos no endotélio do vasos.


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Xylella fastidiosa 9a5c (XF-9a5c) and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (XAC) are bacteria that infect citrus plants. Sequencing of the genomes of these strains is complete and comparative analyses are now under way with the genomes of other bacteria of the same genera. In this review, we present an overview of this comparative genomic work. We also present a detailed genomic comparison between XF-9a5a and XAC. Based on this analysis, genes and operons were identified that might be relevant for adaptation to citrus. XAC has two copies of a type II secretion system, a large number of cell wall-degrading enzymes and sugar transporters, a complete energy metabolism, a whole set of avirulence genes associated with a type III secretion system, and a complete flagellar and chemotatic system. By contrast, XF-9a5c possesses more genes involved with type IV pili biosynthesis than does XAC, contains genes encoding for production of colicins, and has 4 copies of Type I restriction/modification system while XAC has only one.


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The present study examined the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus sanguineus males at days 0, 3, and 7 post-detachment from the host. Degeneration of this organ occurred in the three stages and it advanced as time away from the host progressed. Thus, characteristics of degeneration were more prominent in males at day 7 post-detachment than in males at day 0 post-detachment. In males at day 0 post-detachment, type I acini were intact; while in other stages these acini exhibited signs of degeneration. In type 11 acini of individuals at day 0 post-detachment, cells a, c1-c5, c8, and indeterminate were identified. Only c I and c8 were intact. The remaining cell types were undergoing degeneration, as well as all cells d-f in type III acini, and all g in type IV acini.In males at day 3 post-detachment from the host, all cells (a, c1-c5, c8 and indeterminate) of type 11 acini, cells d and e in type III acini, and g in type IV were undergoing degeneration. In some Indeterminate acini, the boundaries of cells still could be distinguished, while in others, only a cytoplasmic mass was observed. At day 3 post-detachment, apoptotic bodies were present.In males at day 7 post-detachment from the host, the degeneration process progressed. All cells a, cl, c3-c5, c8 and indeterminate in type II, and d and e in type III acini were undergoing degeneration. Type IV acini still contained remnants of secretion and in Indeterminate acini, only a cytoplasmic mass could be observed. At this stage, apoptotic bodies were also present.The present study still revealed that cells of salivary glands of R. sanguineus males when degenerating undergo the following changes: (a) decrease in secretion production with or without granule breakage, (b) changes in nuclear morphology, (c) cytoplasm shrinkage, (d) loss of cell shape, (e) loss of cell boundaries, and (e) cytoplasmic vacuolation. Together, these changes result in cell fragmentation with release of apoptotic bodies. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study describes the changes undergone by cells of the salivary glands of unfed and feeding (at day two and four post-attachment) Rhipicephalus sanguineus males, as well as new cell types. In unfed males, types I and II acini are observed with cells undifferentiated, undefined 1 and 2 (the latter, with atypical granules), a, c1 and c3; type III is composed of cells d and e; and type IV present cells g. In males at day two post-attachment, type I acini exhibit the same morphology of unfed individuals. An increase in size is observed in types II, III, and IV, as cells are filled with secretion granules. Some granules are still undergoing maturation. In type II acinus, cells a, b and c1-c8 are observed. Cells c7 and c8 are described for the first time. Cells c7 are termed as such due to the addition of polysaccharides in the composition of the secretion granules (in unfed individuals, they are termed undefined 1). Type III acini exhibit cells d and e completely filled with granules, and in type IV, cells g contain granules in several stages of maturation. In males at day four post-attachment, type I acini do not exhibit changes. Granular acini exhibit cells with fewer secretion granules, which are already mature. In type II acini, cells a, b, c1-c5 are present, type III exhibit cells d and e, and type IV contain cells g with little or no secretion. This study shows that in the salivary glands of R. sanguineus males, cells a, c1, and c3 of type II acinus, and cells d and e of type III do not exhibit changes in granular content, remaining continuously active during the entire feeding period. This indicates that during the intervals among feeding stages, gland cells reacquire the same characteristics found in unfed individuals, suggesting that they undergo reprogramming to be active in the next cycle.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)