977 resultados para Translational psychobiotics


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The presence of the schizont stage of the obligate intracellular parasites Theileria parva or T. annulata in the cytoplasm of an infected leukocyte results in host cell transformation via a mechanism that has not yet been elucidated. Proteins, secreted by the schizont, or expressed on its surface, are of interest as they can interact with host cell molecules that regulate host cell proliferation and/or survival. The major schizont surface protein is the polymorphic immunodominant molecule, PIM, which contains a large glutamine- and proline-rich domain (QP-rd) that protrudes into the host cell cytoplasm. Analyzing QP-rd generated by in vitro transcription/translation, we found that the signal peptide was efficiently cleaved post-translationally upon addition of T cell lysate or canine pancreatic microsomes, whereas signal peptide cleavage of a control protein only occurred cotranslationally and in the presence of microsomal membranes. The QP-rd of PIM migrated anomalously in SDS-PAGE and removal of the 19 amino acids corresponding to the predicted signal peptide caused a decrease in apparent molecular mass of 24kDa. The molecule was analyzed using monoclonal antibodies that recognize a set of previously defined PIM epitopes. Depending on the presence or the absence of the signal peptide, two conformational states could be demonstrated that are differentially recognized, with N-terminal epitopes becoming readily accessible upon signal peptide removal, and C-terminal epitopes becoming masked. Similar observations were made when the QP-rd of PIM was expressed in bacteria. Our observations could also be of relevance to other schizont proteins. A recent analysis of the proteomes of T. parva and T. annulata revealed the presence of a large family of potentially secreted proteins, characterized by the presence of large stretches of amino acids that are also particularly rich in QP-residues.


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Human experimental pain models require standardized stimulation and quantitative assessment of the evoked responses. This approach can be applied to healthy volunteers and pain patients before and after pharmacological interventions. Standardized stimuli of different modalities (ie, mechanical, chemical, thermal or electrical) can be applied to the skin, muscles and viscera for a differentiated and comprehensive assessment of various pain pathways and mechanisms. Using a multi-modal, multi-tissue approach, new and existing analgesic drugs can be profiled by their modulation of specific biomarkers. It has been shown that biomarkers, for example, those related to the central integration of repetitive nociceptive stimuli, can predict efficacy of a given drug in neuropathic pain conditions. Human experimental pain models can bridge animal and clinical pain research, and act as translational research providing new possibilities for designing successful clinical trials. Proof-of-concept studies provide cheap, fast and reliable information on dose-efficacy relationships and how pain sensed in the skin, muscles and viscera are inhibited.


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Nitration of tyrosine residues has been observed during various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. However, the mechanism of tyrosine nitration and the nature of the proteins that become tyrosine nitrated during inflammation remain unclear. Here we show that eosinophils but not other cell types including neutrophils contain nitrotyrosine-positive proteins in specific granules. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the human eosinophil toxins, eosinophil peroxidase (EPO), major basic protein, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and the respective murine toxins, are post-translationally modified by nitration at tyrosine residues during cell maturation. High resolution affinity-mass spectrometry identified specific single nitration sites at Tyr349 in EPO and Tyr33 in both ECP and EDN. ECP and EDN crystal structures revealed and EPO structure modeling suggested that the nitrated tyrosine residues in the toxins are surface exposed. Studies in EPO(-/-), gp91phox(-/-), and NOS(-/-) mice revealed that tyrosine nitration of these toxins is mediated by EPO in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and minute amounts of NOx. Tyrosine nitration of eosinophil granule toxins occurs during maturation of eosinophils, independent of inflammation. These results provide evidence that post-translational tyrosine nitration is unique to eosinophils.


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Stroke poses a massive burden of disease, yet we have few effective therapies. The paucity of therapeutic options stands contrary to intensive research efforts. The failure of these past investments demands a thorough re-examination of the pathophysiology of ischaemic brain injury. Several critical areas hold the key to overcoming the translational roadblock: (1) vascular occlusion: current recanalization strategies have limited effectiveness and may have serious side effects; (2) complexity of stroke pathobiology: therapy must acknowledge the 'Janus-faced' nature of many stroke targets and must identify endogenous neuroprotective and repair mechanisms; (3) inflammation and brain-immune-system interaction: inflammation contributes to lesion expansion, but is also instrumental in lesion containment and repair; stroke outcome is modulated by the interaction of the injured brain with the immune system; (4) regeneration: the potential of the brain for reorganization, plasticity and repair after injury is much greater than previously thought; (5) confounding factors, long-term outcome and predictive modelling. These 5 areas are linked on all levels and therefore need to be tackled by an integrative approach and innovative therapeutic strategies.


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There is a paucity of therapies for most neurological disorders--from rare lysosomal storage diseases to major public health concerns such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease. Advances in the targeting of drugs to the CNS are essential for the future success of neurotherapeutics; however, the delivery of many potentially therapeutic and diagnostic compounds to specific areas of the brain is restricted by the blood-brain barrier, the blood-CSF barrier, or other specialised CNS barriers. These brain barriers are now recognised as a major obstacle to the treatment of most brain disorders. The challenge to deliver therapies to the CNS is formidable, and the solution will require concerted international efforts among academia, government, and industry. At a recent meeting of expert panels, essential and high-priority recommendations to propel brain barrier research forward in six topical areas were developed and these recommendations are presented here.


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NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) are of increasing importance, both in connection with insulin resistance and with the development of liver cirrhosis. Histological samples are still the 'gold standard' for diagnosis; however, because of the risks of a liver biopsy, non-invasive methods are needed. MAS (magic angle spinning) is a special type of NMR which allows characterization of intact excised tissue without need for additional extraction steps. Because clinical MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) are based on the same physical principle as NMR, translational research is feasible from excised tissue to non-invasive examinations in humans. In the present issue of Clinical Science, Cobbold and co-workers report a study in three animal strains suffering from different degrees of NAFLD showing that MAS results are able to distinguish controls, fatty infiltration and steatohepatitis in cohorts. In vivo MRS methods in humans are not obtainable at the same spectral resolution; however, know-how from MAS studies may help to identify characteristic changes in crowded regions of the magnetic resonance spectrum.


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PURPOSE: The characteristic findings in accidental head injury consist of linear skull fracture, epidural haematoma, localized subdural haematoma, or cortical contusion because of a linear or translational impact force. Retinal haemorrhages have been found, although uncommon, in accidental head trauma. METHODS: We performed a retrospective study of 24 consecutive cases of children with severe head injuries caused by falls. Inclusion criteria were skull fractures and/or intracranial haemorrhages documented by computerized tomography. All patients underwent a careful ophthalmic examination including dilated indirect fundoscopy within the first 48 h following admission. RESULTS: No retinal haemorrhages could be found in patients whose accidents were plausible and physical and imaging findings were compatible with reported histories. Excessive bilateral retinal haemorrhages were found in only three children with the typical signs of shaken baby syndrome. In eight children, trauma had led to orbital roof fractures. CONCLUSIONS: Retinal haemorrhages were not found in any of the patients with accidental trauma despite the severity of their head injuries. Hence, we add more evidence that there are strong differences between the ocular involvement in accidental translational trauma and those in victims of non-accidental trauma. Fall-related injuries carry a very low risk of retinal haemorrhages.


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OBJECTIVES To present the development of an experimental model in rats for translational expansive tooth movement. SETTING AND SAMPLE Section of Periodontology at Department of Dentistry Aarhus University. Twenty male Wistar rats in two pilot experimental settings plus seven animals without any intervention serving as controls. MATERIAL AND METHODS The second molar (group P1) or the second and third molar (group P2) in the maxillae of the animals were moved buccally using transpalatal β-titanium springs. In the group P2, two spring types (high force and low force) and two preangulations (0° passive or 30° torsion moment) were tested. The amount and type of tooth movement achieved and the resulting skeletal effect were assessed on microCT images, histological analysis was performed on few selected specimens. RESULTS Expansive translational root movement amounting half a tooth width was achieved. Comparison of the amount of tooth movement at the right and left side of the maxilla showed that the expansion was rather symmetrical in the P2 group. Skeletal widening of the maxilla contributed in the P2 group to approximately one-third of the total root movement, whereas two-thirds were dental movement. CONCLUSION With the model used in the P2 group, further research on translational expansive tooth movement and its effect on the periodontium can be pursued. In models for orthodontic expansion, it is strongly recommended to separately evaluate skeletal and dental effects.


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AIMS:Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a muscle disease with serious cardiac complications. Changes in Ca(2+) homeostasis and oxidative stress were recently associated with cardiac deterioration, but the cellular pathophysiological mechanisms remain elusive. We investigated whether the activity of ryanodine receptor (RyR) Ca(2+) release channels is affected, whether changes in function are cause or consequence and which post-translational modifications drive disease progression. METHODS AND RESULTS:Electrophysiological, imaging, and biochemical techniques were used to study RyRs in cardiomyocytes from mdx mice, an animal model of DMD. Young mdx mice show no changes in cardiac performance, but do so after ∼8 months. Nevertheless, myocytes from mdx pups exhibited exaggerated Ca(2+) responses to mechanical stress and 'hypersensitive' excitation-contraction coupling, hallmarks of increased RyR Ca(2+) sensitivity. Both were normalized by antioxidants, inhibitors of NAD(P)H oxidase and CaMKII, but not by NO synthases and PKA antagonists. Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) load and leak were unchanged in young mdx mice. However, by the age of 4-5 months and in senescence, leak was increased and load was reduced, indicating disease progression. By this age, all pharmacological interventions listed above normalized Ca(2+) signals and corrected changes in ECC, Ca(2+) load, and leak. CONCLUSION:Our findings suggest that increased RyR Ca(2+) sensitivity precedes and presumably drives the progression of dystrophic cardiomyopathy, with oxidative stress initiating its development. RyR oxidation followed by phosphorylation, first by CaMKII and later by PKA, synergistically contributes to cardiac deterioration.