301 resultados para Trachurus japonicus


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We investigated the effects of elevated pCO2 in seawater both on the acute mortality and the reproductive properties of the benthic copepod Tigriopus japonicus and gastropod Babylonia japonica with the purpose of accumulating basic data for assessing potential environmental impacts of sub-sea geological storage of anthropogenic CO2 in Japan. Acute tests showed that nauplii of T. japonicus have a high tolerance to elevated pCO2 environments. Full life cycle tests on T. japonicus indicated NOEC = 5800 µatm and LOEC = 37,000 µatm. Adult B. japonica showed remarkable resistance to elevated pCO2 in the acute tests. Embryonic development of B. japonica showed a NOEC = 1500 µatm and LOEC = 5400 µatm. T. japonicus showed high resistance to elevated pCO2 throughout the life cycle and B. japonica are rather sensitive during the veliger stage when they started to form their shells.


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Programa de doctorado: Medio Ambiente y Gestión de Recursos Marinos. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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Early life history traits (ELHTs) are key to understand recruitment patterns in marine animals. However, for reef fishes, studies on ELHTs are mainly focused on tropical systems and little is known for temperate reefs. In this study we used SMURFs (Standard Monitoring Units for the Recruitment of Reef Fishes) to collect fish in a temperate rocky reef system (Arrábida Marine Park, Portugal) on a weekly basis for three months during the recruitment period. Six sub-surface SMURFs sampled 2490 Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) postlarvae and juveniles. Sagittal and lapilli otoliths were extracted from a subsample of 296 fish and ELHTs, such as size and age at settlement, growth rate and age at first secondary growth formation were examined. Additionally, we tested three growth curves and selected the best suited to back-calculate the hatching pattern based on the lengths of all sampled fish. Standard length ranged from 6.13 mm to 48.56 mm and subsampled fish were aged between 19 days to 44 days. Age and size at settlement were estimated between 19 days and 36 days for individuals of 6.13 mm and 24.95 mm, respectively. Otolith shape changed clearly with increasing age and, on average, secondary growth started to form on day 33 (±3 days). Age/length relationship was well described by a Gompertz growth model which was used to back-calculate hatching dates. Four distinct hatching cohorts were identified with fish of the earliest cohort showing a faster body and otolith growth. This study indicates that the nearshore environment might have an important role in the early growth, development and hence recruitment of Atlantic horse mackerel. Information on the early life history of Atlantic horse mackerel is key to understand recruitment processes for this economically and biologically important species.


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Dissertação de mest. em Aquacultura, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias dos Recursos Aquáticos, Univ. do Algarve, 1997


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This study presents results from an experimental 10-day research charter that was designed to quantify the effects of a) a turtle excluder device (TED) and b) a radial escape section bycatch reduction device (BRD) and c) both devices together, on prawn and bycatch catch rates in the Queensland shallow water eastern king prawn (Penaeus plebejus) trawl fishery. The bycatch was comprised of 250 taxa, mainly gurnards, whiting, lizard fish, flathead, dragonets, portunid crabs, turretfish and flounders. The observed mean catch rates of bycatch and marketable eastern king prawns from the standard trawl net (i.e., net with no TED or BRD) used during the charter were 11.06 (se 0.90) kg per hectare swept by the trawl gear (ha-1) and 0.94 kg ha-1, respectively. For the range of depths sampled (20.1-90.7 m), bycatch catch rates declined significantly at a rate of 0.14 kg ha-1 for every 1 m increase in depth, while prawn catch rates were unaffected. When both the TED and radial escape section BRD were used together they resulted in a 24% reduction in total bycatch catch rate compared to a standard net, but at a 20% reduction in marketable prawn catch rate. The largest reductions were achieved for stout whiting Sillago robusta (57% reduction) and yellowtail scad Trachurus novaezelandiae (32% reduction). Multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarities revealed that bycatch assemblages differed significantly between depths and latitude, but not between the different combinations of bycatch reduction devices. Despite the lowered prawn catch rates, the reduced bycatch catch rates are promising, particularly for S. robusta which is not permitted to be retained by the prawn trawl fleet and yet experiences considerable incidental fishing mortality, and because it is targeted in a separate licensed commercial fishery.


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Con el objetivo de determinar la infectividad y eficiencia de las cepas introductorias al país de Bradyrhyzobium japonicus comparándolas entre si y con so testigos uno de ellos con nitrógeno y potro no tratado, se realizó el presente trabajo en el Centro Experimental del algodón, durante los meses de agosto a diciembre de 1987. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con ocho tratamientos y cinco repeticiones. Los tratamiento fueron: las cepas E-45 E-97,E-104, E111, FA-3 y U8-1 y dos testigos, al primero son 80-kg/ha de nitrógeno-Urea 46% y al segundo sin nitrógeno y sin inoculante, Se determinó que la cepa FA-3 difiere significativamente de los otros tratamientos siendo éstos tanto infectivos como oficiante.


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A new bioassay technique combining leaf disk and softagar over-layer methods was developed to investigate the allelopathic effect of deciduous leaf litters on the growth of cyanobacteria ( Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz.). Bioactive substances exuded from leaf disks caused inhibitory plaques on the agar plate containing cyanobacteria , and the rate of diffusion depended on the specific leaf disk area. Most of the leaf litters collected around reservoirs in Japan showed inhibitory activity to M. aeruginosa , with Rhus trichocarpa Miq., Quercus variabilis Blume and Mallotus japonicus (Thunb.) Muell. Arg. being the strongest among the 22 tested species.(PDF has 4 pages.)


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CONTENTS: I. U.S.-Japan Cooperation Open Ocean Aquaculture – A Venue for Cooperative Research Between the United States and Japan.............................................................................. 1 C. Helsley II. Growth, Nutrition and Genetic Diversity Daily Ration of Hatchery-Reared Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus as an Indicator of Release Place, Time and Fry Quality. In situ Direct Estimation and Possibility of New Methods by Stable Isotope............................ 7 O. Tominaga, T. Seikai, T. Tsusaki, Y. Hondo, N. Murakami, K. Nogami, Y. Tanaka and M. Tanaka Nucleic Acids and Protein Content as a Measure to Evaluate the Nutritional Condition of Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Larvae and Juveniles........................................................................................................ 25 W. Gwak Genetic Diversity Within and Between Hatchery Strains of Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Assessed by Means of Microsatellite and Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing Analysis...................................................................... 43 M. Sekino, M. Hara and N. Taniguchi Tracking Released Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus by Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing................................................................................ 51 T. Fujii Preliminary Aspects of Genetic Management for Pacific Threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis Stock Enhancement Research in Hawaii........................................ 55 M. Tringali, D. Ziemann and K. Stuck Enhancement of Pacific Threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis in Hawaii: Interactions Between Aquaculture and Fisheries............................................................. 75 D. Ziemann Aquaculture and Genetic Structure in the Japanese Eel Anguilla japonica..................... 87 M. Katoh and M. Kobayashi Comparative Diets and Growth of Two Scombrid Species, Chub Mackerel Scomber japonicus and Japanese Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius, in the Central Seto Inland Sea, Japan.................................. 93 J. Shoji, M. Tanaka and Tsutomu Maehara iii Evaluating Stock Enhancement Strategies: A Multi-disciplinary Approach................... 105 T. M. Bert, R.H. McMichael, Jr., R.P. Cody, A. B. Forstchen, W. G. Halstead, K. M. Leber, J. O’Hop, C. L. Neidig, J. M. Ransier, M. D. Tringali, B. L. Winner and F. S. Kennedy III. Physiological and Ecological Applications Predation on Juvenile Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta by Fishes and Birds in Rivers and Coastal Oceanic Waters of Japan................................... 127 K. Nagasawa and H. Kawamura Interaction Between Cleaner and Host: The Black Porgy Cleaning Behavior of Juvenile Sharpnose Tigerfish Rhyncopelates Oxyrhynchus in the Seto Inland Sea, Western Japan............................................................................. 139 T. Shigeta, H. Usuki and K. Gushima IV. Case Studies Alaska Salmon Enhancement: A Successful Program for Hatchery and Wild Stocks............................................................................................... 149 W. Heard NMFS Involvement with Stock Enhancement as a Management Tool........................... 171 T. McIlwain Stock Enhancement Research with Anadromous and Marine Fishes in South Carolina...................................................................................... 175 T. I. J. Smith, W. E. Jenkins, M. R. Denson and M. R. Collins Comparison of Some Developmental, Nutritional, Behavioral and Health Factors Relevant to Stocking of Striped Mullet, (Mugilidae), Sheepshead (Sparidae), Common Snook (Centropomidae) and Nassau Groupers (Serranidae)........................... 191 J. W. Tucker Jr. and S. B. Kennedy Participants in the Thirtieth U.S.-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture................. Inside Back Cover iv (PDF has 204 pages.)


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The family Priacanthidae contains four genera and four species that occur in the western central North Atlantic (Starnes, 1988). Pristigenys alta is distributed in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and along the east coast of North America. Although juveniles have been reported from as far north as southern New England waters, adults are not reported north of Cape Hatteras, NC. Priacanthus arenatus is distributed in tropical and tropically influenced areas of the western central North Atlantic in insular and continental shelf waters. Adult P. arenatus are distributed north to North Carolina and Bermuda, juveniles have been collected as far north as Nova Scotia. Cookeolus japonicus and Heteropriacanthus cruentatus are circumglobally distributed species and are both common in insular habitats. In the western central North Atlantic, C. japonicus ranges from New Jersey to Argentina; H. cruentatus from New Jersey and northern Gulf of Mexico to southern Brazil (Starnes, 1988). (PDF contains 6 pages)


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We present data on ichthyoplankton distribution, abundance, and seasonality and supporting environmental information for four species of coastal pelagics from the family Carangidae: blue runner Caranx crysos, Atlantic bumper Chloroscombrus chrysurus, round scad Decapterus punctatus, and rough scad Trachurus lathami. Data are from 1982 and 1983 cruises off Louisiana sponsored by the Southeastern Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP). Bioprofiles on reproductive biology, early life history, meristics, adult distribution, and fisheries characteristics are also presented for these species. Maximum abundances of larval blue runner, Atlantic bumper, and round scad were found in July inside the 4O-m isobath, although during the rest of the cruises these species were rarely found together. Larval Atlantic bumper were captured in June and July only; blue runner in May, June, and July; and round scad in all seasons. Atlantic bumper larvae, concentrated mostly off western Louisiana, were by far the most abundant carangid in 1982 and 1983. Larval blue runner were the second most abundant summer-spawned carangid in 1982 and 1983, but their abundance and depth distribution varied considerably between years. Relative abundance of larval round scad off Louisiana was low, and they were captured only west of the Mississippi River delta, although they are reported to dominate carangid populations in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Rough scad were primarily winter/spring and outer-shelf (40-182 m) spawners. They ranked third in overall abundance, but were the most abundant target carangid on the outer shelf. Ecological parameters such as surface salinity, temperature, and station depth are presented from capture sites for recently hatched larvae <2.5 mm notochord length, except round scad) as well as for all sizes of fish below 14 mm standard length. (PDF file contains 44 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Growth and mortality data for Cetengraulis mysticetus, Anchoa naso, Engraulis mordax, E. ring ens, E. anchoita, E. encraslcbolus, E. japonicus, and E. australis were assembled and compared. Estimates of the coefficients of natural mortality, M, of E. anchoita and Ancboa naso were made from the maximum age of the former and from data for the other species. The relative yields per recruit at different fishing mortality rates and lengths at entry into the fishery were calculated for each species, using what are considered to be the best estimates and other likely values of K, a constant of growth, and M. The maximum yields per recruit are theoretically obtainable at very high fishing mortality rates, except when the length at entry is low relative to the asymptotic length. K and M may be positively related to the temperature and to each other, and if such is the case at higher temperatures greater fishing effort would be needed to attain the maximum yield per recruit. The applicability of the yield-per-recruit approach to the data is discussed, and suggestions for further research are made. SPANISH: Se reunieron y compararon los datos sobre el crecimiento y mortalidad correspondientes a Cetengraulis mysticetus, Anchoa naso, Engraulis mordax, E. ringens, E. anchoíta, E. encrasicbolus, E. japonicus y E. australls. Los estimativos de los coeficientes de la mortalidad natural, M, de E. anchoita y Anchoa naso se obtuvieron según la edad máxima de E. anchoita y según los datos de las otras especies. Se calculó para cada especie el rendimiento relativo por recluta a diferentes tasas de mortalidad por la pesca y a diferentes longitudes de entrada a la pesquería, empleándose lo que se considera que son los mejores estimativos y otros valores probables de K, una constante de crecímíento, y M. El rendimiento máximo por recluta se obtiene teóricamente a tasas muy altas de la mortalidad por la pesca con excepción de cuando la longitud a la entrada es baja en relación a la longitud asintótica. K y M pueden estar relacionadas positivamente a la temperatura y mutuamente, y si este es el caso a temperaturas más altas se necesitará un esfuerzo superior de pesca para obtener el rendimiento máximo por recluta. La aplicabilidad del enfoque a los datos rendimiento-por-recluta es discutido y se hacen sugerencias para otras investigaciones. (PDF contains 66 pages.)


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This paper summarises the current knowledge on horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) biology. The synopsis is mainly based on the report of a recently conducted EU funded workshop on horse mackerel age reading. A brief description of this workshop and of recent developments in sampling of German commercial horse mackerel catches is given.


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Data collected during a survey conducted by the Soviet trawler Sebastopolsky rybak , in January 1987, covering the Boa-Paz area, Mozambique, were analysed. The biomass of demersal fish was found to be higher than the one of pelagic fish. The most representative group among the demersals was the first grade fish, where the families Sparidae, Lethrinidae, Lutjanidae and Serranidae were included, corresponding to a biomass of about 3,500 tonnes. In the pelagics the family Carangidae was the most important one and the species Decapterus russelli and Trachurus trachurus showed the highest biomass estimates in this family.


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The Caranx hippos species complex comprises three extant species: crevalle jack (Caranx hippos) (Linnaeus, 1766) from both the western and eastern Atlantic oceans; Pacific crevalle jack (Caranx caninus) Günther, 1868 from the eastern Pacific Ocean; and longfin crevalle jack (Caranx fischeri) new species, from the eastern Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea and Ascension Island. Adults of all three species are superficially similar with a black blotch on the lower half of the pectoral fin, a black spot on the upper margin of opercle, one or two pairs of enlarged symphyseal canines on the lower jaw, and a similar pattern of breast squamation. Each species has a different pattern of hyperostotic bone development and anal-fin color. The two sympatric eastern Atlantic species also differ from each other in number of dorsal-and anal-fin rays, and in large adults of C. fischeri the lobes of these fins are longer and the body is deeper. Caranx hippos from opposite sides of the Atlantic are virtually indistinguishable externally but differ consistently in the expression of hyperostosis of the first dorsalfin pterygiophore. The fossil species Caranx carangopsis Steindachner 1859 appears to have been based on composite material of Trachurus sp. and a fourth species of the Caranx hippos complex. Patterns of hyperostotic bone development are compared in the nine (of 15 total) species of Caranx sensu stricto that exhibit hyperostosis.