983 resultados para Top-bottom
We have measured the carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in bottom waters of the Ontong Java Plateau (western equatorial Pacific) and on the northern Emperor Seamounts (northwest Pacific). Each of these locations is several hundred miles from the nearest Geochemical Ocean Sections Study (GEOSECS) stations, and the observed delta13C values at each site differ substantially from regionally averaged GEOSECS delta13C profiles. We discuss the possible causes of these differences, including horizontal variability, near-bottom effects, and problems with the Pacific GEOSECS delta13C data. We also measured the isotopic composition (C and O) of core top C. wuellerstorfi from a depth transect of cores at each location. The delta18O data are used to verify that our samples are Holocene. Comparison of foraminiferal and bottom water delta13C values shows that this species faithfully records bottom water delta13C at both sites and demonstrates that there is no depth-related artifact in the dissolved inorganic carbon-C. wuellerstorfi delta13C relationship at these sites.
Iron and manganese in bottom sediments studied along the sublatitudinal transect from Kandalaksha to Arkhangelsk are characterized by various contents and speciations depending on sedimentation environment, grain size of sediments, and diagenetic processes. The latter include redistribution of reactive forms leading to enrichment in Fe and Mn of surface sediments, formation of films, incrustations, and ferromanganese nodules. Variations in total Fe content (2-8%) are accompanied by changes in concentration of its reactive forms (acid extraction) and concentration of dissolved Fe in interstitial waters (1-14 µM). Variations in Mn content in bottom sediments (0.03-3.7%) and interstitial waters (up to 500 µM) correspond to high diagenetic mobility of this element. Changes in oxidation degree of chemical elements result in redox stratification of sediment strata with maximum concentrations of Fe, Mn, and sulfides. Organic matter of bottom sediments with considerable terrestrial constituent is oxidized by bottom water oxygen mainly at the sediment surface or in anaerobic conditions within the sediment strata. The role of inorganic components in organic matter oxidation changes from surface layer bottom sediments (where manganese oxyhydroxide dominates among oxidants) to deeper layers (where sulfate of interstitial water serves as the main oxidant). Differences in river runoff and hydrodynamics are responsible for geochemical asymmetry of the transect. The deep Kandalaksha Bay serves as a sediment trap for manganese (Mn content in sediments varies within 0.5-0.7%), whereas the sedimentary environment in the Dvina Bay promotes its removal from bottom sediments (Mn 0.05%).
A study of distribution of live individuals of benthic foraminifera in sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk and of the Northwestern Basin of the Pacific Ocean shows that they can be present in sediments up to depth of 30 cm and probably can live there for long periods, sometimes forming high concentrations. Living individuals in the subsurface layer often account for more than 50% of total biomass, which varies from 1 to 21 g/m**2 in different morphological structures. The largest biomass values are attained in underwater rises embedded in relatively warm, oxygen-saturated Pacific waters. Minimum total biomass concentrations occur in deep-water depressions where stagnation phenomena are observed. Foraminifera biomass everywhere decreases gradually with increasing depth from the surface of sediments regardless of relief, depth, and nature of sediments.
Processes governing the formation of rare earth element (REE) composition are under consideration for ferromanganese deposits (nodules, separate parts of nodules, and micronodules of different size fractions) within the Clarion-Clipperton ore province in the Pacific Ocean. It is shown that ferromanganese oxyhydroxide deposits with different chemical compositions can be produced in sediments under similar sedimentation conditions. In areas with high bioproductivity size of micronodules has positive correlation with Mn content and Mn/Fe and P/Fe ratios and negative correlation with Fe, P, REE, and Ce anomaly. Behavior of REE in micronodules from sediments within bioproductive zones is related to increase of influence of diagenetic processes in sediments as a response to the growth of size of micronodules. Distinctions in chemical composition of micronodules and nodules are related to their interaction with associated sediments. Micronodules grow in sediments using hydrogenous ferromanganese oxyhydroxides. As they grow, micronodules are enriched in labile fraction of sediments reworked during diagenesis. Sources of material of ferromanganese nodules are governed by their formation at the water bottom interface. Their upper part is formed by direct settling of iron oxyhydroxides from bottom water, whereas the lower part is accumulated due to diagenetic processes in sediments. Differences of REE compositions in ferromanganese deposits are caused by the reduction of manganese during diagenesis and its separation from iron. Iron oxyhydroxides form a sorption complex due to sorption of phosphate-ion from bottom and pore waters. Sorption of phosphate-ion results in additional sorption of REE.
Distribution and composition of lipids and contents of alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in bottom sediments of the Scotia and Weddell seas are discussed. Comparatively low concentrations of organic carbon (average 0.35%) and lipids (average 0.024%) result from rapid decomposition of organic matter in upper layers of the water column. Composition of alkanes indicates that lipids are of autochthonous origin, and stable concentrations of PAHs (average 25.8 ppb, sigma 15.3 ppb) indicate that they represent the background level for bottom sediments. Higher concentrations of PAHs in sediments near the King George Island (252.1 ppb) and different distributions of individual polyarenes are produced there by the heating systems of the Polish Antarctic Station.
Macrobenthos biomass and bottom biocoenoses were studied in the sublittoral zone of the southern East Siberian Sea. The macrobenthos is characterized by relatively high abundance (from 30 to 2680 #/m**2), biomass (from 0.25 to 578.8 g/m**2), and diversity (83 species in total). Lateral distribution of macrobenthos biomass correlates with a substrate type and salinity and is substantially higher in areas washed by the Arctic water mass than in estuaries with mixed fresh and Arctic waters and shows a tendency to decreasing in the convergence zone of different water masses. The highest macrobenthos biomass is observed in cores of water masses in the Long Strait area and in the eastern part of the sea.
For the first time deep-sea mooring stations with sediment traps were deployed in the northeast Black Sea. One sediment trap for long-term studies was located at Station 1 (44°15'N, 37°43'E, deployment depth 1800 m, depth 1900 m). The trap collected sinking sedimentary material from January to May 1998. Material collectors were changed every 15 days. Other stations with sediment traps for short-term studies (September-October 1999) were located on the shelf: Station 2 (44°16'N, 38°37'E, deployment depth 45 m, depth 50 m) and on the bottom of the canyon: Station 3 (44°16'N, 38°22'E, deployment depth 1145 m, depth 1150 m), Station 4 (44°11'N, 38°21'E, deployment depths 200, 1550, 1650 m, depth 1670 m). Collected material indicates that vertical particle fluxes are controlled by seasonal changes of in situ production and by dynamics of terrigenous matter input. Higher vertical particle flux of carbonate and biogenic silica was in spring due to bloom of plankton organisms. Maximum of coccolith bloom is in April-May. Bloom of diatoms begins in March. In winter and autumn lithogenic material dominates in total flux. Its amount strongly depends on storms and river run-off. Suspended particle material differs from surface shelf sediments by finer particles (mainly clay fraction) and high content of clay minerals and biogenic silica. This material may form lateral fluxes with higher concentration of particles transported along the bottom of deep-sea canyons from the shelf to the deep basin within the nepheloid layer. In winter such transportation of sedimentary material is more intensive due to active vertical circulation of water masses.
This work was based on a study of the upper layer of recent carbonate bottom sediments of the Atlantic Ocean. Biogenic carbonate of recent sediments is represented by metastable and stable minerals. In the ocean metastable phases can exist indefinitely long, but the structure of polymorphism determines inevitability of transformation of metastable phases into stable ones. This transformation occurs in the solid phase. In the absence of a critical point between the two phases of the transition process is not available for study by microscopic methods. It is estimated indirectly by studying the nature and extent of changes in mineral and chemical compositions. With aging of sediments their mineral composition alters in direction of increasing contents of resistant minerals. Fine grained sediments and fractions are subject to more intensive effects of early diagenesis processes, rather than coarse ones; this is reflected in their mineral composition. Regularities of distribution of carbonate minerals in size fractions consistent with the direction of polymorphic transformations in calcium carbonate. Such transformations can occur in a particular dimension of grains. Concrete grain size depends on environmental conditions. This situation explains presence of metastable biogenic carbonates at different depths of the ocean and suggests presence of diagenetic calcite in sediments occurring below expected for each case depth of the transition.
Lipid contents both in particulate matter and bottom sediments decreases with passage from the shelf toward the open ocean. Lipid concentration in particulate matter collected by a separator (Ls) decreases by a factor of 7 (from 7.05 to 0.95 % of dry matter), while in particulate matter collected on filters (Lf) it decreases by a factor of 13 (from 78 to 6 µg/l) in the vicinity of the Limpopo River and by a factor of 6 (from 74 to 13 µg/l) in the vicinity of the Zambezi River. Concentration of Lf also decreased with depth. In the upper sediment layers lipid concentration was 0.0028-0.039% of dry matter; all mud samples were richer in lipids, than sand samples. During sedimentogenesis there is an increase in proportion of lipids relative to other classes of organic matter, proportion of low-polarity compounds increases among the lipids, and proportion of hydrocarbons rises among these compounds. Sediments inherit composition of particulate matter to the greatest degree in the vicinity of river mouths.
Speciations of sulfur (sulfide S, pyrite S, sulfate S) and of reactive iron (Fe3+, Fe2+, sulfide Fe) in bottom sediments have been studied in gravity cores and drill cores collected on the shelf of the southwest Caspian Sea. It has been shown that intensity of reduction processes, in particular sulfate reduction, as well as speciations of S and reactive Fe reflect the change of transgressive and regressive stages of the Caspian basin. Characteristic features for the investigated area are high sedimentation rate and high reactivity of organic matter entering bottom sediments.
Data on relative contents of principal diatom groups in suspended matter collected by a separator on the way of the ship and in bottom sediments from different areas of the Indian Ocean are presented in the paper.
Distribution trace element contents in the upper (up to 5 m) Holocene-Upper Pleistocene sediment layer along the northern and southern sublatitudinal profiles in the northern part of the Deryugin Trough is discussed. Mathematical processing of chemical analysis data has been made. On the basis of the cluster analysis 16 elements have been combined into 5 geochemical groups. Two of them (1 - Ag-Mo group and 2 - Mn-Ba-Ni-Sr group) were considered in detail. Analysis of Ag and Mo distributions in the sediments and findings of molybdenite permitted to conclude that enrichment of the sediments by these elements resulted from edaphic washing of magmatic rocks containing Ag-Mo mineralization and probably located on the northwestern slope of the Deryugin trough. The second geochemical group is most likely connected with hydrothermal barite mineralization found in the northeastern part of the Deryugin trough. Considering Mn distribution in bottom sediment cores supply of Mn was pulsating. This allows concluding that during Holocene - Late Pleistocene three cycles of hydrothermal activity occurred in the Deryugin Trough, and the most intensive one was in Holocene.
Lipid components of hydrothermal deposits from the unusual field at 14°45'N MAR and from the typical field at 29°N MAR were studied. For the first time mixed nature of organic matter (OM) from hydrothermal sulfide deposits was established with use of biochemical, gas chromatographic, and molecular methods of studies. In composition of OM lipids of phytoplankton, those of chemosynthesis bacteria and non-biogenic synthesis lipids were determined. Specific conditions of localization of sulfide deposits originated from ''black smokers'' (reducing conditions, absence of free oxygen, presence of reduced sulfur preventing OM from decomposition) let biogenic material, including bacterial one, be preserved in sulfide deposits. The hydrothermal system at 14°45'N MAR is characterized by geological, geochemical and thermodynamic conditions allowing abiogenic synthesis of methane and petroleum hydrocarbons. For sulfide deposits at 29°N and other active hydrothermal fields known at MAR, abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbons occurs in lower scales.
Analysis of molecular composition of alkanes in bottom sediments of the southern part of Dvina Bay (White Sea) in October 2001 revealed the following main peculiarities of hydrocarbon behavior in the estuary: dominating of high molecular C23-C45 compounds and irregular distribution of hydrocarbons in bottom sediments as a result of high sedimentation rate and active hydrodynamics in the studied area.
Data on isotopic composition of interstitial and bottom waters collected in an area of gas hydrate occurrence in the Sea of Okhotsk are presented. Investigations indicate that heavy isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen are used in generation of gas hydrate, so that isotopic composition of its water of constitution is: d18O = +1.9 per mil, d2H = +23 per mil (relative to SMOW). Production of authigenic carbonates results in isotopic exchange with interstitial water, which in turn alters its isotopic composition by an increase in d18O. Bottom waters are isotopically light relative to the SMOW standard and to the average isotopic composition of interstitial waters in the area of gas hydrate occurrence in study.