916 resultados para Tidal Intrusion
Our understanding of regional filling of the lung and regional ventilation distribution is based on studies using stepwise inhalation of radiolabelled tracer gases, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. We aimed to investigate whether these differences in ventilation distribution at different end-expiratory levels (EELs) and tidal volumes (V (T)s) held also true during tidal breathing. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) measurements were performed in ten healthy adults in the right lateral position. Five different EELs with four different V (T)s at each EEL were tested in random order, resulting in 19 combinations. There were no measurements for the combination of the highest EEL/highest V (T). EEL and V (T) were controlled by visual feedback based on airflow. The fraction of ventilation directed to different slices of the lung (VENT(RL1)-VENT(RL8)) and the rate of the regional filling of each slice versus the total lung were analysed. With increasing EEL but normal tidal volume, ventilation was preferentially distributed to the dependent lung and the filling of the right and left lung was more homogeneous. With increasing V (T) and maintained normal EEL (FRC), ventilation was preferentially distributed to the dependent lung and regional filling became more inhomogeneous (p < 0.05). We could demonstrate that regional and temporal ventilation distribution during tidal breathing was highly influenced by EEL and V (T).
This paper is the fourth in a series of reviews that will summarize available data and critically discuss the potential role of lung-function testing in infants with acute neonatal respiratory disorders and chronic lung disease of infancy. The current paper addresses information derived from tidal breathing measurements within the framework outlined in the introductory paper of this series, with particular reference to how these measurements inform on control of breathing. Infants with acute and chronic respiratory illness demonstrate differences in tidal breathing and its control that are of clinical consequence and can be measured objectively. The increased incidence of significant apnea in preterm infants and infants with chronic lung disease, together with the reportedly increased risk of sudden unexplained death within the latter group, suggests that control of breathing is affected by both maturation and disease. Clinical observations are supported by formal comparison of tidal breathing parameters and control of breathing indices in the research setting.
INTRODUCTION: It has been suggested that infants dynamically regulate their tidal flow and end-expiratory volume level. The interaction between muscle activity, flow and lung volume in spontaneously sleeping neonates is poorly studied, since it requires the assessment of transcutaneous electromyography of respiratory muscles (rEMG) in matched comparison to lung function measurements. METHODS: After determining feasibility and repeatability of rEMG in 20 spontaneously sleeping healthy neonates, we measured the relative impact of intercostal and diaphragmatic EMG activity in direct comparison to the resulting tidal flow and FRC. RESULTS: We found good feasibility, repeatability and correlation of timing indices between rEMG activity and flow. The rEMG amplitude was significantly dependent on the resistive load of the face mask. Diaphragm and intercostal muscle activity commenced prior to the onset of flow and remained active during the expiratory cycle. The relative contribution of intercostal and diaphragmatic activity to flow was variable and changed dynamically. CONCLUSION: Using matched rEMG, air flow and lung volume measurements, we have found good feasibility and repeatability of intercostal and diaphragm rEMG measurements and provide the first quantitative measures of the temporal relationship between muscle activity and flow in spontaneously sleeping healthy neonates. Lung mechanical function is dynamically regulated and adapts on a breath to breath basis. So, non-invasive rEMG measurements alone or in combination with lung function might provide a more comprehensive picture of pulmonary mechanics in future studies. The data describing the timing of EMG and flow may be important for future studies of EMG triggered mechanical ventilation.
The seasonal dynamics of molybdenum (Mo) were studied in the water column of two tidal basins of the German Wadden Sea (Sylt-Rømø and Spiekeroog) between 2007 and 2011. In contrast to its conservative behaviour in the open ocean, both, losses of more than 50% of the usual concentration level of Mo in seawater and enrichments up to 20% were observed repeatedly in the water column of the study areas. During early summer, Mo removal by adsorption on algae-derived organic matter (e.g. after Phaeocystis blooms) is postulated to be a possible mechanism. Mo bound to organic aggregates is likely transferred to the surface sediment where microbial decomposition enriches Mo in the pore water. First δ98/95Mo data of the study area disclose residual Mo in the open water column being isotopically heavier than MOMo (Mean Ocean Molybdenum) during a negative Mo concentration anomaly, whereas suspended particulate matter shows distinctly lighter values. Based on field observations a Mo isotope enrichment factor of ε = −0.3‰ has been determined which was used to argue against sorption on metal oxide surfaces. It is suggested here that isotope fractionation is caused by biological activity and association to organic matter. Pelagic Mo concentration anomalies exceeding the theoretical salinity-based concentration level, on the other hand, cannot be explained by replenishment via North Sea waters alone and require a supply of excess Mo. Laboratory experiments with natural anoxic tidal flat sediments and modelled sediment displacement during storm events suggest fast and effective Mo release during the resuspension of anoxic sediments in oxic seawater as an important process for a recycling of sedimentary sulphide bound Mo into the water column.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of different speech tasks (recitation of prose (PR), alliteration (AR) and hexameter (HR) verses) and a control task (mental arithmetic (MA) with voicing of the result) on endtidal CO2 (ET-CO2), cerebral hemodynamics; i.e. total hemoglobin (tHb) and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2). tHb and StO2 were measured with a frequency domain near infrared spectrophotometer (ISS Inc., USA) and ET-CO2 with a gas analyzer (Nellcor N1000). Measurements were performed in 24 adult volunteers (11 female, 13 male; age range 22 to 64 years) during task performance in a randomized order on 4 different days to avoid potential carry over effects. Statistical analysis was applied to test differences between baseline, 2 recitation and 5 recovery periods. The two brain hemispheres and 4 tasks were tested separately. Data analysis revealed that during the recitation tasks (PR, AR and HR) StO2 decreased statistically significant (p < 0.05) during PR and AR in the right prefrontal cortex (PFC) and during AR and HR in the left PFC. tHb showed a significant decrease during HR in the right PFC and during PR, AR and HR in the left PFC. During the MA task, StO2 increased significantly. A significant decrease in ET-CO2 was found during all 4 tasks with the smallest decrease during the MA task. In conclusion, we hypothesize that the observed changes in tHb and StO2 are mainly caused by an altered breathing during the tasks that led a lowering of the CO2 content in the blood provoked a cerebral CO2 reaction, i.e. a vasoconstriction of blood vessels due to decreased CO2 pressure and thereby decrease in cerebral blood volume. Therefore, breathing changes should be monitored during brain studies involving speech when using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to ensure a correct interpretation of changes in hemodynamics and oxygenation.
Large calving events at Greenland's largest outlet glaciers are associated with glacial earthquakes and near instantaneous increases in glacier flow speed. At some glaciers and ice streams, flow is also modulated in a regular way by ocean tidal forcing at the terminus. At Helheim Glacier, analysis of geodetic data shows decimeter-level periodic position variations in response to tidal forcing. However, we also observe transient increases of more than 100% in the glacier's responsiveness to such tidal forcing following glacial-earthquake calving events. The timing and amplitude of the changes correlate strongly with the step-like increases in glacier speed and longitudinal strain rate associated with glacial earthquakes. The enhanced response to the ocean tides may be explained by a temporary disruption of the subglacial drainage system and a concomitant reduction of the friction at the ice-bedrock interface, and suggests a new means by which geodetic data may be used to infer glacier properties. Citation: de Juan, J., et al. (2010), Sudden increase in tidal response linked to calving and acceleration at a large Greenland outlet glacier, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L12501, doi: 10.1029/2010GL043289.
Jakobshavns Glacier, a floating outlet glacier on the West Greenland coast, was surveyed during July 1976. The vertical displacements of targets along two profiles perpendicular to the fjord wall bounding the north margin of the glacier were analyzed to determine the effect of flexure caused by tidal oscillations within the fjord. An analysis based on the assumption that vertical displacements of the glacier reflected pure elastic bending yielded the conclusion that the effective thickness of the ice (i.e., the thickness which remained unaffected by surface and basal cracking and which behaved as a continuum) was ∼160 m 2.6 km upglacier from the calving front and ∼110 m 0.6 km from the calving front. An analysis based on the more realistic assumption that observed bending reflected elastic and viscoplastic deformation yielded the conclusion that the average effective thickness of the ice was 316 ± 74 m (∼40% of the estimated 800-m total thickness) 2.6 km from the calving front and 160 ± 48 m (∼21% of the estimated 750-m total) 0.6 km from the calving front. A constitutive relationship appropriate for hard glide during flexure was used.
An easily implemented extension of the standard response method of tidal analysis is outlined. The modification improves the extraction of both the steady and the tidal components from problematic time series by calculating tidal response weights uncontaminated by missing or anomalous data. Examples of time series containing data gaps and anomalous events are analyzed to demonstrate the applicability and advantage of the proposed method.
The Princeton Ocean Model is used to study the circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) and its seasonal transition. Kuroshio enters ( leaves) the SCS through the southern ( northern) portion of the Luzon Strait. The annually averaged net volume flux through the Luzon Strait is similar to2 Sv into the SCS with seasonal reversals. The inflow season is from May to January with the maximum intrusion of Kuroshio water reaching the western SCS during fall in compensation of summertime surface offshore transport associated with coastal upwelling. From February to April the net transport reverses from the SCS to the Pacific. The intruded Kuroshio often forms an anticyclonic current loop west of the Luzon Strait. The current loop separates near the Dongsha Islands with the northward branch continuously feeding the South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC) near the shelf break and the westward branch becoming the South China Sea Branch of Kuroshio on the slope, which is most apparent in the fall. The SCSWC appears from December to February on the seaward side of the shelf break, flowing eastward against the prevailing wind. Diagnosis shows that the onshore Ekman transport due to northeasterly monsoon generates upwelling when moving upslope, and the particular distributions of the density and sea level associated with the cross shelf motion supports the SCSWC.
Computer model simulation of alveolar phase III slopes: Implications for tidal single-breath washout