907 resultados para Things
La nostra sfida è stata sviluppare un dispositivo che potesse riunire differenti funzionalità, dalla telepresenza alla visione dei dati on demand, e fosse in grado di portare innovazione nel panorama attuale. Abbiamo quindi deciso di creare un device che potesse svolgere attività d’ispezione e monitoraggio, concentrandoci nel corso dell’implementazione su alcuni possibili campi di utilizzo. Il sistema che abbiamo realizzato è open-source, modulare e dinamico, in grado di rispondere a esigenze diverse e facilmente riadattabile. Il prototipo progettato è in grado di comunicare con uno smartphone, grazie al quale viene guidato dall’utente primario, e di trasmettere in rete i dati rilevati dai diversi sensori integrati. Le informazioni generate sono gestibili attraverso una piattaforma online: il device utilizza il Cloud per storicizzare i dati, rendendoli potenzialmente accessibili a chiunque. Per la configurazione hardware abbiamo usato la kit-board Pi2Go e la piattaforma Raspberry Pi, alle quali abbiamo unito una videocamera e alcuni sensori di prossimità, temperatura e umidità e distanza. È nato così il prototipo InspectorPi, un veicolo telecomandato tramite dispositivo mobile in grado di esplorare ambienti ostili in cui vi sono difficoltà fisiche o ambientali alle quali sovvenire.
La seguente tesi ha come scopo la progettazione e la realizzazione di un sistema intelligente per la gestione e il monitoraggio dell'acqua in impianti facenti uso di docce attraverso 'l'Internet Of Things', con l'obiettivo di ridurre gli sprechi favorendo cosi un risparmio sia di tipo energetico sia di tipo idrico. Stabiliti i requisiti si passa alla fase di progettazione dove vengono analizzate tutte le funzionalità che il sistema deve soddisfare. Segue la fase di implementazione, il cui scopo e realizzare concretamente le funzionalità producendo un prototipo iniziale. Quest'ultimo sara sottoposto ad eventuali test per verificare il corretto funzionamento del sistema e delle singole parti che lo costituiscono.
Recent events in Africa provide evidence of the failure of dictatorships to meet the needs of citizens and serve to debunk a number of development theory assumptions: that democratization is culturally determined, that democratization will follow economic development, and that dictatorships tend to produce durable, stable development. Therefore, the attempt to achieve development without democratization is risky and potentially very costly. We argue that dictatorship in Africa serves a function akin to Myrdal's backwash effects, thwarting economic progress in a cumulative and circular way, and that democratization must become a necessary criterion of engagement with African countries.
This thesis investigates the boundaries between body and object in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, seven children’s literature novels published between 1997 and 2007. Lord Voldemort, Rowling’s villain, creates Horcruxes—objects that contain fragments of his soul—in order to ensure his immortality. As vessels for human soul, these objects rupture the boundaries between body and object and become “things.” Using contemporary thing theorists including John Plotz and materialists Jean Baudrillard and Walter Benjamin, I look at Voldemort’s Horcruxes as transgressive, liminal, unclassifiable entities in the first chapter. If objects can occupy the juncture between body and object, then bodies can as well. Dementors and Inferi, dark creatures that Rowling introduces throughout the series, live devoid of soul. Voldemort, too, becomes a thing as he splits his soul and creates Horcruxes. These soulless bodies are uncanny entities, provoking fear, revulsion, nausea, and the loss of language. In the second chapter, I use Sigmund Freud’s theorization of the uncanny as well as literary critic Kelly Hurley to investigate how Dementors, Inferi, and Voldemort exist as body-turned-object things at the juncture between life and death. As Voldemort increasingly invests his immaterial soul into material objects, he physically and spiritually degenerates, transforming from the young, handsome Tom Marvolo Riddle into the snake-like villain that murdered Harry’s parents and countless others. During his quest to find and destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes, Harry encounters a different type of object, the Deathly Hallows. Although similarly accessing boundaries between body/object, life/death, and materiality/immateriality, the three Deathly Hallows do not transgress these boundaries. Through the Deathly Hallows, Rowling provides an alternative to thingification: objects that enable boundaries to fluctuate, but not breakdown. In the third chapter, I return to thing theorists, Baudrillard, and Benjamin to study how the Deathly Hallows resist thingification by not transgressing the boundaries between body and object.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is attracting considerable attention from the universities, industries, citizens and governments for applications, such as healthcare, environmental monitoring and smart buildings. IoT enables network connectivity between smart devices at all times, everywhere, and about everything. In this context, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) play an important role in increasing the ubiquity of networks with smart devices that are low-cost and easy to deploy. However, sensor nodes are restricted in terms of energy, processing and memory. Additionally, low-power radios are very sensitive to noise, interference and multipath distortions. In this context, this article proposes a routing protocol based on Routing by Energy and Link quality (REL) for IoT applications. To increase reliability and energy-efficiency, REL selects routes on the basis of a proposed end-to-end link quality estimator mechanism, residual energy and hop count. Furthermore, REL proposes an event-driven mechanism to provide load balancing and avoid the premature energy depletion of nodes/networks. Performance evaluations were carried out using simulation and testbed experiments to show the impact and benefits of REL in small and large-scale networks. The results show that REL increases the network lifetime and services availability, as well as the quality of service of IoT applications. It also provides an even distribution of scarce network resources and reduces the packet loss rate, compared with the performance of well-known protocols.